Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on is fashion impacted by the global recession in any way Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on is fashion impacted by the global recession in any way Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! This forces clothing retailers to alter their strategies to gain consumer attention and sales with a new emphasis on pricing, untraditional styles of marketing and advertising,&nbsp.and has also improved the competitive position of some low-cost fashion retailers that are seizing market share from more upscale clothing retailers. Further, the recession has even changed the method of employee relations utilized internally in an effort to retain capital in the face of revenue losses. The topic of the global recession impact on fashion retailing was chosen as a means to analyze how businesses alter their traditional operating and marketing models simply to remain competitive when consumer attitudes related to pricing are impacted by international economic downturns.

The financial pressures imposed on retail fashion businesses due to falling sales revenues have forced retailers to alter their employee and management reward schemes as a means to retain capital. Thomsons Online Benefits conducted a research study that identified massive pressures to improve return on investment and minimize operating costs (Personnel Today, 2009). The same survey of 523 different employers indicated that 53 percent believed the economic climate was forcing pressure to justify their reward schemes (Personnel Today) with many considering a total abandonment, in the short term, to save on labor and human resources costs.

Why is this significant for the fashion industry? Many fashion retailers experience high turnover rates and reward schemes are seen as motivational tools to ensure training and employee development. When budgets are strained and cannot provide this necessary motivation to ensure excellence and dedication to providing superior customer service, fashion retailers pinched by the recession might lose valuable employee experience when they defect to other retailers that still offer benefits and rewards packages. This can reduce the competitive advantage of these fashion retailers when costs of training new-hires increase exponentially on the back of losses due to job dissatisfaction.

i have an assignment i want this to be done by June 11/2020 I will put all the information please when you using the Menu no sausage , pork and ham some of the assignment you will need the menu to use

i have an assignment i want this to be done by June 11/2020 I will put all the information please when you using the Menu no sausage , pork and ham some of the assignment you will need the menu to use it. please fill the assignment as much as you can thanks

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Market Research Programs at Castle Bingo Company.

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Market Research Programs at Castle Bingo Company. Castle Bingo’s online web site concentrates on the information based on the club information. The current location for the main club is favored mostly especially on the by the focusing groups but their experience is expected towards the current location of the sites for the new facilities. The main concern is that the offline and online castle leisure is to focus on the effective marketing research program. Clearly, there is a feeling of the focus group members that the current contract of leisure in the problem.

This is perceived from the work against all the sports for all the members and the promotion including the management which is mostly concerned with the targeting group. Improving the quality of the on going centers in a better location would encourage the current users on the improvement of effective marketing programs though these issues would be addressed in the management teams. Most of the people urge that the council should use its funding including the tax from the councils to provide sports and other services in order to make the marketing research effective and efficiency. The decisions of the managers in Castle Bingo are based on the benefits of the company as a whole but not on the side of the individuals. Castle leisure researches interviewed a representative sample targeting 1000 people from the city using an agreed questionnaire. The following analysis refers to the total sample of 1020 including the subgroups of the sample based on the location of the interview, age, and sex. This usually means that concern is on the basis of justifying the analysis of at least 50 though the samples sometimes might be smaller drawing the attention of the relevant information. The sample is based on the research principles equivalent to those used in the other sports meaning that the decision can be made on the data within the whole sample of 50% which gives the correct answer which can be sure of getting 96% of the whole samples.

The study which comes in mind of the researchers is the techniques on how to conduct marketing research programs for this study in order to have an effective market research report. Secondly, is the basic step in following the order in sequence way in order to complete the project? In Castle Bingo online club, an effective marketing research program starts with a problem faced by the management staff. Here, the problem has to be formulated and understood very clearly about the cause and solutions found in solving problems. In this case, the management problem is translated into the research problem whereby, they are analyzed and monitored step by step on the basic research in finding the solution to the problem.

Need help with my writing homework on Gender Differences in Aggression. Write a 2750 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Gender Differences in Aggression. Write a 2750 word paper answering; Women are sometimes labeled as nags, whereas men are labeled as wife beaters. This paper explores the different expressions of aggression by men and women. It presents different viewpoints, opinions, and studies by different sociologists and psychologists regarding gender differences in aggression.

