I need some assistance with these assignment. greek myths Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. greek myths Thank you in advance for the help! Greek Myths History and Political Science Greek Myths Baroque art placed high significance on “movement, drama, realism, individual figures, the Catholic Church, light and shadow, and the sense of something greater than ones self” (Baroque art history, n.d.). Baroque arts originated in Italy and spread to other parts of Europe. However, their popularity was dependent on Catholic authority in those regions. Baroque arts encompassed painting, architecture and sculpture.

One such work is a picture, “The Lament for Icarus” by Herbert Draper. Herbert Draper was from the cohort of British artists that were under the influence of French impressionism. However, Draper dedicated himself to works on historical and literary themes. The Lament of Icarus depicts the dead Icarus, a character from a Greek myth. Dead sea-nymphs surround Icarus’ body. In this painting, Draper shows a dead Icarus with wings still fastened to his arms.

The theme behind this painting is a Greek myth about Daedalus and his son Icarus. Daedalus, a skilled artist, built a labyrinth for Minos, king of Crete. The King locked him in it after they differed. Daedalus could not escape via the sea as King Minos kept strict surveillance of the sea. In an attempt to find freedom, Daedalus made wings using feathers because he hoped to escape by flying. He used wax to fasten small feathers. He taught his son how to fly. On the fateful day, Icarus disregarded his father’s instructions not to fly too high in the sky. The hot sun caused the wax on his wings to melt. the feathers got disentangled, and Icarus drowned in the sea. Daedalus later named that sea after his son (Icarian Sea) “. . . he buried the body and called the land Icaria in memory of his child” (Bulfinch, 1855).


Baroque art- Art history. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.collectiveartisan.com/art-history/baroque/

Bulfinch, T. (1855). Bulfinch mythology chapter 20. Retrieved from http://www.greekmythology.com/Books/Bulfinch/B_Chapter_20/b_chapter_20.html.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Internal Manufacturing or Collaborative Arrangement. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Internal Manufacturing or Collaborative Arrangement. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Internal Manufacturing or Collaborative Arrangement Internal Manufacturing or Collaborative Arrangement

The idea of manufacturing the device internally or to get it manufactured through a collaborative arrangement can be taken into consideration by a thorough analysis of the options. The determination of the best option out of the two definitely requires make or buy decision making, which can be based on the cost-benefit analysis for the two given options. However, along with these preliminary analytical procedures, there is also a need to focus on the existing and forecasted business environment in which the company operates and the regulatory environment, specifically pertaining to the manufacturing and selling electronic devices, competitors’ costs of manufacturing and existing trends in the market (Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2011).

Apart from this, there are certain areas which need to be considered for the second option, i.e. working in collaboration with another manufacturer(s). For this particular option, it is necessary to take into consideration the quality which can be delivered by the other manufacturer, the regulatory environment and technological competency, if the manufacturer operates in a different country, and other regional factors (Aswathappa, 2010. Dlabay & Scott, 2011).

The idea of going into a collaborative arrangement needs careful consideration from other point of views also. As for instance, it is also necessary that the management is aware as to whether confidential information will be shared with other manufacturer(s), and what will be the repercussions of such sharing in the long run, while having the competitive advantage of the company in mind (Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2011. Dlabay & Scott, 2011).

After taking into account these factors and areas of concern, a comparative analysis can reveal that which option will suit best to the company.

Reference List

Aswathappa, K. (2010). International Business. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.

Daniels, J., Radebaugh, L., & Sullivan, D. (2011). International Business, Environment and Operations. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Dlabay, L., & Scott, J. (2011). International Business. Mason: CENGAGE Learning.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on original remit of channel 4 in the uk television Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on original remit of channel 4 in the uk television Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The recent reality show of the Big Brother has been a huge hit among the viewers of the UK. From its humble beginnings, the channel has matured to one of the most popular channels in the UK. In 1995, Brookside attracted nine million viewers. “Four Weddings and a Funeral” drew eleven million viewers. These programs have been an integral part of the success of the channel. The channel has been following its remit in the broadcast of its programs. The remit of the company as stated on its website is as follows:

“Foster the new and experimental in television.&nbsp. It will encourage pluralism, provide a favored place for the untried and encourage innovation in style content perspective and talent on and off-screen”. (Twenty years of Channel 4. Statement of promises).

