Article Writing

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Afro-American slavery. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Slavery in America has been highly supported by the law. In 1686 the exchange of goods between blacks or between blacks and freemen was declared as not legal (Gikandi 244). In 1705 the House of Burgesses in Virginia promoted a series of laws aiming to ensure that slaves in the region would not be able to fight for their freedom in the future (Wood 11). also the above laws aimed to protect the interests of landowners in regard to their involvement in slavery (Wood 11). At the next level, in 1714, another law ‘prohibited blacks from planting their own corn, rice or peas’ (Gikandi 244). These laws aimed to control the efforts of slaves to improve their living conditions and to increase their autonomy. In practice, these laws were not fully applied, mostly because of the conflicts of interests developed in each particular region. for instance, in South Carolina masters preferred to allow a greater autonomy to slaves so that slavery is continued without problems, while in Virginia, a different attitude regarding the control over the slaves’ life was developed. This trend has led to the development of different systems of slaves’ control. In South Carolina the task system was promoted allowing to the slaves to use their free time as they wish. in Virginia the gang system was based on the close supervision of slaves almost all day prevented slaves from organizing their life. The cultivation of each section was assigned to a particular slave (Olwell 46), meaning that each slave had the total responsibility for the cultivation of the specific section.

Article Writing

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Hum M3 Al. It needs to be at least 250 words. Module 3: Understanding Your Mind and Emotions In contrast to other approaches, Burns asserts that feelings and emotions are not the result of circumstances, events and body chemistry (generally – external factors), but rather the fruits of our attitudes and thoughts. Both negative and positive emotions and feelings are caused by negative and positive thoughts. The way of thinking about things and events is stated to determine an individual’s emotions about them.

2. According to Branden, values are inseparable from the concept of life. Values imply the concept of good and evil and are based on sensation. Being related to consciousness and choice, they are acquired from the culture and environment. In contrast to animals, whose code of values are automatically formed and whose senses help them distinguish between good and evil, people have choice of knowledge and thus can acquire certain sets of values they choose. The code of values of the person forms his/her attitudes and affects thoughts. Thoughts and attitudes, as it is stated by Burns, forms emotions and feelings.

3. The Dominant Values test was rather puzzling for me, as I found most of the values important for me. none of them is opposite to my position in life. However, the test results indicate that Benevolence and Security are my dominant values, and Tradition has proved to be at the lowest stage in my life. I would say that results are true, because I care much about welfare and security of others. In Cognitive Empathy test, I’ve scored 25, which is the moderate ability of perspective talking. The score of Emotional Empathy is, however, higher, 27, and this is the high level of emotional empathy. I agree with the results, as I tend to feel compassionate for many people. Finally, Dispositional Mood Scale test has shown that the current tendencies in my mood are relatively high tiredness and negative arousal and moderate positive energy and relaxation.

Article Writing

Write a 5 pages paper on decompression surgery: sub occipital craniotomy and c-1 laminectomy for arnold chiari malformation. Pollock (2008) noted that Arnold-Chiari Malformation consists of variety of symptoms making its diagnosis difficult to establish. This is characterized by the presence of skull depression, reduction in the pathways of cerebrospinal fluid, and protrusion of cerebellar tonsil into the spinal canal through the foramen magnum that cause various problems in the sensory – motor (Pollock, 2008).

The following are noted as indications to operate patients with Chiari Malformations. These include failure to thrive, progressive spasticity or weakness of the upper extremities, pressure inside the head/neck, breathing problems, uncoordinated movement, speech problems, deterioration of alertness, and problems in walking (Venes, et al., 1986 and Columbia University Medical Center, 2011). Venes, et al (1986) noted in their study that out of 14 patients with meningomyelocoele with corresponding Arnold – Chiari Malformation in the study, nine of them had improved significantly after the surgery and three patients experiencing progressive deterioration were stabilized by surgical intervention. Vene, et al. (1986) added that in the treatment of the Arnold – Chiari II Deformity, fourth ventricular decompression by fenestration and internal shunting is reportedly tolerated well even among the young infants.

