Need an research paper on devils advocate. Needs to be 1 page. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on devils advocate. Needs to be 1 page. Please no plagiarism. What would be your decision if you, alone, were presented with the dilemma? How would you come up with a decision? Are there questions you would want to ask before making a final decision? If so, what are those questions?

–If it were all left up to me, I would turn down the mid-sized order or at least try to delay its completion until after my regular run has met its required number of orders. I would come to this decision after asking myself the following:

How much time will be lost in the conversion of the machine?

&nbsp.How much man power time will be lost in the transition from large to medium scale product?

Is the money that will be earned from the special order going to be enough to cover the lost time and revenue from the big order that was set aside in order to complete the special run.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on poor customer service Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on poor customer service Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! They are after all paid for working for the primary stakeholder, the shareholder to create value and profit for him. It is incidental that for earning this profit, they have to be equally mindful of befitting the secondary stakeholders. Contrary to common belief, there are many stakeholders in the business apart from the shareholder or the stockholder. They are the employees, customers, suppliers, bankers and even the society at large who look for some benefit from the company, and in turn are also its well-wishers.

The question is how to determine that the managers are acting in the best interest of the shareholders? One way is to read the annual financial results that reveal the results of their efforts in realizing profit and value for the owners of the company. But this does not reveal their competency level. The various audits and financial data only show that these are results of activities that have been checked for correctness but they do not reflect on what level of competence was exercised. The better and more comprehensive method is through Corporate Governance.

The company is a legal entity and therefore has to enter into commercial transactions all the time for carrying on its business activities. These transactions are concluded by the managers on behalf of the company since the legal entity is not a person and needs agents to carry out these duties for it. This ability of the managers to enter into legal contracts and agreements makes them the agent of the company with the liability resting with the company. This situation gives rise to irresponsible behavior on the part of managers who do not carry the burden of any wrongdoing on their part. It is to control this likely misuse of power that Corporate Governance assumes importance.

Business strategies and processes have to be tailor-made to serve every stakeholder. Similarly, Corporate Governance rules and processes have to encompass all activities that have a direct or indirect bearing on different stakeholders. It will not be far from the truth to say that the agency theory has little relevance on Corporate Governance.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Objective Presentation. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Objective Presentation. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Optimal organization structure Optimal Organization Structure An organizational structure defines the different levels of power within an organization. It classifies each job, according to their functions and where they report to across the structure of the organization. In addition, organizational structure establishes how organizations operate and assist them to obtain goals for future growth. However, there are several organizational structures and their optimal use is determined by how effective they are to an organization.

An organization is made up of a number of staff members whose actions determine the success of the organization. These actions are usually guided by a job description to make them efficient and effective. However, the job description reflects on the organizational structure to assist the staff know the job titles, supervisor and subordinate, specific tasks required, department or units, and among others. In addition, staff members are usually under the control of people of higher ranks known as managers. These managers use an organizational structure to assist them determine which human, technical, and financial resources are available, which resources are lacking, and how resources should be allocated to attain organizational objectives and goals.

There are three organizational structures and include Hierarchical, matrix and network structure. However, the optimal structure is a matrix or team structure. This is because it encourages interaction and participation among staff members, hence enhancing interpersonal relations. In addition, it also encourages managers to be more of group leaders and facilitators hence increasing accountability among staff members in an organization.

When comparing the matrix structure with the rest, it always emerges the best. Managers in a Hierarchical structure always act as the final decision-makers, but those in matrix structure, focus on the accomplishment of shared objects of the team. In addition, staff members involved in a network structure, usually have a lot of differences in their affiliation and may fail to come up with a common goal. In matrix structure, staff members coordinate with one another and with their facilitator whose primary responsibility is to set objectives and evaluate performance.


Toliashvili, P. (2003). Organizational Structure Basics. New York, NY: Synergy Group Books.

Hall, H. R., & Tolbert, S. P. (2008).

Write a 9 pages paper on the entry strategy of motorola in china. This paper examines the strategic and environmental factors that motivated Motorola to enter China. the effectiveness of Motorola’s en

Write a 9 pages paper on the entry strategy of motorola in china. This paper examines the strategic and environmental factors that motivated Motorola to enter China. the effectiveness of Motorola’s entry strategy in achieving its corporate strategy in China. and the appropriateness of Motorola’s staffing approach for senior management in China in relation to their strategic objectives.

Since the 1990s, due to the continuous expansion of economic globalization, multinational companies (MNCs) have become an entity that cannot be ignored. MNCs have a major influence on the social, political, and economic life of the world. The success of Motorola in China was truly unbelievable, given the fact that the political and social environment of the country is complex. In order to gain knowledge of the political, economic, sociocultural, and technological environment that Motorola is dealing with in China PEST analysis is conducted. This business tool will help in understanding the strategic and environmental factors that motivated Motorola to enter China.

