Given below are some of the research topics. Please pick up a topic for this research paper in an area that you are competent and comfortable with. Sensor technology for smart human-care services by a

Given below are some of the research topics. Please pick up a topic for this research paper in an area that you are competent and comfortable with.

  • Sensor technology for smart human-care services by applying Big Data techniques
  • Implementation of Deep learning techniques for Sensor Technology in IoT
  • IoT systems analysis, modeling, and simulation using Big Data
  • IoT technologies and applications in eHealth using Data Mining
  • Data and knowledge mining for smart human-care services through sensors
  • IoT solutions for well-being and active aging using Data Mining techniques
  • Energy-efficient IoT Big Data acquisition techniques
  • Privacy and security related to IoT and Big Data
  • IoT and Big Data analytics on energy-constrained platforms
  • Optimization, control, and automation of sensor-based IoT applications using Data Mining
  • IoT and Big Data programming model
  • Architecture and protocols for IoT and Big Data
  • Emerging sensor-based, hardware architectures for IoT and Big Data
  • Smart cities and systems using Big Data
  • IoT Big Data storage and processing techniques
  • Fault-tolerant and redundant systems for IoT by applying Data Mining
  • IoT based on various types of sensors.

RUBRICS – Research Paper

1. Ph.D. quality submissions

2. Your ideas & your own words

3. Provide all the citations

Total points = 20

Research Paper: 2-3 pages cover page citations

APA and Capstone Format 5.0 pts

Current APA formats should be followed.

Topic 5.0 pts

There should be one clear, well-focused on the topic..

Quality of Information 5.0 pts

References are primarily peer reviewed professional journals or other approved sources. The reader is confident that the information and ideas can be trusted.

Support of Ideas/Critical Analysis 2.5 pts

E excellent, appropriate conclusions.

Conclusions 2.5 pts

The conclusion(s) reached were correct and supported research.

The final project for this course is the creation of an 8–10-page research paper that will incorporate both primary (historical) sources and secondary (scholarly) sources. The primary goal of History

The final project for this course is the creation of an 8–10-page research paper that will incorporate both primary (historical) sources and secondary (scholarly) sources. The primary goal of History 301 is for students to learn more about the cultures of Japan, China, India, and Africa, while examining the ways in which those cultures interacted with the Western world. You will take a closer look at this mission by focusing on a key event or time period in history during which a person, group, army, or explorer caused Eastern and Western ideas to come together. Topic suggestions for your paper can be found in the sections below. You may use one of those directly or as inspiration for a different topic. Prompt: For Milestone Three, you will submit your rough draft. The rough draft should include as much of the completed paper as possible. All citations within the rough draft must be in Chicago-style footnotes with a bibliography on the final page.

TOPIC: PORTUGUESE HISTORY IN ANGOLA Was it the Portuguese who forcibly began selling slaves to other nation or did they have African powerful sources who were selling their own people and Portugal played the middleman?

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

• Include an arguable thesis statement. The thesis statement should be well-phrased and set up the natural organization of the paper. The thesis statement should be included in the introduction paragraph of your paper. The thesis statement is the argument you are supporting throughout the paper with scholarly evidence.

• Place the chosen culture into a historical context through the inclusion of historical information regarding the country, religion, civilization, time period, dynasties or kingdoms, primary people involved, and any other relevant information.

• Your paper must compare Western and Eastern elements for the chosen topic, such as elements from Japan, China, India, Africa, or a combination of those AND an element (an explorer, an idea, a religion, an interaction, an empire, etc.) from Western civilization. Discussion of the comparative elements from the two regions should be throughout the paper to provide a comprehensive comparison. • Analyze how members of your chosen topic react to ideas, institutions, and the cultural ideals during moments of historical interaction. Consider how the individuals or groups reacted to the exchange of ideas and how the interaction changed the civilization.

• You should analyze scholarly evidence to include in your paper that fully supports your thesis statement. You should include at least four primary sources and four secondary sources. Scholarly evidence can be included as specific examples, quotes, detail, events, or statistics to support the argument of the paper.

• Conclude with an analysis of the consequences of these interactions that considers how the cultural exchanges benefited both groups and are evident in the current day. Rubric Guidelines for Submission:

Your rough draft must be 5–6 pages in length (plus references) and must be written in Chicago-style format. Use double spacing, 12- point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least four scholarly and four primary sources cited in Chicago/Turabian format for citations and bibliography. In terms of secondary resource material, ensure that the sources you use are indeed reliable. No general websites should be used. Instead, select sources that are written by historians.


