Which types of organic molecules are most likely to be involved in a substitution reaction alkanes alkenes alkynes butanone cycloalkenes

Which types of organic molecules are most likely to be involved in a substitution reaction 






Need help with my writing homework on Chinese Economy. Write a 2500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Chinese Economy. Write a 2500 word paper answering; The assessment of the situation of our existing markets as well as our potential new market, we recommend that we can enter the market through exporting by using piggybacking as the main method of entry into the market.

Every new company aspiring to succeed in any particular industry and economy needs to first address various important elements before making a formal entry into that sector or economy. The analysis of the strategies for making a successful entry into the market varies from industry to industry and economy to economy. It is very important that an entrepreneur must complete his homework before making a successful move. Based on the above important prerequisites, we have decided to form a company that will be working in the Textile industry. We intend to tap the business potential in the UK region. Our company will be a mid-sized player in these new markets with an emphasis on the quality of our products. As Textile industry especially in the UK has very stringent requirements regarding the quality of the stuff, therefore, we will be concentrating on producing quality products that can serve the market well.

Our existing markets are very well under control in terms of the satisfaction of our customers and their level of trust and confidence in our products. We intend to carry that image into the new markets of the UK also overall due to the very rapidly changing economic conditions and constant influx of visitors. we believe that the UK market will provide a very important opportunity for our company to fare well into that market. Though there are a lot of traditional elements involved in doing business in the UK however, due to the business-friendly environments and we hope to capture a very lucrative market.

Overall, our aim is to export children wear from China to the UK and this report would undertake to analyze the risks and benefits of going international and how it could be achieved.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on mahatma gandhi university Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on mahatma gandhi university Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Additionally, based on the constitutional directive principles, the Ministry has to ensure, through reservations and quotas, an adequate representation of the scheduled classes and the scheduled tribes (those sections of Indian society that have been traditionally economically backward and were not allowed to get an education or participate in the economic growth) and the minorities (based on religious, ethnic or regional considerations) (DHE, 2010). All Universities in India have to follow the directives of the Ministry of government and the legislative framework in setting their missions and objectives.

Notes: Most of the structure and legislative system of the Universities in India are drives from the mission of promoting equal opportunities to minorities and the special categories. However, there are certain objectives that are chosen based on the current needs of all Indians, and on the principles of a sound education. The higher education is not based on anyone theory of education but it’s a mix of several paradigms to attain what is best for the current needs of the students (Thomas, 2007)

This is the reason, why there are several objectives, though not all of them are exclusive and may be linked to each other. The objectives of educational institutes are based on the concept of critical pedagogy – an approach that aims to develop students to have a critical consciousness and initiative-taking (Kincheloe, 2008).

The objectives also reflect the need for inclusive education where all the participants are allowed to contribute towards the acquisition of knowledge and learning (Jorgensen, Schuh & Nisbet, 2005). Additionally, education is expected to lead to a sustainable vocation and economic independence for the students in the future (UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century, 1998).

Create a 3 pages page paper that discusses voltaires candide- satirical analysis of hypocrisy.

Create a 3 pages page paper that discusses voltaires candide- satirical analysis of hypocrisy. This hypocrisy, in Voltaire’s view, needed to be stamped out so as to transform life in Europe. The church, as depicted in Voltaire’s work, is one of the most hypocritical places. Although the priests and other religious leaders preach the idea of a perfect world, created by a perfect God, they fail to practice this perfection. For example, as Candide and Cunegonde are talking to an old woman, the latter reveals that she is the daughter of Pope Urban X and of the Princess of Palestrina (Voltaire 24). The satire in this is that Catholic priests are meant to be celibate, therefore, raising questions as to how a pope would sire a daughter. Nonetheless, the pope is not the only Catholic priest known to have had sexual relations with a woman. According to Voltaire (18), when the grand catholic inquisitor saw Cunegonde at mass, he admired her so much that he instructed the court banker to take Cunegonde in, and the two men would be sharing her. In this scenario, it is not only odd that an inquisitor keeps a mistress, but the fact that he shares her with another man is far worse. Religious leaders are not the only ones whose hypocrisy is satirized by Voltaire. The very authorities that are supposed to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the citizens are to blame for enslavement, oppression, and killings. For instance, according to Voltaire, the English government kills its own admiral for having not killed enough men during a battle with the French (64). This only shows how hypocrisy is rife in the power ranks of many European countries if one is to take into consideration the idea that the admiral may have been killed for other political reasons. Enslavement is also a common practice in Europe, a practice that Voltaire thinks is out-dated. For instance, Voltaire writes of how Cunegonde has been enslaved by the family of an ancient sovereign (77). In her role as a dishwasher for the prince, Cunegonde has become very ugly and lost all her beauty. The satirical part is, the prince does not have that many dishes to be washed, yet the few that Cunegonde washes are enough to make her lose her beauty, thus symbolizing the evil of slavery. Ironically, even the Baron had once been a slave for a crime he did not even know existed. As Voltaire puts it, the Baron, a chaplain, was found bathing in the company of a young Mussulman and was enslaved in the gullies (80). The Baron’s situation epitomizes the religious and political hypocrisy of the time, considering that the baron suffered a hundred blows to his feet as an additional punishment for the crime of bathing with a non-Christian (ibid). The European men during the enlightenment period were of the idea that a chaste woman was the only woman deserving of marriage. However, hypocritically, these are the same men who went around abusing, raping and asking for sexual favors from the very women they expected to remain chaste. For example, while talking about her misfortunes to the old woman, Cunegonde tells of how she had two Bulgarians ravish her. According to Voltaire Cunegonde and her family were ambushed by Bulgarians, who killed her parents, and one of them raped her amidst all her cries and struggles (17).&nbsp.&nbsp.

