Return on Investment – Education FundingDevelop a three- to five-page analysis (excluding the title and reference pages) on the projected return on investment for your college education and projected

Return on Investment – Education FundingDevelop a three- to five-page analysis (excluding the title and reference pages) on the projected return on investment for your college education and projected future employment. This analysis will consist of two parts.Part 1: Describe how and why you made the decision to pursue an MBA. In the description, include calculations of expenses and opportunity costs related to that decision. ( I decided to purse my MBA to further my career at work)Part 2: Analyze your desired occupation. (Desired occupation is to be a government chief of a warehouse a GS-13 ) Determine how much compensation (return) you expect to earn and how long will it take to pay back the return on this investment. Use the financial formulas, Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback, provided in Chapter 6 of your text.If you do not have any educational costs due to employee reimbursements or scholarships, you should estimate the cost of your education for your calculations.The analysis should be comprehensive and reference specific examples from a minimum of two scholarly sources, in addition to your text. The paper must be formatted according to APA.Carefully review the Grading Rubric(Links to an external site.)for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.Stuck on a problem? Don’t skip that assignment – click the button to chat with a live tutor. It is free and here to help you now.

Which of the following best explains how the prestige effect biases people listening to a musical performance?

musical situations is through prestige effects. Simply being toldsomething about the reputation of the composer or the performer ofa particular piece can influence the degree to which people areprepared to engage with the music and rate it highly. For instance,Weick, Gilfillian, and Keith (1973) showed, in a cleverly controlledstudy, that members of a jazz orchestra rated the same piece ofmusic more or less highly, devoted more or less effort to learning it,and performed it more or less well according to the way in which thecomposer of the piece was described to them in a prerehearsalhandout (as a “serious” or “nonserious” jazz composer). In anotherstudy, teenagers rated the artistic merit of classical, New Age, andjazz compositions that were attributed to either male or femalecomposers (North, Colley, 8: Hargreaves, 2003). The authors foundthat the jazz excerpts were particularly gender stereotyped. Malesrated the excerpts attributed to females lower on artistic merit thanwhen the same excerpts were attributed to males. Female listenersrated the compositions of female composers higher on artistic andtechnical grounds than those of males. Every musical culture has asocially constructed hierarchy of values. For instance, withinclassical music, there is general consensus that J. S. Bach was abetter composer than Telemann, a prolific contemporary of Bach’s(Farnsworth, 1969). Membership in any musical culture entails makingdiscriminations and judgments that are generally in accord with theconsensus. But the criteria for value are different in different cultures, and they can shift over time within a culture. Cook (1998),for instance, has described how the Beethoven cult (which hedescribes as “the central pillar in the culture of classical music”) hascome under increasing attack in recent years. One of the mostimportant sources of “deconstruction” of Beethoven’s preeminenceis based on the insights brought to musicology through feministtheory (e.g., McClary, 1991}. From these perspectives much ofBeethoven’s music has been characterized as masculine, aggressive,and domineering. As early as 1882, Sir George Grove was talking(with obvious approval) of “the strong, fierce, merciless coercion,with which Beethoven forces you along, and bows and bends you tohis will.” In contemporary industrialized society, gender equality isincreasingly valued (and often enshrined in law), whereas maledominance is associated with unwanted outcomes, such as domesticviolence and sexual abuse. From such a cultural standpoint, thereare those who find it difficult today to take an unambiguouslypositive view of the “Beethoven cult”—at least on a theoretical level.The ability to engage knowledgeably with a body of music (orany other cultural product) and to be able to take part in informeddebates about the relative worth of different items is in itself animportant sign of social status. Possessing what has been called“cultural capital” (Bourdieu, 1979) allows a person to he accepted asa “connoisseur” within the domain (Frith, 1996). Many people whohave no significant performing skills have nonetheless becomeconnoisseurs of particular genres or styles of music. Sometimes

I need the solutions to this essay question please. Thank you!

I need the solutions to this essay question please.

Thank you!

You are required to analyse two case studies. Chose 2 case studies from the 4 case studies provided. (400 words max for each, total of 800 words together). This is a report For each of the two case s

You are required to analyse two case studies. Chose 2 case studies from the 4 case studies provided.

(400 words max for each, total of 800 words together). This is a report

For each of the two case studies chosen write an ‘interpretation’ in which you comment on the case study using the business operations and systems management topics which will be provided in the attachment.

