Subject: Information Technology Importance in Strategic Planning Research Topic: Adopting Agile Business Transformation in IT The team research project will be turned in during residency weekend. Each

Subject: Information Technology Importance in Strategic Planning

Research Topic: Adopting Agile Business Transformation in IT

The team research project will be turned in during residency weekend. Each student will be assigned to a group to complete the project. The research project will focus on research related to an approved IT Strategy topic of your team’s choice as it applies to an organization or industry. The paper must tie to a section of the course textbook or other materials from this course.


  • Must be written in APA format and the body should be 6 pages.
  • Contain at least 3-5 works cited (references). At least 2 of the works cited should be peer-reviewed articles (not more than 5 years old) and 1 must be the textbook or other materials from this course.
  • No Wikipedia citations

You may have seen some news coverage recentlyabout West Virginialawmakers drinking raw milk and then getting sick(Links to an external site.), so I thought the article below might be interesting. It c

You may have seen some news coverage recentlyabout West Virginialawmakers drinking raw milk and then getting sick(Links to an external site.), so I thought the article below might be interesting. It canhelp us integrate a lot of different topics we’ve been covering this quarter.

Lactose is a disaccharide sugar that we cannot absorb unless it is chemically digested by the enzyme lactase into its component sugars (glucose and galactose). The bacteria in our GI tract can metabolizesugars like lactose. When these bacteria are exposed to lactose, theybreak it down chemically using enzymes and they give off hydrogen gas and methane.

Study Shows Once and for All that Raw Milk Doesn’t Help Lactose Intolerance(Links to an external site.)Time Magazine, March 10, 2014

Foryour initial post, you should be using your textbook and the articles linked above as your primary sources to answer the questions below. The purpose of this first post is to apply the information that you’re practicing from your learning objectives. Later, in the comments, I will expect you to do a bit of research online and support your comments with evidence, but in your initial post please stick to your textbook and the article(s).

In your initial post, please address each of the following points:

1.Which part of our GI tract tends to have a lot of bacteria in it?

2.Briefly describe the pathway of ingested lactose in someone who does not produce the enzyme lactase. Start your pathway in the stomach. Include an explanation of why such a person could end up with flatulence (largely composed of methane) if they drink too much milk. How is the pathwaydifferent from someone who does produce lactase? What happens to lactose in these people?

3.In the article, the scientists did a hydrogen breath test to assess lactose intolerance. How did the hydrogen get from the site where it is formed to the tube the scientists used to collect the breath sample?

4.Was the experiment described in the article a double-blind placebo controlled study(Links to an external site.)? 5.Explain briefly. What kinds of errors does a double-blind placebo controlled study help to avoid?

What questions do you have about the article, or what did you find most interesting?

I will pay for the following article Love and Transcendence: A Feminist Approach. The work is to be 7 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Love and Transcendence: A Feminist Approach. The work is to be 7 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The purpose of this discussion is to identify the patriarchal ideology present in both of these works, from a feministic approach and critique.

From a first layer point of view, A Midsummer Night’s Dream guides its audience through a beginning which is laced with mismatched lovers all of whom wish to be with a different individual than who they are currently with. The play turns into a vehicle for which to transport the lovers to a strange and wondrously new environment full of unexpectedness. It then returns its lovers to their original habitat which is the city of Athens, symbolic of order and tradition. The play serves as a sort of parable from which a moral or prevailing idea can be extracted. The end of the play exhibits the creating of a very happy finale to the piece. When looking at the piece from a feminist approach, it would seem that the take-home message is an attempt at creating a sense of ’all is right with the world’ by taking women from a position of unrequited love or forbidden love to a place of being properly paired with appropriate male partners. The assumption that marriage is the normal ending to any male and female courtship also exists promoting the patriarchal ideology of marriage of the time period in which the play was written. Additionally, the end of the piece indicates that each lover needed to ‘learn’ something in their travel to the woods and then back again, in order to be rightly placed at the end.

A feminist analysis on A Midsummer Night’s Dream will yield a look at how Shakespeare depicted his female characters in this piece as well as how those characters interacted with their male matches. When examining the relationship which is first portrayed between Helena and Dmitri, one sees a woman desperately in love and pining after the man. Dmitri however has turned his attentions to his arranged fiancé Hermina.&nbsp.

