Our society is changing rapidly. As Human Service Professionals, it is imperative that we stay aware of how our society is changing and how those changes impact our clients as well as the services we

Our society is changing rapidly. As Human Service Professionals, it is imperative that we stay aware of how our society is changing and how those changes impact our clients as well as the services we provide our clients. Please use the assigned readings and use the Library to research peer-reviewed studies to support your post.

Please respond to the following:

  • Identify at least three societal problems that have occurred because of our changing society and identify what change in society you believe has led to this problem.
  • There are several different theories of change. Identify one theory of change that you agree with the most and explain why you agree with that theory.

*** Just a summary 350 words, make sure you add resources***

1. Are complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) a legitimate form of healing? Justify your position (with research). 2. Using credible research, discuss studies that either support the thesis th

1. Are complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) a legitimate form of healing? Justify your position (with research).

2. Using credible research, discuss studies that either support the thesis that CAMs are legitimate forms of healing or that CAMs take advantage of people who are unwell.

I will be looking for at least two insightful and referenced responses to the postings of others in your group, not including one initial post of your answer to the questions. Each discussion post should not exceed ~300 words.

Be sure to review Discussion Forum expectations and guidelines in your Syllabus. Ensure to cite journal articles, books, your textbook, and/or reputable websites to substantiate your claims. You must support all claims and assertions that you make; otherwise it is an unsubstantiated and unsearched claim/assumption or it could be plagiarism. If you simply write your opinions and present them as facts, you cannot receive a grade. It’s impossible to give grades to opinions (that is, non-sourced claims) and further, it’s impossible to give marks if you include a reference in your post that is not properly cited at the end of your post (such as you would a reference page).

Reflect:Think about how we rely on electronic devices to maximize our experiences, solve problems, and enhance our lives. Consider how you will utilize the different resources available through the un

Reflect:Think about how we rely on electronic devices to maximize our experiences, solve problems, and enhance our lives. Consider how you will utilize the different resources available through the university and leverage different kinds of technology to help you be successful.

Write:In a four-paragraph essay that is two pages in length, address the following bullet points:

  • Paragraph 1: Identify the types of devices you can use to access your online classroom. Describe the benefits and drawbacks of using each device for coursework. Which device(s) will you primarily use for school and why?
  • Paragraph 2: Explore the university resources (Resource Tour, Writing Center, Career Services, Library, Recommended Library Tutorials) and other tools (Microsoft, Folio, Textbook, and Canvas) on the Digital Tools page. Select one of the resources and two of the other tools and explain how they will help you meet your academic and professional goals.
  • Paragraph 3: Identify two types of data storage and discuss the benefits and potential drawbacks of each. Which one will you choose for your personal plan to organize and save your digital coursework?
  • Paragraph 4: Describe your strengths when it comes to being digitally literate. Explain the areas you are most interested in learning more about and improving upon to better prepare yourself for academic success and your future career goals.

The paper must be double-spaced and written in 12-point, Times New Roman font.

Each student will conduct a search of online Library resources to find 2-3 recent peer-reviewed articles (within the past 3 years) thatclosely relatetothe Impact of Big Data on Businesses. Your submis

Each student will conduct a search of online Library resources to find 2-3 recent peer-reviewed articles (within the past 3 years) thatclosely relatetothe Impact of Big Data on Businesses. Your submission must include the following information in the following format:

ANALYSIS:Using 750-1200 words, write a brief analysis, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapters. An analysis is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES:All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format.

Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required.

Chapter 25: Growth and Development of the Newborn and Infant 1. Jesus is the first-born son of Roberto and Marie Valez. The parents are very excited about the birth of their new son. They have brought

Chapter 25: Growth and Development of the Newborn and Infant

1. Jesus is the first-born son of Roberto and Marie Valez. The parents are very excited about the birth of their new son. They have brought Jesus into their nurse practitioner today for his first examination 3 days after his birth. Jesus was 7 lbs 2 oz at birth and 19 in. His Apgar scores were 8 and 9. There were no complications with his mother’s pregnancy or his delivery. Jesus’ parents have noticed that he has lost some weight since coming home. Marie is breastfeeding Jesus and is concerned that she is doing something wrong. They also have several questions about Jesus. (Learning Objectives 1 and 4)

a. What can the nurse practitioner tell Marie regarding her concerns about Jesus’ weight loss?

b. What questions should the nurse practitioner ask regarding Jesus’ nutrition, and what information can he or she offer to Marie regarding breastfeeding?

c. What anticipatory guidance can the nurse practitioner offer to Roberto and Marie regarding Jesus’ growth and development over the next several weeks?

