Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Metabolism, Bioactivity and Potential Health Benefits of Flavonoids.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Metabolism, Bioactivity and Potential Health Benefits of Flavonoids. The growing dependence on machines and ready-made foods has taken its toll and mankind is now confronted with diseases which were unheard of in the history of human civilization. Although technology has helped man to overcome many infectious diseases the ecological balance remains the same as people are succumbing to newer perils brought forth by sedentary lifestyles and junk food. A realization has dawned now and people are looking backward to the bounties nature so abounds in, and which possess a nourishing and healing effect on the human body. One of the natural substances present in most vegetables and fruits has been classified under the group ‘Flavonoids’ which are more aptly called as ‘Bioflavonoids’ as they are derived from nature. The role of flavonoids is currently under scrutiny for their antioxidant effects in micro-quantities which is beneficial for many physiological functions inside the body. Flavonoids are basically a large class of polyphenolic compounds which occur naturally in most plants especially in the leaves and fruits of highly pigmented plants. Phenolic compounds in plants occur because of secondary metabolism and about 8000 types of its derivatives occur naturally. They have been subclassified into Flavonols, Flavones, Flavan-3ols (Proanthocyanidins), Flavanones, Anthocyanidins, and Isoflavones. So far 5000 flavonoids have been identified and many tentatively recognized in a host of commonly consumed vegetables, fruits, grains, herbs, and beverages.

Provide a 7 pages analysis while answering the following question: Human Recourse Management Amounts to Little More Than a Simple Reworking of the Human Relations School of Management. Prepare this as

Provide a 7 pages analysis while answering the following question: Human Recourse Management Amounts to Little More Than a Simple Reworking of the Human Relations School of Management. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. This essay stresses that there are several factors which have there impact on the growth of the HRM as a field. The main factors are economy and society. During the period of agrarian economy the social structure and economy was very simple. It developed into a complex system during industrial revolution. The social set up changed. There was more emphasis on the productivity. Manufacturing industry contribution to economy decreased in subsequent years and Service Industry experienced growth. The importance of human increased due to the fact that human is important factor in the production and consumption of services. Human resources have been an important factor of production from the agrarian economy.

This paper makes a conclusion that the scientific methods of management by Taylor and his stress on efficiency improvement gave food of thought to others. Mayo and others focused on the soft components of workers’ life. These were the psychological and social components. This was the starting of the study of human resource management. Various theories of motivation, leadership, loyalty, perceptiuon, behaviour and others have developed. The contributions of Human Relations School of Management encouraged the managers and leaders to understand individuals’ various needs and develop their human resource strategies on the basis of that. This have demanded for an individual department in the organisations. It is Human Rsource Management department which independently handles the needs and requirements of the human resource.

I will pay for the following article Financial Status of the Vodafone. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Financial Status of the Vodafone. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Vodafone is a multinational organization dealing in the telecommunication industry worldwide. Vodafone Group Plc is a British telecommunication company which operates in multiple nations worldwide. Headquarters of Vodafone is located in London, United Kingdom (UK). It is also considered the world’s largest mobile telecommunication organization with respect to its generation of revenues (London Stock Exchange, 2011).

The name Vodafone was derived from the ‘voice data fone’ which meant transferring the condition of voice and data with the help of mobile phones. Vodafone is listed in the London Stock Exchange and is counted among the constituents of the FTSE 100 Index of UK. Its revenue earnings were recorded to be around £93&nbsp.billion at the end of April in the year 2011. Based on its revenue, the company was remarked to be the fourth largest company amongst all the constituents of the London Stock Exchange Index (London Stock Exchange, 2011).

Every organization is entitled to prepare annual report not only to satisfy the regulatory requirements but also to analyze its financial position as well as its growth in monetary terms. An annual report is considered as a comprehensive report that takes into account the various quantitative organizational activities and operations functioned throughout the preceding year. Annual reports are prepared by the organization with an intention to provide its shareholders and other related and interested parties as well as the responsible legal bodies with needed information about its financial position and performance. Most of the nations’ jurisdictions require organizations to prepare and provide disclosure of its annual reports. A few legal prospective also demand the annual report to be filed at the organizational registry (Laidler & Donaghy, 1998). The preparations of annual reports are not an easy task for any organization.

