I need someone to write a 5 page paper (not including title or reference page) that examines dementia in older adults and explores the challenges it might present to their caregivers.In your paper, yo

I need someone to write a 5 page paper (not including title or reference page) that examines dementia in older adults and explores the challenges it might present to their caregivers.In your paper, you will need to address the following:1. Identify the topfive key components (such as assessment, diagnosis, treatment, research, ethics, diversity, family support, or community resources) that you believe are most important to work effectively with older adults who have a dementia.2. Address several concerns that may arise when working with older adults who have dementia.3. Make recommendations to older adults, caregivers, and family members regarding older adults who have cognitive impairments, such as dementia, and explain how caregivers must adapt their strategies to ensure that they are adequately meeting the needs of the elderly.ReferencesBoustani, M., Schubert, C., & Sennour, Y. (2007). The challenge of supporting care for dementia in primary care.Clinical interventions in aging,2(4), 631–636. https://doi.org/10.2147/cia.s1802.tation textBrewster, G. S., Epps, F., Dye, C. E., Hepburn, K., Higgins, M. K., & Parker, M. L. (2019). The Effect of the “Great Village” on Psychological Outcomes, Burden, and Mastery in African American Caregivers of Persons Living With Dementia.Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society, 733464819874574. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/0733464819874574Hirschman, K.B., & Hodgson, N.A. (2018). Evidence-Based Interventions for Transitions in Care for Individuals Living With Dementia,The Gerontologist, 58(1), S129–S140. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnx152.Riley, R. J., Burgener, S., & Buckwalter, K. C. (2014). Anxiety and stigma in dementia: a threat to aging in place.The Nursing clinics of North America,49(2), 213–231. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnur.2014.02.008Smebye, K.L., Kirkevold, M. & Engedal, K. (2015). Ethical dilemmas concerning autonomy when persons with dementia wish to live at home: a qualitative, hermeneutic study.BMC Health Serv Res, 16(21). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-015-1217-1Whitehouse P. J. (2000). Ethical issues in dementia.Dialogues in clinical neuroscience,2(2), 162–167.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on smoking in public places Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on smoking in public places Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Now I think it stinks and I hate being around people that smoke and I think it’s a great idea that these businesses put a stop to smoking in their buildings. I also think it’s a great thing that government places also put a stop to that.

Recently though I was in a hotel for a family get together and this hotel had smoking and nonsmoking floors. I found that on the smoking floors there was a terribly dank odor. Notably, the odor did not waft up to my floor. I can’t help but wonder, at what point does the constant regulation become ridiculous? Will we be mandated to not eat meat one day? Where does the regulation begin and where does it end? Also, I think that rather than banning the entire establishment from smoking, perhaps those who do not smoke can decide to go elsewhere. Usually, smoking is allowed outside of a building or on the sidewalk or even in a contained area. I think that the question remains though, whether or not the legislation is getting out of hand and whether I favor the legislation because I am now a nonsmoker and it is more convenient for me or because of the legislation and decision to ban smoking in public places actually have a legitimate purpose.

A. In three to five sentences, describe one specific experience you’ve had that helped to produce your opinion. You may describe a first-hand experience of yours or a related experience that happened to a close friend or family member.

I decided to quit smoking a long time ago. I had always enjoyed smoking because it was a nice form of relaxation and it eased my tension. It was something that I had picked up on without giving it any thought. I personally have no problem with smoking bans in certain buildings and public places. It is clear that smoking is a hazard to the health of the smoker and those around him so I do approve of smoking bans.

CASEFILE: EPISODE #78 THE JANABI FAMILY What is the Triangle of Death? What were their names and ages? (You will probably have to Google them to get the proper spelling of their names.) What happen

CASEFILE: EPISODE #78 THE JANABI FAMILY What is the Triangle of Death? What were their names and ages? (You will probably have to Google them to get the proper spelling of their names.) What happened to the Janabi family and their older daughter? How were they all situated in the house? Which members of the family survived? How were they able to survive? Who was the initial military investigator of the incident? Who were Babineau, Tucker and Menchaca? Who took the credit for their deaths? Who was Justin Watt? Who convinced him to report what he knew? Why did the U.S. military find it necessary to relax their recruitment standards? To whom did Steven Green initially confess? Which sport (other than getting wasted on alcohol and energy drinks) were the four soldiers engaged in before the attack on the family? How long did the attack on the family take (from the time the soldiers left checkpoint #2 until they returned)?

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Embedding Sustainability Issues into Design and Business Contexts.

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Embedding Sustainability Issues into Design and Business Contexts.

Numerous business communities are changing the way they operate. They have realized that working sustainably or going green can actually cause increased profits. Usually, most companies are motivated to go green when they are operating under the bottom line scenario. However, soaring stock prices are one example of what sustainability can do to an organization. Additionally, a company that chooses to go green is likely to portray a positive image to their clients, their suppliers, or even to their investors. Consequently, this creates a scenario in which more parties are encouraged to work with that particular company. (Lubar, 2006)

It should also be noted that corporate citizenship is an instrumental factor in determining why an organization would choose to be sustainable or to go green. It is the responsibility of that particular company to ensure that they affect their community positively and that their activities do not undermine the community’s ability to meet the needs of their future generations. Sustainability of any company can embrace any of the following aspects

Companies must embrace sustainability in order to remain on top of government regulations that would otherwise require them to depict sustainability concerns. (Brown, 2001) Consequently, there should be sustainability at all times in any given company in order to demonstrate its business commitment to the concept.