Subject : Enterprise Risk management Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be appli

Subject : Enterprise Risk management

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on children’s health and wellbeing outdoor play Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on children’s health and wellbeing outdoor play Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Kids and children are distinctive in several ways. They have great potential to understand things, but they are in need of great supervision and attention from their teachers or parents. The first three years of the time of toddlers has been considered as the most critical period for learning things because brain development is so rapid during this short span of time. During the period of the brain, development kids are needed more attention and supervision. Kids are normally busy with different types of play activities that progress as they grow and have more practice conversing with adults and older children. Outdoor play is very significant for toddlers for stimulating cognitive and social-emotional development. Outdoor play is included in an early childhood program at school because of two fundamental reasons. The first reasons are that children can learn different skills through outdoor play such as exploring, risk-taking, fine and gross motor development, and the absorption of a vast amount of basic information. The second reason is that the excess use of TV and computer, academic standards, and educational accountability are taking time away from the play.

Factors that influence children’s physical and emotional health and well being: Parents, teachers, and peer groups are the prime factors in fostering social development among children. Parents have a significant role in the social development of the child. Generally, a child expects an affectionate and friendly interaction from their parents. It is a very necessitating factor that parents have to spend time with their children to know their problems. Parents have to give primary priority to understand a child’s feelings, desires, and needs and appreciate the child’s&nbsp.achievement with parental pride. Parental nurturance is very important for social development for children that motivates children to live up to parental expectations and avoid hurting their loved parents. Parents are considered as the first teachers of the child and they have to set behavioral standards for the children’s mind such as to facilitate compliance, discipline, and courtesy. Parents try to avoid the harsher forms of punishment even if their children have done any wrong.&nbsp.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Connection Between the Constitution and the Law. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is re

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Connection Between the Constitution and the Law. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. City of Chicago, 337 US 1, this Court upheld its inviolability even though it “induces a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction with the condition as they are, or even stirs people to anger.” We acknowledged then that one of the functions of this freedom is precise “to invite dispute.” Through Justice Holmes in the case of Abrams v. US 250 US 610, we explained why the Court put so much premium on this freedom: “When men have realized that time has upset many fighting faiths, they may come to believe, more than they believe the very foundations of their own conduct, that the ultimate good desired is better reached by a free trade of ideas – that the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market. and that truth is the only ground upon which their wishes can be safely carried out.”

With these in mind, the Court proceeded to hear and decide on the case of Calhoun Country School District v. McLean, brought to us on appeal from the decision of the US District Court for the Middle District of Alabama. The issue, in this case, was whether or not the school

Alisha McLean is a high school junior in the Calhoun County School. On October 24, 2006, the school celebrated United Nations Day. The students gathered in the school auditorium to witness a school program put up by the high school students where students paraded on stage dressed in the national costumes of various countries. Alisha McLean is one of the participants and she came in dressed as a Swedish woman in a folk costume consisting of a long dress with an apron tied around the waist, a long-sleeved white blouse, and a white cap worn on the head. When her turn to introduce herself came, she presented herself as a citizen of Sweden and said a few words about the country, extolling its beauty and the warmth of its people. Just as she was about to finish off however to give way to the next student, she tore off the costume she was wearing to bare revealing white sequined bikini panties and dangling stars to cover her breasts.

Write 3 pages with APA style on The Systematic Design of Instruction. Social networking will have an impact on the design of effective instruction as both learners and instructors will collaborate wit

Write 3 pages with APA style on The Systematic Design of Instruction. Social networking will have an impact on the design of effective instruction as both learners and instructors will collaborate with one another using the social media to learn and teach more about particular subjects, test out theories and ideas, learn actualities, and determine each other’s views. Both learners and instructors will be able to find each other on their blogs, Twitter, Facebook, kid-specific networking sites, and school sites. In addition, sites such as Twitter and Facebook will continue to be influential in both K-12 and higher education. Also, social networking will be influential as instructors will be sure of grabbing students’ attention through various social media sites. Social networking will also play a part in the design of effective instruction as it essentially promotes engagement and collaboration between learners and instructors, learners and learners, and instructors and instructors (Morrison, Ross & Kemp, 2004). This will also be essential to instructors who will be attempting to establish ways of involving every learner in subjects that are personally engaging.


