Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on System Requirements Specification. It needs to be at least 1750 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on System Requirements Specification. It needs to be at least 1750 words. In this regard, this paper has laid major emphasis on coming up with a software requirements specification document for the development and procurement of the Product Management System via an account of Pocket Doctor Incorporation.

Technological advancement has always been a fundamental aspect of promoting the day-to-day operations of most businesses. This is driven by capturing and putting together a well-organized set of system requirements, which act as the building block to ensuring that, a user satisfying software is developed. In this regard, Pocket Doctor Incorporation (PDI) has always been at the forefront in ascertaining that the best technology is put in place to handle the daily operations of the company. To achieve preciseness in the company’s daily operations, PDI has been gunning for the procurement and development of a product management system. In essence, the main driving factor is to integrate the best technology and promote efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of healthcare services. In this sense, the procurement of the product management system has been set aside as the best way forward in meeting the targeted goal of the healthcare center.

Pocket Doctor Incorporation was founded in 2011 with the main operational area laid on the provision of products for helping patients that suffer from cardiac and respiratory. This is through the use of an advanced Pebble E-paper watch, which monitors and reports the medical condition of a patient. In addition, the watch also delivers onscreen medical advisory services to different conditions that patients undergo.

It is hereby vital to note the adoption of a Product Management System (PMS) is aimed at promoting functional efficiency in the company’s current web-based retail and monitoring business. The PMS is basically aimed at tracking and monitoring vital signs in customers. In addition, it will play a very crucial role in streamlining the order fulfillment and returns process.

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: The Implementation of the Security Plan.

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: The Implementation of the Security Plan. The implementation of the security measures will use the various software together to enhance security.

The purpose of the action plan is to beef up the information security in the banks and ensure that all threats and vulnerabilities are reduced to a minimum. The program will use the various federal laws, policies and regulations together with best practices from the industry to come up with an effective information security plan for the bank (Whitman & Mattord, 2014). The national institute of standards and technology is an important set the various information technology security measures that should be followed together with other bodies like national security agency, the office of management and budget among many others (Peltier, 2010). The paper will thus focus on the various programs and determine the various remedies that will help implement the system security plan.

To ensure that the information security regarding the business is safeguarded and that loopholes are dealt with immediately to prevent leakage and hacking and, therefore, unauthorized access to sensitive information of the bank and the accounts of the people.

To develop security measures and programs that will ensure that the employees and information regarding the assets of the company are safeguarded from outside threats and vulnerabilities and that will provide the bank with retaliatory programs in terms of preventing penetration to the banking information systems.

The plan covers all the banking departments, the managers, president of the bank, managers, supervisors, employees at all levels in the bank, all security personnel at the bank, interested parties and stakeholders, contractors and finally the guests who venture into the bank and access various facilities in the banks to name a few. The assets that the bank has and that can be accessed by individuals outside will be included in the implementation the action plan.

Good Country People Literary Analysis Need help with Good Country People in Flannery O’Connor’s Good Country Need help with Good Country People in Flannery O’Connor’s Good Country Need help with Good

Good Country People Literary Analysis

Need help with Good Country People in Flannery O’Connor’s Good Country

Need help with Good Country People in Flannery O’Connor’s Good Country

Need help with Good Country People in Flannery O’Connor’s Good Country

Need help with Good Country People in Flannery O’Connor’s Good Country

Need help with Good Country People in Flannery O’Connor’s Good Country

Need help with Good Country People in Flannery O’Connor’s Good Country

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Interaction and Usability. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Interaction and Usability. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. These people may belong to different professions, genders, ethnicity, countries, etc. So the interface design must be internationally accepted and should be usable by young and elderly users with novice to expert Smartphone usage skills. For this, the text and the format of the language must follow International standards such as the use of English language without any slang words and no dense touch interfaces (the interactive icons and buttons must not be too crowded and should be appropriately spaced) (Sharma et al., 2012). Additionally, the interface must allow the text size to be changed as per user preference (Hussain and Kutar, 2012).

The interface must also take into account the challenges posed due to mobile context, connectivity, small screen size and restrictive data entry methods, etc. (Zhang and Adipat, 2005, Harrison et al., 2013). As the context of smartphone usage keeps changing, environmental distractions such as noise, music, visual and auditory distractions, motion e.g. walking, may have a significant negative effect on the usability of the application (Coursaris et al., 2007). An effective approach for environmental distractions could be that interface closely mimics the steps taken in executing activities in daily life (Harper et al., 2013). This would allow users to relate to the interface quickly and refocus on the task being performed.

