Some of the most well-known motivational theories include the following: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory Douglas McGregor’s theory X and theory Y Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory Equity th

Some of the most well-known motivational theories include the following:

  • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory
  • Douglas McGregor’s theory X and theory Y
  • Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory
  • Equity theory

Thisdiscussion has three parts, as follows:

  1. Provide an example of how 1 of the 4 motivational theories is used in a real-life situation. Discuss the pros and cons of using this particularmotivational theory. Your reply should be detailed and provide the main elements of the theory that you choose.
  2. Discuss the different types of organizational performance measurements. As a part of your response, think about what makes you (or would make you) the most satisfied as an employee. Your reply should also include employee-related performance measurements.
  3. In your own opinion, what do you think are the best ways in which a company can motivate its employees? You should provide a minimum of 2 examples in your response.

1. Watch this video, summarize the MAIN POINTS raised in it. 2. Now that you have studied political philosophy, explain what is the best type of government

1. Watch this video, summarize the MAIN POINTS raised in it.

2. Now that you have studied political philosophy, explain what is the best type of government for your country.


You are required to respond to the assignment question posted above with no less than 100 words and make at least two comments on the responses posted by you classmates with a minimum of 50 words. Make sure you design your response with your own words. Your responses to your classmates must be of substance; not just “I agree” or “Good Post.” The purpose of the responses is to convert the discussion forum into a quality academic environment through which you improve your knowledge and understanding. Read and review all assigned course materials and chapters before you start working on your assignments.

Text Book:Introduction to Philosophy-Pecorino

Classism Reflection EssayWatch this TED Talk from Gary Haugen, The Hidden Reason for Poverty the World Needs to Address Now. 1. Explain your interpretation of the complexity of social class, poverty,

Classism Reflection Essay

Watch this TED Talk from Gary Haugen, The Hidden Reason for Poverty the World Needs to Address Now.

  • 1. Explain your interpretation of the complexity of social class, poverty, and discrimination in terms of the interconnections among race, ethnicity, age, gender, and schooling.
  • 2. How are they related? How are they unrelated?

400 words

Due Week 6 and worth 160 points HSA 520 Imagine you are the CEO of a healthcare organization. You would like to implement a patient-centric health information technology approach within the organizati

Due Week 6 and worth 160 points HSA 520

Imagine you are the CEO of a healthcare organization. You would like to implement a patient-centric health information technology approach within the organization. This approach needs to take into consideration health care costs and safety. You need your executive team on board to ensure successful implementation of this patient centric healthcare technology information system. You plan to present a detailed report to your management team about the patient-centric approach, its benefits and challenges, and why your organization needs to embrace it.

Write a five to six (5-6) page researched report in which you address the following:

1. Taking into consideration patient safety and health care costs, explain why a patient-centric approach is important in today’s health care system along with the challenges involved in implementation. Provide specific examples to justify your reasoning.

2. Analyze the benefits derived by healthcare organizations that practice a patient-centric approach, stating their unique characteristics. Provide at least two (2) examples to support your ideas.

3. Identify two (2) examples of a patient centric healthcare practice and propose three (3) ways patient-centric technology could increase patient access to quality healthcare.

4. Suggest three (3) ways that HIMS can improve the patient experience within a healthcare organization or with a healthcare provider.

5. Predict three (3) ways you would use patient centric healthcare practice principles to improve quality care measures within your organization.

6. Use at least four current (2015-2019), quality resources in this assignment. The Strayer University Library is a great resource to locate current, quality resources. Note:Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

· Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Use proper grammar, spelling, and sentence syntax. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

· Include a cover page containing the assignment title, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.​

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

· Propose a Health Information Management Systems (HIMS) and a patient information protection plan for a health care organization.

· Propose how patient centric healthcare practices and technology and a HIMS can improve healthcare.

· Review concepts and theories related to healthcare information technology and systems, including ethical and legal standards, strategic information system planning, and methods for ensuring the security of patient information.

this is chapter 10 in the book Employee and Labor Relations HR Knowledge 5:Legal &Unions Select and READ one of the following case studies (located in your textbook): CASE 10-1 WILLFUL VIOLATION, OR A

this is chapter 10 in the book Employee and Labor Relations

HR Knowledge 5:Legal &Unions

Select and READ one of the following case studies (located in your textbook):


Next,analyze the case and provide an overview of key points or discussions.An overview is not a detailed description or regurgitated statements from the case,but insteadkey points in the case.Then, make 2 recommendationsfor improvements for any parts of the case (think like an HR leader).Saying that someone should have did this, or what you would have done are not considered improvements.