The purpose of this project is to design mechanisms that would enable organizations to use Information Technology in order to boost their sustainability ratings. Since IT is becoming a useful tool in everyday life, then it would be interesting to know how this can be applied to an organization.

The company chosen for the implementation of this program is Unilever.

Write a 8 pages paper on globalization past and present. Broadly as a “trend toward greater economic, cultural, political, and technological interdependence among national institutions and economies”

Write a 8 pages paper on globalization past and present. Broadly as a “trend toward greater economic, cultural, political, and technological interdependence among national institutions and economies” (Wild et al, 2010). Integration of markets is now understood to signify convergence in preferences of consumers while the profitable dispersal opportunities of production processes all over the world to obtain efficiency gains are also a part of the process. While such integration of markets leads to significant declines in production costs and generates new marketing opportunities globalization of production yields access to cheap labor and other resource sources and technical know-how (Wild et al, 2010)

The recent discussions on globalization involve the arguments on its existence, the importance given to it today as compared to the past, the change in the concept of nation and citizenship because of globalization, the importance of globalization as against regionalism and localism. In addition, a crucial debate is continuously rising on weighing the positive and negative impacts of globalization from the past till now and exploring the people who are directly or indirectly influenced by the changes brought in by this concept.

Globalization is a comprehensive and broad topic and covers a huge list of important issues including economic, social, political, cultural, religious and moral, etc. The definition of globalization is also defined in the light of all these perspectives. As it is defined by James Rosenau, a political scientist, as “a label that is presently in vogue to account for peoples, activities, norms, ideas, goods, services, and currencies that are decreasingly confined to a particular geographic space and its local and established practices” (1997, p.360).

The differences and changes that occurred from the first era till now are observed in many instances and measures. For instance, the exported materials produced about 7% of the GNP in the late 19th century, and this figure has risen up to 8% in the current.

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Customer Service Training Program. The business was not expanded to include fruit and vegetable seeds until 1837, when the business gained new premises and had

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Customer Service Training Program. The business was not expanded to include fruit and vegetable seeds until 1837, when the business gained new premises and had grown, with Mr. Sutton taking in both of his sons into the business and the sons convincing their father that fruit and vegetable seeds were the way to grow the business. Both father and sons wished the reputation of being the best in the business, and soon were supplying seed far and wide. The business expanded again in 1836 when Sutton’s son Martin Hope purchased nursery grounds as well as a greenhouse, and in 1838 began to sell greenhouse plants along with the fruit and vegetable seeds that had brought prosperity to the family business. He also changed the name of the business at that time to ‘Sutton & Son’. Twenty years later, they were honored when Queen Victoria requested that they supply seeds to the Royal household, and the tradition has continued to present day with Queen Elizabeth II, along with the honor of a Royal Warrant.

With the passage of the Seeds Act in 1920, which made testing for germination and purity a legal requirement for all seeds companies, Sutton was already well ahead of his time, as he had been doing this since 1840 when he had decided to purchase a laboratory and commence testing himself to look for the various qualities now required by law. The commitment to high quality and germination with Sutton’s Seeds continues to this day with the company.

Between the years of 1840 and 1873, when the expanded their headquarters in Reading, many changes took place, all of which were brought about to ensure quality and commitment to their customers. The invention of the rail and the first rail trains to run through London brought many advantages for the seed company, as they not only were present at the station to sell seeds directly to customers but also able to use the newly-invented rail to ship packages that were too heavy to go by mail.

Today part of the worldwide company Vilmorin, and still a leader.

Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses strategic analysis of netflix. The company keeps updating its stock of movies depending upon the ratings received from the customers.Special Arrangement with

Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses strategic analysis of netflix. The company keeps updating its stock of movies depending upon the ratings received from the customers.

Special Arrangement with Postal Department: Netflix has been managing the dispatch and receipt of DVDs quite efficiently with US postal services, by way of a special arrangement, which is helping the company not only in speedy delivery of the consignment by in saving some money on postal services as well.

Not enough emphasis on technology: While the online community is growing very fast around the world, Netflix continues to lay the emphasis on physical exchange in DVD format. This could prove quite challenging for the company if the speed of download increases in the next couple of years. The company would, therefore, have to explore the movie download market for long term survival.

The emergence of Bly Ray: Though the blue-ray disk market still appears hazy on account of discussion still going on about the fate of this new technology. But the fact that Netflix has started exploring this market as well bodes well for the company in the long run1.

Growth in the online rental market: The online DVD rental market has seen fast growth in recent years. Datamonitor (2007) further projects that by 2010, the US DVD sales and rentals market is expected to grow to around $35 billion from $26.8 billion in 2005.

Investment in online delivery: Though Netflix has been predominantly concentrating on the physical medium, there are some indications suggesting that seeing the high growth in broadband population, Netflix has started working to this end. This step, if taken with due consideration towards all aspects, will certainly go a long way in making the company more popular amongst film lovers.

Strategic Agreements: Netflix has recently entered into strategic agreements with companies like Wal-Mart, a renowned name in the retail business. Such strategic tie-up not only&nbsp.helps in containing the ferocity of competition, but it also helps in propagating the cause of the company. In a similar tie-up with Microsoft, the software leader, Netflix movies can now stream through the Xbox, which will certainly help in gaining a few more patrons.

Big Data and blockchain technology research paper 15 pages please follow the attached instructions

Big Data and blockchain technology

research paper 15 pages please follow the attached instructions