Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: The Benefits of Planning in a Business Environment.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: The Benefits of Planning in a Business Environment. The four functions of management include planning, organizing, directing and controlling. The management needs to be equipped with all four functions but any situation needs planning ahead of implementation after which control can be exercised. Planning has been described as assessing the future, setting goals and devising means to achieve these goals (Dooris, Kelley and Trainer, 2002). Mintzberg and Quinn think of strategy as a plan and specify that it should be made in advance and it should be developed consciously and purposefully (cited in Dooris, Kelly and Trainer, 2002). Planning is thus an ability to improve the condition, which could include increasing market share or enhancing profits. It thus suggests that planning is a primary management function aimed at achieving organizational goals and objectives. Every business, regardless of size, must develop a comprehensive plan which would force the management to think of the realities to be faced in the business world (French, Kelly and Harrison, 2004). This should have a well-defined format and parts. This conforms to Valdehueza’s (2009) definition that goals are a desired future state that the organization focuses on while plans are the blueprint that specifies the resource allocation, schedules, and actions necessary to achieve the intended goals. Organizational goals, mission, and objectives symbolize legitimacy to the external stakeholders while plans motivate the employees to perform an action, thereby reducing uncertainty. The benefits of planning range from economic benefits to adaptive thinking and can also include integration and control (Appiah-Adu, Morgan and Katsikeas, 1996). Planning benefits could either be utilitarian or psychological in nature. The Utilitarian benefits are the planning capabilities that manifest in enhanced organizational processes, acquisition of knowledge-based skills and coordination of strategic activities (Appiah-Adu, Morgan and Katsikeas, 1996). Psychological benefits demonstrate the values and perceptions of management. The psychological benefits include enhanced morale, motivation and commitment by the employees to the strategic plans drawn up by the management. This is especially perceived in change management when the management planned the change process before the actual change takes place. Mergers and acquisitions can have a demoralizing effect on employees but with the right planning the objectives of change can be met and resistance overcome. Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries plc (W&DB) the UK took over two breweries within twelve months which resulted in considerable downsizing and closing down of some units (Pollitt, 2006). This can lead to demoralizing of staff resulting in reduced productivity. However, W&DB had strategically planned the change process and could overcome the resistance within a short period of time. The goal of the organization was to avoid imbalance, which is generally expected in any change, with the right organizational strategy. Through transparency, effective communication, removal of management trappings and employee involvement they could achieve the desired goal. They could achieve this because the change process was planned much before the actual change took place. As uncertainty manifest in the modern business enterprise, formal strategic planning took shape in organizations.

Need help with my writing homework on Why the Operations of the South Sea Company Proved to be Financially Unsound. Write a 1000 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Why the Operations of the South Sea Company Proved to be Financially Unsound. Write a 1000 word paper answering; The purpose of the essay is to test the ability of the researcher to assimilate information and to order it in support of specific arguments. Students are expected to read the book, entitled A Very English Deceit: The South Seas Bubble and the World’s First Great Financial Scandal, written by Balen, M to answer the essay question. The objective is for students to think out the answer themselves, using general knowledge and plus material from Balen. The essay contains a clear, concise arguments on the subject. Therefore, the researcher concluds that there are similarities between the collapse of the South Sea bubble and the bankruptcy of Enron. Both companies seemed financially more secure than they actually were. They were companies that were attractive to investors, the South Sea Company due to price of it shares at the height of the bubble, Enron because of its size and the diversity investments. Both companies also presented themselves as being sure fire winners for investors, the South Sea Company inflated its own share prices, Enron fiddled its accounts to hide its mounting loses. Both companies believed that they bribed the right people in the right places and did not ensure that their books balanced enough to allow survival when times were harder. The South Sea Company had no source of income and no coherent or sustainable strategy. all it had was shares and monopolies that were worthless. In conclusion, Enron had strategies that did not work. the South Sea Company only had confidence amongst its naïve investors.

Write 6 pages with APA style on Customer Relationship Management for Luxury Clients.

Write 6 pages with APA style on Customer Relationship Management for Luxury Clients. The luxury brands build an image in the mind of the customer which is related with high quality, extraordinary service, and high price. For providing luxurious service the luxury brand needs to understand its customers which are only possible by developing strong customer relationship management. Through this process, the company is able to understand the mindset up of its targeted customers’ group which helps the company to design its product and services satisfying all the characteristics of a luxury product. Building the emotional attachment between the company and its customer is an important mean for the growth and survival of the luxury company. Holistic experience can be offered by luxury industry through their distributions channels (Dowling, 2002). CRM plays an important role in retaining loyal customers, attracting new customers. Through this relationship management, the luxury industry continuously delivers its services of grows the satisfaction and expectation of the customers. In the long run, CRM helps to increase the sales of the luxury industry by developing a long-term relationship with its customers. The companies of the luxury industry are able to deliver global consistency by CRM.

