Examine Table 2.1 in your text. The first column suggests traditional family/school relationships and the second identifies a more collaborative approach. Provide an example of a situation (attendance

Examine Table 2.1 in your text. The first column suggests traditional family/school relationships and the second identifies a more collaborative approach. Provide an example of a situation (attendance, behavior problems, academic difficulties) that could arise at school and suggest how this issue may be resolved with a collaborative approach. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.See full work attached

Read the teacher scenarios in reflective Exercise 2.5 Assessing Other Educators’ Attitudes Toward Students’ Families. Choose Teacher One, Teacher Two, or Teacher Three. In a four- to five-page paper (

Read the teacher scenarios in reflective Exercise 2.5 Assessing Other Educators’ Attitudes Toward Students’ Families. Choose Teacher One, Teacher Two, or Teacher Three.

In a four- to five-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) respond to the teacher you chose as per the following guidelines. Use at least three credible sources, including your text, and be sure to use correct APA formatting as per the Ashford Writing Center Guidelines.

In the first section of your paper, respond as if you were a parent of a student in the class. Summarize what you would expect from the teacher.

In the second section of your paper, respond as if you were the principal/administrator of the teacher and describe how you would sway this teacher to understand the importance of a family/school partnership. Include the following in your plan:

· Provide at least three suggestions to encourage the teacher to make positive change.

· Create a list or chart of resources you would suggest to this teacher. At least two of these resources must support your suggestions to encourage positive family/school partnerships. If you use an outside source be sure to give proper credit as per APA guidelines for crediting charts and tables.

· State three additional ways to support this teacher in deepening his/her understanding of the importance of a family/school partnership.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.see full work attached

InstructionsThe project assignment provides a forum for analyzing and evaluating relevant topics of this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.Administrative and Financial System Applic

InstructionsThe project assignment provides a forum for analyzing and evaluating relevant topics of this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.Administrative and Financial System ApplicationIntroduction:Healthcare managers and administrators are exposed to both clinical and business processes. It is almost impossible to achieve competency in business structures and processes, especially if one does not have the clinical background or have limited experience and knowledge of interdepartmental processes as well as external influences such as regulations, standards, etc. An administrative or management system would be most helpful to navigate a complex hospital or integrated healthcare system.Tasks: Describe and discuss management/administrative and financial system applications. Discuss potential costs of an IT system adoption of administrative/management systems. Provide an example of analytics for administrative/management applications. Identify and discuss the trends, barriers, and challenges in adopting an administrative/management application.To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.Submission Details: Name your file as SU_MHA6120_W3_Project_LastName_FirstName. Your assignment should be addressed in a 4- to 6-page document.The following resources are provided for this project:From your course textbook, Information Systems for Healthcare Management, review the following chapter: Applications: Management/Administrative and Financial SystemsFrom the Internet, review the following: Adwan, O., Sleit, A., Qatawneh, M., Huneiti, A., & Khalil, T. (2013). Implementing a total healthcare enterprise resource planning system. International Journal on Information. 16(6(b)), 3997–4004. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236985559_Implementing_a_Total_Healthcare_Enterprise_Resource_Planning_System Arndt, R. (2018, February 20). EHR do not lower administrative billing costs, study finds. Retrieved from http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20180220/NEWS/180229998 OnBase by Hyland. (2018). Administrative healthcare solutions. Retrieved from https://www.onbase.com/en/solutions/healthcare/healthcare-solutions/by-department/administrative Solution Dots Systems. (2018, March 26). How healthcare ERP software support in hospital excellence [Web log message]. Retrieved from https://solutiondots.com/blog/his-hospital-information-system/healthcare-erp-software-support-hospital-excellence/

Amatea (2013) suggests that socioeconomic status, cultural group membership, and family structure do not determine a child’s academic success or failure. Instead, it is family engagement that is essen

Amatea (2013) suggests that socioeconomic status, cultural group membership, and family structure do not determine a child’s academic success or failure. Instead, it is family engagement that is essential for learning and development (p.7-8). Review the Parental Involvement Report Card (Links to an external site.) quiz to help you obtain the perspective of a parent. Using one source, in addition to the text, list 3 different ways you will implement year-long family involvement in your classroom. Explain how these 3 ideas will encourage parent consistency in regards to involvement. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. See full work attacheda

Complete 15 pages APA formatted article: Underachievement in Boys. This report declares that the teachers cannot perform well without complete cooperation from the educational institutions and the par

Complete 15 pages APA formatted article: Underachievement in Boys. This report declares that the teachers cannot perform well without complete cooperation from the educational institutions and the parents. The schools should involve parents in motivating and helping their boys with any kind of difficulty. Any kind of support at home, especially by the father, is always important for the boys.

This paper makes a conclusion that a lot of research has been done on the topic of underachievement in boys. Ignoring other factors masculinity has been held responsible for this problem. Although it is true that compared to girls the performance level of boys is not good but by blaming masculinity the society, educational institutions and the government are running away from their responsibilities. The problem of masculinity is not a new one. The modern society discredits the masculine values that were once considered a man’s virtue. In its place feminine values have been encouraged which has given more opportunities to women in the economic sector. The educational institutions are failing to accept their responsibilities and once again blame masculinity for underachievement in boys. The government although encourages education and qualification for economic success has not been able to provide more job opportunities for the people. All these factors contribute towards underachievement in boys. It is necessary to change the teaching styles and materials rather than changing the culture of masculinity.