  • One to three small sentence-responses for analyzing the cases are not considered substantive.
  • You may only have no more than two references for your response and each must be appropriately cited in the words.
  • You may not copy and paste any part of another student’s response as part of your response.
  • For this course, you must commentto a minimum of 1 other student’s response…No Exceptions!
  • Although not mandatory, you are strongly encouraged to make your initial post by Wednesday of each week so that you have plenty of time to respond to your classmates

1) Focus/issue of your research—remember to ensure this is a forensic issue—the intersection of law and psychology—mental health issue relevant to addressing the “legal issue”, 2) brief overview of is

1) Focus/issue of your research—remember to ensure this is a forensic issue—the intersection of law and psychology—mental health issue relevant to addressing the “legal issue”,

2) brief overview of issue and within US—remember to cover both legal and psychological issues (e.g., competency to stand trial—cover the legal cases and examination issues, or research etc.), 3) brief county profile including statistics of your country relevant to topic (e.g., rate of child abuse and neglect),

4) laws, rules, policies relevant to your topic AND social science research,

5) critical comparison of differences and similarities between the county laws/approaches/treatment etc. and the US, 6) recommendations, and

7) references (APA format for non-legal sources; ABA format for legal cases).

Using information taken from chapter 16 of your text and the multimedia presentation in Module One, Answer the following: What makes the Reconstruction era significant in U.S. history? What is its leg

Using information taken from chapter 16 of your text and the multimedia presentation in Module One, Answer the following: What makes the Reconstruction era significant in U.S. history? What is its legacy? How did it impact the nation in the future? Finally, in your opinion, can what happened in the 12 years after the Civil War be best defined as Reconstruction or Restoration? Is there a difference? If so, what is it? Make the case for your position.

Book: David Emory. Shi. America: A Narrative History 11th EditionVolume Two ISBN: 978-0-393-69619-6

Create your own ethical case study based on your experiences and readings. You can use either your chosen professional area or a situation at the national or global level as the setting for this paper

Create your own ethical case study based on your experiences and readings. You can use either your chosen professional area or a situation at the national or global level as the setting for this paper. In your paper, include the following:Requirement: 8 page paperMinimum of 3 scholarly resources Introduction: research the literature on ethics and leadership and provide the following: Define ethics. Used relevant supporting documentation to support your definition (Three or more references). Provide an overview about the role of ethics in leadership. Rationale for the case study: Describe the reason for the case that you present (Why is the topic relevant? How does it expand or contributes to a leader’s knowledge about ethics?) Case study: Provide a narrative with the case study topic that you identified. Include in your narrative any background information, describe the situation, and state how it affects the organization and whether it affects people inside or outside the organization. If the situation is from your own organization, be sure to maintain confidentiality at all times. Ethical stance: clearly describe why the case/situation poses an ethical challenge for an organization. Handout: Provide a one-page handout summarizing

Respond As I briefly reflect on the past and present, I am and have been involved in many projects both personally and professionally. Personally, the raising of my 3 children, marriage, academics, a


As I briefly reflect on the past and present, I am and have been involved in many projects both personally and professionally. Personally, the raising of my 3 children, marriage, academics, a cross-country move, building a home, lawn care, and even paying the bills are all projects that quickly come to mind. Professionally, I am currently involved with establishing, for the second time in my career, an emergency department (ED) fast-track. Recently, I have also personally developed a surge plan for our emergency department in response to the current pandemic. This was actually a huge project, way too much for me, but it got done with some help. Not only did this surge plan involve a documented process, but also required the building of a large temperature-controlled tent, outdoor sanitation, establishing generator power, and a temporary morgue, just to name a few.

When I think about all these projects and any other, I feel planning is the most important aspect of project management in a successful project. I say this because nearly every step of project management requires planning and re-planning (Allen, McLees, Richardson, & Waterford, 2015). Even paying my monthly bills requires planning, otherwise bills would be late or my checking account unnecessarily depleted. With that being said, it is literally insane to believe that any large-scale project could be successful without adequate planning.

Let us assume I wake up tomorrow morning and instead of going to work, I decide to build another house beside my current home. I call my buddy, have him bring over his backhoe, and we start excavating. On day one, I cut my cable line, rip through my current power supply, and I get fined for not pulling a permit. I’ve now got holes in my yard, no cable, no power, lost a day of pay, and thousands in damage. Say I had my utilities flagged out and the proper permits to proceed, I still have not secured finances and have no plan established for contractors to begin work. Living in Florida, where every contractor is backed up for months, beyond my own efforts this project comes to a screeching halt.

I would have to say that one of the most important parts of project planning is to determine whether a project is even worth the investment. Without proper planning to consider all costs and resources associated with a project, a proper risk assessment cannot be performed. Common factors that impact and underestimate risk are unpredicted cost, scheduling delay, performance, and unforeseen external factors (Doval, 2019). Proper planning allows for a better assessment of the entire scope of work and potentially unforeseen risk otherwise not seen without proper planning.