Four Seasons Hotels has a developed a strong base in its customer relationship management system (Campbell, 2003). The company provided a unique experience to its customers. The value of the company is to satisfy the customer needs who desire a luxurious environment. This hotel business has an excellent personalized service maintaining a perfect time and quality. Four Seasons Hotels charges a high price to its customers. The company maintains a strong relationship with its customer who prefers luxurious services. Its staff quickly gives a response in the expectation of its customers. The hotel has designed its facilities according to its customer’s profile. By providing all these CRM facilities like guest interaction, social media campaign the Four Seasons Hotels builds a strong foundation of a relationship with their customer which is a key factor of its success.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Impacts of Financial Crisis On American Education Industry.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Impacts of Financial Crisis On American Education Industry. The researcher states that Wisconsin which was known as the “state of the strong tradition of excellent public schools” is subjected to disinvestment by the government. Cuts worth $1.6 billion in state’s biennial budget signify the largest reduction in educational expenditures in the history of America. Special education is the most suffered area in terms of educational cuts. more than 100 districts are forced to reduce their special education programs. The financial crisis has worsened the special education by woefully shortening the services special students need. The survey reveals that the class size of four core courses. English, Maths, Science and Social studies is humongous in various districts and almost 40 percent of public school students belong to those districts. Educational cuts are what we can easily witness and weigh the impact of, however, the financial crises is a cycle which is impacting almost all the affairs of the people and education being the most basic need of an individual is suffering. Education Week and the Editorial Projects in Education (EPE) Research Center reported that: “Three out of every 10 students in America’s public schools fail to finish high school with a diploma. that amounts to 1.3 million students falling through the cracks of the high school pipeline every year, or more than 7,200 students lost every day. Most non-graduates are members of historically disadvantaged minority groups. Dropouts are also more likely to have attended school in large, urban districts and to come from communities plagued by severe poverty and economic hardship.” The weak economy and the financial crises have triggered the job losses and devaluation of assets making the parents insecure in terms of resources to provide quality education to their children. On the other hand, decreased tax revenues and increased demand for services have urged the US to tighten its belt.

Need an research paper on the relationship between cultural identity and interpersonal relationship. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on the relationship between cultural identity and interpersonal relationship. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. The policies on the exchange of manpower among different nationalities promoted by the shortage of skilled manpower in many countries have led people to migrate culturally diverse environments resultantly forming culturally diverse societies. International educational opportunities are also increasing the possibility of multi-cultural societies. The objective of this essay is to critically analyze the relationship between cultural identity and interpersonal relationship.

The modern-day societies are found to have complex natures and much diversity in their inter-personal relationship attitudes. Although this may vary from person to person, the range of diversity is much high with reference to the multicultural societies which includes people from different countries and cultural backgrounds. Christopher & Diana (1996, p75) have mentioned seven cultural identities pertaining to concerning to the human relationships including time, space, odors, frankness, the intimacy of relationships, values, and expression of emotions.

When a person or a group from a particular culture would insist on punctuality, others from the different part of the globe would not pay much importance for time. To meet the deadlines and to use time most effectively would be a high priority for people from some specific cultural groups. On the other side, time is taken into consideration in a more relaxed way in some other cultures. The complexity would occur when it comes to the linkage and relationship between people from these cultural groups. For example, if two people from different cultures decide an appointment for a meeting and if when one of them considers adhering with the timings previously fixed, the other comes for meeting few minutes late. this can lead to severe confusions in the relationship.

Need an research paper on organizational mentoring evaluation plan. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on organizational mentoring evaluation plan. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. Evaluation of the mentoring program provides a base through which strengths and concerns of the delivered program will be identified. Restaurant and Catering Association needed the tools to measure the effectiveness of its programmes, systems, and processes as it was initiating a large-scale mentoring initiative. The organization has 950 employees of which 50 are in upper-level management, 150 are supervisors and 750 are hourly workers. The organization has over recent years recorded a low employee performance and it has not been able to provide adequate satisfaction to its employees. The organization, therefore, felt the need to deliver a mentoring program so as to help employees improve their performance by carrying out their duties in the right way. The organization also believes that the mentoring program will expose the junior employees to the upper-level employees who have the better experience and have developed the right skills required for the job.

Restaurant and Catering Association experienced high levels of employee turnover. The organization recorded gender, racial and cultural diversity as this aspect is believed to be necessary for any organization that needs to be competitive and deliver quality services yet it could not motivate its employees who are from all backgrounds to give their best performance and to reach out to diverse customers. This is the reason that prompted management to deliver a mentorship program as it was regarded it as a mechanism that would enable to create a great workplace.