Write 6 pages with APA style on Theoretical Statistics Analysis. Chi-square tests are also performed to determine the relationship between adoption and actual use. Chi-square tests are used in situati

Write 6 pages with APA style on Theoretical Statistics Analysis. Chi-square tests are also performed to determine the relationship between adoption and actual use. Chi-square tests are used in situations where the data can be put in contingency tables or in cases where there is a need for a test of goodness of fit. In this case, the chi-square statistics are computed and compared with the various probabilities for significance.

According to Blanca, Julio & Jose (2009), to compare any differences that may exist between potential future users of e-commerce and by experienced e-commerce customers, random sampling of the participants is used. However, this goes against requirements of sampling that a sample needed to be unbiased. Although random sampling will ensure an unbiased sample, the whole population is not homogenous and is made up of people of different traits which should occasion stratified sampling. Stratified sampling should have been used as the whole population will be sub-divided into non-overlapping strata and then select a random sample from each stratum and combine to have an equally representative sample.

Of the 805 participants in this survey, 580 were potential e-customers while the remaining 225 were experienced e-customers. There is the need to use binomial tests to test for statistical significance in the sample difference. Normally, a binomial test will test whether potential e-customers and experienced e-customers are distributed at a proportion of 0.5.

Further, t-tests can be used to test the differences between the attitudes of potential e-customers and experience e-customers and to confirm the formulated hypothesis. But first, there is a need for normality tests to confirm whether the data is normally distributed so as to decide whether to use parametric or non-parametric independent samples t-test. T-tests would produce differences in samples.

1. Wescan Accounting is a partnership which provides accounting services to a number of clients in addition to Island Properties. As a result of the relationship, one of the partners, Clemens, was inv

1. Wescan Accounting is a partnership which provides accounting services to a number of clients in addition to Island Properties. As a result of the relationship, one of the partners, Clemens, was invited to be a director of two of the corporations that were clients of Wescan. Clemens told his partners of his acceptance of the two directorships but did not tell them that as a director, he was entitled to certain stock options and shares under an employee stock plan. Sometime later, Wescan’s partnership was dissolved, and it was at this point in time that the remaining partners discovered that Clemens had received benefits under the stock plan. Clemens refused to give up the benefits he received to the partnership, and the remaining partners brought legal proceedings for an order requiring Clemens to pay over his benefits to the partnership.

a. You are the judge. What is your decision? Analyze and discuss the issues in supporting your decision.

2. Emily recently graduated from University with a degree in physical education. She hoped to find a job at the new sport and fitness center in Victoria which caters to elite athletes. However, the facility had no openings for her specialty, sport injuries. She decided to start her own business out of her home for starters, hoping to expand into a larger site once her business, Emily’s Fitness, was established. She planned to advertise in the yellow pages as well as putting up posters in various business establishments.

a. You are asked to advise her of the advantages and disadvantages of her proposed venture.

Business Profile A manufacturing corporation maintains the storage of its mission-critical applications on high-end Storage Arrays using RAID 1 volumes. Current Situation/Issue A full backup of their

Business Profile A manufacturing corporation maintains the storage of its mission-critical applications on high-end Storage Arrays using RAID 1 volumes. Current Situation/Issue A full backup of their key application is run once a week. The database application takes up 1 TB of storage and has to be shutdown during the course of the full backup. The shutdown of the database is a requirement that cannot be changed. The main concerns of the company are: 1) The backup window is too long and is negatively impacting the business (2 hours). 2) A disaster recovery test with the full backup tapes took an extremely long time (many hours). The company would like to: 1) Reduce the backup window during which the database application is shutdown for a much shorter period (less than ½ hour). 2) Ensure that the RTO from the full backup is reduced to be lesser than an hour. The company’s IT group is interested in leveraging some of the local replication technologies that are available on their high-end array. Proposal Propose a local replication solution to address the company’s concern. Justify how your solution will ensure that the company’s needs are met.

I will pay for the following article Architectural History Of Buckingham Palace. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Architectural History Of Buckingham Palace. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The history of the Buckingham Palace began with the death of the Duke of Buckingham in 1721. The Buckingham House, as it was called then, remained to be the residence of the duke’s widow until her death in 1742.1 The form of the house was already a rough image of what the palace would become in the future. The entire structure was filled with neo-classical themes such as columns and balustrades which had transcended up to the re-modeling of John Nash. The original image of the Buckingham House had been retained until the purchase of the structure by King George III for the price of 28,000 pounds. The initial purpose of the purchase was to provide a separate residence for the Queen. However, the house eventually became the royalty’s official residence where they brought up their large family.2

Minor additions to the Buckingham House began in 1761 where a musical entertainment to the royal gardens was included in the entire residence. This construction was intended for the king’s birthday celebration in 1763.3 The architectural innovations within the royal grounds were formalized with the rivalry of two architects who had been chosen for the musical entertainment’s completion. These architects were Robert Adam and William Chambers. Although there were particular fusions to the designs of Adam and Chambers, flaunting of architectural skills made the latter as the emergent and superior architect of the royal garden’s musical entertainment.4

Generally, the most important feature of the Buckingham House that pleased King George III and his family was its simplicity and its domestic atmosphere.