I need some assistance with these assignment. power and politics in companies Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. power and politics in companies Thank you in advance for the help! Power is the capability to use influence in any corporation beyond the authority that might have been given to a person. Any supervisors individual power can be based on his knowledge regarding the job, own authority, their interpersonal or communication skills, the capability to attain results, sympathetic and convincing capability and even physical strength to some extent.

Most managers can get power both from the “organizational and individual sources”. The tendency to derive the power in the organization may solely rest on the virtue of the position they hold in the organization. It is a very useful thins and allows them to intimidate their subordinates or reward them as and when necessary. Talking about the individual level, the manager may have used personal power solely based on his/her knowledge and upon the power to control someone else’s behavior.

Politics, on the other hand, can be portrayed as the “art of using authority, the power to achieve your goals and most influence.” However, for a manager to get into politics means that he/she should be well aware of the barriers like the departments, individual, company, divisional, and group self-interest. It is interesting to note that people. even though they work in the same company. would patrol their territory and guard the perimeters like dogs mark their boundary.

Politics is also used in companies when one wants to “win over staff from other departments”. This will happen if the manager is able to demonstrate their views or results to the “self-interest group” in a way that is not threatening at all. One should be able to highlight the fact that “what you request for is good for both departments and for the company.”

For a comparison and contrast to see if power and politics are at play in a company we have chosen Coca-Cola and Southwest Airlines.

Create a 20 pages page paper that discusses framing construction techniques. The frames are also reinforced by the use of diagonal braces as well as with the use of rigid panels. Framing construction

Create a 20 pages page paper that discusses framing construction techniques. The frames are also reinforced by the use of diagonal braces as well as with the use of rigid panels. Framing construction allows the builders to cover up large areas at minimal expense while also achieving a number of different architectural styles. The construction industry has employed a number of standards in order to ensure that materials, dimensions and construction techniques are standardised. 2. Concrete Frame Construction 2.1. Typical Design and Construction Process Concrete frames are also known better as reinforced concrete frames and are composed of vertical elements known as columns and horizontal elements known as beams. These elements are connected together using rigid joints. The structures are often cast using monolithic methods which ensure that the structure acts in unison. These frames are known to be resistant to both gravitational loading as well as lateral loading such as through bending within both beams and columns. Reinforced concrete frames are constructed in a number of different ways. The major ones are: Non-ductile reinforced concrete frames with or without infill walls. Non-ductile reinforced concrete frames with reinforced infill walls. Ductile reinforced concrete frames with or without infill walls. 2.2. Material Properties Concrete displays a high compressive strength but relatively lower tensile strength. In order to augment concrete’s tensile strength it is reinforced with other materials such as steel bars because such materials have better tensile properties. Moreover concrete displays nearly constant elasticity at low levels of stress while the elasticity tends to decrease as stress levels are increased as matrix cracking begins to form. The coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete is also low and concrete tends to shrink as it ages. The phenomenon of shrinkage and tension ensure that nearly all concrete structures develop cracks to some extent. Creep is also observable in concrete that is subjected to continuous long term loading. (Kosmatka & Panarese, 1988) 2.3. Advantages and Disadvantages Concrete frames provide an easy method of creating high rise structures that are able to respond to both gravitational and lateral loading with ease. Moreover concrete frames are rigid enough to resist earthquakes and other similar calamities with ease. The recent rise in the costs of reinforcement and steel prices has driven the costs of concrete frames up but on comparison to steel frames, the price of concrete frames and steel frames is close enough. Concrete frames cost marginally lower than steel frame construction for high rise buildings that need to bear massive loads. However the cost of timber frames is lower but timber frames cannot accommodate such massive loading. The foundation costs for concrete frames is significant but the use of post tensioned slabs helps to reduce these costs as these slabs are lighter. Moreover cladding costs represent a large area for spending so cladding area has to be minimised.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Graphic Design Impact on Fashion. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Graphic Design Impact on Fashion. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. Graphic Design Impact on Fashion. here Guity Novin. “A History of Design” http 05/chapter-34-graphic-designers-in-fashion.html

The blog discusses how graphic designers are involved with the various aspects shaping the industry of fashion. They develop illustrations which are made use of by many fashion houses as their source for creativity. These designers in fashion represent their values while at the same time influencing expectations. Their designs are used in commercials, garments, shoes, flyers and apparels to communicate fashion. This blog also showcases art works from prominent fashion designers thus is a must read for any fashion lover as well as aspiring designers.

