Research the organizational structure of the United Nations Human Rights Council. What are the goals of the organization? How is it structured to accomplish those goals? Discuss if it is accomplishing

Research the organizational structure of the United Nations Human Rights Council. What are the goals of the organization? How is it structured to accomplish those goals? Discuss if it is accomplishing those goals, and if it is not accomplishing those goals, suggest possible changes to streamline the organization.

The essay should be three pages in length and properly formatted to include a title page and reference list. The paper should follow APA guidelines for all resources for in-text citations, paraphrasing, and references. Remember to use the CSU Online Library to assist you in the research for this assignment.

Writing 2 pages about International Business Mechines Corporation(IBM) Using APA formula Here are the requests: Please use professional references 1.Brief description of the company a. Corporate histo

Writing 2 pages about International Business Mechines Corporation(IBM)

Using APA formula

Here are the requests:

Please use professional references

1.Brief description of the company

a. Corporate history, products, competition, etc.

b. Discuss all major company specific, economic or market news that may have an impact on your company (Attach the news article you collected).

2. Brief bios of top executives and Board of Directors

3. Important events or transactions within the last five years (2015 – 2019)

Composed a paper that includes the scientific, mathematical, ethical, and cultural perspective of the topic: Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Young AdultsYour paper must:Be 15–20 pages in length Tit

  • Composed a paper that includes the scientific, mathematical, ethical, and cultural perspective of the topic: Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Young Adults
  1. Your paper must:
  • Be 15–20 pages in length
    • Title page (1 page)
    • Introduction (1–2 pages)
    • Reworked informative papers (10–15 pages)
    • Conclusion (1–2 pages)
    • References (1–2 pages)
    • Include visual illustrations for each perspective
  • Reference 12–15 scholarly, peer-reviewed resources (compiled by combining all of the references from your Perspective of Inquiry papers and any additional resources you use in this paper.)
  • Follow all APA Style guidelines.

CHARLOTTE PERKINS GILMAN (1860–1935) The Yellow Wallpaper Please answer the in-depth questions for Gilman. 1. If the basic conflict of this story is that between the attitudes of men toward women an



The Yellow Wallpaper

Please answer the in-depth questions for Gilman.

1. If the basic conflict of this story is that between the attitudes of men toward women and women’s needs and desires, how does the story define those attitudes, needs, and desires?

2. The wallpaper is, as the title suggests, the chief symbol in this story. What does it symbolize, and how does it work as a symbol? What details about the wallpaper seem significant? How does the narrator’s attitude toward and vision of the wallpaper change, and what is the significance of those changes?

3. Clearly, the wallpaper is one facet of the setting that carries great symbolic weight. What other aspects of the setting seem to be symbols, and what do they symbolize? How do these symbols contribute to the intensification and/or resolution of the central conflict?

4. What do you make of the ending of the story? Does the narrator seem to have been utterly defeated, or is there any way of seeing her as triumphant?

5. In what ways does the conflict explored in this story seem dated? In what ways does it seem relevant today’s world?

William Shakespeare  


  1. Although the eldest son of the king was customarily chosen to succeed his father, the monarchy of Denmark is depicted in the play as elective. Why was Hamlet passed over in favor of his uncle in the election that preceded the opening of the play? 
  2. What are the circumstances of Horatio’s return to Elsinore from Wittenberg? How does the timing of his arrival contribute to the exposition?
  3. Describe Hamlet’s behavior, his appearance and actions, before he learns even of the appearance of his father’s ghost. To what action does it prompt Claudius, of which we learn in act 2, scene 2? Why does the king permit Laertes to return to Paris and at the same time refuse Hamlet’s request to return to Wittenberg?
  4. Is Hamlet surprised by the Ghost’s revelations? How can you tell?
  5. When Rosencrantz and Guildenstern appear, Hamlet correctly interprets the king’s strategy in sending for them. Does he see through other moves made by Claudius? What does this suggest about the relation between the two antagonists?
  6. Why are the players introduced? Why is the king in the play-within-the-play murdered by his nephew?
  7. The climax of the play occurs when the king stops the play-within-the-play. What has Hamlet learned, and how does it affect his course of action? How is Claudius affected by the events of the scene?
  8. What prior actions bring about the death of Polonius? the madness and death of Ophelia? What later actions result from the death of Polonius?
  9. What is the purpose in terms of dramatic structure for the scene between Hamlet and Horatio at the beginning of act 5, scene 2?
  10. What dramatic functions are served by having both Horatio and Fortinbras alive and on stage at the end of the play?

August Wilson 


  1. Compare Troy’s storytelling to Gabriel’s illusions. What do you make of Gabriel’s belief that he is the archangel Gabriel? How is that connected to the action in the play?
  2. What is the significance of Troy complaining to his employer and union about race-based workplace discrimination? How does this reflect the changing times?
  3. What do you think of the relationship between Troy and Bono? What is the significance of them meeting in the penitentiary? Why do you think Bono stops coming around to see Troy as often?
  4. What do you think about Troy taking Gabriel’s Army money to buy the house? How is that framed in the play?
  5. How are fatherhood and motherhood represented in Fences ?
  6. What does this play suggest about the “American dream”?
  7. What is the significance of Troy’s infidelity with Alberta? Why do you think Wilson had them both die at the end?
  8. What is the significance of the song about Blue?
  9. What does this play suggest about false freedom in the North for blacks from post-Reconstruction South?
  10. What did you think about Rose’s response to Troy’s infidelity? Her acceptance of Raynell?
  11. Why do you think the play ends with Gabriel’s realization? How do you read that moment?