“Aggression is an intentional behavior that is done to cause harm or pain to another person” (Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2008). The important point in this definition of aggression is the intent to cause harm to another person. Harm caused to another human being through accidents is not considered as aggression. Aggression can either be physical or verbal, and it may be successful or unsuccessful (Spaulding, 2008). Nevertheless, whatever form aggression may take, it is always important to note that aggression may be caused by various factors and reasons. Biologists will claim biological reasons for gender differences in aggression. sociologists will credit socio-cultural factors, and some psychologists will lay claim to both socio-cultural and biological reasons for gender differences in aggression. These points shall be discussed in this paper.

Aggression is often attributed to biological factors. These biological factors mostly have something to do with the body’s hormones. Testosterone in adult males is “about ten times as high as those in adult females” (Goldberg, 1993, as quoted by Sanderson, 2001). This hormone is largely credited for aggression, dominance, and competitive behavior in men. Many biologists and practitioners believe that men are naturally prone to more aggressive behavior because of this hormone. In the process, they are also more prone to physical outbursts of anger and aggression as compared to their female counterparts. Research studying levels of testosterone in prison inmates revealed that those convicted of violent crimes had&nbsp.higher levels of testosterone than those convicted of non-violent offenses.

Question I – If a business does not agree with the decision of a hearing officer, may that business appeal the decision directly to the judicial court system?What steps must the business take to get t

Question I – If a business does not agree with the decision of a hearing officer, may that business appeal the decision directly to the judicial court system?What steps must the business take to get the case within the judicial system?

Question II –Peter Plaintiff’s son is killed while working overseas for a United States corporation that deals in proprietary petroleum extraction and production.Peter Plaintiff brings a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of his son’s estate against this corporation and requests a wide scope of business documents related to the corporation and its overseas operations under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).What defenses, if any, does the corporation have against revealing the requested information under the FOIA?

(300-400 words or more)Identify an ethical issue that has occurred in the business world. The ethical issue must be based on an actual historical or current events (you can site an event that you have

(300-400 words or more)Identify an ethical issue that has occurred in the business world. The ethical issue must be based on an actual historical or current events (you can site an event that you have experienced at the workplace). Below are two examples of ethical issues in business:Congress moves to end its crisis over insider trading on outbreakhttps://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/489399-congress-moves-to-end-its-crisis-over-insidertrading-on-outbreak(Links to an external site.)(Links to an external site.)US McDonald’s workers file $500m sexual harassment lawsuithttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52284054(Links to an external site.)(Links to an external site.)For this assignment, imagine that you believe in utilitarianism as the best model for solving ethical dilemmas, then respond to the following items: Briefly explain utilitarianism, and discuss the issue – just enough so that your instructor understands the issue. Then discuss how you, as a utilitarian, would address the issue. Does this ethical model lead to appropriate remedies to the issue?

Write Python code(s) to do: 1- Ask the user to enter the: NAME (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J), AGE, GPA (out of 4) and the MAJOR ( CS, CET, CIS, CE). Then print these information as follows: My name s

Write Python code(s) to do:

1- Ask the user to enter the: NAME (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J), AGE, GPA (out of 4) and the MAJOR ( CS, CET, CIS, CE). Then print these information as follows: My name starts with the letter (NAME) and I am (AGE) years old. I study (MAJOR) and my GPA is: (GPA).

2- Repeat step 1 for 10 users with different values (Names can’t be repeated).

3- Store the entered information in the file students.CSV.

4- Plot the 4 features (NAME, AGE, GPA, and MAJOR) on separate figures using the seaborn library functions.

5- Calculate the mean() of the GPAs and Ages.


Portion 1- Due Today by 9PM Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What are the product design philosophies behind industrial design and design for manufacture and assembly? Which one do

Portion 1- Due Today by 9PM

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • What are the product design philosophies behind industrial design and design for manufacture and assembly? Which one do you think is more important in customer-focused product development?
  • Provide an example of customer focused product development in your organization or an organization you have researched
  • Provide an example of a successful or unsuccessful introduction of a new product and an evaluation of its specific development process.

Portion 2 ( Due Tomorrow)

Reply to 2 classmates.

**Classmate Responses Attached***

Word Counts:

175- reply to post

125 Per reply (2 replies) = 250

Write or reflect on how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied orcould be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment or personal life. If you are not

Write or reflect on how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied orcould be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment or personal life. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or couldobserve these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employmentopportunity in your field of study or your personal life.

Write a 500 word (or 2-page double-spaced) minimum reflection which is APA compliant.