The goal of treatment for Arnold – Chiari Malformation is to restore a normal CSF flow in the foramen magnum region through surgical procedure that includes cervicomedullary junction decompression (Pakzaban, 2010). Pakzaban (2010) noted that surgical procedure include suboccipial craniectomy, cervical laminectomy, duraplasty, and arachnoid dissection.

According to Pakzaban (2010), the surgical preparation for Arnold – Chiari decompression procedure is similar with the elective surgical procedure.

Article Writing

I will pay for the following article Character Behavior and Adolescent Development. The work is to be 1 page with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Pony jumps out of the car, runs and enters into the burning church intending to rescue the children (Hinton 6). He does this without thinking about his safety and because he has no skills in firefighting, and also because he does not have the right outfit for fire rescue. Pony agrees with this assessment. that he is not reasonable when he says that he sometimes does not think.

Adolescence is a phase in life when a teenager considers himself/ herself as an adult and expects to be treated as one. The reality is, they are still teenagers and are under control and guidance to others with parents, and teachers. Therefore when their elders advise them on how to live, the teens start to feel like the elders are dictating them on how to live their lives. The loss of control makes teens feel life is not fair. For instance, Ponyboy knows that he is not safe walking on the streets of his neighborhood, but he still does it.

Adolescents also have another behavior of bullying others as well as defending themselves, for example in the outsider, as Ponyboy comes from strolling he is attacked by a gang. Also, Pony is thinking of how he can defend himself and is looking around for a pop bottle or stick or something anything to defend himself. It is at this point that we hear Pony remembering how Steve Randle, had once held off four guys with a busted pop bottle. Such and other examples in the book go a long way in showing us that adolescents have a bullying habit and are also violent.

Work Cited

Hinton, S.E. The Outsiders. New York: Viking Press, 1967.

Article Writing

Write a 2 pages paper on data flow charts. Data flow diagrams The data flow diagrams is a modelling technique that allows use of pictures to convey how information data flows through the systems connected by pipelines of data (Thomas Hathaway, 2015). The flow of information shows the source and the destination of the data.

They are different types of symbol sets that’s are used depending on the profession, most common sets are Gane and Sarson symbol sets and Yourdon symbol sets. To create better and understandable flowchart the following simple guidelines must be adhered to.

Naming conventions must always be taken care of with processes using strong verbs and dataflow, datastore and external entities using nouns.

A minimum of one input and output of dataflow in each process of a DFD.

A DFD must have a maximum of 7 – 9 processes.

Dataflow must begin and end with a process and not splitting

The external entities must be marked on the right hand top corner with a diagonal line.

A process is used to communicate logical departments in an organization and looping of the process is not allowed.

Data stored and flowing in a system must go through a system.

Always use sandwich rule to connect input and output processes and the symbols must be of standard and appropriate.

For clarification in DFD use comments and annotated descriptions.

Some of the standard symbol are

Input or output Document

Computer processes Data flow

Complex DFD are done through a process called decomposing, modelling hierarchy or leveling. this process of leveling is series of detailing diagrams until all the primitive functions are properly identified. When DFD fits on a single window is known as level 1 DFD. Level 2 is a DFD that expands the level 1 or top-level. All the levels below are level 3, level 3 and so on. A level that cannot be further be decomposed is called bottom-level process (Systems Analysis and Design, n.d.).

Flowchart assists the auditors and accountants in analyzing the current system of the organization for the control loopholes and weakness ants the reporting the same to the management. This assists the auditors in defining the audit trail, follow it up and finally evaluate the system. Further it assists in assessment of the control risk of the company.

The system analyst use the flowcharts to show how the information flows in an organization environment, thus each department is evaluated on the data is receiving and sending and makes sure only the valid and necessary data is exchanged.

