Need an research paper on the need for variance analysis. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on the need for variance analysis. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. The Need for Variance Analysis The need for variance analysis Introduction Adhering to the budget is imperative in any organizationin order to prevent overspending. In many cases, budget implementers find themselves spending more than the projected amounts in the initial budget. To determine the possible causes of overspending, variance analysis is inevitable (Baker and Baker, 2014). This paper describes the value of variance analysis in decision making and the next steps that i would need to take after variance analysis using a given case study.

Value of variance analysis in decision making

Before delineating the value of variance analysis in decision making, it is important to define variation and variance analysis. Baker and Baker (2014) define variance as “The difference between standard and actual prices and quantities” (p. 201), and variance analysis as “Analysis of these differences” (p. 201). Variance analysis underscores or brings attention to deviations from what was initially intended. It is only after deviations have been identified that adequate and effective decisions can be made by the individuals in management positions (Baker and Baker, 2014). According to Berger (2011), lack of conducting a variance analysis may prompt leaders to overlook areas causing these deviations and hence fail to make relevant decisions. For variance analysis to be performed, a prior formulation of standards ought to be conducted, for instance, budgetary targets (Baker and Baker, 2014). This shows that variance analysis drives managers and other leaders to set targets or standards in advance. Decision making goes hand-in-hand with accountability in that individuals overseeing areas proved by the variance analysis to be causing the variations are answerable. Therefore, departmental heads are forced to make effective decisions and implement relevant strategies that forces them to operate within the budget (Berger, 2011).

Steps that preceding variance analysis

In the case study, new procedures for discharging patients have been implemented. A variance analysis conducted after six months showed that costs were running 25 percent higher than was expected. After conducting the variance and proving that there is actually a deviation from the budget by 25 percent, the next step would be to identify the causes of the deviation (Berger, 2011). There are many areas that may cause the deviation, for instance, extended working hours that increase the cost of labor. After identifying the cause of the deviation, then my next step would be to evaluate action plans under implementation to determine their effectiveness and investigate how they can be improved (Berger, 2011). If the action plans are ineffective altogether, then i would create new strategies to address the problem in a bid to prevent a similar problem from occurring in future. After implementation of new strategies, the next step i would take as reiterated by Berger (2011) is to monitor the activities or processes involved in discharging the patients and how funds are used in order to identify decrease in total variations.


In conclusion, variance analysis aids in the identification of areas causing variations, and the causes of variations hence guiding the decision making process. Decisions can only be made after a problem, in this case deviation, has been identified. The steps that would follow a variance analysis include identification of the cause of variation, evaluation of the action plans under implementation to find out their effectiveness, and then improving on these actions plans or creating new strategies to address the problem. Monitoring must also follow in order to make out whether implemented strategies have actually led to a reduction in total variations.


Baker, J., & Baker, R. W. (2014). Health care finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Berger, A. (2011). Standard Costing, Variance Analysis and Decision-Making. Munich, Germany: GRIN Verlag.

Write 3 pages with APA style on The human genome project. The Human Genome ProjectIntroduction The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) sequenced the first genome of a free-living organism, the bact

Write 3 pages with APA style on The human genome project. The Human Genome Project


The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) sequenced the first genome of a free-living organism, the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae, in 1995. This landmark project, led by TIGR scientist Robert Fleischmann, led to a series of genome sequencing projects. The human genome project and ENCODE were the pioneering projects. The latest is the Genographic Project

1. The Human Genome Project is a worldwide research effort initiated by the Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health in 1987 as a multi-disciplinary effort to understand the basis of human heredity. This international collaboration is being carried out at several genome centers located in the United States, England, France and Japan. The focus of the Human Genome Project is the characterization of the human genome by determining the complete nucleotide sequence of our 24 different chromosomes, including the estimated 50,000 to 100,000 genes contained in human DNA.

