Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on description and overview of occupation Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on description and overview of occupation Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The role of auditors has evolved since the introduction of the profession in the corporate world. Interestingly, the principles used in auditing were introduced in the ancient days but the job started attracting attention in the recent years. In addition, technology has changed the face of auditing. Unlike, the previous where much paperwork was involved, technology has significantly improved the auditing profession. Technology has enhanced the performance of auditors and improved the reliability of their recommendations (Gramling et al, 2012). A typical day in auditing entails a number of activities. Auditors act as watchdogs that protect the interest of stakeholders. Auditors have to examine the books of account to detect any fraudulent recordings. The finance department is mandated with the responsibility of managing cash. Some finance may have malicious intentions of embezzling funds allocated for projects. They collude with accountants who have the expertise of altering books of accounts something that cannot be done at prima facie. Consequently, organizations must hire experts who can detect such fraudulent activities (Whittington & Delaney, 2013). Conversely, they also verify the assets and liabilities of an organization physically. While preparing the statements, accountants may overstate or understate the value of physical assets and liabilities in a bid ensure they reflect the actual financial position of the enterprise. It is the responsibility of auditors to visit the physical assets and liabilities held by the organization and confirm they exist. Furthermore, they should evaluate whether the value stated accurately reported. Moreover, they countercheck the arithmetic accuracy of the books of accounts. Once they detect any errors, they give suggestions on how the management can prevent the errors in their reports (Gramling et al, 2012).

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Heroine by Eaton Stannard Barrett. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Heroine by Eaton Stannard Barrett. It needs to be at least 1500 words. In the work, the author makes use of the female protagonist (say, Cherry Wilkinson) to share his views on life and death beyond the general perception of the same as burdensome. To be specific, the theme of death is inherent in the subject matter of the work, but the author portrays it in a witty manner. Besides, this helps the readers to realize that death is an escapade from reality and the travel to the supernatural world. For instance, books related to fantasy genre helps the female protagonist to realize the essence of life. Besides, some may think that the novel belongs to the genre of Gothic fiction because the author allows the female protagonist to lead the readers towards a supernatural world, where the readers and she get acquainted with fictional characters from different works. In the novel, the female protagonist pointed out that, “With these sentiments, no wonder I should feel discontented at my present mode of life” (Barrett 1813, p.4). Here, the author does not reveal whether the female protagonist’s journey is real or imaginary. To be specific, the female protagonist meets a number of fictional characters from different literary works. But she is aware of the fact that the imaginary world is not permanent and she must return to the real world. This realization of truth or the secret behind death helps the female protagonist to return to normal life, where death is real, not fictitious. So, it is evident that the author does not inculcate the theme of death in the work. Instead, the readers are free to assume that the female protagonist’s attempt to escape from the materialistic real world is related to her inner urge to have temporary relief from her fear of death.