A computer programmer uses both pseudocode and flowcharts to design programs in that they use it to design the systems flowchart.

A security expert managing internal data uses the DFD in identifying the weakness in internal data control and looking ways to improve by indicating new systems in organization.

A system designer uses DFD in improving the existing system or overhauling the existing system by replacing it.


Systems Analysis and Design. (n.d.). Retrieved from Data Flow Diagrams:

Thomas Hathaway, A. H. (2015). Data Flow Diagramming by Example. BA-Experts.

Article Writing

Compose a 1750 words assignment on industrialisation and the family. Needs to be plagiarism free! Of course, not all of the explanations can be found in economics and, most likely, social structure and culture can explain the changing economics as well. However, looking for explanations in the changing economics for sociological phenomena enriches our insights and sharpens our sociological analysis. I will attempt to do just that in this work. According to Eshleman and Bulcroft (2010, p. 4), a family traditionally refers to “two or more persons related by birth, marriage, or adoption who reside together in a household.” It is a definition that “emphasizes the structural dimension of families because it focuses on the requirements for membership and spatial arrangements of members.” Simultaneously, families can also be defined “in terms of their functional significance as societal institutions” (Eshleman and Bulcroft 2010, p. 4). The function of a family can be for “procreation” or “socialisation” of children (Eshleman and Bulcroft 2010, p. 4). Social structure and power distribution in society influence how a family is defined (Eshleman and Bulcroft 2010, p. 5). How a family is defined mirrors adaptation to circumstances and is a product of cultural innovations and of a process in which “those in positions of power and privilege promote definitions that serve their interests and values” (Eshleman and Bulcroft 2010, p. 5). Eshleman and Bulcroft identified three basic types of family structure.

Article Writing

Create a 10 pages page paper that discusses the likely effects of the 2010-11 debt crisis* in the eurozone. In light of the mechanisms at the disposal of authorities across the Eurozone in dealing with the crisis, three recurrent economic tools come into focus than ever before.

These economic tools for consideration are the exchange rates, trade balance and interest rates that determine governments’ decisions in financing their budgets for instance through debts. In the incorporation of the appropriate balance to deal with the debt crisis, Mundell-Fleming Model forms one of the most applicable interventions in debt macroeconomics that could be applied to resolve the Eurozone crisis. In this discourse, various perspectives are discussed to form the basis of possible intervention by a European state outside the Eurozone which is an open economy and conducts much of its trade with the Eurozone.

IS-LM Mundell-Fleming Model was separately put together by Robert Mundell and Marcus Fleming building on Hicks IS/LM model of a closed economy to generate a model suitable for the open economy. The Mundell-Fleming model is a representation of the economic nexus with which nominal exchange rate, interest rates as well as input are related. In this model, the performance of the domestic economy must be in tandem with the world economy which is represented by the balance of payment element to the IS/LM model. Two separate settings are envisaged under the two models under domestic and world economies since they are considered differently. Similarly, domestic economies are considered as open or closed depending on the composition of the trade balance defined by real output or input. Under this model, short run interventions of the performance of the economy can be effected using the three tools mentioned above namely. interest and exchange rates as well as trade balance.

Article Writing

Companies seek the lowest average rate of financing costs to capitalize the business.Common sources of financing are as follows:

  • Common stock equity
  • Preferred stock equity
  • Bond debt

Explain how the following risks may affect these 3 sources of financing in international capital markets. In addition, explain how these risks may influence a company’s international weighted average cost of capital (WACC):

  • Default risk
  • Inflation
  • Interest rate risk
  • Stock and market volatility

700–800 words

Article Writing

After taking this class, do you still want to be an entrepreneur? Why or why not? What are your next steps going to be?

my answer: Yes, I still would like to be an entrepreneur. Why? I would like to own my laundromat. My next steps are going to be? complete my Bachelor’s Degree and begin to apply for my Master’s and then in between start the process of my business plan.

This is for my BUS313/Entrepreneur class.