For better user satisfaction, the content on the interfaces should load quickly (Hussain and Kutar, 2012). In interfaces where data content is loaded from the network, usability issues arise due to limited connectivity (Harrison et al., 2013). The interfaces face problems with loading content as network services affect data downloading and transfer time (Zhang and Adipat, 2005). So the interface must show appropriate messages for slow and unreliable network connections. The slow content loading problem can also be alleviated by using less data content.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on film-making of some films. The historical context of the film Spider-Man is related to the growth and development of Marvel Comics. To be specific,

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on film-making of some films. The historical context of the film Spider-Man is related to the growth and development of Marvel Comics. To be specific, the director made use of the fictional character (Spiderman) from Marvel Comics as the protagonist. Fowkes opined that “Upon becoming Spider-Man, Peter assumes a dual persona comprised of opposites: brain vs brawn, nerdy vs cool, weak vs strong, ordinary vs extraordinary” (130). One can see that the fictional character of Spiderman deeply influenced the cultural context of America. For instance, the popular culture in America, especially the children/youngsters is deeply influenced by the heroism of Spiderman. Besides, the climax scene in the film is philosophical because Spiderman’s doubt on his dual identity as a normal individual and as a superhero is revealed through his words. One can argue that comic/fictional characters are related to childhood fantasy. Still, the success of the film as a superhero film proves that heroism is acceptable to all. The scene in the film, in which Peter Parker is bitten by a spider (say, genetically engineered) connects the film with the history of genetic engineering. Besides, the superhero image of the protagonist and his involvement in daily life situations helped the viewers to accept heroism as normal.

On the other side, the film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider represents the development of video games and the adaptation of the same to the context of the adventure thriller genre of films. The scenes in Egypt and Cambodia prove the film’s relation with history, especially archeology. One can easily identify that the film represents the philosophical quest of human beings to find out the secret of life. At the same time, the film is symbolic of the human attempt to explore history by raiding tombs (say, the ancient pyramids). The first scene in the film, in which the heroine explores an ancient pyramid in Egypt, proves that the director provides ample importance to the history and discovery of ancient relics.

The film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is symbolic of the growth and development of martial arts in China. The scene in which Li Mu Bai explains the history of his sword (say, the Green Destiny) proves the importance of martial arts in China. One can easily identify that the director provides ample importance to the heroism of the main characters (say, Li Mu Bai and Jade Fox). From a different angle of view, the film is symbolic of the development of Wuxia genre films in the Chinese context. The combat scenes in the film, especially between Li Mu Bai and Jade Fox, represent the historical importance of martial arts in China. For instance, the usage of poisoned needles during martial arts performance can be regarded as the portrayal of vengeance in human life. To be specific, the usage of poisoned needles during martial arts performance is against the ultimate aim of martial arts.

Special Occasion Speech Topics  What is a special occasion speech?How do you write a special occasion speech?What are the special types of speech?Why do special occasions need speeches? types of speci

Special Occasion Speech Topics


  • What is a special occasion speech?
  • How do you write a special occasion speech?
  • What are the special types of speech?
  • Why do special occasions need speeches? 

types of special occasion speechtypes of special occasion speechtypes of special occasion speechtypes of special occasion speech

I need some assistance with these assignment. the design process Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. the design process Thank you in advance for the help! &nbsp.The researcher has to develop guidelines that help collect the reasons behind the results during the research process. This involves the formulation of causal explanations that justify the collected information. Beneficial ways of identifying and carrying out research depend on the researcher’s intimate understanding of the issue to be studied. This is enhanced during the design process where the researcher gets some background information on the issue.

The NCLB law was enacted to give children with disabilities equal education opportunities with their counterparts without disabilities (Baker, 2010). The research design process begins with identifying the aim of the research. In this case, the researcher would be interested in finding out the benefits of NCLB and how the children have benefited so far. Some scholars consider NCLB law to contradict with the initial IDEA law that protects individuals with disabilities (Baker, 2010). The researcher may include the effects of the two laws in protecting people with disabilities. The teachers and state education heads have developed educational interventions in order to comply with NCLB requirements and meet the required student performance. The results and failures of the strategies can be included in the aims of the research.

The second step is to formulate the research questions that completely address the aims of the research (Bynner and Stribley, 2010). These questions shed light on the benefits of NCLB and the effects it has created in the education system. The research questions are: Where would Special Needs children be educational without No Child Left Behind? What impact has NCLB created among children with disabilities? What strategies have been formulated by the education board and what effects have they introduced in the curriculum? What issues make the implementation of NCLB difficult and what are the resources involved in the implementation process?