Need an research paper on effects of social networking sites on society. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on effects of social networking sites on society. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. The author of the paper tells that social networking sites to have a positive impact on our societies. Social networking sites enable for sharing of knowledge and information online, allow business to communicate with their customers and act as powerful platforms for advertising and marketing. Social networks are an important tool of communication that allows for sharing of ideas and information. In a research conducted by Trisha Baruah on the effectiveness of social media, the author notes that social networking sites allow the users to share ideas, events, activities, and interests with the networks they have created. In addition, these sites have helped to bridge the communication gaps that were characterized by other forms of communication. In particular, social media helps maintain long distance relationships since content creation and sharing is easy since it is done over the internet. As an example, the power of social media as a communication tool can be seen in the revolutions that took place in the Arab world. As a result of these revolutions, political change was brought to these nations. Opponents of social networks have argued that it creates a false sense of connection, thereby destroying meaningful relationships. In the end, these opponents argue that social networks weaken meaningful relationships and concentrate more on virtual relationships. Contrary to this argument, social networks enhance these relationships by ensuring that friends and families remain in close contact. With tools such as Skype and Tango, it has become easy for people to connect online, and this strengthens relationships in the real world. Secondly, social media is a powerful tool for marketing and advertising. Through the use of these technologies, companies are able to maintain good relationships with their clients and at the same time introduce new products and services to the market.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: L’Oreal’s Entry in the Chinese Market. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: L’Oreal’s Entry in the Chinese Market. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Many firms have to cancel their plans for expanding in new markets while others suffer severe damages from the specific initiative. however, expanding internationally remains one of the most important strategic decisions in terms of the benefits for a firm’s performance. L’oreal is one of the most known Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) worldwide. one of the factors that led to the firm’s development in the global market has been its ability to adapt its operational policies on the local ethics/ principles – referring to the foreign markets in which the firm has entered successfully. The current report focuses on the plan of the firm to enter the Chinese market. its employees have supported the firm’s efforts but issues of communication have appeared. These issues need to be appropriately addressed early in order to avoid severe damages later. The relevant literature has been used in order to highlight the key communication issues related to the efforts of firms to enter the Chinese market. the specific initiative of L’oreal is strategically valuable but need to be appropriately reviewed – taking into consideration current market trends, the similar policies of competitors but also the consumer preferences in the targeted market – these preferences are likely to affect the firm’s performance in the particular market.

The entrance of a firm in a foreign market needs to be developed through a specific methodology – aiming to reduce the risk related to this initiative. In most cases, firms that operate in the international market have the necessary strategic framework in order to face the problems that would be related to such projects (Stanco, 1995, 24). however, there are cases where the local cultural and social characteristics are difficult to be addressed – especially in cases where the targeted market has a different social background compared to the firm’s culture – for instance, Asian markets have different ethics and culture compared to the markets in the West or the markets in the Middle East (Kotler et al., 2008, 35). For this reason the firms that are interested in entering a foreign market need to take into consideration the following issues: a) the support of employees in these projects is critical for the success of the whole effort. if resistance is developed within the organizational environment it is difficult for the firm’s managers to develop the appropriate schemes for the firm’s expansion, i.e. if operational problems in the existing firm’s units need to be resolved no critical projects – like the expansion of the firm in a foreign market – would be developed since the chances for their success would be limited, b) the culture of the firm’s place of origin is important to understand the culture of the target market. however, if major differences exist between the two cultures, then there would be no particular point in using the former (culture of the place of origin) as a basis to develop the policies for entering the foreign culture, c) the existing resources need to be taken into consideration when developing such plans. in fact, the firm’s available resources would be reviewed in advance, i.e. at the planning phase of these projects, d) the similar practices of competitors – especially those that already operate in the targeted market – would be of particular importance in order to identify the strategies that would be appropriate for the specific initiative, e) towards the same direction, the performance of such initiatives in the past would be taken into consideration. through these initiatives it would be possible to identify the potential risks but also to evaluate the chances for success.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses how did fashion contribute to making 1920s america the roaring twenties.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses how did fashion contribute to making 1920s america the roaring twenties. September 25, How did Fashion contribute to making 1920s of America the “Roaring Twenties”. The fashion of the “Roaring Twenties” perfectly presented the Jazz Era. It was made for the energetic Charleston and fast vehicles. Music, art, literature mirrored the changing in American values. American people were hungry for news and events in the Twenties. every morning they hurried to the newsstand for the fresh periodicals, and, at night, they listened to the radio which became their favorite entertainment. Politics, alcohol prohibition, Al Capone, the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and then the Depression years were defining signs of that epoch. The fashion, nevertheless, is reckoned as the special contribution to the “Roaring Twenties”, and it is so much more than flapper dresses, bare knee, feathered headbands and short hair, the cliché, which modern people associate with that epoch.

