Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on cybercrime and its effects on society.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on cybercrime and its effects on society. Cyber crimes prove to be very disastrous for a person or a company because they can lead to various harmful effects such as deletion of important records, unauthorized access to private information, and misuse of private information. Tatum (2010) asserts, “While many forms of cybercrime revolve around the appropriation of proprietary information for unauthorized use, other examples are focused more on an invasion of privacy”. Privacy is one of the most valuable things, which gets affected due to cyber crimes. Hackers can retrieve private information from the personal computers of the people after hacking the passwords. Hackers not only access the information but also alter or delete that information from the databases, which turn out to be very disastrous for any person.

Governments of almost all countries have implemented regulatory mechanisms to control cyber crimes. It is because cyber crimes have become one of the major threats to the security and privacy of every citizen who makes use of the internet. Although computer professionals have developed mechanisms to prevent cyber crimes, the rate of cyber crimes is still increasing with every passing day. This reason behind this is that hackers are becoming more and more intelligent and skilled due to the advancements in information technology. It is the responsibility of the governments to implement strict laws against cyber crimes in order to stop hackers from committing any sort of cybercrime.

Walker (n.d.) states, “As Internet usage continues to rise throughout the world, the threat of cybercrime also grows. There are various scams associated with the cyber world. These scams include junk emails, misrepresentation of facts, offensive content, harassment, cyber laundering, theft of telecommunication services, and electronic funds transfer fraud.&nbsp.&nbsp.

I need some assistance with these assignment. response to intervention Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. response to intervention Thank you in advance for the help! RTI is a problem-solving approach that has a ‘Tier Three Model, which is very common to RTI practitioners. This model considers three stages of intervention according to the severity of the learning disability, and the need for the force of efforts required to cope with it. Involvement of the parents in the process of improvement of the child with a learning disability is also significant. RTI is an effective approach to help children with learning disabilities to improve up to the desired standards of achievement.

Simply described, ‘Response to Intervention’, RTI, is a way to recognize a child’s disability with learning first, and then to help the child improve it in a certain guided way. More specifically, it is referred to as an approach that is used to increase the opportunity for all students to meet the academic standards of achievement. It is to help the students with learning disabilities, affecting their learning in such a scientific way that they could learn as other, healthy children, so achieving the required standard of success in life positively. These learning disabilities are usually behavioral, but sometimes, difficulties, other than behavioral, can also affect the learning of a student, and an RTI approach can help that as well. In the context of a teaching-learning process, intervention, means, to change the way of teaching a student with some learning or behavior difficulty in a manner that the student could improve to respond like other students to achieve the desired standards of success. This method can be used at the group and individual level.