2. Steve Shell has brought in his 9-month-daughter Emily for her wellness examination and immunizations. Steve is a single father raising his daughter after Emily’s mother was killed in a motor vehicle accident (MVA). Steve is doing a great job of raising Emily by himself, but he still has some concerns about his abilities as a father. He has several questions for the nurse practitioner. The nurse practitioner’s examination of Emily is unremarkable and she is growing and developing as expected. (Learning Objectives 6 and 7)

a. What should the nurse practitioner include when teaching Steve about promoting healthy eating habits and appropriate sleep and rest?

b. What can the nurse practitioner offer Steve regarding promoting appropriate discipline with Emily?

c. Since Steve is a single parent and sole income earner, he is required to place Emily in day care while he is at work. Steve is concerned about the effects of day care on Emily’s development. What can the nurse practitioner teach Steve about child care?

Chapter 26: Growth and Development of the Toddler

1. Bill and Ted are a domestic couple that have brought in their 30-month-old daughter, Victoria, complaining of a runny nose, cough, and low-grade fever. Bill and Ted adopted Victoria at birth. The biological mother was a teenager who chose to give her child up for adoption and Bill and Ted provided financial support to ensure that she received the appropriate prenatal care. Her pregnancy and delivery were unremarkable. She has had no contact with Victoria or her fathers since the birth. The nurse practitioner determined that the symptoms are attributed to an upper respiratory tract infection (URI) or common cold and recommended that it be treated symptomatically. While in the office, Bill and Ted have some questions regarding Victoria’s behavior. They explain that she has become more defiant, repeatedly responding to their questions or commands with “no” or temper tantrums. Neither Bill nor Ted has been a parent before adopting Victoria and they are concerned that they are to blame for her behavior. (Learning Objectives 1, 5, and 12)

a. What can the nurse teach Bill and Ted about the psychosocial or cognitive development of a toddler that would help them understand Victoria’s behavior?

b. What can the nurse teach Bill and Ted regarding promoting appropriate discipline for Victoria?

c. What is “temperament” and how would it influence Victoria’s behavior?

2. Tenzin and Dechen have brought in their 24-month-old son, Kim, for his wellness examination and immunizations. Kim is the first child for Tenzin and Dechen, but Dechen is 6 months pregnant with their second child. Tenzin and Dechen are Tibetan refugees who have moved to the United States from India. Kim was born in the United States. Tenzin and Dechen are very focused on Kim’s physical abilities (i.e., motor skills, communication, and sensory skills). They express their desire for Kim to do well in school and be successful in business. (Learning Objectives 3, 4, 7, 11, and 13)

a. What could the nurse share with Kim’s parents regarding the normal motor, communication, and sensory development of a 24-month-old?

b. What can the nurse teach Tenzin and Dechen regarding promoting healthy growth and development in Kim?

c. Kim’s parents are curious about toilet training. How can the nurse teach Kim’s parents about toilet training with a toddler?

Chapter 27: Growth and Development of the Preschooler

1. Donnie has brought his 4-year-old son, Isaac, to the pediatric free clinic for a kindergarten physical. Isaac is the older of two children of Donnie and Mary Smith. Donnie is employed as a farrier but his work does not provide insurance and he has come to a nurse-operated free clinic. Donnie shares that Isaac enjoys spending time with his father when he is working with the horses, but he is concerned that Isaac has an imaginary friend named “Tackle.” On physical examination, Isaac is 39 inches tall and weighs 35 lbs. Donnie is a man of average height (5’9” with a slim build). Donnie is concerned that Isaac may be too small for his age. (Learning Objectives 1)

a. What can the nurse communicate to Isaac’s father about his physical growth?

b. What can the nurse teach Isaac’s father about his cognitive and psychosocial development?

c. What can the nurse teach Isaac’s father about his moral development?