Women of the “Roaring Twenties” defied social customs and announced their rights loud and clear. They began smoking and drinking alcohol in public, and that was a social taboo prior to that time. Refusing from bustles and corsets clothing designers gained the freedom and greater variety of creative expression. Outfits became daring and, even, provocative. Women of the twenties preferred short dresses and rolled the stockings beneath their knees, as well as wore bright-colored lipstick. Bare knee and short hair were socially acceptable for the first time in western history of fashion. Flappers, the brightest representatives of that fashion epoch, did not actually emerge until 1926. A true flapper had short, smooth hair and a flat chest. they wore a short shapeless shift dress and make-up in public. Flappers exposed their legs and arms as well as smoked with a long fashionable cigarette holder. they spent all nights long by dancing to emphasize the rebel spirit. Beyond such transformation in style, the twenties were marked by female rebellion against gender-based standards. Finally, the 19th Amendment of Constitution granted the woman with voting right. As an indicator of surrendering to the inevitable, the American men became more and more accustomed to the womens new social and political position.

High fashion before the “Roaring Twenties” was for the wealthy women. However, flapper’s dress had less complicated design than prior fashions. so many women became very successful in dressmaking flapper dresses at home. The flapper style was democratic fashion that negated the differences between social classes. Although, the wealthy women continued to wear their rich silk garments for evenings, they wore fashionable flapper’s dresses during the days as casual clothes. The courses of dressmaking and millinery became extremely popular among women who wanted to be fashionable but could not afford to buy the clothing by retail prices. Many women found in industry of fashion mass production the way to earn money to support their families. Contemporary clothing became commonly acceptable because not wealthy social groups of women could afford these relatively inexpensive ready-made flappers dresses.

The “Roaring Twenties” were the epoch, when women from the different socio-economic groups had equal opportunity to wear high fashion due to the simplicity of creating elegant flapper styled clothing. It was an epoch of liberation, not just from the ordeal of the World War but from social narrow-mindedness and obsolete traditions. the war had caused so much pain and suffering to people, so that everyone desired to feel and sense the life in all its various manifestations. The people of twenties needed to express themselves without restriction in any possible way, and the best way to do it appeared through the fashion. so, dramatic changes in the appearance allowed people to reflect their spirit, thoughts, dreams and desires just perfectly.

Works Cited

F. Scott Fitzgerald (2012). The Great Gatsby (e-book). Free e-Book at Planet eBook.com. 193 p.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses the impact of hacking in todays firms.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses the impact of hacking in todays firms. It is evidently clear from the discussion that people who constantly perform the acts of testing and manipulating computer systems and programs are known as hackers. Hacking can be performed legally or illegally. Hackers can be employed by organizations to protect the organization from harmful attacks from other hackers. Hackers are known to perform cyber crime. Cybercrime is unlawful penetration of computer network as Ericson mentions. The hackers have ethics which they follow. Those who do not abide by the ethics tarnish the name of hackers giving them a bad reputation. Hacking can take different forms depending on the activities. Types of hacking include password cracking, brute force, Denial of Service, Viruses, crimeware, and bots. Password cracking entails using a structured query language to get passwords from non secured or secured websites. People have numerous usernames and password and tend to use similar ones for convenience. The hackers use the username and password to access valuable websites such as banks. Brute force hacking uses an automatic system to generate the password by recreating or guessing a new password. To ensure that hackers cannot attack at random, it is important to create long passwords and use different passwords for different sites. Denial of service is a type of hacking attack that works against an organization. The organization’s server gets poor network communication which results in broken communication. The server ends up slowing down and may eventually crash. The targeted organizations have online trading. If the organization does not get to pay off the hackers, it may end up losing money and reputation. Crimeware is another type of hacking where hackers use crimeware packs to sell malware and conduct money laundering activities. Hijacker and ransomware are categorized together with crimeware. Hijackers will divert a browser to an advertising site.

Need help with my writing homework on Mortgage Inflation in the United States. Write a 1500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Mortgage Inflation in the United States. Write a 1500 word paper answering; The housing crisis of 2008 was actually the starting point of a global recession with which the world is still fighting today. In this essay, we will attempt to explain the housing crisis and the economic recession of 2008. Also, the side effects of the recession and possible solutions will be discussed.