This essay should be approximately 5 pages, double-spaced. Use at least two (2) resources, and they must be cited according to MLA style. This essay is divided into three parts: 1. Discuss the backgro

This essay should be approximately 5 pages, double-spaced. Use at least two (2) resources, and they must be cited according to MLA style. This essay is divided into three parts:

1. Discuss the background/context of social media: What is it? Who uses it? How is society and our culture impacted by it?

2. How do you, personally, use social media? What are the different and interesting conversations happening on social media? Have you seen, or are you a part of, any conversations/groups that you might not be in your “real life”?

3. How do businesses use social media, and what can be learned from their tactics, successes, failures?

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course ‘Planning the Project’ have been applied, or could be applied, in a pract

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course ‘Planning the Project’ have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supportingevidence from outsideresources is used those must be properly cited.

What effect do you believe artificial intelligence will have on information system infrastructure? Use at least two references to help justify your thinking. Note: Post your primary response by Wednes

What effect do you believe artificial intelligence will have on information system infrastructure? Use at least two references to help justify your thinking.


Post your primary response by Wednesday midnight. Respond to at least two (2) other postings by Saturday midnight. The primary post should be at least 300 characters in length and include at least one (1) cited reference. Your second postings can either answer another student’s question to your own post or be a comment to his or her original post. Secondary posts must be at least 150 characters in length. Late primary responses will not receive full credit and any posts made after the weekend the assignment is due will receive a 0 since it does not allow for student discussion. See the Discussions Rubric for criteria scoring breakdown.

Assignment 4: Reflection and ImprovementDue Week 10 and worth 210 points Teachers and teacher leaders should consistently be engaging in self-reflection and self-improvement. Teachers should also be l

Assignment 4: Reflection and Improvement

Due Week 10 and worth 210 points

Teachers and teacher leaders should consistently be engaging in self-reflection and self-improvement. Teachers should also be looking for opportunities for improvement within their classrooms, schools, and even communities. In this assignment, you will look at certain areas of teaching and teaching leadership that will always have room for improvement.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Analyze new forms of leadership that will support school transformation. Determine whether any of these new forms of leadership appeal to you and explain why or why not.
  2. Evaluate your leadership style.
  3. Propose three (3) ways that you can improve your leadership style to become more of an effective teacher leader.
  4. Propose three (3) suggestions for professional development that will help to make other teachers more effective in their teaching practices.
  5. Propose two (2) ways to promote accountability and establish priorities that produce effective learning.
  6. Create a theory of action to sustain school transformation.
  7. Predict two (2) problems that may develop based on your theory of action. Propose two (2) solutions to these foreseen problems.
  8. Include at least five (5) references (no more than five (5) years old) from material outside the textbook.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Analyze new forms of leadership that will support school transformation.
  • Assess the accountability measures in place that produce effective learning.
  • Create a theory of action to sustain school transformation.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in teacher leadership.
  • Write clearly and concisely about teacher leadership using proper writing mechanics.

Scenario 1: Your patient C.S is 78 years old. Admitted to the nursing home you work at, with a diagnosis of dehydration. C.S., has been ordered to increase her oral fluid intake to 2500cc per day. Whe

Scenario 1:

Your patient C.S is 78 years old. Admitted to the nursing home you work at, with a diagnosis of dehydration. C.S., has been ordered to increase her oral fluid intake to 2500cc per day. When offering her a glass of water, she pushes away your hand and says “I hate water and I don’t drink it much”. You note that after one and a half days she has dry mucous membranes and poor skin turgor.


  1. What should your assessment be on this patient? Explain in detail.
  2. After completing your assessment, what should your next step be? Be specific.
  3. Write 3 complete nursing diagnosis from above information. Include all 3 sections (NANDA, Related to (R/T) & Evidence based practice (EBP) & include 2 nursing interventions for each nursing diagnosis.

Scenario 2:

Ms. Cohen is hospitalized for repair of a fractured hip after a fall at home. She requires intravenous (IV) antibiotics after surgery. Shortly after the first dose she became restless and started picking at her IV line and frequently tried to get out of bed. Several restraint alternatives were attempted; but, because of her restlessness, she was successful at pulling out her IV line and getting out of bed. It becomes necessary to restrain Ms. Cohen.


