I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Investor Sentiment and the Implications of Their Behaviour. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstrac

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Investor Sentiment and the Implications of Their Behaviour. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The role of investor sentiments and how it can affect their behavior has been in relatively direct contrast with the modern portfolio theory. Modern portfolio theory indicates that investors always act rationally and also take into consideration all of the available information. However, a large number of empirical studies have actually shown the irrational behavior of the investors as well as repeated errors in overall judgment. The behavioral finance as a field, therefore, focuses upon understanding as to how such cognitive behaviors can be explained besides exploring as to why such errors occur in investor judgments. Behavioral finance, therefore, uses the theories from psychology as well as sociology and other disciplines to actually explore and understand basic investor behavior and how it may have an impact on the market.

Investor Sentiments are generally defined as beliefs in the future cash flows as well as the investment risks which cannot be otherwise defined by the facts at hand. This is based upon the assumption that the investors are actually subject to sentiments and their decisions are subject to the way their sentiments interact with their overall decision-making process. What is also critical to note that betting for such sentiments, however, can have a relatively high risk? As such there are fundamental trade-offs need to be made in balancing the role of sentiments and the risks taken based upon those sentiments. ( Ackert & Deaves, 2010).

There have been many episodes where the investor sentiments actually drove the prices up without the fundamentals of the company or market supporting the same. The internet bubble, as well as the inflated prices of telecom stocks on NASDAQ, indicates that the investor sentiments can actually drive the prices to higher levels without actually assessing the actual risks and rewards associated with particular&nbsp.stocks.

1. The wortd of magic and supematural powers is really too……………for most of us. (1) factual (2) esoteric (3) probing (4) scientfic 2. It is…………….that our team will win the match as

1. The wortd of magic and supematural powers is really too……………for most of us.

(1) factual

(2) esoteric

(3) probing

(4) scientfic

2. It is…………….that our team will win the match as we lack spirit and drive.

(1) unlikely

(2) likeable

(3) clearly

(4) irreproachable

3. People in general……………..child abuse and do not have a good word for those who abuse


(1) disapprove

(2) abhor

(3) contempt

(4) dislike

4. He often amokes and drinks, much to the……………….of his health.

(1) destruction

(2) worsening

(3) detriment

(4) tiresome

5. He…………………a scuplture of a majestic-looking eagle from that worthless piece of rock.

(1) cut

(2) chiselled

(3) created

(4) made

6. It is very time-………………….to work out all these problems without using a calculator.

(1) winning

(2) taking

(0) using

(4) consuming

7. His conmpany sent him on a business trip for an………………..period of time.

(1) undetermined

(2) uncertain

(3) indefinite

(4) uncountable

8. The joint…………………my father and Mr Yamata set up is making a lot of profits.

(1) scheme

(2) venture

(3) plan

(4) partnership

9.When we were young, we were always……………….by our elders not to taik to strangers.

(1) encouraged

(2) advised

(3) announced

(4) notified

10. Candy is………………..with striking it rich, and would even resort to unscrupulous means to

achieve her goal.

(1) mad

(2) obsessed

(3) possessed

(4) composed

11. He tried to…………………his knowledge by reading extensively.

(1) swell

(2) widen

(3) lengthen

(4) enlarge

12. The Liow family is not in…………………of this outrageous idea.

(1) 8upport

(2) liking

(3) regard

(4) favour

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic the representation of women in jane eyre and frankenstein.

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic the representation of women in jane eyre and frankenstein. In Frankenstein, there seems to be a continuous struggle for the women characters however the author appears to be very specific in considering independence for women, in the sense, not woman character is likely to decide and act independently like that of Jane Eyre. There remains a lack of action from the part of women characters, whereas in Jane Eyre women characters take the leading as well as challenging position representing their presence in the novel as active.

“However, the passive nature of the female characters adheres more closely to what would typically be expected of them, as both Elizabeth and Frankenstein’s mother are portrayed as wonderful but nevertheless altogether dependent on the men for provision. It is possible that Shelley felt that too many radical positions in the book might alienate the very audience she was attempting to influence,” observes Shader [2002].