Throughout its history, the channel has been introducing programs that have been hardly viewed by the people of the UK earlier. The remit of the channel has been to introduce innovation in the programs on the channel. The channel has a full repertoire of programs ranging from drama, films, comedy, documentaries etc. Channel 4 has covered almost all genres of entertainment. The channel has been targeting the youth with its programs, which has been attacked by Sir Jeremy Isaacs, the founder of the channel. In his words, “To target and reach a demographically clearly defined audience – the 18-35 year-olds – and single-mindedly commission a bulk of programmes that suits their tastes, however laddish or yobbish.” (Twenty years of Channel 4) The choice of the programs in the case of the channel has been increasingly linked to the needs of the younger generation. The use of the adultery, sex etc. in the programs has been popular. This has been seen in the case of all the genres of the programs.

In the case of comedy, the programs like “Balls of Steel” have a rich content of adult humor. The program invites the comedians to perform in front of the studio viewers. The comedians are encouraged to promote jokes of adult content. This has been popular among the newer generation. The “Comedy Lab” is also a similar show promoting the talent of the new comedians.

I need some assistance with these assignment. lobbying expenditures and contributions Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. lobbying expenditures and contributions Thank you in advance for the help! Lobbying Expenditures and Contributions

The term lobbying comes from the activities of private citizenry regularly congregating in the lobbies of legislative chambers before a session to petition legislators. (Schmidt, Shelley and Bardes, 2011, pg. 234)

Lobbying has become a huge business involving battles over governmental public policies, and trillions of dollars in appropriations, contracts, and profits are up for grabs. Between 1998 and 2006, the american medical association spent in excess of $1.5 million on lobbying the federal government, and that total placed it second on the biggest spender list to the$3.17 million spent by the U.S chamber of commerce (Morgan and Hrebenar, 2009, pg.33). Overall, lobbying expenditures of groups lobbying the federal governement totaled $2.44 billion in 2011 up from $1.44 billion in 1998, the number of lobbyist have on the same note increased from 10,406 in 1998 to 12,193 in 2011(Center for Responsive Politics, 2011). Several billions of additional dollars were also spent on the state level in lobbying(Center for Responsible Politics, 2007).

Between 1998 and 2010 the top three sectors and their total spending on average are, the finance, insuarance and real estate sector having spent $4,274,060,331 representing 14.53 percent of the total spending, second is the health sector spending $4,222,427,808 representing 14.53% of total spending, third is the Misc business sector representing 14.11%. The energy and natural resources sector lies fifth representing 10.55% lobbying spending .

The lobbying community drowns political candidates in campaign contributions. The financial sector invested in excess of $5 billion in political influence purchasing in the United States in the last decade. The financial sector alone spent more than $1.738 billion in the central federal elections between the period 1998-2008. In the 1998 election cycle, democrats took above half of the financial sectors contributions. This predominantly reflected the balance of power over this period as about 55 percent ended up with the republicans while the remaining 45 percent went to the democrats. (Center for Reponsive Politics, 2011)


These lobbying expenditures totals represent the huge role played by lobbyists and lobbies in the United States, and they indicate the challenges and dangers such expenditures create for americans democratic politics and responsible, honest government.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Oedipus the King. Your paper should be a minimum of 750 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Oedipus the King. Your paper should be a minimum of 750 words in length. Oedipus the King

Aristotle insisted the key ingredients of tragedy include a character with a fatal flaw, the character’s realization of their flaw and their final reversal of fortune. For most ancient tragedies, this fatal flaw is excessive pride which drives the action of the play. Aristotle (1998) stated “the tragic hero falls into bad fortune because of some flaw in his character of the kind found in men of high reputation and good fortune such as Oedipus.” In this statement, he indicates Oedipus had a flaw that, because of his high station, would ultimately cause his demise. In this essay I will argue how Oedipus from Oedipus the King by Sophocles is a protagonist possessing the tragic flaw of excessive pride.

In Oedipus the King, the action opens as Oedipus is approached by plague-stricken masses asking help from him as king. When he sees his people gathered around him as if he were a god, his response to them is “What means this reek of incense everywhere, / From others, and am hither come, myself, / I Oedipus, your world-renowned king” (4-8). His pride in his role as king is evident as he chides them for appealing to other forces than himself in their burning of incense to cloud the air. It is also obvious that Oedipus is not secure in his position as king. This is evidenced by his tendency to pronounce his greatness to the people, as if finding it necessary to remind them of his importance and of who he is in relation to themselves.

