This week you will obtain information on database marketing to support the Marketing Mix section of your Final Project. As discussed in Chapter 10 of the course text, database marketing centers on gat

This week you will obtain information on database marketing to support the Marketing Mix section of your Final Project. As discussed in Chapter 10 of the course text, database marketing centers on gathering customer-based information such as gender, age, occupation, and lifestyles. As an example, to better understand the wants and needs of patients and their families, the Happy Valley marketing director monitors activities on the long-term care center’s web page. Data is collected regarding specific links viewed such as activities, skilled care services offered, and physical therapy. If a certain link is viewed more than other links, this could indicate to the marketing director that potential patients and their family members prefer specific amenities or services. Those amenities or services would then be marketed as a priority for the organization. Considering the marketing plan for your chosen healthcare organization, construct a three- to four-page paper in which you:

  • Describe your understanding of database marketing and how it could potentially be applied to your marketing plan for the Final Project.
  • Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using database marketing.
  • State the ethical, legal, and HIPAA issues that need to be considered.
  • Articulate reasons why you would implement or exclude the use of database marketing in your marketing plan for the Final Project.

The paper

  • Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including the title page and references page) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center(Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Please Pay attention to the tool provided zero plagiarism five references not more than 5 years Tools Delirium Rating Scale Post an explanation of the psychometric properties of the assessment tool yo

Please Pay attention to the tool provided

zero plagiarism

five references not more than 5 years


Delirium Rating Scale

Post an explanation of the psychometric properties of the assessment tool you were assigned. Explain when it is appropriate to use this assessment tool with clients, including whether the tool can be used to evaluate the efficacy of psychopharmacologic medications. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

After you have posted your discussion, make sure you reply to or comment on at least TWO of your classmates’ posts. Each response should be detailed: a comment such as “good post” or “I don’t agree” i

After you have posted your discussion, make sure you reply to or comment on at least TWO of your classmates’ posts. Each response should be detailed: a comment such as “good post” or “I don’t agree” is not developed; why is it good or why don’t you agree? Feel free to engage in dialogue with more students if you wish.

  • How does the Hero-Twins’ journey to Xibalba compare and/or contrast with the journeys other epic heroes have taken to the afterlife and/or underworld? You might also discuss the purposes of the journeys, how the underworlds are structured, and how the inhabitants of the underworld behave—as well as the outcome or the results of those journeys for each of the epic heroes.

Wark, McKenzie. (2014). Losing is fun. In The gameful world (pp. 163-165). 1. Use this topic to write a outline. ( To describe the novel that was referenced in the reading and why wark used it as a re

Wark, McKenzie. (2014). Losing is fun. In The gameful world (pp. 163-165).

1. Use this topic to write a outline.

( To describe the novel that was referenced in the reading and why wark used it as a reference.)

2. Make two slides ppt to talk about those two part.

Focus on explaining what this article is about and why, the author will use it as reference.

3. Make a speech for 4 mins talk about two questions.

2mins is what this article is about.

other 2 mins is why the author will use it as reference.( why he will use this article, should make a arguments.)

Final, Discussion Questions .

Make two questions for people who listen after your speech.

Your client is a man in his 40s. He is confined to a wheelchair and requires attendance by a nurse 7 days a week due to respiratory and other medical conditions. He is a high-profile, outspoken, and c

Your client is a man in his 40s. He is confined to a wheelchair and requires attendance by a nurse 7 days a week due to respiratory and other medical conditions. He is a high-profile, outspoken, and controversial white supremacist; many people hate him. He has been scheduled to appear in court in his home city, Los Angeles, as a defendant to answer charges involving murder and violating civil rights. He is currently free on a $1 million bond; the local police are not providing any protection.

In recent months, the city has been terrorized by a series of related homicides of white supremacist followers and the brutal beating of the client’s assistant. The media have speculated that several victims have been linked to your client and the police suspect a rival white supremacist group is vying for political power in the movement. The police, however, have no direct evidence of that theory.

In attendance at the courthouse will be news organizations, fundamentalist religious groups, white supremacist groups, and civil rights groups, all picketing what promises to be an emotional trial. Security at the client’s estate has been increased because of threats on his life, but your client likes to speak his mind to everyone, especially the press. He plans to make a grand entrance and wants to meet with the press on the courthouse steps.