The marking criteria as well as the case studies will be in the attachment

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Dealing with Involuntary Clients. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is re

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Dealing with Involuntary Clients. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. It is evidently clear from the discussion that most of the involuntary clients may be unwilling to cooperate positively with workers attending to them. In this regard, this essay will determine whether probation officers can have an impact in changing the behavior of offenders, what the officers can do to effectively impact the offenders and further discuss the Saint Leo University core values. To start with, many correctional centers have been developed to cater for the ever-increasing number of community offenders. However, the increase in the number of offenders has not been matched with the increase in the numbers of probation officers. As a result, many probation officers have been unable to cope up with their duty requirements and instead opted to use an easy way out. According to the United States Courts, the inefficiencies in the management of probation systems and increased caseloads have made the probation officers to adopt the “less time consuming and resource intensive” approach that involves talking tough and threatening the offender with punishment if they fail to comply. This kind of approach has been shown to be ineffective considering the rates of recidivism that arise due to the use of such approaches. As a result, many researchers have come up with evidence-based correction practices to be utilized in correctional centers. However, despite the obvious challenges that the probation officers face, the officers can impact to bring about change to offenders in several ways. The methods are mainly based on identification and addressing of offenders needs. According to Home Office Research Studies, there is evidence that offenders have criminogenic needs that when addressed by the probation officers can lead to a change of the offenders.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Managing Organizational and Individual Change.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Managing Organizational and Individual Change. One of the most common theory when it comes to the aspect of self-reflection is the positive psychology theory. The theory sums that every living individual has strengths that they are born with but very few people can identify and narrow down to these advantages. Through the approach, it is argued that once the self-identification of the strengths is done and matched very well to the role one plays then one can enjoy the character and perform better than his colleagues (Wade, 2015).&nbsp. In line with this theory in my life, I have developed some strengths which are relevant to managing change.&nbsp.At first, I was someone who could not quickly learn things, but after some case of analysis of myself during my first career, I developed the ability to learn new information and approaches, creative, become a&nbsp. goal-oriented person and with excellent leadership skills. I had to learn these skills as a way to ensure that I was able to adapt to the new environment in England. The talent will be necessary for my career in that it will enable me to learn and adapt to any anticipated management change in my area of specialization (Hill & Jones, 2008).&nbsp.The natural learning of new information has enabled me to adapt in England easily and continue execution of my day to day activities in a smooth way.&nbsp.In my past, I was also a person who was not very creative, but after a life long living and experiencing growth in different aspect and dimension, I have become a more creative person. In recent times can do some great thinking and come up with productive ways to handle things despite the change of environment when I landed in England. I can come up with creative ideas in which I can accommodate different people and systems in my line of career. Through the positive psychology, the theory can adapt to change in management if and only if am a person of originality, ingenious and quick to detect new perspectives which have been my advantage ever since I landed in England (Snyder, Lopez, & Pedrotti, 2011).&nbsp.The other two strengths of being goal oriented and leadership are supported by the theory in that they can be a catalyst in ensuring that my future career plans are attained. With a change in management, the approach further puts it that only individuals who are goal oriented will want to live and see the purpose accomplished (Snyder, Lopez, & Pedrotti, 2011). My earlier years of life and schooling I was not a goal oriented person but of now am a very determined person, and in spite of change in management, I will ensure tasks to be completed are done, and I have to strive and achieve my goals and at the same time tackle obstacles that come my way. I am a resilient person who quickly takes a positive attitude when encountered with work frustration and failure (Leslie, 2002).&nbsp.The positive psychology theory says that in general leaders are people who are consciously seeking and obtain leadership roles (Leslie, 2002).&nbsp. This is one of the weaknesses I have gathered over the years, and when it comes to change in management, I am likely not to take the lead and coordinate the team effort. Over time I have learned how to be able to persuade my fellow employees and engage them based on the logic of the situation at hand.&nbsp. This is likely to see my progress very well in my career as a not a confrontational and opinionated person. I do a lot of consultation among my seniors and peers this most of the time gives me an opportunity to understand and accommodate different diverging views on an issue (Hefferon, Kate, & Ilona, 2011. pp, 24-33).