Both visual and audio media will have an impact on designing effective instruction. Creating media is another technological trend meant to design efficient instruction. Media saturates our existence, and the better able learners are to create and communicate with media, the more connected they will be to worldwide occurrences (Morrison, Ross, Kemp & Kalman, 2010). Therefore, programs such as Adobe Youth Voices will teach learners how to edit and make films and connect them to makers of documentary films, and Digital Youth Network will teach students how to record music and create videos and podcasts. Pencils, pens, and books are almost becoming outdated, therefore, developing other interactive tools will help grab the attention of the learners and play a part in influencing the design of effective instruction. School programs should be built around teaching how to develop video games o as to influence the design of effective instruction. Instructors will have to use components such as Google maps for teaching literature, LiveMocha and ePals to study international languages with native speakers, Voki to develop avatars of characters in tales, VoiceThread to communicate, and also augmented actuality, connecting learners to virtual characters. The media will influence the design of effective instruction when instructors thread media-making components into the school program with free tools, for example, Microsoft Photo Story 3 for slide shows, comic strip-creation site ToonDo, VoiceThread and Microsoft Movie Maker to string together documents, videos, and images, and SoundSlides for audio slide shows. In addition, learners in college and high school will start using digital portfolios to illustrate the course of their work on websites that connect their work on achievements, and course of study, using web pages, photos, spreadsheets, and graphics (Reiser, & Dempsey, 2007). Online Resources Online resources will also influence the design of effective instruction. Conventionally, in a teacher-centered classroom, teachers manage the instruction&nbsp.because they possess a monopoly on information. An online instruction with instantaneous access to a wide array of information and data will make learners to no longer be dependent entirely on faculty for knowledge. Instructors may utilize online resources in a number of ways (Dick, Carey & Carey, 2005). Instructors have established that in modifying their educational programs to online models, they will be paying extra attention to the instructional design of their courses.&nbsp.

Compose a 1500 words assignment on how the insurance industry deals with problems of risk pooling and risk sharing. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1500 words assignment on how the insurance industry deals with problems of risk pooling and risk sharing. Needs to be plagiarism free! As stated above, risks are uncertain and there is a difference in their nature, uncontrollable or accidental. Generally, risks are regarded as occurrences that bring about only loss. Another feature of risk is the degree of controllability. Risks are not self-invited and their impact is difficult to control, once they occur. But there are certain types of risks which can be improved, i.e., their incidence can be reduced by pre-planning. In some cases, they can also be prevented by anticipating their behaviour based upon past experience. Basically, risk is fortuitous, something that is not planned, deliberate or will fulfil but something which may or may not happen.

Risk pooling and Risk Sharing are related to health insurance which is also called as medical insurance. This insurance covers all types of disability, loss of income, medical expense and accidental death. It can be defined as “any form of insurance whose payment is contingent on the insured incurring additional expenses or losing income because of incapability or loss of good health (ICFAI Centre for Management Research (ICMR), 2003).” In medical insurance, benefits become payable on disability as a result of accident or sickness. Health insurance can address the problems related to rising medical expenses. A health insurance policy can be used as an accumulation plan.

Risk Pools are especially related to health insurance where special programs are created by state legislatures with an aim to provide a kind of safety net for people who are “medically uninsurable (” “Medically uninsurable” here means people who do have a pre-existing health ailment and are denied insurance coverage or who are eligible to access only private insurance coverage that has got too many restrictions and at the same time is extremely expensive.

I need some assistance with these assignment. extent of the implied obligation of seaworthiness and the effects of breach Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. extent of the implied obligation of seaworthiness and the effects of breach Thank you in advance for the help! The law with respect to seaworthiness is necessary since the vendor is discharged of liability once the goods are dispatched at a&nbsp.port for shipment to the buyer. Moreover, should the goods arrive in a nonconforming state the buyer is at liberty to reject them?

The difficulty with respect to liability arises if the goods were damaged in transit. Since the vendor is discharged of liability upon delivery of the goods at the dispatching port provided they conform to the terms of the contract and are subsequently damaged in transit, the question of seaworthiness arises to determine whether or not the carrier should be held responsible for those damages. This paper examines the implied duty of the carrier to ensure seaworthiness and the implications with respect to a breach of the implied duty.

In order to fully understand the concept and extent of liability for an unseaworthy vessel, it is necessary to examine how the term seaworthiness is defined by the courts. In an early case the Court of Appeal per Cairns J defined seaworthiness as such that:

Over the years this definition has been expanded upon in such a way as to impose upon the carrier the duty to not only ensure that the vessel is physically fit but to guard against the possibility that it might become unseaworthy during the voyage.