After the 1978 economic reform, China’s economy progressed dramatically. The reform includes promoting foreign direct investment, foreign trade liberalization, private businesses, and employment opportunities. In relation to labor law, China reforms job structures and loosens regulations making it easier for Motorola to advance its localization strategy, which includes recruiting local employees (Guthrie, 2012). In terms of consumer rights protection, after China opened its door to the world and reformed its economy, consumer gained greater awareness of their rights. The improvement of consumer protection is beneficial for Motorola since the market for middle-class consumers is growing (Sun et al., 2013).

However, China’s telecom industry is one of the most restricted in Asia and is somewhat barred to foreign competition. One of the key objectives of the Chinese government is to build and offer the telecom-market not to be awash or overstocked, which has a massive impact on Motorola (Guthrie, 2012).

Need help with my writing homework on Analysis Of Advertisements: Commercials Promoting. Write a 1000 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Analysis Of Advertisements: Commercials Promoting. Write a 1000 word paper answering; As it follows from the adverts under analysis, Gillette’s target audience is men who belong to different age groups. but the men Gillette targets are not ordinary, they are the best, they are the men who are daring. Gillette Venus, in its turn, target women interested in consuming beauty products who seek comfort, appreciation and who are concerned about how they both look and feel. With the aim to reach their target audience, the following kinds of appeal are used in the advertisement of Gillette for men: emotional (social and personal), rational, masculine, and music appeal. The advertisement triggers such personal emotions as a pride of being a man, boosts self-esteem and stimulates to act by representing the male character as independent and a bit aggressive. A masculine appeal is used in the same way. The rational appeal focuses on males’ needs, and with this idea in mind, advertisers emphasize the features and characteristics of the product in a way that its use would be beneficial for a male customer. Finally, the use of music appeal helps increase the persuasiveness of the advertisement and once again highlight the benefits of the product as the soundtrack to James Bond movies is used. In the Gillette Venus advertisement, emotional (social and personal) and rational appeals are used. Social factors that are highlighted in the advertisement include aspects of recognition, approval, acceptance, which result from the way a woman looks.&nbsp.

Write a 6 pages paper on for one destination of your choice, justify and design a new heritage trail.

Write a 6 pages paper on for one destination of your choice, justify and design a new heritage trail. This island encompasses a strong cultural heritage and even there is existence of island identity. Heritage tourism faces a major challenge in the form of preserving resources efficiently which is utilized during building such heritage sites. Sustainable development can be considered as a central component when it comes to developing attractive tourist location.

Gozo has its existence from 5000 BC. Farmers founded this island when they were travelling from Sicily. Gozo became one of the most important places in terms of cultural revolution. Ġgantija temples were developed during Neolithic period. These temples are presently regarded as the oldest free-standing sculptures. Gozo Island spans over 67 square kilometres. This location is famed for its wide array of interesting locations and characteristics. Apart from Ġgantija temples there is another famous man-made structure at Gozo known as Calypso Cave (Veal, 2002). There are two famous beaches at Gozo which plays a significant role to attract large base of customers. They are Ramla Bay and San Blas. This island’s population is closely knitted to their traditional culture. It comprises of various heritage sites such as archaeological sites, chapels, museums, fortifications, churches, etc. These sites are responsible for adding cultural, natural and historical value to Gozo Island. Some of the heritage sites at Gozo are shown in Appendix1. ecoGozo vision is a new agenda which has been framed by the government in order to safeguard heritage and culture of this destination. Efforts are been made to conserve these heritage sites and enhance their accessibility to public. Two heritage trails have been developed at Gozo in recent years. One such trail was built at cliff sides of Munxar and Xlendi, whereas another was formed at Santa Lucija’s countryside (Island of Gozo, 2014). Both these heritage trails expand over 7.5 km.

Write a 1 page paper on what are my virtues. Teacher According to you, what is virtue? 98 Virtue for me is an ideal character that I must strive to achieve to become a betterperson. To achieve it, I m

Write a 1 page paper on what are my virtues. Teacher According to you, what is virtue? 98 Virtue for me is an ideal character that I must strive to achieve to become a betterperson. To achieve it, I must abide by a set of rules or ethics that would guide my conduct and demeanor to become virtuous.

2. List five (5) virtues that are critical to you and are present in your daily life. Critical means those virtues that must be present in your life. For example, Professor Chang believes punctuality is a virtue, but is it a critical virtue? Probably not.

The critical values that are present in my daily life are integrity, fairness, trustworthiness, keeping ones promise and honor.

3. For each of the five listed above, please reflect on how you developed these virtues. for example, was it religion, community, family upbringing?

Those values were developed by the combination of family upbringing and community. My parents first taught me to be a good person, to become worthy of trust and be responsible member of society. These values are consistent with the values upheld by society at large and thus, reinforced by the community by getting favorable responses from teachers, friends, acquaintances and other people I interact with.