There is one final female character in the book. Frankensteins servant Justine, who is possibly the ideal picture of women in the book. However, the character of Justine has been criticized only as a failure.

Elizabeth describes her “softness and winning mildness”, while Frankenstein calls her “frank-hearted and happy.” It is interesting to note that one woman praises another for her passiveness, and indeed, it is this passive nature that is typical of women in the book and particularly prominent in Justine. Even in the face of the greatest injustice, Justine submits to the judicial system, saying, “I must be condemned, although I would pledge my salvation on my innocence. Shader [2002]

“Another pattern that both Anne Mellor in “The Female in Frankenstein” and William Veeder in “Frankenstein: Self-Division and Projection” discuss is that of name symbolism, which reinforces Victor Frankenstein’s hubris in trying to eliminate the female as he attempts to win eternal fame as the founder of a new line of superhuman.&nbsp.

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: Social Work in The Lottery by Madeleine Sackler.

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: Social Work in The Lottery by Madeleine Sackler. Сhildren of parents, who for example, choose Harlem Success Academy, have to go through a lottery process to get selected. School choice is a conservative idea. This is because conservatives believe that school choice should be given to all American families equally, regardless of their race, color, and ethnic background. Doing so will provide equal benefits to children from varying backgrounds. Liberals believe that only money matters when it comes to education. Hence, school choice is a conservative idea, and not a liberal idea.&nbsp.

Harlem Success Academy expansion in the public zone is protested against because some unions, like ACORN, do not want underprivileged youth to get better education through charter schools. since for these unions, such schools are only meant for white advantage elites who protect their money through these charter schools. There are also adult interests for jobs and union rules that are obstructing Harlem Academy expansion.&nbsp.

Public education is a “social welfare” issue according to the film, since it provides educational opportunities to children from all kinds of socio-economic, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. It is not intended only for the elite class. Public education is also affordable for low-income families.&nbsp. &nbsp.

Need an research paper on the ccpi, iccs, futuregen project and futuregen 2.0 project. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on the ccpi, iccs, futuregen project and futuregen 2.0 project. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. The CCPI, ICCS, FutureGen project and FutureGen 2.0 project

The CCS projects were instituted with the main aim of capturing industrial sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) and storing the CO2 for beneficial use (Folger, 2012). On the other hand, The Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI), established in 20002, targeted to simultaneously the environment from pollution while seeking a long-term solution to the reliability of energy supply in the United States while the FutureGen project was a coal-driven power plant in Illinois established to achieve a near-zero carbon dioxide emissions. FutureGen 2.0 was projected to be a unique power plant with near-zero emissions. It was established to retrofit and existing Illinois coal plant and ensure carbon dioxide emission reduction by 90 percent. The project aimed at massively reducing carbon emission by utilizing safe pipeline technology to ship carbon dioxide and permanently store it underground in a designated storage site located near Ashland (Folger, 2012).

FutureGen projects were viewed as the solution to ensuring clean future while using dirty fossil-fuel plants, thus received enormous backing from potential private investors to boost the clean technology. However, numerous challenges rocked the project and would never let it reach its maturity stage and deliver the much anticipated results of reducing the emission of carbon dioxide by 90 percent. According to Folger (2012), one of the challenges that led to the failure of the FutureGen projects is increasing production costs. The existing technologies for capturing carbon dioxide were not cost cost-effective in the dimension of giant power plants (Folger, 2012). Another challenge that led to the failure of FutureGen projects was development issues surrounding the project and inadequate incentives for private investors to venture into the projects. The sluggish development in the projects, both new and old, can be attributed to the laxity on part of the private investors to inject their finances in the project. This is because private investors were risk averse, especially because of the uncertainty surrounding the future of the projects and high project costs (Folger, 2012). According to Marxa et al. (2007), uncertainty makes people wary of the future. It was a huge challenge to secure funding from the private sector to meet the increasing cost of the project. Time constraint was also a major challenge for successful implementation of the project that was proving to be over-the budget and competition from other countries made the project appear less feasible. According to Damiani et al. (2012), “Australia and China are both building what will become zeroemissions coal-fi red power plants using IGCC technology, dubbed ZeroGen and GreenGen, respectively” (p.57). Moreover, the expectations of the FutureGen projects were set too high. The FutureGen projects aimed achieving zero carbon emission from dirty fuels, with FutureGen 2.0 project set to efficiently and absolutely transport and permanently confine carbon dioxide emitted from the plant in a designated underground storage. As it emerges, these expectations were set beyond reach because it would require the power plant to operate with 100 percent efficiency, which is quite unrealistic. Also, FutureGen projects presented a complex integration of technology, which made it difficult to manage the project. The integration of everything into one and very large power plant was a miscalculation that led to mismanagement and high complexity in the project. It was just a matter of time before the project hit its deathbed.