In December 2004, US Congress passed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA, 2004), which allowed the local educational institutes and organizations to use a Response-to-Intervention (RTI) approach for identifying children with possible learning disabilities for special education, to help them to cope with their disabilities. The RTI process brings more clarity to the Specific Learning Disability (SLD) category of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004), which has been referred to as a residual category for children with moderate learning problems.&nbsp.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on post traumatic stress disorder of the soldiers injured in the battles.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on post traumatic stress disorder of the soldiers injured in the battles. In the above discussion, it is found that the intensity of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder increases with the passage of time from the end of the war. However, the rate of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is found to be considerably less for the wounded soldiers who had just returned from the combats. In a similar manner, further research done on the subject of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder signifies some more variations on such aspects. In the course of research made a group of Australian brush fighters it is found that the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder occurring within a period of one to four months after the warfare. The symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder also occurred after a span of sixteen to eighteen months after the combat. Such symptoms are referred to as the symptoms of the delayed onset of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Chronic cases were presented with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after a passage of ten to twenty months after the war. The delayed occurrence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder being further studied showed that after a period of eleven months from the end of war 41 cases emerged having such problems. However, along with the same duration 59 cases were observed who had resolved the trauma and stress factors. Again, observation conducted after a time period of 29 months after the end of the war also showed like results. The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was found to occur for 52 soldiers. However, during the same duration, 35 soldiers were found to have resolved such war trauma and stress. In the research made on the occurrence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, another observation showed that only 53 percent of the soldiers showed the same symptoms both in the duration of 4 and 29 months. To this end, the inference made along the above parameters stated that the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was mainly of three types viz. chronic, recurrent or continuous and those, which occurred at a later time period.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on technical challenges in production of $100 laptop by nicholas negroponte Paper must be at least 2500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on technical challenges in production of $100 laptop by nicholas negroponte Paper must be at least 2500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! One Laptop Per Child needed investment in one million at a time by a nation in Laptop and including all expenditures the price tag could go to $ 200 million to $ 250 million. Negroponte decided not to venture into production until he has firm commitments from governments to buy at least five million machines outside the USA. Competitors were increasingly lowering their product prices with no such restriction. Real Issue The real issue was the shift in technology. The emerging markets were likely to be wireless-centric rather than PC- centric. Hence it was more viable to distribute internet enabled cell phones to children for education rather than trying to built and distribute Wi-FI enabled mesh networks with donated or subsidized Laptops as was being done by OLPC. The problem was of disruptive innovation and market evolution. Relevant Facts OLPC is facing many different challenges and varied situations both internally and in the external environment. In the table below is the list of the few most relevant and important facts concerning OLPC. In 2006 AMD, Google, Red Hat, News Corp. gave at least $ 29 million to fund the project and pledged additional money for the future. + OLPC needed an order of one million laptops at a time to start its production. The $ 100 Laptop proved to be a misnomer. The initial cost was close to $ 150 per machine. OLPC find it difficult to sell the idea. The poor underdeveloped countries that are still striving for basic necessities of life find it difficult to invest such a huge amount on laptops instead of basic education. Competitors were multiplying in number both nationally and internationally and well-renowned business oriented companies were giving tough competition by continuously offering their low priced products. Emerging technologies such as Internet-enabled cell phones were cheaper and have more consumer acceptance in poor countries. Intel started working together with OLPC in July 2007 and started mass production + Due to a request of OLPC for Intel to stop marketing its low-cost laptops, Intel terminated the partnership with OLPC in January 2008. ? TECHNOLOGY Design engineers of OLPC not only were successful in reducing cost through innovative technology but also solved the problem of lack of electricity with the hand crank. + Enhanced Wi-Fi range created a wireless mesh to enable out of range machines to connect to the internet. + SWOT Analysis is the most effective tool that provides the framework for the analysis of the business environment. It is considered more effective because, in a way, it combines the Porters five forces with the PEST analysis. It requires careful prioritization of strong opportunities and threats. A wrong selection may lead to weaker opportunities and threats coming in the analysis. SWOT analysis provides both internal and external analysis and provides a critical analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It helps organizations in developing its strategies like SO that emphasizes on utilizing strengths to capture the opportunities.&nbsp.WT strategy focuses on minimizing weaknesses and threats. ST strategy focuses on using strengths in minimizing threat whereas WS strategy is focused on minimizing weaknesses while focusing on strengths. In the same way, opportunities can be utilized to minimize weakness WO and threats OT depending on the strategy of the company. (Gerry Johnson, 2008).

Need an research paper on political, social, and economic impact of illegal immigration in texas. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on political, social, and economic impact of illegal immigration in texas. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. Although Texas has witnessed widespread immigration from other states within the U.S., the illegal immigration has brought with it far-reaching social, economic and political impacts (Camarota, 2010).

The bulk of these immigrants is constituted of legal immigrants but an ever increasing number is from illegal migrants.&nbsp. Research done in the last few years has shown that even though immigrants have some economic benefits on the economy, their presence is often associated with net loss. Although there has never been an agreement on the contribution of immigrants to the country, there has been a consensus that immigrants are a net loss. Despite the much data that is available on the illegal immigrant problem, the truth is that there is no accurate statistics on the immigration challenge in Texas. The main reason for this is that immigrants do not want to be discovered and this makes them try as much as they can to stay away from avenues that can expose them (Borjas, 2003).

Over the years, analysts have tried to establish the economic effects of illegal immigrants in the US. One of the effects that have been identified is that of hiring translators or develops new programs to deal with immigrants. An example of this is the recent grant of $340,000 given to Texas to help immigrants to become acquainted with the U.S. traffic laws. Although this was federal money, the problem that it presents is on the state level.&nbsp. In a way, this is also a social problem since there have been numerous road accidents caused by the inability of immigrants to observe traffic rules. The Texas state government has been forced to deal with this problem since it poses a threat not only to the immigrants but also to the Texas residents as well (Borjas, 2003).

Another social effect of illegal immigration in Texas is that they have taken up the majority of the working force. Although trends show that there have been a large number of jobs created in the last three decades, the number of the jobless Texans has been going up significantly.

Create a 11 pages page paper that discusses factors that would influence the decision-making process.