Throughout the action of the play, Oedipus’ personality reflects pride and a determination to force things to go his way. When Oedipus received the prediction that he was doomed to kill his father and marry his mother, he was determined to avoid this fate by taking his future in his own hands. As a result, he left his homeland in Corinth for the further realm of Thebes. He experiences the typical dangers while on his travelers, killing some men while on the road before answering the riddle of the Sphinx and winning his position as king of Thebes. Because he was able to do something no one else had done, his natural pride in his own abilities rose to a new level.

Oedipus is confident that he has outwitted fate because he and Jocasta have several children together and the people are happy, indications of prosperity and the blessing of the gods on his reign. However, in promising to find the murderer who has caused the plague, Oedipus shows that his pride has become so great he feels a mere announcement will be all it takes to bring the long-hidden murderer to justice: “Well, I will start afresh and once again / Make dark things clear” (139-140). He seems to think he is better than all other men and even the gods. When the blind prophet Teresias, a highly respected counselor, is finally driven to indicate that Oedipus was the murderer of King Laius at the continued abuse of Oedipus himself and against Teresias’ better judgment, Oedipus’ pride again steps in his way, preventing him from believing the possibility of the truth. Despite this, that same pride urges him to continue solving the riddles of his own parentage, an undertaking that can only have unhappy consequences.

Thus, the theme of excessive pride is carried throughout the play as both the aspect of Oedipus’ character that drives him forward and leads him to destruction. It cannot be missed that Sophocles was trying to illustrate to his audience the dangers of an absence of humility and common sense. This fits Aristotle’s idea of the purpose of tragedy, which he describes as “an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude. in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play … through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation of these emotions” (Aristotle cited in Friedlander, 2005). By illustrating the various things that can go wrong when one believes, through their own excessive pride, that they are capable of anything, Sophocles hoped to make his audience more humble.

Works Cited

“Aristotle.” Critica Links. (1998). The University of Hawaii. March 10, 2010 Friedlander, Eric. “Enjoying Oedipus the King by Sophocles.” The Pathguy. (January 30, 2005). March 10, 2010 &lt. http://www.pathguy.com/oedipus.htm&gt. Sophocles. Antigone, Oedipus the King, Electra. Oxford World’s Classics. Ed. Edith Hall. Oxford University Press, 1998.

Compose a 500 words assignment on reflection paper on journey of men video. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 500 words assignment on reflection paper on journey of men video. Needs to be plagiarism free! Reflection Paper on Journey of Men

The main theme brought forward by the video is that generations can be traced using genetics which are unique to a person. Specifically, the video stresses that the earliest ancestors can be traced using DNA embedded in human blood. Personally, I agree with these claims. This is because the video applies modern tests to determine and prove the authenticity of its claims. This is a very accurate way of uncovering lost history since it seeks to trace the movements of people from their original inhabitants in Africa to their destination in the New World. The reasons behind the movements that the ancestors took are also expounded and the traces that the ancestors left behind disclosed. For instance, the main reason why the ancestors left Africa has been justified using the time period when the movements began. Here, they began moving when climatic changes were severe implying that they moved so that they could survive. According to the video, the ancestors navigated throughout the globe leaving traces of their movements in the form of people that were born along the way. The accuracy of the claims made in the video is also justifiable through calculating the period when humans first arrived in the New World and when they departed Africa. The video estimates that this was approximately 10,000 years. Tracing history has been very difficult. However, this lead is promising as there are no other ways that exist to show the movements of the ancient humans throughout the world using hard evidence.

The video raises and answers crucial questions as it continues to trace the route that the ancestors took. For instance, since Africans are dark in colour, the video asks how it came to be that Americans and Europeans were very different in colour from their African ancestors. To answer this, the video expounds on the hardships that the ancestors encountered along their journey such as those caused by climatic changes, which affected their skin colours. For instance, they endured the ice age and very low temperature conditions especially when in the northern part of the planet. Since genetics do not change from human to human, analysing blood samples from individuals living in the suspected areas has helped the researchers to come up with a conclusion that the ancestors managed to circumvent the planet within a short period considering the limitations they had with respect to means of transport. Since the research in the video has managed to pinpoint the routes of travel by the ancestors, it is authentic and irrefutable. However, the researchers point out that the ancestors did not move out of their original inhabitants out of own liking. Instead, they were forced by the conditions in the areas that they lived. While they escaped scarcity of food in Africa, they also avoided the extreme weather conditions at the North Pole. The revelations that come to light as a result of the research undertaken in the video have enabled these individuals to re-write history with hard evidence. As the geneticists found out, it is possible to build a family tree for the entire world, which would pin point the earliest man with high levels of accuracy. With the existing technological advancement, it is possible to establish and explore a universal family tree. This provides an opportunity to write a piece of history, which is irrefutable. Although the researchers work was daunting, it was worth the trouble since they provided a conclusive historical fact.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Customer Service at Nordstrom. It needs to be at least 1000 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Customer Service at Nordstrom. It needs to be at least 1000 words. The habitual ways that are encompassed in the theory can be illustrated in two entities namely cooperativeness and assertiveness. The dimension gave rise to five different styles of conflict management. These styles are accommodation, competition, collaboration, compromising and avoiding. These styles are essential in the life of human beings. People need to adopt them so as to live in harmony with each other in the society.