Future projects can thrive by learning from the mistakes of past projects. First, goal setting remains a very crucial project development phase that must be handled with care. Future project implementers should ensure that the goals set are realistic and attainable. They should not set the project goals too high to reach. Also, they should avoid integrating all the parts of the project into one plant and attempt to execute them simultaneously. It would be better to implement project parts step-by-step until it is ready to deliver its intended outcomes.


Biello, D. (2009). Can Captured Carbon Save Coal? Scientific American, 19, 52-59.

Damiani, D., Litynski, J. T., McIlvried, H. G., Vikara, D. M., & Srivastava, R. D. (2012). The US department of Energy’s R&D program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through beneficial uses of carbon dioxide. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 2(1), 9-16.

Folger, P. (2012). Carbon Capture and Sequestration: Research, Development, and Demonstration at the US Department of Energy. Congressional Research Service.

Marxa, S.M.,Webera,E.U., Orlovea, B.S.Leiserowitza, A., Krantza,D.H., Roncolia,C. & Phillipsa, J. (2007). Communication and mental processes: Experiential and analytic processing of uncertain climate information.

Public schools (should/should not) arm their teachers Thesis Paper

Public schools (should/should not) arm their teachers Thesis Paper

Please take a moment to refer back to Learning Module 2 of this week. Use pages 757, 762, and 767 in your textbook as additional support. Next, review the following video (licensed under Creative Comm

Please take a moment to refer back to Learning Module 2 of this week. Use pages 757, 762, and 767 in your textbook as additional support.

Next, review the following video (licensed under Creative Commons use) so that you understand how to assess sources for credibility. Please note that for this assignment, your sources should include the reading from the textbook for the research option that you chose and two peer-reviewed journal articles from Keiser’s e-Library.

First, review your feedback on your Week 1 Assignment. This assignment should be based on your reading in Week 1 Assignment and the reading you selected during Week 1.

In 700-750 words, create a proposal for your intended research for the final paper. You should include

  • Identify which reading you selected
  • Identify your research question. If you do not like one of the questions you wrote during Week 1, you may refer to the  Paper Options.pdf Paper Options.pdf – Alternative Formats  .
  • An abstract of 200 words regarding the intended direction of the major paper.
  • An initial thesis statement to be used in the major paper.
  • Three sources that you intend to use for the major paper referenced in proper APA format.
  • A 170-word narrative for each source that explores the source’s value for your paper.

Please note that your three sources should be the reading that is associated with the option that you chose and two peer-reviewed journal articles from Keiser’s e-Library.

Good evening, I am not sure if you do C programming on Code blocks but if you can you please help me with how to code arrays and how insert a text file into the program so they can be in the arrays. K

Good evening,

I am not sure if you do C programming on Code blocks but if you can you please help me with how to code arrays and how insert a text file into the program so they can be in the arrays.

Keep Safe.

Thank you very much.

Working with the Strategic Business Steering Committee In a situation where we must present our analytical conclusions to the Strategic Business Steering Committee, how does one determine the right ch

Working with the Strategic Business Steering Committee

  • In a situation where we must present our analytical conclusions to the Strategic Business Steering Committee, how does one determine the right chart for the business project being analyzed? Explain and defend your reasoning.