Write 6 pages with APA style on Trait Theory in Criminology. He argued that these criminals can be identified by their physical appearances which are an indication of their genetic competition. Among

Write 6 pages with APA style on Trait Theory in Criminology. He argued that these criminals can be identified by their physical appearances which are an indication of their genetic competition. Among the features that Gordon Allport identified were sharp eyesight, sharp hearing abilities, large hands, bodies etc. The theory also posits that criminals are more likely to have lower intelligent quotients since they are still lower in the evolution process. Gordon Allport was a pioneer of trait theory and believed that people’s behavior did not depend on environment or past, but that rather they depended on the genetics of a person. Gordon Allport described over 4500 traits by going through the dictionary and identifying all words which can be used to describe the traits or characteristics of a person. He then classified these traits into three main categories which included the following. Cardinal traits are the traits which fundamentally describes a person and their behavior. He argued that these are the traits that are fundamental in shaping the character of an individual. Cardinal traits have the most major role in shaping the behavior of a person and they are made from the strongest of a person’s obsessions and passions. Gordon Allport identified that there are some central traits which are common in almost all people. Although these traits are not fundamental in shaping the character and behaviors of a person, they nonetheless have an important role. Gordon Allport also identified secondary traits which also contribute to the personality of a person. Gordon Allport argued that these secondary traits have a very minimal impact on a personal behavior, but must be considered in order to give a complete picture of a person’s personality and character. Although the trait theory has been seen to have some very serious flaws in it, it has also been seen to be supported by various situations. For instance, most people who commit violent crime seem to be having some very common&nbsp.traits.

Need help with my writing homework on What makes Amory Blaine character American in This Side of Paradise. Write a 1500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on What makes Amory Blaine character American in This Side of Paradise. Write a 1500 word paper answering; This essay discusses that in normal circumstances, an individual will feel sad when they lose their significant others, but Amory shows no remorse in the death of his father. In fact, he attends the burial without showing any emotion. The novel ends when Amory is penniless. this is a twist from a rich family with the flamboyant mother who made every provision to his dear son. He realizes that he hates poverty, and he goes further to start spreading the news of socialism perhaps hoping that he might land himself back on the revolution. The lack of money made him have a deep dynamic thought of who he was. That was a character that displayed how Amor was coming to learn and live with the reality of life. Things were not as usual, and it was time for Amor to think more and understand his life in a conventional way.

Eventually, as the novel comes to an end, Amory, discarded money, love, and convention but rather concentrated in deep self-actualization. He later comes to realize that he was selfish and egocentric. At the end of the novel he claims that he finally knows himself, “but this is all.” The book portrays Amor as uniquely American with such behaviors that he portrayed in an unconventional manner. His life that started from a flamboyant family to end in poverty may provide the picture into why Amory fought for his self-actualization and identification.

In conclusion, “This Side of Paradise” provides a good insight on understanding the reason some people behave in a unique way rather than in a conventional way.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on benchmarking for air export procedure in thailand Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on benchmarking for air export procedure in thailand Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Business process improvement (BPI) tools are methodologies that permit people to develop into being more proficient in their processes. Through employing BPI tools in its undertaking, a business can recognize its weak points and recover its operational effectiveness. Among the BPI tools that are commonly utilized by many business organization include. Business process improvement (BPI) tools are methodologies that permit people to develop into being more proficient in their processes. Through employing BPI tools in its undertaking, a business can recognize its weak points and recover its operational effectiveness. Among the BPI tools that are commonly utilized by many business organization include.1). Risk assessment analysisThis particular tool entails identifying and at the same time trying to reduce or mitigate risk or chances of a risk-taking place in the process (Harrington, 1991p.176). According to the same author, this particular tool is a proactive methodology that endeavors to avoid chances of risk being created from the process. Harrington (1991p.176) further remarks that the tool goes a long way in enabling the process to be perfected by doing things right rather than seeking the right thing. In his argument, Harrington observes that risk assessment analysis does not only act as the way of warning the management of an impending risk but also try to reduce the chances of such a risk hindering the improvement process of the business process. The advantage of risk assessment analysis. Through this tool, the company or organization is relieved inconveniences that could have accrued as a result of the risk being created I the process. This cost could have been associated with means of eradicating them, which to a great extent may entail unwarranted financial expenses (Harrington, 1991).&nbsp.II. Similarly, the analysis enhances consistency in the process, as no break up will be experienced resulting from any risk being created from the process.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Why do many economists argue for outward orientation and export promotion to the industrialization of East Asia. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 word

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Why do many economists argue for outward orientation and export promotion to the industrialization of East Asia. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. According to large proportion of economics, countries that have relied on outward orientation as a strategy for development and industrialization have done better than those countries that in contrary adopted inward orientation (Edwards, 1989, p. 1). More specifically, outward orientation is a trade policy characterized with absence of bias against exports, active promotion of exports and low trade barriers (Mody, 1999, p. 2). Firms face equal incentives to produce for the home as well export markets, same time emerging exporters are given quite high levels of initial market protection. Outward orientation is an absence of bias against exports (Bromley, Mackintosh and Brown, 2004, p. 69).