2. Nina is the 5-year-old adopted daughter of Sarah and Tim Johnson. Nina is the Johnsons’ only child. They adopted Nina before her first birthday. The Johnsons have brought Nina to the clinic today to discuss some concerns they have about her development. Nina is attending a public kindergarten. Since beginning school, the Johnsons have noticed that they are catching Nina lying more. They are concerned that this may be a result of attending school. In addition, they are concerned about her verbal development and note that her teacher reported that Nina seems to be stuttering or repeating the term “um” when speaking. She also has some difficulty with “sh” and “th” sounds. When the Johnsons try to discuss these issues with Nina she becomes “very emotional” and retreats to her room. (Learning Objectives 2 and 6)

a. What can the nurse teach the Johnsons about lying in preschool children?

b. What can the nurse teach the Johnsons regarding stuttering and speech development with Nina?

c. What can the nurse teach the Johnsons regarding emotional development in preschool children?

Review the week’s Learning Resources. Review the Leadership Skills and Emotional Intelligence assessment templates you completed in Weeks 1 and 2. Reflect on what you have learned throughout this cou

Review the week’s Learning Resources. Review the Leadership Skills and Emotional Intelligence assessment templates you completed in Weeks 1 and 2. Reflect on what you have learned throughout this course and how it has improved your leadership and emotional intelligence skills. Develop a brief personal leadership philosophy based on the results of these assessments. Consider the field you would like to work in and challenges you may encounter based on your leadership style or EI quotient. Choose from the following fields: Healthcare economics and finance Quality and safety Healthcare management Direct care professional Post a comprehensive response to the following: Describe your personal leadership philosophy based on your leadership skills and emotional intelligence assessment results. Based on your leadership philosophy, explain how you would address healthcare management workforce challenges in the field you selected above.

WEB EXERCISE 6 Media Planning and Strategy Focus: Chapter 10 For this exercise, you will first read an expert’s evaluation of two travel sites’ media strategies— Expedia.com and Priceline.com. You can


Media Planning and Strategy

Focus: Chapter 10

For this exercise, you will first read an expert’s evaluation of two travel sites’ media strategies—

Expedia.com and Priceline.com. You can find the article in the Week 7 folder.

After reading the article, provide your answers to the following questions in the submission area

within this folder. Make sure you integrate information from the article and from the chapter

readings into your answers. Be thorough but concise.

1. Focusing on their broadcast media (or television strategy), what were the main media vehicles

that each travel site used to place their commercials?

2. What do the media vehicles chosen by each travel site tell you about their target market?

3. According to the info presented in the article, which travel site do you think had the best Reach?

Briefly explain why.

4. Which scheduling method would you recommend for these two companies? Briefly explain why.

5. Do you think the media vehicles chosen by each travel site supported their creative strategy?

Chapter 28: Growth and Development of the School-Age Child 1. Gina has come into the primary care center with her mother Kris for an 11-year-old wellness examination. As the nurse prepares Gina for he

Chapter 28: Growth and Development of the School-Age Child

1. Gina has come into the primary care center with her mother Kris for an 11-year-old wellness examination. As the nurse prepares Gina for her examination, Kris asks to speak to the nurse outside the examination room. Kris shares with the nurse her concerns about recent changes she has noticed in Gina. She explains that Gina’s body is beginning to change and she has made a number of comments about her body image. Kris is concerned about Gina’s self-esteem and emotional development. (Learning Objectives 1, 2, and 3)

a. What are some of the prepubescent changes school-age children experience that the nurse can share with Kris?

b. What are some of the issues regarding body image that the nurse can teach Kris about?

c. What can the nurse teach Kris regarding self-esteem in school-age children to address her concerns?

