Write 6 pages with APA style on Cinderella as One of the Most Read Folktales. However, with changing times people’s values and expectations are changing. Young children demand a more logical explanati

Write 6 pages with APA style on Cinderella as One of the Most Read Folktales. However, with changing times people’s values and expectations are changing. Young children demand a more logical explanation and are not satisfied with the stories of fairies and elves. Hence, to maintain the charm and spirit of Cinderella yet make it more realistic, the director, Andy Tennant portrayed a newer version of the story in his movie, “Ever After”. Here, the fairy godmother is replaced by a live human being who helps her in her search for happiness with the Prince of France. Similarly, the writer, James Finn Garner has also given a comic twist to the original version of this children’s short story putting in a bit of didactic tone. Now let us get a closer look at all the three texts on the basis of different critical approaches.

Grimm Brothers’ Cinderella is a creation of a patriarchal society that has some fixed norms and expectations for the fairer sex. It is totally anti-feminist. This story clearly shows that the qualities such as beauty, selflessness, modesty, wealth and piousness are some of the desired traits looked for in a Christian woman. A woman in possession of these virtues is rewarded by being wedded to the most eligible bachelor. Cinderella is appreciated only when she appears in all her refinements. She has to depend on external factors (here the prince) for her happiness. This book shows that men have power over women and can grant them happiness or punish them as suits their specific character. On the other hand, Garner’s Cinderella is a purely feminist story. This book shows that women do not have to depend on men for their happiness. All they need is to get rid of a good bearing of themselves and explore the path of joy. They have to shed off their foolishness in the guise of tight clothes and chemically made cosmetics and feel comfortable in sensible clothes and bearings. This story shows the death of all the eligible bachelors at the end while the ladies take a sigh of relief.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: A Critical Analysis of Autobiographical Evidences in Ceremony.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: A Critical Analysis of Autobiographical Evidences in Ceremony. A comparative analysis of Leslie Marmon Silko’s life and her novel, “Ceremony” will reveal that her real-life experiences constitute the most part of the novel. In this regard, some critics claim that Silko’s novel is an unusual marginalization of autobiography with fiction. Though Silko’s novel has a male protagonist, Tayo, who suffers from PSTD (post-traumatic stress disorder), the protagonist embodies a huge number of facts and figures from the author’s personal as well as community life. Silko herself publicly has confessed that she had been suffering from depression and post-stress traumatic disorder while writing the “Ceremony”. Though Silko lacks the experiences of fighting in a war, her own experience with depression and her contact with the Native American veterans of the Laguna Pueblo community help her depicting “Tayos struggle with mental illness even more realistic and sincere” (Goldberg 1). Her portrayal of Tayo’s absurd feelings, ennui and psychosis essentially appear to be the depiction of a severe case of psychological disorder. Even Silko claims that the novel is a “ceremony for staying sane” (Velie 34). Apart from these traces of the author’s psychological disorders, the novel reveals an abundance of Silko’s personal and community-life experiences.

The “Ceremony” begins with Tayo, the protagonist, under the care of a sanitarium, bereaved by fear, guilt and psychotic disorder which have been induced by his traumatic experiences during the war. Most of the novel describes Tayo’s struggle “to overcome his awful psychological trauma and this struggle becomes intertwined with the journey of rounding up Josiah’s cattle and stopping the drought” (Goldberg 1).

I need some assistance with these assignment. use of cobit as corporate governance audit methodology Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. use of cobit as corporate governance audit methodology Thank you in advance for the help! Keywords: Computer security and Audit, Information Security and control, Computer Security & Risk Management, COBIT and IT systems, Sarbanes Oxley Act, Project management, Risk assessment, Security Management, Performance management, Corporate Accountability, Audit.

As an outcome of the analysis of the famous Enron and Anderson Scandals in late 2001, the US Government introduced Sarbanes Oxley Act 2002 that enforced a number of enhancements in the methodology of Corporate Governance and also ensured better accountability of auditors in control of corporate frauds. The Act promoted greater accountability and transparency of corporate functions and accounting as it has enhanced assessment and financial evaluation in large corporate houses.

The section 404 of Sarbanes Oxley act pertains to the internal control assessment & accountability of the management of the organization whereby the company is required to submit an internal control evaluation report pertaining to the procedures of financial reporting. This would mean companies will have to be controlled by internal auditors whose practices and evaluation of company financials will have to be made accountable to external auditors, financial analysts, the media, and the public at large. Accountability of large corporations has become especially important after the major corporate scandals that exposed the flaws in accounting and even highlighted unethical practices that devalued accounting as a profession.&nbsp.

Need an research paper on hitlers table talk. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on hitlers table talk. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. He talks about negative feelings of hatred and repugnance towards Jews and Negroes or black people which portrays inhumane traits about his character – it merely goes to show that his hatred towards different kind of people within a society living together was irrational simply because he never was able to understand the kind of strong impact that such a diverse society could have on each other as well as rest of the world, and the kind of harmony that it could bring about by unifying itself. America today is one of the most diverse and developed countries in the world – something that goes against Hitler’s ideas of a perfect state.

