In ChinuaAchebe’sThings Fall Apart(1959) discuss and analyze how both the internal and external factorslead to the destabilization of Umofiasociety. Give your essay an original title and quote from th

In ChinuaAchebe’sThings Fall Apart(1959) discuss and analyze how both the internal and external factorslead to the destabilization of Umofiasociety. Give your essay an original title and quote from the novel and other sources to support your thesis. When you quote from the novel provide the page number in parenthesis. This full ten page essay in proper MLA style must have and introduction, a body, and a conclusion along with their component parts. Additionally, you must include six non fiction secondary sources and thus submit a Works Cited page properly done in MLA style. No other literature (poems, novels, or short stories) should be used. No bold or underlining should be used and no extra space between your paragraphs–two space throughout the entire essay. All secondary sources should be introduced fully when you first quote from the text, providing page numbers for each quote. As always you should proofread very carefullybefore you submit your essay. Providing a summary of the novel is a failing essay; you must have topic sentences in every paragraph in the body of the essay.

Review the basic principles of energy metabolism (Lectures on Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, and Electron TransportChain),and review ch 7 8 on the effects of exercise on energy metabolism and weight managem

Review the basic principles of energy metabolism (Lectures on Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, and Electron TransportChain),and review ch 7 8 on the effects of exercise on energy metabolism and weight management.

Then, respond to the following question:

1. In 6-10 sentences, explain to an endurance athlete with a background in nutrition why he/she has higher carbohydrate needs compared to the average person. Use vocabulary from ch 1 and 7 in your response, and write to the athlete as if he/she has taken a biochemistry class. Make sure to discuss metabolic pathways including glycolysis, krebscycle, and electron transport chain in your response, as well as specific ways exercise affects these pathways.

Below are the directions for the Final Assignment in class. It is due Week 8. It is NOT a group assignment. Attached you will see an example from a prior course. Make sure that you do not put too much

Below are the directions for the Final Assignment in class. It is due Week 8. It is NOT a group assignment. Attached you will see an example from a prior course. Make sure that you do not put too much content on each slide. The slides are talking points not for you to read.PowerPoint has the ability for you to record your presentation. This is what you will need to do for the assignment.

This will be the equivalent of a 20-minute power point presentation. Students will present their research findings on

  • A clearly identified population who abuses a specific substance or engages in a specific addictive behavior
    • Examples might include but are not limited to identity or geographically based demographic groups, college students, veterans, survivors of trauma, etc.
  • The unique sociocultural challenges they experience with regard to addiction,
  • And an empirically validated counseling approach to treating this addiction in your identified population.

You should cite at least 10 references (peer-review journals or books), with sources of information indicated on each slide. The reference list needs comply with the APA requirements. Students are encouraged to incorporate video clips and photos/images/art work into your presentation where applicable. Because it may take time for you to locate the articles/books, be sure to start your research as early as possible. Please do not refer to non-scholarly materials for the content of this presentation – their legitimacy is often questionable. However, you may use internet video clips to help illustrate your presentation. The presentation will be evaluated according to accuracy/quality of research/information, understanding of theories/concepts/issues, analyses, thoroughness, applicability, examples/illustration/images/video clips used, creativity, and presentation style.

FINAL CONCLUSION – Do you think your subject topic will grow? Do you think it will become obsolete? Why? What do you see as the future of your topic: Do you have any other recommendations? Will it be

FINAL CONCLUSION – Do you think your subject topic will grow? Do you think it will become obsolete? Why? What do you see as the future of your topic: Do you have any other recommendations? Will it be replaced? – 500 to 800 words


Ethical Hackers. Ethical Hackers perform the same security breach activities as criminal hackers. However, they have the permission to hack an organization’s network in order to perform tests that keep it safe from illegal hacking. Do you think this is a good idea? Are we really keeping our digital world safe? Or are we training new potential criminals that could “turn to the dark side” should they become disgruntled in their lives or careers? Have there been cases of Ethical Hackers that turned rogue?

APA format & References Page – a minimum of FIVE solid references. Your team’s research paper is to be written in complete and clean APA format. Your references do NOT have to be scholarly references. They can be commercial media references, but should be from professional organizations or magazine articles. NO WIKIPEDIA.

1- Introduction 2- Data and Sources. All data (facts and figures/statistics) shall be cited and referenced appropriately in APA Style. All writing shall be by the students. No cutting and pasting of t

1- Introduction

2- Data and Sources. All data (facts and figures/statistics) shall be cited and referenced appropriately in APA Style. All writing shall be by the students. No cutting and pasting of text from any source is allowed. For those groups that need help with proper APA in text citation and references, please see the following link: to an external site.). Additional APA Style links and documents will be posted on the Class online site. Also, to an external site.)– this source is An additional source

3- Required Sources: Each issue, question, paragraph and sentence with a statistic, number or direct quote is required to contain at least one “External Authoritative Source” in addition to the case study and the textbook to support the statements and conclusions made therein.