&nbsp.The approach of Nordstrom to the management of customer relationship and service is a crucial way of defusing or preventing possible conflict situation. Customers have varying preference and needs. The Nordstrom’s approach involves the provision of personalized and customized services to every customer. This ensures that the organization is addressing the unique necessities of individual customers thereby avoiding probable conflict situations. Customers are normal people with names, independent as well as rational. They understand what they specifically looking for from any organization. They hence need to be attended to person rather than generally, with respect and honesty. Listening to and addressing the complaints of customers makes the customers feel respected. The organization understands that returning money to their customers once they demand it demonstrates the respect of the customer’s intelligence as well as their choices.

&nbsp.The Nordstrom approach enhances customer’s experience. Each time a customer interacts with the organization, they gain a particular experience. They may leave the organization feeling either valued or exploited by the organization. The approach involves listening to customers and responding appropriately to their needs as well as complaints (Bolman & Deal, 2013).&nbsp.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on circumstances that led michael s. kimmel to become an activist.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on circumstances that led michael s. kimmel to become an activist. This paper includes discussions regarding historical background or circumstances that led him to become an activist, theoretical and ideological factors that Kimmel’s studies are based on, influential feminists, contributions that he has made to the society and the practical applications of his subject.

Kimmel, like most other activists, has a story behind his indulgence in the subject, which explains why he decided to become an activist. When Kimmel was in graduate school, his partner was working at a shelter. He used to frequently drop her at the shelter as she dint know to drive. Since Kimmel got used to this routine, he used to occasionally drop women at the shelter or drive them to the hospital with their kids. It was in this routine that he encountered certain events that affected him greatly, which encouraged him to become the renowned activist he is now. While he helped out these women from time to time, he realized that women being beaten up and treated badly were issued so commonly. There were points of time when he felt that this had to stop and did not seem to know what to do about it. When asked about what touched Kimmel the most, he talks about when there was one woman with broken limbs and a fractured jaw, who, through her fractured jaw said, “Sometimes I deserve it, but this time I didn’t.” When he said to the woman that she needs to make him stop, she said that he was a man too and that Kimmel should probably talk to them. At that instance, Kimmel decided upon the fact that he definitely wants to change the way things are and began to work for it. He committed himself to work with men who used to beat up their wives or abuse them. Slowly he got drawn into various groups of non-violence against torture, rape and ill-treatment.

This incident played a major role in shaping Kimmel into feminist that he is today. Kimmel’s participation in the Santa Cruz Men Against Rape organization was his first indulgence in political engagement. He soon found himself as part of the National Organization Of Men Against Sexism.&nbsp.

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses ways for choc deluxe ltd to get rid of the present difficulties.

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses ways for choc deluxe ltd to get rid of the present difficulties. The researcher states that in this era of global competition, all the multinational companies experience huge competition in the global framework. Such competition further intensifies due to the market expansion and increasing demand in the emerging markets of developing countries. Therefore, all the companies involved into business are required to maintain the quality standards of their products and services so that they can retain their competitive position in the concerned market segment and confirm the provision for future growth. Choc Deluxe Ltd. is a fictitious small-scale chocolate producing company that especially concentrates on premium segment. This global industry player has been able to establish its business within a short span of time and it is expected that the company will show a growth rate of 30% within the next five years period of time. Such growth has been forecasted by experiencing a huge demand for the products, particularly from the emerging economies. Therefore, it is implied that the company is required to expand its production capacity in order to address such increasing demand in upcoming days. However, while planning for production expansion, management of Choc Deluxe Ltd. identified that they do not have required level of supply of Criollo cocoa beans, which is the key ingredient for the company’s products. As the Christmas was approaching, the company has already committed to supplying bulk of their products and services in various departmental stores and other retailers.