2. Don is a 10-year-old boy who is being seen by the school nurse today for a fall he experienced on the school’s playground. Don’s mother, Kandis, has arrived and expresses some concern regarding Don’s recent behavior. She explains that he has engaged in more risk-taking behavior and has had more injuries lately. Kandis then asks the nurse what Don’s weight is and asks her if she thinks Don is overweight. Don is 5’1” and weighs 130 lbs. His body mass index (BMI) is 24.5. (Learning Objectives 4, 5, and 6)

a. What can the nurse teach Kandis about promoting a safe lifestyle for Don?

b. What can the nurse teach Kandis regarding Don’s weight and corresponding BMI?

c. What can the nurse teach Kandis regarding Don’s nutritional needs, promoting nutritional healthy intake, and preventing overweight/obesity?

Chapter 29: Growth and Development of the Adolescent

1. Jeff, a 14-year-old boy, is being seen at the local health department for a required physical examination in order to play organized sports with his high school. He is accompanied by his mother, Betty. Before the examination Betty tells the nurse that Jeff is her only son and only teenager. She is not sure what is happening with his body but is aware of the recent dramatic changes Jeff has experienced. (Learning Objectives 1 and 2)

a. What can the nurse teach Betty and Jeff about puberty and the changes it is responsible for in adolescents?

b. What are some of the integumentary changes that occur in adolescence and that Jeff may be experiencing?

c. What can the nurse teach Betty about the psychosocial and cognitive stages of adolescence?

2. Teresa is a 15-year-old girl who is being seen by her physician today at the request of her parents, Bob and Peggy. They have brought Teresa in today because of some concerning changes in Teresa’s behavior and appearance recently. They explain that up to about a year ago Teresa was a typical teenage girl who was a good student in school. Since then, she has been running with a new group of friends who wear dark or black clothing and dye their hair black. Teresa has followed this trend and has recently shown up with several new body piercings and has asked her parents for permission to get a tattoo. Her parents have refused but are afraid that she will do this without their permission. Teresa is listening to loud violent music and spending less time at home with the family. When she is home she often fights with her parents over the rules of the house. They are afraid Teresa has become sexually active. (Learning Objectives 3, 4, and 6)

a. What can the nurse tell Bob and Peggy about the influence of Teresa’s peer group?

b. What can the nurse teach Bob and Peggy regarding dating and sexuality for adolescence?

c. What can the nurse teach Bob and Peggy regarding the occurrence of violence in adolescence?

Chapter 37: Nursing Care of the Child With an Infectious or Communicable Disorder

1. Mrs. Acton, the mother of 6-year-old Christina, calls the physician’s office to speak to the nurse. Mrs. Acton is concerned because Christina went to a birthday party 8 days ago and was exposed to the chickenpox. (Learning Objectives 4 and 5)

a. What information would be appropriate to give to Mrs. Acton?

b. What data would be important for the nurse to gather when speaking with Mrs.


2. Six-month-old Joshua is brought to the acute care center by his parents. The parents tell the nurse that Joshua has become “very fussy,” seems to be pulling at his right ear, and is running a fever. The nurse finds the infant’s temperature to be 100.2°F axillary. His weight is 7.7 kg and he is crying inconsolably. Joshua’s anterior fontanel is flat when he is crying and his skin feels hot to the touch and dry. Joshua’s mother tells the nurse that when the infant saw his physician 10 days ago he weighed 8.1 kg. (Learning Objective 3)

a. Based on the data obtained during this assessment by the nurse, what interventions should the nurse expect to provide?

b. What child/family teaching would the nurse be expected to provide?

Research and share at least one study tool or technique that you have used previously or are planning to use in order to successfully prepare for your AHIMA RHIT exam. Why did the tool work for you, o

Research and share at least one study tool or technique that you have used previously or are planning to use in order to successfully prepare for your AHIMA RHIT exam. Why did the tool work for you, or why do you think it will work for you? Begin your toolbox by locating appropriate and meaningful resources that will be helpful in preparing for your exam. A good place to begin is by examining the resources available to you through theLibrary Guidesin theRESOURCEsection of your course.There are many resources there that will help you. Research the different library guides, including the Health Science Guide, and then continue your research beyond the guides in order to develop a comprehensive “toolbox.” When you have completed your research, list at least 5 meaningful and appropriate resources including all guides, books, techniques, materials and how you’ll use them to prepare for your Exam. Create a table to display your resources.