The third step is to design the research paradigm or theoretical framework. The framework provides a guiding structure and range of tool that will help the researcher answer the research questions. This research would require a positivistic method of collecting data like interviewing students with disabilities, parents, teachers, and curriculum developers (Mitchell and Jolley, 2012). Questionnaires would also be helpful in collecting quantitative data on the subject. The questionnaires would be distributed to various schools within the state. They would have sections to be filled by students, teachers and their parents. These would increase the sampling area by minimizing the effort used when conducting interviews. The students would provide data on the effects of NCLB on their education process. The teachers would provide information regarding the effects of the law on the curriculum and the cumulative effects on the education process for students. Parents would also provide information regarding student performance and perceived benefits introduced by the law. The curriculum developers or education officials in the state offices would provide information regarding the effects of the law on curriculum development and the challenges faced when implementing the guidelines. The questionnaires would also involve questions dealing with the benefits of NCLB on the students, the impact on the education&nbsp.system, the challenges in implementation and the cumulative importance of NCLB. These questions would be answered by students, teachers, and parents.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Computer Sciences and Information Technology. It needs to be at least 3000 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Computer Sciences and Information Technology. It needs to be at least 3000 words. In this case, the system request document needs to develop the context around a product fully for effectiveness. It should entail a requirement that will help developers implement their work properly. Another step is making effective interviews from various sources in order to acquire information for the requirements document. The information about an IT product may be acquired from engineers, developers, customers, IT analysts or business leaders who have essential information about needs for product development.

Another step that needs to be followed is listing system requirements by outlining how the product will interact with a given system for a certain network. Identifying any constraints for the project is another step that helps in explaining restrictions within the requirements document hence acquiring guidance to those who are working on the IT product or software. Considering any interface requirements is also an important step that needs to be followed when creating a system request. The interface requirements are very important since they determine how the end-user will view the product by identifying color schemes, command button requirements and any other part of an interface that is successful. Another important step is identifying parameters such as scheduling and cost within system request since they are practical considerations which should be part of it. Working up a development plan by acquiring effective information for further instructions about the development of an IT product is another essential step that should be followed in creating a system request. This includes the introduction of a number of norms and examination of creativity. Establishing and inserting visuals such as graphic makeup of a certain product enable the project to be fresh and provide more details about how something will look is another step.&nbsp.

Write a 6 pages paper on roy lichtenstein: stepping out. In the case of both artists, it seems that there was a subtle sociological critique of the vapidity of culture or even the capitalist apparatus

Write a 6 pages paper on roy lichtenstein: stepping out. In the case of both artists, it seems that there was a subtle sociological critique of the vapidity of culture or even the capitalist apparatus. Lichtenstein created a wide array of work and much of it has gained positions of prominence among art theorists. One such work is Lichtenstein’s ‘Stepping Out’ (currently housed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art). While the work is slightly obscure in meaning, this essay argues that objective meaning can be gleaned from a thorough analysis. Specifically, this essay argues that Lichtenstein created this artwork to project society stereotypes on women. It follows that this research considers meaning in Lichtenstein’s ‘Stepping Out,’ as well as a variety of elements that contribute to a contextual understanding of the work.

Lichtenstein created the work in 1978 in New York City. This work implements Lichtenstein’s traditional comic book style while adopting a slight cubist aesthetic. It is created with oil and Magna on canvas and measures 86 x 70 in. Lila Acheson Wallace purchased the work in 1980. The work then passed through a series of accessions before finally becoming situated at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

‘Stepping Out’ implements Lichtenstein’s traditional comic book imagery. The painting, Fig. 1 in the appendix, features two individuals. Seemingly these individuals are a woman and a man, however, Lichtenstein uses cubist like forms to obscure easy and clear distinctions. The male figure seems to be identifiable through traditional social conventions of dress. he is wearing a hat, has short-trimmed hair, as well as a suit and tie. Conversely, the woman does not take on complete form. instead, her face is depicted not in the traditional form of the human head, but as a canvas. She only has one eye, which is slanted vertically. She has long blonde hair, red lips, and a yellow dress that seems to further situate her with feminine identification. The division between the man and woman is blurred such that they seem to dissolve into each other. this perspective on singularity is further witnessed through Lichtenstein’s slight use of pointillism on the right side and left side of the woman and man’s faces, respectively. Finally, the background of the work is divided into strong black and white, the white is on the woman’s side and the black is on the man’s side.