HLTH 355: Addressing Health Disparities through Social Justice Paper Two Assignment Due 05/12/20 by 11:59pm Overview: You will write a paper on either a social movement or a social policy that has imp

HLTH 355: Addressing Health Disparities through Social Justice

Paper Two Assignment

Due 05/12/20 by 11:59pm

Overview: You will write a paper on either a social movement or a social policy that has impacted

both health disparities and overall population health in the United States.


For this assignment, you will produce a paper (3-4 double-spaced pages) that focuses on one social

movement or social policy that, in the past, was advocated as a method to address health disparities.

You may choose from any of the following:

Social Policies Social Movements

• Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program • The Breast Cancer Movement

• Housing Choice Voucher Program • The AIDS Movement

• Temporary Assistance for Needy Families • The Labor Movement

• Supplemental Security Income (SSI) • The Disability Rights Movement

• Head Start • The Environmental Justice Movement

To gather information for your paper, you may only use:

• Government websites (i.e., the initial website ends with .gov)

• Published books (including individual book chapters)

• Peer-reviewed journal articles

• You may not use any other resources (e.g., websites, news stories, or videos)

Required Content

1. Introduction

2. Provide background about the social movement or policy. Include a historical summary of how it

developed and key players or leaders.

3. Explain at least one disparity the policy or movement was intended to target.

4. Detail any ways the policy or social movement has affected population health.

5. Conclusion

6. Provide a reference list in APA format. You should have at least 2 sources.

Technical Requirements (Part of your grade)

All papers should be typed and have a cover page. Papers should be in Arial or Times New Roman 12-

point font, double-spaced, with 1″ margins. Every paper should have citations in the text and they should

be in APA style. You should submit a Microsoft Word document or Adobe pdf

Loyalty Programs The purpose of this assignment is for you to evaluate frequency/loyalty programs as a viable promotional tool within an advertising program. Since almost all hotels use loyalty progra

Loyalty Programs

The purpose of this assignment is for you to evaluate frequency/loyalty programs as a viable promotional tool within an advertising program. Since almost all hotels use loyalty programs (frequency programs) as a form of alternative marketing, this assignment focuses on the hotel industry. From the list below, choose at least five hotels to evaluate; assess the hotels’ loyalty programs based upon the overall value to the customer:

Best Western,

Days Inn,

Hampton Inn,



Ritz Carlton, or

Wyndham Hotels and Resorts.

Use the following criteria to comparatively evaluate each loyalty program:

Explain the investment that is necessary to earn rewards. For instance, consumers may need to invest money, time, or other resources.

Describe the system of rewarding points or awards.

Explain the redemption policies.

Describe any additional requirements with respect to the redemption of awards.

Present your evaluation of the loyalty programs by creating a PowerPoint presentation with at least 10 slides (not including the title and references slides). Critique each loyalty program, and decide which ones are the best. Then, explain why they are the best. Make sure to cite the websites you analyzed, your textbook, and at least one additional source by using correct APA format. Use the “Notes” feature to elaborate on the contents of each slide.

Complete the following assignment in one MS word document: Chapter 3 –discussion question #1-4 & exercise 12 Chapter 4 – discussion question #1-5 & exercise 2 When submitting work, be sure to include

Complete the following assignment in one MS word document:

Chapter 3 –discussion question #1-4 & exercise 12

Chapter 4 – discussion question #1-5 & exercise 2

When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.

All work must be original (not copied from any source).

Below attached are the resources for Chapter 3 and Chapter 4.

NARRATIVE ESSAY– INSTRUCTIONS 1. Choose one of the following topics for your Narrative Essay. 2. Then decide on the Method you will use to relate your narrative. 3. Be sure to use flashbacks and flas


1. Choose one of the following topics for your Narrative Essay.

2. Then decide on the Method you will use to relate your narrative.

3. Be sure to use flashbacks and flash-forwards carefully.

4. Use transition words/ phrases between body paragraphs.

5. Use dialogue where appropriate and to break up the narration.

6. Fill out your Planning form before starting your draft.


■ Your first job interview

■ Moving into your first apartment

■ The event or series of events that led to you take some action, such as quitting a job, ending a relationship, or joining an organization

■ A sporting event you played in or observed, perhaps limiting the narrative to a single play

■ A first date, using dialogue as much as possible to set the tone and advance the narrative

■ An event that placed you in danger

■ An experience that led you to change your opinion about a friend or coworker

■ The events of the best or worst day you experienced in a job

■ An accident or medical emergency, focusing on creating a clear, minute-by- minute chronology

■ A telephone call that changed your life

You may also use a topic of your choice

InstructionsLegal issues in health care include violation of patient privacy laws and regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA); issues related to Medicare a

InstructionsLegal issues in health care include violation of patient privacy laws and regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA); issues related to Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement requirements; negligence or malpractice issues; and violation of the employment law for medical staff, independent contractors, and others.Review the following: The health care law and you. (n.d.). HealthCare. Retrieved from Affordable Care ActReview the legal guidelines and principles for your state. Explain the changes the Affordable Care Act will make to HIPAA, Medicare, and Medicaid reimbursement requirements. By conducting adequate research, describe the overall impact the law will have on your state, which is Georgia.Submission Details: Compile your responses in a 6-to-10-page Word document. Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format. Please include an introduction, APA format bold face headings, conclusion, and references with where/ what website or resource information was retrieved from.