During early 2000 US economy was doing very well and the housing sector was growing significantly. Housing prices increased by around 124 percent between 1997 and 2006 (The Economist, 2007, par. 2). The demand for a house in the United States was driving the prices higher and higher. The increasing demand for houses was due to the subprime mortgages. Mortgage companies were given out loans to people who couldn’t afford the loans. These were riskier loans that were made to people who had a bad credit history. Subprime loans were actually increasing the demand for houses in the United States and this was, in turn, increasing prices of houses. This is how a housing bubble was created that was based on the weak foundations of subprime lending.

In these ‘good’ economic times inflation was also increasing and therefore interest rate was also higher. In order to entice people to buy homes mortgage companies started giving out mortgages that initially required the borrower to pay less than the market interest rate and more at a later stage. This also added to the housing bubble.

Need help with my writing homework on The Technological and Business Environment of Greece. Write a 1500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on The Technological and Business Environment of Greece. Write a 1500 word paper answering; The main impediment in Greek technological development is in its commercial culture and government interventions.&nbsp. A huge majority of its population have yet to be educated on the necessity of IT in order to transform them into a market for the latest technological products.&nbsp. On the other hand, the government still has to overcome its tendency to intervene in the supposedly free market economy, discouraging foreign investors in many instances.&nbsp. Greece does not even lack in technologically able people to concentrate on IT development.&nbsp. It is just that there are not enough local business institutions that can provide the financial thrust towards that end.

One of the main advantages Greece has in order to sustain or even hasten its technological advance is its human resource development. The country has healthy technological education programs, which are incorporated in the curriculum is many technological schools. It has more than seventy institutions that focused its attention on IT training and development.&nbsp. In this regard, the country has taken a positive step in improving this particular area of technology, something that may guarantee it successes in this area in the coming years. The education system that gives a particular concentration on technology is a condition for opportunities for investments.&nbsp. What the country lacks in infrastructure, it makes up with a human resource that is being shaped to qualify for IT jobs.&nbsp. Therefore, if multinational companies from its EU fellow member countries invest in technology, particularly in IT they can be assured of above satisfactory returns of investments.&nbsp. The government, for its part, has opened the country to the influx of investments coming from abroad.&nbsp. It provides incentives for investors, especially in IT and telecommunications, such as interest rate subsidies, cash grants, and tax allowances.&nbsp. It also allows foreign investors to repatriate its capital and profits in foreign currency.&nbsp. This has made the country more attractive to IT investments.

Write a 6 pages paper on high school sports participation. Athletics, which is a significant undertaking in college, has a profound influence on the future outcomes of various college students. Athlet

Write a 6 pages paper on high school sports participation. Athletics, which is a significant undertaking in college, has a profound influence on the future outcomes of various college students. Athletics has served as the opener for certain students towards their future goals although it substantially undermines the educational attainment of most athletic students. The college offers different outcomes for different students with some students gaining educational attainment and values while other the same but with an added advantage of athletic prominence.

Over some time, there has been skills deceleration within the American context, owing to reduced educational accomplishment. The solution that has been recommended is an elaborate education for more people within the society, thus improving their educational attainment (Bowen & Chingos, 2009). Educational attainment has been considered the most efficient way of improving the conditions that the country has faced for quite some period. Students’ attendance at college seeks to present positive outcomes, which are education achievements and educational values. The functional areas have recently been included as a positive outcome that most students are seeking through joining college. Although, the functional area, which is athletics compromises the educational achievements of students it has proved quite influential in the labor markets for students bearing the educational achievements and values.

According to various surveys, conducted educational attainments have been substantially improved by various methods. Deep learning has been highlighted as a technique that has considerable influence on students’ performances that lead to better and positive educational outcomes (Lipka, 2007).