This situation was of great concern to the top- level employees as they realized that the organization would lose most of its customers since it was not providing them with quality and satisfying services. Management, therefore, saw it necessary to build a crucial network for the employees to help them develop new skills as well as improve their knowledge.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic The Issues of Office Gossip.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic The Issues of Office Gossip. On the other hand, all this issue was brought to the limelight through rumours in the office, and in actual fact, rumours in the office is an element of unethical behaviour. Lilly’s co-workers have been active in expressing their disgust concerning Lilly’s action by spreading rumours among each other.

Essentially, Lilly is on the wrong side because she is unprofessional and she cheats on her husband. The conflict arises from the fact that her behaviour overlooks the principles of marriage and the qualities of a professional salesperson. Firstly, it is unprofessional for a salesperson to initiate a romantic relationship with a customer. Secondly, it is inappropriate for a woman especially a married woman with children to cheat openly on her husband. In this case, conflict arises when Lilly has to compromise her sales position and her role as a wife in order to engage in unjustified relation. Moreover, in this scenario, Lilly will not be able to focus on her task as a salesperson or as a wife and a mother, and ultimately, this is a huge risk to both the company and her family. Likewise, the spreading of rumours in the office is equally wrong since they cannot be confirmed to be true. Therefore, another form of conflict rekindles through being in a situation, which calls for taking an action that is based on rumours that are difficult to authenticate (Ferrell & Fraedrich, 2012).

Many people are affected in this case. This starts with her family, co-workers and the company as a whole. In fact, two families are affected. Lilly’s family and Laski’s family. Since they are having a romantic relationship, they are not committed fully to their spouses. Secondly, Lilly’s co-workers are affected by this situation, and it is clear that they have not been impressed by Lilly’s action at all. The co-workers have publicly expressed their resentment toward Lilly. Ultimately, the company is affected by that productivity of the workers must have gone down because of Lilly’s action.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Complete 11 pages APA formatted article: Chinas Business Practice. In relation to the current trade relations of the global nations, the People’s Republic of China has long been witnessed as the most

Complete 11 pages APA formatted article: Chinas Business Practice. In relation to the current trade relations of the global nations, the People’s Republic of China has long been witnessed as the most sophisticated market in the Pacific region. The strong economic performance and extensive resources have helped in enhancing the capabilities of the resources as well as global nations to expand its business subsidiaries across different locations in China. Additionally, the deregulatory policies in the trade relations and emphasized standards in the bilateral policy have also influenced the nation to create major opportunities for the foreign entrepreneurs in the form of increasing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in various vital resources of China (Morrison, 2015. 2011).

The extensive economic capability in the form of increasing growth of national income and annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) dimensions have also been identified as few of the key factors of China to build strong international relationships with global nations, especially with developed countries. The steady performance in terms of maintaining robust growth in GDP up to 9.2% in 2009, 10.3% in 2010, 9.2% in 2011, 7.85% in 2012 and 2013, and 7.45% in 2014 has cumulatively attained considerable&nbsp.of the foreign marketers to increase their investment in China. Despite the lower trend in GDP growth rate from the year 2009 to 2014, its strong trade relationship with the US has enabled the nation to sustain as one of the most emerging nations in the Asia-Pacific region (US Commercial Service, 2012). In this regard, the strong trade relationship between the US and China has successfully strengthened their bilateral agreement in both import and export transactions. The trade association between these two nations has led to an amount of US$100 billion in 2011 from US$91 billion in 2010 as export activities by the US to China.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Relevance that the Study of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet has to the Modern World. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Relevance that the Study of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet has to the Modern World. It needs to be at least 1500 words. Whether it be 2 families or two tribes or a group of people, hatred exists because of a variety of reasons. Shakespeare never gives an explanation of why the Capulet and Montague hate. In the Prologue, the families, their servants, and friends start in a street fight, “from ancient grudge break new mutiny”. In Act 1 scene 1 the servants don’t even know why they are fighting. The insulting image of showing the thumb is inviting one to a fight. Sampson “I will show myself a tyrant: when I have fought with the men I will be civil with the maids and cut off their heads”.

Shakespeares point is to show that old grudges are often without reason. They are the start of problems in ethnic tribal wars, religious wars and in border conflicts. The initial reason is often forgotten or based on unimportant fact.

Act1 Scene1, the opening scene shows how the two families hate each other. Everyone gets involve including Lord Capulet and Montague. No one gets hurt. There are a lot of bad feelings and insults of women and families as already mentioned. Benvolio is a peacemaker. Tybalt hates the word peace “What, drawn, and talk of peace! I hate the word”.

Act3 Scene1 It was hot and miserable outside. Mercutio was hot-headed (mercury). He picked a fight with the Capulet, Tybalt who hated peace. “Come, sir, your passado”. “Hold Tybalt, good Mercutio”. Tybalt went and stabbed Mercutio.