Gerda, Breuer. “Women in Graphic Design 1890-2012.” Edited by Julia Meer, 2012.

The Book answers important questions such as whether women create differently as compare to men, how gender debates are taken in the modern work environment and whether women in the modern workplace are judged based on quality of their work. It features sentiments from historians of design as well as biographies and stories of major women designers like Iris Utikal, Sheila Levrant Irma Boom among others. It surely shows how powerful a tool, graphic design can be in shaping fashion and culture as well as values.

Jay, Hess and Simone Pasztorek. “Graphic Design for Fashion.” Lawrence King Publishers, 2010.

The authors of this book take a look at the way graphic design has helped shape fashion. It has selections of the world best studios for design, their work and contribution to the to fashion industry’s growth. The book also contains insights from designers and customers about the industries direction. The crucial developments of graphic design in the bigger area of fashion are well articulated and the reader can really appreciate what design is doing to fashion. It is an appropriate book for upcoming designers, fusionists as well as fashion lovers as has a lot of fascinating and exciting information.


Lacey. E. “Contemporary Ceramic design for Meaningful Interaction and Emotional Durability: A Case Sturdy.” International Journal of Design: 2009, 3(2), 87-92 .

The paper examines ceramic designs and their importance particularly to the homes and buildings. It looks at their impact to fashion as well as their commercial usage and communication. A lot of value is attached to artwork which goes beyond monetary value and this is what the designer aims at bringing out. It is a good and informative one as it dwells an a very important topic of graphic design and impact on fashion in home-ware.

Malcolm, Barnard. “Graphic Design as Communication.” London: Routledge, 2013.

The author of this book looks at graphic design as a way to communicate our culture and fashions. Designs are utilized to pass across message in many ways such as commercial advertisements, art as well as reminding of a people’s culture. It is important to note the manner in which the two sexes are portrayed in the advertisements. traditionally women were seen to belong to the homestead while men mostly featured in non-domestic settings. This seems to change with time as both sexes now are carried equally in advertisements hence the woman has been more empowered. It is appropriate as it looks also at the plight of women in the field of design and fashion.

Rick Poynor. “No More Rules: Graphic Design and Postmodernism.” Yale University Press, 2003.

Rick looks developments in the graphic design industry in the recent years. It is a way of communicating which cannot be ignored as it serves in passing across a lot of information. He notes that designers are have relooked their roles and are employing new approaches to their work. He looks at themes in the field such as punk, American wave, deconstructionist theories as well as technological changes and their effects. He uses examples that have the thinking of designers and their target audience as well as the powerful influence of graphic design to design.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Human Resource Management of Presto Manufacturing Company. Your paper should be a minimum of 2000 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Human Resource Management of Presto Manufacturing Company. Your paper should be a minimum of 2000 words in length. The dispute between the two is quite frequent. Tony Krass: He is specifically critical of Wesley Johnson’s quality of work. He is also involved with discussions over departmental issues. Overall he unnecessarily involves himself in issues the responsibility of which is not conferred upon him by his managers. Jack Burns: Robinson suspects him of making excuses such as illness of wife so as to be able to spend time in leisure activities. He also arrived late and stated an excuse of over-sleeping. The Trainee: Appears to be in conflict with two fellow operators. He once accused John Walker and Joe Ridley that they are giving him troubles such as hiding his safety glasses. In another instance explaining his late appearance, claimed to have been locked in the toilets. Next day asks for early leave and appeared upset but did not explain the reasons. Remained absent the following day without any notification. Phil Graham: Asked only once for break for doctor’s appointment. On the objection of Robinson (department manager) he claimed to be able to get appointment at that time only. Despite these problems Semi-finished department faces other issues as well: Complaint from the Final Assembly department supervisor Brenda regarding the quality of their products and unmet production targets every week that has affected her department’s bonus. Reject Rate is consistently at 5% which is unacceptable by the Quality manager. The conflicts between the two departments- Semi-finished department and Final Assembly department due to the rejection rate of 5% in semi-finished products during the last three consignments which in turn have resulted in unmet targets by Final Assembly department.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Effects of Nonverbal Communication on our Social and Career Success. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Effects of Nonverbal Communication on our Social and Career Success. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Nonverbal communication is sometimes more successful as compared to the verbal mode of communication. “Employees should keep remembering that it is more than just the spoken word that is communicated with co-workers” (Rothbauer-Wanish). Nonverbal communication also plays a more expressive, effective, and meaningful role in the transfer of information as compared to verbal communication. “If you fail to gesture while speaking, you may be perceived as boring, stiff and unanimated” (Ritts). Martinez states, “When speaking in a weak tone, your voice may convey nervousness or a lack of interest”. Therefore, it is very important for a person to make use of nonverbal communication because it reflects the personality of that person.