Rapid technological advances accelerated the completion date to 2003. Project goals were to identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA, determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA, store this information in databases, improve tools for data analysis, transfer related technologies to the private sector, and address the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) that may arise from the project.

To help achieve these goals, researchers also studied the genetic makeup of several nonhuman organisms. These include the common human gut bacterium Escherichia coli, the fruit fly, and the laboratory mouse. Sequence and analysis of the human genome working draft was published in February 2001 and April 2003 issues of Nature and Science.

A unique aspect of the U.S. Human Genome Project is that it was the first large scientific undertaking to address potential ELSI implications arising from project data. The National Human Genome Research Institute’s (NHGRI) Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program was established in 1990 as an integral part of the Human Genome Project (HGP).


The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) launched a public research consortium named ENCODE, the Encyclopedia Of DNA Elements, in September 2003. The project is being conducted in three phases: A pilot project phase, a technology development phase and a planned production phase. The goal of the first two phases of the ENCODE project is to identify a suite of approaches that will allow the comprehensive identification of all the functional elements in the human genome. A set of regions representing approximately 1 percent (30 Mb) of the human genome has been selected as the target for this pilot project and is currently being analyzed by all ENCODE Consortium investigators.

The Human Genome Project and it’s Medical applications

a. Diagnosing and Predicting Disease and Disease Susceptibility

All diseases have a genetic component, whether inherited or resulting from the body’s response to environmental stresses like viruses or toxins. The successes of the HGP have even enabled researchers to pinpoint errors in genes that cause or contribute to disease.&nbsp.

The ultimate goal is to use this information to develop new ways to treat, cure, or even prevent diseases. Biotechnology companies are racing ahead with commercialization by designing diagnostic tests to detect errant genes in people suspected of having particular diseases or of being at risk for developing them.&nbsp.

b. Disease Intervention

Drug design is being revolutionized as researchers create new classes of medicines. Drugs targeted to specific sites in the body promise to have fewer side effects than many of today’s medicines.&nbsp. The potential for using genes themselves to treat disease, gene therapy, is the most exciting application of DNA science. This rapidly developing field holds great potential for treating or even curing genetic and acquired diseases, using normal genes to replace or supplement a defective gene or to bolster immunity to disease (e.g., by adding a gene that suppresses tumor growth).

3. The Genographic Project

A new project launched by the National Geographic Society and computer firm IBM aims to trace the migratory history of human populations. The five-year project, entitled ‘The Genographic Project’, will establish ten research groups to look at 100,000 DNA samples from people around the world. The privately-funded study will look for genetic differences between human populations, data which will provide clues about ancient migratory patterns. This ambitious new project seeks to avoid controversy by only taking DNA samples from participants, and not establishing cell-lines. In addition, the samples will be anonymised, and the organizers have said they will use them solely for anthropological studies.

Conclusion: Over the years, scientists have made significant strides in analyzing the human genome. The next decade or so will see even more significant breakthroughs. More private funding and international collaboration is the need of the hour.


The Human Genome Project.

The Genographic Project. The National Geographic Society, 13 April 2005

ENCODE. http://www.genome.

Hi, need to submit a 1750 words paper on the topic Integrated Communication Policy: Impact on Press and Broadcasting.

Hi, need to submit a 1750 words paper on the topic Integrated Communication Policy: Impact on Press and Broadcasting. In recent years the impact of globalization has merged communication in such a manner that the differences are no longer visible to a third party. Mass Communication has given way to endless categories in media studies. Hence it has become difficult to separate the press from broadcasting at this stage.