4- Required Sources: A source and citation is required on each table/chart used.

5- Required Sources: Two “External Authoritative Sources” in addition to the case study and textbook are required for maximum points on EACH answer.

6- Required Sources: A source cannot be referenced unless it was cited in the narrative answer.

7- Case Study Reference: McAlearney, A. and Kovner, A. (2013). Health Services Management: Cases ; Readings ; and Commentary ; Tenth Edition. 10th ed. Arlington: AUPHA, pp.270-277.

8- Required: Any direct quote in the narrative must include the page or paragraph number in the citation.

9- “External Authoritative Sources” for purposes of this course shall mean: books, peer reviewed journal articles, education and government sites as well as non-partisan national or international organizations (such as WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS etc) provided, the foregoing source/material selected has in text citations and references to support statements made therein. Under no circumstances are newspapers including the Wall Street Journal, blogs (regardless of source), editorials, panel discussions and dot com sites to be used. The foregoing is not considered authoritative for this course.

10- A minimum of 2 pages is requirement, excluding introduction page and the reference page.

For this exercise, pick one day and seek to structure your thoughts and behaviors entirely around helping others. With each interaction or action you take, pause to think and ask yourself “is there a

For this exercise, pick one day and seek to structure your thoughts and behaviors entirely around helping others. With each interaction or action you take, pause to think and ask yourself “is there a way I might help another here?” Hold a door for someone, offer your seat, share a smile, give a sincere compliment, show empathy to another, attempt to be more patient or understanding, etc. Your efforts should be in social settings that involve interactions with others (rather than something such as donating to a charity for instance). The goal is to be as thoughtfully prosocial in your interactions throughout the day as possible.

  • At the beginning of the day, jot down your general mood, feelings, attitude, etc.
  • Then throughout the day, whenever possible, carry a small notebook with you or make notes in an app on your phone to jot down meaningful encounters or experiences as you attempt to engage in prosocial behaviors.
  • At the end of the day, again reflect and take notes on how you feel, your general mood, feelings and attitudes, etc.

In a 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation, not counting title or reference slides:

  • Summarize your experience. Describe the prosocial behaviors you engaged in, others’ reactions to these behaviors, and your assessment of any changes in mood, attitude, good fortune, or anything else of note you experienced.
  • Review what you have learned about human behavior in social settings this week in your readings. Connect what you learned or experienced through your day of conscious, prosocial behavior with the terms, concepts, and theories from your research. Integrate at least two academic sources (your assigned readings/resources can comprise one of these sources), citing any references used in APA format.
  • Describe any new insights you gained through this experience about your interactions with others on a daily basis, including any behaviors you wish to change or to continue.
  • Use the features of PowerPoint to your advantage to communicate your ideas – include pictures, audio recorded narration, speaker’s notes, video, links, etc. as appropriate to enhance your ideas.
  • Include an APA formatted title slide and reference slide. APA components such as an abstract, headings, etc. are not required since this is a PowerPoint presentation.

An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data collection efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integrat

An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data collection efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integration of these systems. In this case, the agency focused on the data collection for two types of assets: water treatment and natural gas delivery management facilities. Please identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

Chapter8 discusses the concept of collection. Assume that An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data collection efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integration of these systems. In this case, the agency focused on the data collection for two types of assets: water treatment and natural gas delivery management facilities. Please identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, identify what type of critical infrastructuredata collectionis needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

B) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread.

ALL original posts and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just “I agree.”)

In January of 2006, two Burleson High School girls went to school with purses that had the confederate flag on them. They were told that the purses with the confederate flag violated the school dress

In January of 2006, two Burleson High School girls went to school with purses that had the confederate flag on them. They were told that the purses with the confederate flag violated the school dress code policy. They were given the option of having someone pick up the purses or going home. They chose to go home and took the matter all they way to the school board and eventually the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Court backed the school and said that the Confederate Flag carried enough symbolism to disrupt school activities.

While many young people in the United States like to believe that racism is mostly in the country’s past, this case illustrates that the symbols and iconography associated with the history of slavery are still potently meaningful. If the Confederate flag is synonymous with slavery, is there any place for its display in modern society? Those who fight for their right to display the flag say such a display should be covered by the First Amendment: the right to free speech. But others say the flag is equivalent to hate speech, which is not covered by the First Amendment.

Write a 2-4 page paper and state if you think displaying the Confederate flag should be considered free speech or hate speech.

Assignment: Week 10 Individual Assignment 10 Length: Minimum of 600 words Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This a

Assignment: Week 10 Individual Assignment 10

Length: Minimum of 600 words

Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples.

This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references. As you consider the reputation service and the needs of customers or individual consumers, think of a large organization that are security conscious like a fictitious enterprise named, Digital Diskus.

What will be the expectations and requirements of the customers? Will consumers’ needs be different from those of enterprises? Who owns the data that is being served from the reputation service? In addition, what kinds of protections might a customer expect from other customers when accessing reputations? Address these questions for this assignment.