Some of the most influencing ways of nonverbal communication include gestures, eye contact, body language, postures, facial expressions, and tone of voice of a person. Hopkins states, “Good eye contact helps your audience develop trust in you, thereby helping you and your message appear credible”. People make use of these ways of nonverbal communication to transmit any kind of information to the other people in an appropriate manner. “Accent, Intonation, Pitch, Speed of Delivery and Clarity are factors attributing to non-verbal communication” (Jain). Dressing style and outlook of a person should also be impressive in order to make the communication effective, meaningful, and result-oriented.

The personality of a person plays an integral role in the social success of a person. If a person is self-confident and self-assured, he gets success in his social life whereas a person with a low level of confidence does not get much appreciation and respect from the society. Nonverbal communication helps a person increase the level of self-confidence. The most prominent effect of nonverbal communication occurs on the personality of the person who makes use of nonverbal cues while interacting with other people.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Drug and Alcohol Abuse Weakens Physical Health: Mental Health Problems. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Drug and Alcohol Abuse Weakens Physical Health: Mental Health Problems. It needs to be at least 1500 words. Mental health problems commonly arise from substance abuse. In a number of cases, psychiatric disorder comes first or even adds to the problem of substance abuse, while in others, behavioral and emotional disorders occur within the framework of drug and alcohol use problems. A great deal of research has described the inconsistent depiction of psychological disturbances in substance abusers. Involved are problems in behavior, personality, self-esteem, mood and social functioning. Again, a number of these psychological problems could be manifest prior to the beginning of substance abuse, even though psychological performance commonly deteriorates over time in individuals suffering from disorders caused by substance abuse. Excessive use of particular substances could also contribute to quite distinctive psychological manifestations, such as the state of a motivation that has been associated with the persistent use of marijuana. Additional psychological impacts of substance abuse are related to the biological effect of psychoactive substances, such as bad temper and fretfulness originating from withdrawal attempts, and the behaviors that are caused by drugs and alcohol dependence, such as obsession with acquiring craved substances (DiClemente, 2003).&nbsp. Furthermore, since substance abuse is more probable to arise in families that are previously troubled or maladaptive, trauma stemming from the addition of a family member could further strain previously threatened coping abilities. Mental health problems commonly arise from substance abuse. In a number of cases, psychiatric disorder comes first or even adds to the problem of substance abuse, while in others, behavioral and emotional disorders occur within the framework of drug and alcohol use problems. A great deal of research has described the inconsistent depiction of psychological disturbances in substance abusers. Involved are problems in behavior, personality, self-esteem, mood, and social functioning. Again, a number of these psychological problems could be manifest prior to the beginning of substance abuse, even though psychological performance commonly deteriorates over time in individuals suffering from disorders caused by substance abuse. Excessive use of particular substances could also contribute to quite distinctive psychological manifestations, such as the state of a motivation that has been associated with the persistent use of marijuana. Additional psychological impacts of substance abuse are related to the biological effect of psychoactive substances, such as bad temper and fretfulness originating from withdrawal attempts, and the behaviors that are caused by drugs and alcohol dependence, such as obsession with acquiring craved substances (DiClemente, 2003).&nbsp. Furthermore, since substance abuse is more probable to arise in families that are previously troubled or maladaptive, trauma stemming from the addition of a family member could further strain previously threatened coping abilities.