The barriers in the media and communications sector call for a thorough revision of the internal market and cultural diversity. The process is too lengthy to be screened without negligence. Special care is taken for copyright and the protection of the minors. The consumer protection is maximized through the Audiovisual Media Service Directive to meet the demands proposed by the consumers. The need for policy revision arose due to several reasons, two of which are listed below:

“The media play a fundamental role in educating audiences about various social realities. The question of how the media mediate between the external objective reality and our perception of social reality has been one of the major themes of Mass Communication research. There has been particular interest in the real definition function of the press. The press has been instrumental in educating readers, creating awareness about issues, defining our perceptions of reality and changing attitudes.”2

Press and broadcasting policies are conceived in different intellectual frameworks. Broadcasting inquiries are deeply influenced by the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) and hence uphold the public service principles. The press does not receive such state-appointed public trust. The free-market approach to the press is not defended for and the broadcast receives much of the attention. Press is considered to be a motionless medium which is thought to be right without any arguments. This causes several contradictions at the core of media policy. Part of it is the New Labor’s rhetoric that has achieved to expose the incoherence in the communication policy in an attempt to prove it integrated into the world view.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on mindset: the new science of transformation.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on mindset: the new science of transformation. Mindset: The New Science of Personal Transformation Mindset: The New Science of Personal Transformation Doctor Daniel J Siegelpresents a fundamental description of the brain’s role in mental health. He has managed to combine practical suggestions as he describes the sophisticated understanding of the brain. The key concepts the author unearths include learning to do insight meditation, doing body scanning, fathoming the link between the amygdala and prefrontal cortex and paying attention to the difference between the left and right hemispheres. In this context, I will discuss the meditation based on its benefits (Siegel, 2010). One of the advantages of creating some form of meditative practice is to learn to become an observer. Once the brain is trained to witness one’s thoughts, one help the prefrontal cortex to manage the emotional aspect of one’s life. Siegel teaches his audience to do meditation that he referred as insight meditation.

Through the application of script, Siegel primarily helps people relax, observe their thoughts and uncover that the mind can be keen on ongoing thing in their lives without getting caught up in their thoughts. The author demonstrates that the prefrontal middle cortex is where people establish concept representations like moral judgment, time, and a sense of self through creating links among the cortex, limbic areas and the brainstem with the skull as well as the internally distributed nervous system of the body proper. Siegel illustrates that through serving as a connection system the incorporation the middle prefrontal cortex with the cortex, as well as brainstem, body improves wellbeing (Siegel, 2010). He demonstrates that the middle prefrontal cortex serve such functions as body regulation, emotional balance, response flexibility, empathy, intuition, morality, and attuned communication. Such indicators of wellbeing are only feasible when one practices meditation and mindfulness. Accordingly, Siegel sees sense in being able to stimulate the middle prefrontal cortex linkage.

In addition, the author charges that apart from stimulating the middle prefrontal cortex, when an individual is depressed, there is a need to teach them to embrace some form of meditation to attract control over feelings. Such control of feelings is possible through control of people’s amygdala that is the emotional center of the brain that is always over activated. When individuals embrace such as focused training of mind, they can feel more centered and ready to cope with their issues. Siegel further explains that it is not the focusing that assists but also the diaphragmatic breathing that occurs when teaching clients to do meditative practice that calms them.

Therefore, when individuals meditate, they watch their thoughts and by stimulating the prefrontal middle cortex and easing the amygdala (the overactive emotional part), Siegel demonstrates that individuals become more receptive to identifying as well as accessing their inner resources. For those people who rather than being ruled by their emotions are unable to feel attached such motions fail to showcase their emotions, the author suggest that it would be useful for them to become attached to their body and feelings. Siegel illustrates such a condition based on the right and left hemispheres with the left hemisphere attributed to logic, words, linear thinking and numbers whereas the right hemisphere accounts for creativity, feelings, spatial relations and sensation (Siegel, 2010). Subsequently, the objective with such clients who are split off from their feelings is to assist them develop more of their right hemisphere that is connected to feelings based on body scanning.


Siegel, D. J. (2010). Mindsight: The new science of personal transformation. New York: Bantam Books.