I need some assistance with these assignment. public private partnerships in healthcare sector in middle income countries Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. public private partnerships in healthcare sector in middle income countries Thank you in advance for the help! As well, theoretical as well as empirical studies point to the potential contribution of private sector to reforms aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of health systems. The focus of the study is the increased focus of public-private partnerships (PPP) as a way of increasing capital finance as well as improving the efficiency and quality of service provision in low and middle-income countries. The partnership involves the public sector entering into long-term contract with private sector in order to enable the public sector access private capital for building and renovating health facilities and agreeing to deliver services over the contract period. Such contracts are designed and agreed upon some pre-determined specifications of the required outputs and define the financial, working and clinical standards, which the private sector has to meet. In low and middle-income nations, governments remain the ultimate funder of health care by making periodic payments to private sector in return for services delivered (Hellowell, 2012 p.71). Public-private partnership is an institutional arrangement built on foundation of fresh public management that claims objectives such as improved efficiency, quality as well as competition of public sector services. In striving to achieve these objectives, PPP aims at achieving value for money while reducing the demands on the state budget by involving the private sector in provision of traditional infrastructure services like health care. Adoption of PPP policy within industrialized nations is often viewed as a tool for further development of public services, while its application in developing nations is a way for reducing poverty and improving the service offered to citizens in such nations. Early 1990s PPPs policy was widely adopted in industrialized nations like USA, UK and Australia. nevertheless, this policy has been diffused in developing nations (Appuhami, Perera & Perera, 2011, p.431). The approach of PPP is attractive to developing countries that often experience macro-economic problems like poor infrastructure that burden the government budgets and excessive government budget. State-based healthcare service provision and private sector health services have existed together in various low and middle-income nations for decades with many nations having a huge portion of healthcare spending paid by the state. Private providers are heterogonous made up of formal business entities like independent hospitals, informal entities that include unlicensed providers as well as non-profit and non-governmental organizations (Basu, Andrews, Kishore, Panjabi & Stuckler, 2012, p.3). Various studies have disaggregated consumption of health care by income levels and appeared to show that the private sector mainly provide health services to more affluent populations. In the emerging economies, some nations are taking bold steps with the PPP’s by indulging the private sector in both infrastructures renewal and delivery of clinical services in the integrated partnership. Health care is a labour-intensive industry where clinical and ancillary services absorb most the expenditure allotted to many health systems.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Global Strategy and Multinationals Entry Mode of Choice.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Global Strategy and Multinationals Entry Mode of Choice. The research question that is posed is the factors that lead to the entry of multinationals into foreign markets and the specific entry strategies that these multinationals adopt when entering these markets. The authors point out that, “The geocentric approach outlined by Perlmutter provided a succinct explanation for the existence of and benefits attached to managing subsidiary units not as a portfolio of independent units but as an interdependent network.” (Hwang, 1991). Hence the emphasis is on the strategy of multinationals in enhancing the profits of the company at large and not necessarily those of the subsidiary unit.

The article makes very relevant points about the nuts and bolts of decision making when it comes to entry into foreign markets. The article is an important contribution to the existing literature on how multinationals base their decisions on which markets to enter and the factors that go into this decision making process. For instance, the entry strategy of multinationals into a specific market might be dictated by considerations of geography and to counter completion from its international rivals. This is the strategy that the cola majors, Coke and Pepsi use to enter specific markets and the entry mode is often dictated by factors that include the rival’s business strategy and the geographical advantage of operating in a specific market.

The article tests the validity of the framework used in decision making by undertaking firm-level research by an empirical method that focuses on the micro as well as the macro factors. To quote from the article, “We test the importance of each variable in differentiating among distinct entry modes. the aim here is to gain a better choice.&nbsp.

Need an research paper on the role of multinational corporations in conflict in sierra leone. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on the role of multinational corporations in conflict in sierra leone. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. It is evidently clear from the discussion that foreign exchange earned from the legitimate trade in the resources has been a critical driver for economic development providing employment and revenues to governments for the provision of essential public services including education, infrastructure, and national security. Another significant impact of the globalization of trade and production, as well as the relative ease of mobility of capital compared to labor, is the emergence of business entities that are operated across borders, regions and continents but have a central office at the homeland from where all its global management is conducted. Such entities are often referred to as multinational or transnational corporations or enterprises. Such global-often private-firms and international institutions are presently observed to be primary actors and vital agents for the transformation of the state, region and international political, social and economic environment. The question, therefore, is. how do MNCs develop ties with government, if such ties exist at all? In an ever-increasing competitive landscape, countries of all levels of development-particularly through their governments are emphasizing policies and channeling resources into new ways of attracting foreign direct investments into their countries. This is in accordance with the high prioritization of both micro and macroeconomic goals including sustained high levels of economic growth, stability of inflation and foreign exchange, increased employment and improved living standards of the population. MNCs play an important role in the efficiency and growth of the economy. This it achieves by contributing to the availability of capital resources for global investment purposes. Sierra Leone is located at the south-western part of West Africa between the seventh and tenth latitudinal parallels north of the Equator.