There have been many philosophers and critics that have denied Hitler of being Christian. he often spoke against the Church and the religion of Christianity as in his comments in the Table Talks but despite this, there are many proofs of him being a God-fearing Christian and many also state that his comments were merely a ruse for the Nazis. He wanted to create a reign where he was the man that people would fear and feel terror when they heard of him. he desired to be the omnipotent figure in the lives of all the people around the world and thus created propaganda of hatred towards Christianity as a religion. However, there is no evidence of him creating a ruse but there is a reference in his other writings and manuscripts about him having faith in God and intertwining and basing his Nazi beliefs upon ideas of Christian theism. From his words, one might be under the impression that Hitler believed Christianity to be a disease inflicted upon&nbsp.the people and that it should end as fast as possible, however, in another literal translation from his talks in German, it boils down to this: “I have never found pleasure in maltreating others, even if I know it isn’t possible to maintain oneself in the world without force.

“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan: Summary Complete summary of Amy Tan’s Mother Tongue   What is the main idea of mother tongue by Amy Tan?What is the summary of mother tongue?What does Mother Tongue mean to

“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan: Summary

Complete summary of Amy Tan’s Mother Tongue

  • What is the main idea of mother tongue by Amy Tan?
  • What is the summary of mother tongue?
  • What does Mother Tongue mean to Amy Tan?
  • What is a good thesis statement for mother tongue?

The ”Mother Tongue‘ reflects on how many people are misinformed thinking that English can be a measure of intelligence;

The Men We Carry in Our Minds Summary What is the central idea of the men we carry in our minds? Is the title the men we carry in our minds appropriate for the essay? When was the men we carry in our

The Men We Carry in Our Minds Summary

  • What is the central idea of the men we carry in our minds?
  • Is the title the men we carry in our minds appropriate for the essay?
  • When was the men we carry in our minds written?
  • What is the central idea that emerges from the author’s response to Anneke’s statement?
  • How does Anneke represent the kind of woman?
  • Why does Sanders include the paragraph?


I need some assistance with these assignment. issues in film history Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. issues in film history Thank you in advance for the help! The development of the Edison motion picture and its databases reveal just how the journey to the current sophistication in the production of motion pictures has been cumbersome especially in the film’s silent period (Johnson, 2002). This period was characterized by low rate production of poor quality films most of which were rudimentary short films used in theatres to entertain.

From the analysis of such early film developers as Edwin Sporter, it becomes evident the use of motion pictures as a means of entertainment had previously been existent prior to the nineteenth century. Various films have showcased the progress that has been made in the film industry (Cook, 1991). Back then, producers used magic lanterns and other projection devices to relay their pictures on the walls for their audience. The absence of the modern-day camera and editing computer software compelled most of the producers to rely on brief single shots of their scenes and rely entirely on the sequencing of the films to tell their stories through pictures. This production technique was tiring and discouraged the participation of numerous producers thus resulted in a less crowded industry, unlike the modern day’s film industry.

It is such a time that Edwin Sporter produced a short film titled The Great Train Robbery in 1902. This was a masterpiece of the time and marked a landmark in the history of Hollywood. The story of the film followed a simple plot written for the understanding of the American of the time. Porter understood that besides the entertaining aspects of the films, they also communicated ideas to their audience and for his movie, therefore to gain relevance among the target audience. he wrote a simple familiar storyline one, which addressed familiar themes. Despite the progressive development of the motion picture as a means of entertainment, this aspect of the art has not changed. Arts communicate to their audience and the artists are therefore compelled to make artifacts that are of relevance to their target audience.

Porter’s film followed a simple storyline in which highway robbers hijacked a train wagon to steal from the passenger. The twelve-minute film is to this day considered the greatest innovation of the time a milestone in film production. Back then, the only known means of transport was the train. It linked towns and states. the train was the only means of transport that delivered the reliability of the modern-day planes.

“The Lottery”: Characters, Setting, and Theme Need help on characters in Shirley Jackson’s The LotteryWhy is the setting important in the lottery?What is the setting of the story in the lottery?Where

“The Lottery”: Characters, Setting, and Theme

Need help on characters in Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery

  • Why is the setting important in the lottery?
  • What is the setting of the story in the lottery?
  • Where does the story take place in what way does the setting affect the story does it make you more or less likely to anticipate the ending the lottery?
  • When and where the story happened in the lottery?
  • What is the plot of the lottery story?
  • What is the main message of the lottery?

Why I Want to Be a Vet Tech Essay About Me Why i want to be a veterinarian? Should i be a vet tech? Is it worth it to be a vet tech?Do vet techs make good money?What you need to do to become a vet tec

Why I Want to Be a Vet Tech

Essay About Me

Why i want to be a veterinarian?

Should i be a vet tech?

  • Is it worth it to be a vet tech?
  • Do vet techs make good money?
  • What you need to do to become a vet tech?
  • How much does a veterinary tech make a year? 

Thinking about a career as a veterinary technician