Compose a 250 words assignment on graffiti and cave art. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 250 words assignment on graffiti and cave art. Needs to be plagiarism free! Graffiti and Cave Art Graffiti resembles modern-day cave paintings as both have symbolic meanings. Understanding cave paintings especially the ones with symbolism is quite difficult just as in graffiti paintings. Cave paintings cannot be compared to graffiti since the paintings, and drawings are in places not easily accessible by humans. No one can just sneak into such places such as dark caves to paint simply for fun or pass time. There must be some meaning of the painting, and the painters must have put a considerable amount of time and energy to paint. Cave paintings cannot be the work of somebody bored on a sunny day, but the painter was driven by a powerful force to spread a certain message into the dark caves to paint. Graffiti can be used today to give messages to the public concerning culture and the society issues (Lesko, 2015). For instance if someone wanted to notify people of a cultural event somewhere, graffiti can work if the painting or drawing is in an open place where the public can view them. Some criminals make use of graffiti to scare the public some in very tall billboards. Some also use graffiti to deface posters, billboards, and other individuals’ artwork. Others use it to communicate a certain message to a group of people such as fighting corruption, violence, demanding for human rights, or warnings against drug use and many more.

Cave paintings are ancient and rare to find and are more treasured compared to modern day paintings. Cave paintings had meanings especially recording events and places in which activities took place. Graffiti does not need to have any meaning although all are done on the walls or public places.

For something to be considered as a piece of art, the artist must intend to do it. Someone does not need to acknowledge a piece of art for it to become one, but the intention of the artist in creating is the one that matters.

Writing on walls is an essential aspect of human beings from the earliest time as they express their ideas and feelings. Nowadays many of graffiti work is for vandalism purposes as many cases have been reported of people scribbling on their enemies billboards, toilets, and posters, especially in public places (Lesko, 2015). A common scenario is on campaign posters in which the candidates vandalize their opponents campaign posters by scribbling on them or distorting the figures and writings on them.


Lesko, L. (2015). The Art of Graffiti as Inner-City Communication and as a means of Public Literacy. Rediscovering LA is a collection of final project essays written by English 698D students at California State University, Northridge, in the spring semester of 2015., 185.

Why did Reagan favor trading arms to Iran for the release of American hostages in Lebanon?

Why did Reagan favor trading arms to Iran for the release of American hostages in Lebanon?

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Information about Wegener’s Granulomatosis. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Information about Wegener’s Granulomatosis. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length. Wicks reports that 90% or more of those affected are Caucasian. 1 The comparative rarity also makes research difficult, especially when it will benefit only small numbers, which may mean funding for possible research projects is limited. Mahr et al 2(2006) give figures of between 24 and 157 cases per million people and yearly occurrence rates of 3 to 14 cases per million. Coleman ( 2006)3 suggests a figure of 30 per million. As with many other diseases and abnormalities of the immune system, it seems probable that Wegener’s Granulomatosis develops when someone who is already genetically predisposed to the condition is exposed to a particular trigger mechanism, perhaps a bacterial or viral infection

The condition has a number of synonymous names:- Klinger’s syndrome, Klinger-Wegener syndrome, Wegener-Churg-Klinger syndrome, and Wegener-Klinger syndrome. Also because Wegener is said to have had Nazi connections there has been some inclination to re-name the condition as ANCA associated granulomatous vasculitis. Symptoms result from extreme inflammation which that can affect many different types of body tissues. These include the blood vessels when it is described as vasculitis when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy blood vessels. The inflammation results in a reduction in blood oxygen levels accompanied by a restriction of blood flow to affected organs, which results in a destruction of normal tissue.4 ‘Incomplete’ forms exist that only attack one part of the body.5The condition can result in failure of the kidneys or lungs.6