4. None of is successful all of the time modeling our virtues. What are some obstacles to walking your talk?

I have to admit that sometimes, practicing those virtues could be difficult. The most common obstacle is expedience of an option or a way out which is not consistent with the values of keeping my word that I strive to practice. For example, it is extremely difficult to keep a promise I made to my parents that I will wake up by 4 a.m. because of an errand that I had to do. It is however very easy to make that promise but when the time comes that I have to keep the promise, I am often tempted to renege it because I am still sleepy. But I woke up anyway.

Hi, need to submit a 1000 words paper on the topic Health care-long term and capstone discussions 2.

Hi, need to submit a 1000 words paper on the topic Health care-long term and capstone discussions 2. According to Kotter & Heskett (1992), culture change advocates find solutions that regulate everyone’s interactions and behavior. People come up with new ways of responding to others and create a different perception in which they view them.There are various services that the community provides to its people. Community based services are a long term care type which somebody may draw interest and talk about. They are services to help the disabled and senior people in a community. They include. personal care, adult day care, and transportation services among others. Some set of barriers to cultural change success in offering these services are experienced. Communication barrier is one aspect. These are skills involved in conversation. For example, most Hispanic and the Native American patients are often used to indirect communication instead of instruction or direct communication. Offering services to such patients in direct communication thus becomes a problem. A second set of barrier is in the care system. These are issues of accessibility, availability and acceptability of services. These services may not be available to the minority group and less accessible due to linguistic, geographic or financial features.

Discuss the legal liability in terms of governance in long-term care settings. What agencies have oversight authority? Provide one real life example of a long-term care liability issue that could conflict with a governance function.

The requirement by federal law is that facilities for long term care should provide activities and services that maintain the well being of every resident. The federal program in Medicare should be established to achieve such with some written plan that describes how nursing, medical and psychosocial needs shall be met. These are therefore federal regulation which is in the real sense legal.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Impact of the Sharing Economy for the US Labor Market. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Impact of the Sharing Economy for the US Labor Market. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length. Impact of the Sharing Economy for the US Labor Market The sharing economy is a socio-economic system founded on the sharing of physical and human resources. It is enabled by technology and peer communities including car sharing, peer-to-peer task assignments, and peer-to-peer travel experiences (Gold 12). The sharing economy organizations are disrupting the traditional firms across the world. For example, Airbnb, at $10 billion boasts of a higher valuation as compared to the Hyatt hotel chain. On the other hand, Uber is valued at $18.2 billion. These companies bring considerable economic benefits such as an increase in employment. The digital labor as part of the much wider development comprises of union busting, globalization, casualization, deregulation, and the proletarianization of professions. In a sharing economy the labor of people is shared in a way that seems feudal. These new work arrangements shift the power in the labor market away from the workers.

According to Roose, the sharing economy yields utopian outcomes with the empowerment of the ordinary people and increasing efficiency. The on-demand economy reduces full-time employment in addition to reducing the working in a bid to control the carbon emissions. I would not work in firms like Uber because I want to work as a full-time employee. This makes these jobs less appealing than the standard jobs.

Due to the rapid growth of human population, especially in the cities, this creates more opportunities for sharing resources and services (Gold 28). However, most of the firms in the sharing economy are having an uneasy time with the regulators. Platforms such as Uber are experiencing explosive growth, which, in turn, has resulted in political and regulatory battles. Therefore, I would advise the sharing economy firms to be cooperative with regulators and also be responsive to the regulators’ legitimate concerns.

It is also difficult to evaluate the effect of these new earning opportunities because they are introduced during a period of rapid labor market restructuring and high unemployment rates. Consider taxis, drivers in conventional cab operations are protesting due to Uber’s unfair competition which impacts negatively on their operations. The cab drivers are charged extra such as lease space and insurance while Uber deals with uninsured passengers compromising the safety of the passengers. All workers have equal opportunities to participate in these markets. Therefore, Uber drivers need to be subjected to same licensing, inspection, and regulations that cab drivers are subjected. It operates like a conventional taxi company since computes its fares based distance and time.

An online platform with a good rating system improves labor conditions. This enables the low-paid employees to earn significantly more (Schor). Therefore, the economic inequality is reduced. The emergence of the app-driven economy has made it easier for the networks of people as well as organizations to transact directly including low-cost mobile phones and social media. These technologies minimize the friction of share-based business models. The investors are attracted to firms like Uber because it avoids huge employee wages by effectively functioning as labor brokers.

Works Cited

Gold, Lorna. The sharing economy: Solidarity networks transforming globalisation. New York: Ashgate, 2004.

Roose Kevin, “The Sharing Economy Isn’t About Trust, It’s About Desperation,”&nbsp.New York Magazine, Retrieved from Web 3 February 2015.

Schor, Juliet. 2014. Debating the sharing economy. Retrieved from .