Create a 11 pages page paper that discusses factors that would influence the decision-making process. Clinical assessment encompasses history taking and examination, bone and hard tissue assessment and analysis of the bone and soft tissue relation. Patient’s medical, surgical and dental history should be elicited. Relevant oral and extra-oral examination must be performed. The aim of the examination is to determine the status of the affected tooth, periodontal status and occlusal relationship, and identify focus of infection, if any. In this case, it’s important to examine the crestal and interproximal bone, gingival tissue and smile line before undertaking implant surgery in the aesthetic zone. Data relevant to the case is collected in the form of photographs, diagnostic casts, preextraction periapical and panoramic radiographs. It is also recommended that three dimensional cone beam or computerised tomographic scans should be performed prior to tooth extraction to assess the anatomy and bone of the affected region. This can greatly assist in planning the surgical steps as the bone dimensions are clearly visualised.

I need some assistance with these assignment. affirmative action in social psychology Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. affirmative action in social psychology Thank you in advance for the help! Affirmative action is one of the major controversial policy issues in the contemporary United States. Even though opponents, as well as supporters, sometimes engage in vicious debates in courts and media social psychologists have taken a step of examining psychological origins. These psychological origins are of favorable as well as unfavorable opinions of affirmative action. They specifically examine how these policies are related to racial equality. Several factors ranging from prejudice and racial resentment to self-interest have been found to be the antecedents of United States’ opposition to affirmative action which only favors minority groups.

Even though gender and racial attitudes have recently become more open since those time times in the 1960s when affirmative action was incepted, support for affirmative action is generally still not small. This essay does not overlook the effect of self-interest, prejudice or any form of political beliefs aimed at shaping attitudes. However, this essay will aim at complementing the picture by looking at the role cultural values towards determining the psychological construal of this issue in the society.

In a certain case in 1978, the United States Supreme Court gave a ruling that using college quota in making decisions concerning college admission greatly violated the Equal Protection Clause. This clause, which was included the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States’ constitution, strongly states that “no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” With this landmark ruling eliminating racial quotas, the race was not allowed to be taken into consideration in making decisions about admission in schools and colleges. The aim of eliminating this quota was to achieve a diverse student body (Crosby et al, 2001).

I need some assistance with these assignment. who, if anyone, needs to have a liberal education Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. who, if anyone, needs to have a liberal education Thank you in advance for the help! What does one mean by a “liberal” education, and what constitutes success? Under Shannon French’s definition, a liberal education studies a variety of issues (some of them frightening or disturbing) in order to produce a person who can define his or her morals and know why they have those morals. For French, if her students “come back with their shields” they have been successful (para. 24). Blanche Blank and Bill Coplin recognize that expecting universities to churn out workers destroys the underlying essence of a liberal education. Coplin’s portrait of a successful person paints someone who is dependable, pays attention to detail, works well in a team, can find and use information, is good at problem-solving, and who can write clearly (para. 18). Certainly, all those skills would serve anyone well in a working life, no matter if they have a college degree or not. These authors’ underlying definitions of a liberal education are right on the mark: Advanced schooling can be just about attaining a wide base of knowledge, and a liberal education is valuable even if it does not teach a specific skill set. Specific degrees are available for students to pursue, which are geared toward a working life. a broad education is just geared toward living a full and aware adulthood.

Gregory clearly says that the only important job for humans is “deciding what kind of person he or she will become” (para. 12), so it can be assumed that a successful person “knows” himself or herself. By the same token, a failed person has focused solely on attaining skills and ignored all the other information that came by. Gregory very clearly articulates how he feels about a liberal education: “Liberal education is the pursuit of human excellence” (para. 10).

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on analysis of counseling theories Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on analysis of counseling theories Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! &nbsp.Rogers (1957, pp. 95-103) outlined that in order for effective personality change to occur and for a truly therapeutic relationship to exist between the client and therapist, it is necessary that the therapist and the client are in psychological contact, that the client is in a state of incongruence, that the therapist is congruent and integrated in the relationship, that the therapist experiences unconditional positive regard and empathic understanding for the client, and that there is an attempt and also some degree of achievement in communicating this understanding to the client. Of these criteria, the three most fundamental ‘core’ conditions the therapist must aim to achieve are congruence, unconditional positive regard, and empathy.

Central to Rogers model is the premise that the potential psychological development of an individual can be unlocked through a relationship where the therapist feels and conveys genuine caring, sensitivity, and non-judgmental understanding in a non-directive manner towards a client (Mearns, 1994, pp. 34-36). Rogers model is considered non-directive, as unlike directive approaches, where information is collected and presented, Rogerian counseling sees information conveyed from client to therapist and explicit directions from the therapist are avoided. During a counseling session, the client is encouraged to express and explore self-directed inner feelings. The counselor responds through reflection and through paraphrasing the emotional content, helping the client consider the meaning of their inner experiences (Corey, 2009a, pp. 56-77). The therapist accepts the client’s statements without judgment or interpretation attempting to understand them as the client would.