An inward orientation is an attempt to withdraw from the full participation of a country in the world economy. It supports import substitution that is the production of goods at home to be encouraged as it would otherwise to be imported. An outward orientation strategy is an attepmt to participate in international trade by encouraging resource allocation without any price distortions. Outward orientation is thus an application of production according to comparative advantage (Appleyard, Field and Cobb, 2005, p. 427).

Economists argue for the outward orientation to industrialize East Asia because it is highly useful strategy to enhance and improve the economic performance of the country.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Emerging Technology in Solar Energy. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Emerging Technology in Solar Energy. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Solar energy has been used towards providing heat and light in different parts of the world by using many techniques. These technologies are ever-emerging and are used in variety of methods from producing electricity, thermal energy, architecture, artificial photosynthesis, solar photovoltaic and heating. All these technologies are further divided into the passive or active solar technologies depending on their utilization of sunlight from capturing it to distributing it in certain ways.

Active solar procedures incorporate the utilization of photovoltaic boards and thermalcollecting methods to contain the solar energy. Passive solar procedures include turning a structure to the Sun, selecting materials with good warm mass or light scattering properties, and outlining spaces that characteristically circle air.

Emerging Technologies in Active Solar Energy

By the very essence of the word, Solar, the utilization of Sunlight towards producing electricity through concentrated solar power (CSP) or photovoltaic (PV) is amongst the rapidly growing technology of the time. Both of the technologies use a separate method towards the accumulation of electricity. In Concentrated Solar Power system, the sun beams are collected towards a small or a large area and then focused towards one area where the sunlight is converted into electric current through photovoltaic effect.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Concept of Self Portrait. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Concept of Self Portrait. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length. Theory can conclusively explain the complex nature of human self-concept and people’s self-portrait, a mix of environmental and genetic factors determine what an individual become. This paper will discuss the concept of self-portrait from my own point of view while in- cooperating Erikson’s development theory and Kohlberg’s model of morality

Self-portrait entails the way an individual presents himself to the society and the way the society perceives the individual. Defining an individual and trying to understand why people talk or behave the way they do is a complex endeavor. Many people conclude that others are the way they are due to inheritance and others believe that life events develop people (Weisner, 2002). Many scholars have examined self-portrait as they try to attach meaning to people’s behavior and beliefs. In a bid to illustrate my self-portrait, I will base my development on two theories: Erikson’s development theory and Kohlberg’s model of morality.

The first stage of development is Infancy: Birth to 18 months. The Ego development outcome at this stage is Trust vs. Mistrust. The child seeks attention and affection from her mother and affection is generated at this stage. This is evidenced by clinging and inability to cope with withdrawal from the mother at this age. A child who receives affection is able to trust people in the latter life as compared to one who did not receive attention and thus has mistrust. This is clearly emulated in my self-portrait since having grown with my parents and having received the affection and attention of my mother, I am able to trust the world and my colleagues, and show affection to them (Harder, 2002).

The second stage of development in Early Childhood: 18 months to 3 years. The Ego outcome development at this stage is Autonomy vs. Shame. The child learns how to say NO to the parents in search for autonomy. In cases where the child’s autonomy is reprimanded, the child develops&nbsp.shame and doubt. This is portrayed in my self-portrait as autonomy I developed at this stage gives me the courage to carry out the complex task.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Antigone. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Antigone. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. All these tragedies reveal Sophocles’s observation of the political and social system of his times as well as his deep insight into the nature and emotions prevailing in the heart of women, who leave no stone unturned to fulfill their obligations towards their blood relations because of the unconditional sentiments they contain for their family members, and even put their life at stake in order to save the life and honour of their blood relations and lovers. Hence, the play displays the author’s vast knowledge and in-depth surveillance of woman psychology, and the wisdom and compassion women exercise at the eve of the crisis occurred in their life.&nbsp.