This condition is considered to the result of an abnormal functioning of the immune system producing an over a response to stimuli. , although there is at present no known cause. 7, but this is not a contagious disease, nor is there any compelling evidence of it being hereditary.&nbsp. &nbsp.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Imagery in Poetry. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Imagery in Poetry. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Imagery in poetry Introduction In his poem, The passionate shepherd to his love, Christopher Marlowe uses imagery systematically to help develop mental images in the minds of his audience thus enhancing the consumption of the poem. The author talks about rolling hills, frolicking lambs, and babbling brooks among many others. Through such avid description of both the scenery and other intricate features of the setting, the poet succeeds in developing mental images. Nature is a fundamental imagery in the poem that enhances the message in the poem. The poet strives to portray the beauty of the countryside. he therefore constructs a natural beauty unique to the setting. He portrays the beauty of the natural setting consisting of the woods, hills, grooves and valleys among others explaining that the beauty will pleasure many, “And we will all the pleasures prove” (line 3).

The poet portrays his genius through his systematic use of words to evoke numerous other feelings besides sight and hearing. Sensory imagery is vital in enhancing the effectiveness of the message in the poem. Christopher Marlowe strives to portray the natural beauty of the landscape. he therefore utilizes all the senses in doing this. “And we will sit upon the rocks” (line 5), in the line the poet strives to build the feelings associated with solitary sitting on rocks while watching the natural scenery. The line enables the audience to conceptualize the setting and the act.

In retrospect, building mental images is a fundamental poetic requirement in poems. Just as is the case above, imagery influences the consumption of the poems. In this context, Christopher Marlowe strives to develop the beauty associated with natural scenery. He therefore uses descriptive words that help develop the images thereby enhancing the consumption of the poetry.

Work cited

Christopher, Marlowe. The passionate shepherd to his love. New York: Poultry press, 2000.Print.

Need an research paper on behavior of light. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on behavior of light. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. 1.What is the objective of this assignment? The objective of this assignment is to determine how light behaves in mediums of different densities. 2.Explain total internal reflection?

Total internal reflection is the the reflection of the of all the amount of a light ray that is moving from a denser medium to a less dense medium.

For it to occur the ray of light must be travelling from a denser medium to a less dense medium and the critical angle should be lesser than the incidence angle.

3.Start Applet 1.Select incident ray in Larger n region and select nupper equal to 1.00. This is a case where a light ray goes from a higher index medium into a lower index medium.

4.(a)In this step, you will change the values of the angle of incidence θ1 and record the values of the angle of refraction θ2. In each of the three cases below, record data until the angle θ2 reaches 90 degrees (after 90 degrees there is no more refraction).

a.Set nlower equal to 1.10. Set the angle of incidence θ1 to 10, 20, 30, 40, 46, 50, 56, 60, and 65 degrees. Each time you set the value of θ1, record the value of the angle of refraction θ2.





















.b)Set nlower equal to 1.20. Set the angle of incidence θ1 to 10, 20, 30, 40, 46, 50, 56, 60, and 65 degrees. Each time you set the value of θ1, record the value of the angle of refraction θ2.





















c.Set nlower equal to 1.40. Set the angle of incidence θ1 to 10, 20, 30, 40, 46, 50, 56, 60, and 65 degrees. Each time you set the value of θ1, record the value of the angle of refraction θ2.





















5.On the same spreadsheet, input the data from question 4 as follows:

The values of θ1 in the first column. The values of θ2 for nlower = 1.10 in the second column. The values of θ2 for nlower = 1.20 in the third column. The values of θ2 for nlower = 1.40 in the fourth column. Plot the values of θ2 vs. θ1. You should have three curves on your plot.



θ2, nlower=1.10

θ, nlower=1.40






































6.What type of curves do you get? How does θ2 vary as θ1 increases?

Can you determine the critical angle from the curves?

The curves are straight lines.

As θ2 increases proportionately, the value of θ1 also increases proportionately. Yes the corresponding value when θ1 is 90.

7.Write a conclusion.

It can be observed that as the refractive index increases, i.e the denser the medium light is moving to the lesser the refractive angle becomes. Thus the denser the medium, the more the refraction a ray of light will experience.