You are the head of a security detail of eight individuals for this day’s work. You must plan the expedition from your client’s home and back after the day in court, and security for the client’s estate on the beach. The client’s home is in Laguna Beach, about an hour’s drive by freeway to the courthouse.

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word planning and threat assessment paper dealing with the above scenario. The paper must address:

· Concepts of threat and vulnerability assessment as they relate to personal and executive protection.

· Personal protection concerns related to transportation.

· Methods to consider when protecting large and small groups of people at work, social, or other events.

· Workplace violence.

(8 Pages) with proper citation and at least 7 References The ability to analyze principles of administrative law in the United States is dependent upon an understanding of the distinct branches of gov

(8 Pages) with proper citation and at least 7 References

The ability to analyze principles of administrative law in the United States is dependent upon an understanding of the distinct branches of government. Therefore, your first writing assignment 2000 words)

1. identify each branch of the federal government,

2 describing the purpose and powers of each.

3. Provide a critique of this structure,

4. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses.

5.Cite the applicable clauses of the Constitution of the United States.

You may refer to historical writings, such as the Federalist Papers (specifically 47 & 51). There is a lot of information available online.


Remember to provide the appropriate citations.

Wark’s reading is deceptive in that it is short but densely layered. What seems to be Wark’s main thesis? Researchers at Cambridge Analytica were able to use data about people to determine their pers

Wark’s reading is deceptive in that it is short but densely layered. What seems to be Wark’s main thesis? Researchers at Cambridge Analytica were able to use data about people to determine their personality types and then influence them with targeted ads including political ads. This was significant and reported on back in 2017 (as seen in this article), but Cambridge Analytica actually didn’t hit the news big time until a year later when we discovered that they illicitly obtained the Facebook data. Which do you think is the bigger story and why?Here is reading: Wark, McKenzie. (2014). Losing is fun. In The gameful world (pp. 163-165). Grassenger, Hannes, & Krogerus, Mikael. (Jan 28, 2017). The data that turned the world upside down. Motherboard. ← whoever signs up for this will need to find other articles to give us an update of what’s happened since this article was published. (FB privacy breaches, Russian interference, right-wing conspiracies, oh my!) Here’s one from 2020! Fresh Cambridge Analytica leak ‘shows global manipulation is out of control’ Also, if you can, watch the documentary on Netflix The Big Hack. Further reading:ss Chen, Mark. (2014). A new definition for games: Meaningful play. Juul, Jesper. (2003). The game, the player, the world: Looking for a heart of gameness. Keynote presented at the Level Up conference in Utrecht, November 4th-6th 2003.Browne, Ryan. (Nov 25, 2019). Web creator Tim Berners-Lee launches plan to fix the internet. CNBC.

Your responses to other students must be more than a simple “Good job” or “I agree with your post”. They must also not just be “Let me add to your post…” Instead, your responses to each other should

Your responses to other students must be more than a simple “Good job” or “I agree with your post”. They must also not just be “Let me add to your post…” Instead, your responses to each other should do three things:

1. Acknowledge the other student’s post with some form of recognition about what they posted2. Relate their posting to something youhave learned or are familiar with3. Add to the conversation by asking additional questions about their post, or discussing their topic further

Remember, this is a discussion forum. Your engagement with each other should be similar to how you would speak with each other if you were seated at the same table talking. Plagiarism in the discussion will not be tolerated.

Hello, I need help with this assignment. The Homework has two parts Part A: is asking to write 400 words a summery of what we have learned in the class. Part B: is to choose 5 topics from the followin


I need help with this assignment.

The Homework has two parts

Part A: is asking to write 400 words a summery of what we have learned in the class.

Part B: is to choose 5 topics from the following and write 100 word about each topic 500 in total.

In total I only need a 900 words ONLY.

NO reference required.




These are the instructions


Write about the most valuable ideas (insights) you learned and will take way from the entire course?

Word limit 300-400 words. Indicate word count.


Choose any five(5) of the following Topics:

#Catholicism in America

#Development of Christianity,

#Jesus & New Testament,

#Protestant America,


#Religion in America,


#Islam T-F,

#Islam Pillars,


#Islam by Numbers,

#Muslims and Jews,

#Roots of Religious Extremism,


#Religion and Tolerance.


(a) summarize the essence of the post,

(b) discuss why it was meaningful for you. Word limit: 500 words or about 100 per post. Indicate word count.

I have attached a file about each topic to help you.