Write a 6 pages paper on training professionals increasing the chance for innovation and change.

Write a 6 pages paper on training professionals increasing the chance for innovation and change. Proper coordination between the training as well as the personnel roles is required such as recruitment and selection, employee relation, reward system, and performance appraisal (Center of Excellence, 2004).

It is through training that the quality of the labor can be enhanced since the employees are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge. Innovation can be of numerous forms that can assist the management at the organization to stimulate the capital services and thus enhance the efficiency of the processes of production.

The main objective of the essay is to discover the role played by training professionals in innovation and change in an organization. Therefore, the essay further tries to explore the views of three different writers regarding the role played by training professionals in today’s business in order to deliver innovation. Furthermore, the essay will try to identify the ways through which the training professionals tend to approach the design as well as the delivery of the training and development programs. It will try to identify the two different Australian organizations that have developed an innovation in their training and development programs. The essay will also try to compare and contrast the approaches of training of the two organizations.

According to Scott Brum, it has been identified that training is one of the significant aspects for companies that want to gain a competitive advantage. Professionals, as well as the scholars, have debated regarding the effect that training has in relation to the employees and also upon the objectives of the organization. While one school of thought has mentioned that the training is the prime reason for increased turnover rates, the other school of thought perceives that training may lead to high retention of the employees in an organization. Irrespective of the fact that where one professional or scholar falls in this debate, it has been agreed by the professionals that the most multifarious human resource practice impacting the success of a company has been the employee training (Brum, 2007).

Kevin wasn’t sure that Karenna’s idea was going to work for everyone. Identify the relative pronoun used in this sentence.

Kevin wasn’t sure that Karenna’s idea was going to work for everyone.Identify the relative pronoun used in this sentence.

Discuss in 500 words your opinion on what lessons should be learned from the 737 Max 8 crashes. Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and

Discuss in 500 words your opinion on what lessons should be learned from the 737 Max 8 crashes.

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.

Copying without attribution orthe use ofspinbotor other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Do not use attachments as a submission.

Product Idea and Search Engines/Electronic MarketingAfter reviewing the assigned reading materials, complete the following activities:1.Develop a product service idea.A.Describe the product/service in

Product Idea and Search Engines/Electronic MarketingAfter reviewing the assigned reading materials, complete the following activities:1.Develop a product service idea.A.Describe the product/service including the benefits of using the product/serviceB.Discuss the potential customers for this product/service2.Based on the nature of the product/service, recommend at least 3 possible ways to market the product electronically. Your suggestions must include at least one search engine. Describe your recommendations and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.Complete your main post no later than Wednesday with 300 words.Read and respond to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts with 150 words each.Below are additional suggestions on how to respond to your classmates’ discussions: Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research. Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives. Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research. Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research. Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings. Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.

Conduct research and select a Fortune 500 company. In 750 words, examine their human resource management policies to include the following: 1.Discuss their strategic planning process to get the most t

Conduct research and select a Fortune 500 company. In 750 words, examine their human resource management policies to include the following:

1.Discuss their strategic planning process to get the most talented employees

2. Examine the strategies that the management team uses for developing the staffing and recruitment policies.

3. Explain how the organization develops their training programs

4. Explain how the organization develops their appraisal and reward systems

5. Evaluate the challenges and recommendations to retain the best talents in the organization