The play under study i.e. Antigone depicts the same magnitude of concern and sacrifice that is submitted by Sophocles by drawing out the powerful character and personality of the protagonist of the story i.e. Antigone, who defies the royal edict regarding the humiliation of the dead body of her brother Polyneices. Since Polyneices has been declared as a rebel to the city by the King, he has lost his status as the respectable and loyal citizen. Consequently, the King has issued decree that being rebel to the state, Polyneices could neither be buried in a dignified manner, nor would he be lamented and mourned altogether. on the contrary, his corpse would keep uncovered in the fields, so that it could be torn and tattered by kites, vultures, crows, dogs and other birds and animals. (Lines 196-201) Here appears the conflict in the role and responsibilities of Antigone’s as a citizen and as a sister. As a responsible citizen, she has to obey the royal commands. and as the loving and dedicated sister of Polyneices, she has every right to secure the corpse of his brother from becoming the prey to desecration. But she is not such sort of lady, which lacks decision power. On the contrary, she is well aware of her duties and obligations. So, Antigone is not ready to comply with such an indecent, immoral and inhuman royal edict of humiliating the corpse, which is also vehemently against divine law. The divine law, according to Antigone, lays stress upon mercy, kindness and charity, and prohibits humans to desecrate human body even after death.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on is the idea of daylight saving time justified Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on is the idea of daylight saving time justified Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Daylight saving time is generally seen as necessary. The initial justification for the practice was weak, and, like so many other social institutions, it began in wartime but has since outlived its peacetime utility. However, defenders of daylight saving time support the policy by looking at society-wide effects, particularly those they claim on the topics of leisure industries, energy consumption, and public safety. The issues they examine in these topics are intuitive (that is, they make sense), but they lack a great deal of empirical support. For instance, it makes perfect sense to say that an increase in natural light (due to the extension of the evening hours when everyone is awake, at the expense of the morning hours, when everyone is asleep) lowers the demand for energy during these peak hours. This principle seemed to be on display in World War I as some initial justification for putting into practice. However, the widespread marketing of home air conditioning units in the 1920s left no net effect on this theory. The increase in the consumption of energy to cool the home during the light evening mitigated the decrease in the consumption of energy to light the home. A government-backed report on the efficacy of daylight savings time found no net effect on energy usage.

Advocates of daylight saving time also extol the benefits to public safety, particularly the intuition that traffic fatalities will decrease because of increased light on the roads. Although there is some literature to support this thought in industrialized countries with extensive road infrastructure, metastudies of this literature particularly in the US is inconclusive, citing a zero net effect on traffic fatalities. In addition, in terms of public safety, it is widely believed increased daylight reduces crime, which is more likely in nighttime hours. But contrary to this line of thinking, the United States government decided that the findings of research into the topic are inconclusive. These public effects are concluded by appeals to benefits to public health when it is claimed increased sunlight provides more opportunity for exercise.

Compose a 1500 words assignment on the description of the company and product. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1500 words assignment on the description of the company and product. Needs to be plagiarism free! BestJuice Limited was established to take on growth opportunities in the fresh fruit juice market. Though many people are venturing into the segment, those who are going to survive rivalry onslaught and tighter regulations must produce high-quality products, follow industry regulation to the latter, innovate saleable sales ideas and develop an appropriate way of communicating products to the customers. The fresh fruit juice segment is on the growth rate and promises higher returns to investors. Therefore, it is a segment worth venturing.

Fresh fruit industry is on the growing trend over the past decade because more people are becoming health conscious and are resorting to organic food products. Furthermore, since 2009, Halifax has been receiving the increasing number of tourists and more residents have increased their spending at the restaurants and other food establishments. As a result, the fresh fruit industry recorded the highest growth in revenues ever in 2009 as more people consumed fresh fruits juice regularly, in increased proportions and situations. To sum it all, the overall restaurant industry recorded highest growth revenues in 2009 and companies exhibited strong balance sheets. Every segment of fresh fruit juices grew significantly and it is estimated that fresh fruit juice segment will grow at the rate of 4% – 6% annually in the next decade (Jackson, 2008). Food Pyramid and other food experts in Canada recommends a daily intake of five to ten fruits and vegetables (Live strong, n.d). This number can easily be reached through fresh fruit juices in a simple and more enjoyable way.

The market for fresh fruit juice is large and continues to grow each day. It has been established through research that 2 per cent of the three hundred thousand urban Halifax populations prefer fresh fruit juices. Halifax is 5490.18 Km2 with a population of about 400,000 residents. The urban population is about 300,000 residents and the median earning is $54, 129 (CIA 2010).&nbsp.&nbsp.