1. You know that a health care provider’s order is required for the restraint. What are essential components of the restraint order?

2. Which assessments do you need to perform on Ms. Cohen while she is restrained?

3. The physician orders a belt restraint. Your assessment of Ms. Cohen the next day reveals that during the day she is alert and pleasantly confused but not attempting to get out of bed. Do you continue use of the restraint? Explain.

Research paper Description: In this research paper you need to choose a topic from the list below. Find a minimum of ten peer reviewed articles on this topic. You should discuss the topic, do literatu

Research paper


In this research paper you need to choose a topic from the list below. Find a minimum of ten peer reviewed articles on this topic. You should discuss the topic, do literature review, and describe current research/challenges/findings and future recommendations. You can do survey as well where you collect related work and compare it.

You also could do a programming/simulation/penetration using any tools and include your findings/figures in the paper to support your case.

· Page limit: at least 10 pages minimum if you are working by your self. You have the choice to work in groups of three maximum. The page limit will be 17 pages minimum for 2 students, and 24 pages for 3 students. Font size no more than 11 double spacing.

Paper format: (font size 11, two columns format, Template is attached). Or you can follow the APA Style. Your choice.

Topics :

  • Big Data Analytics for cybersecurity:
  • Machine/Deep Learning techniques for Cybersecurity and Privacy:
  • Explainable Artificial Intelligence within the context of Digital Transformation and Cyber Physical Systems
  • Vehicle to Vehicle communication protocols (V2V) and Security
  • Vehicle to anything communication V2X (to cloud/Internet, ..etc)
  • Cyber Physical Systems, Implementations challenges and Security
  • New Waves of Cyber Attacks in the time of COVID19Intrusion and cybersecurity threat detection and analysis
  • Cyber-physical-social system security and incident management
  • Cloud computing security models
  • IoT cybersecurity and privacy
  • Big data analytics for digital forensics
  • Security and privacy for fog and edge computing
  • Blockchain and Internet of Things, Blockchain and Internet of Thing, Edge, and emerging technologies
  • Big Data and blockchain technology


· You should search for articles related to the selected topic from IEEE, ACM, Springer database, inderscience, and Elsevier. You should include at least 10 articles from the mentioned library sources listed above.

· The paper must be grammatically correct and spell-checked

· References in APA style must be provided for all material you include in your report. This includes in-line references and a reference page at the end of the paper.

Paper Outline:

· Title

· Abstract

· Introduction (background of the topics/existing issues/description of the problem)

· Review of Related work and existing research and opinions of professionals and academic researchers

· Findings/recommendations/simulation results/figures/tables

· If you have any experimental results to show and compare with others work.

· Conclusions

· References

Presentation: at least 25 minutes.

Submission Deadline: During the Residency Session.

Steps to Complete LabUse the Weeks 3 and 5 spreadsheets to help you answer the questions below.Step 1: Survey or measure 10 people to find their heights. Determine the mean and standard deviation for

Steps to Complete LabUse the Weeks 3 and 5 spreadsheets to help you answer the questions below.Step 1: Survey or measure 10 people to find their heights. Determine the mean and standard deviation for this group by using the Week 3 Excel spreadsheet. Post a screen shot of the portion of the spreadsheet that helped you determine these values. How does your height compare to the mean (average) height of the group that you surveyed? Is your height taller, shorter, or the same as the mean of your group?Step 2: Give some background information on the group of people you used in your study. You might consider using the following questions to guide your answer. How did you choose the participants for your study (sampling method)? What part of the country did your study take place in? What are the age ranges of your participants? How many of each gender did you have in your study? What are other interesting factors about your group?Step 3: Use the Excel spreadsheet for the following. (Use the Empirical Rule tab from the spreadsheet). Determine the 68%, 95%, and 99.7% values of the Empirical Rule in terms of the ten heights in your height study. What do these values tell you? Post a screen shot of your work of Excel spreadsheet. (Use the normal probability tab from the spreadsheet). Based on your study results, what percent of the study participants are shorter than you? What percent are taller than you? Post a screen shot of your work of Excel spreadsheet. Example: If my height is 73 inches, then 20.86% of the relevant population is shorter. The other 79.14%, of course, is taller.