Need an research paper on business informatics. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on business informatics. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. It helps to deliver methodical exploration of new development opportunities and to strategize a continuous force to improve interior business activities is more imperative than ever. Business expansion has to turn out to be a way for top leadership to devote a permanent group of capable expertise NIL discovering and delivering improved development of current business (Christensen, 2007). The team comprises the owner to assist with pertinent information, information system experts, and financial proprietor. The roles will comprise the project administration, management and hardware and software installation. By accomplishing regular planning and implementations, the team will effectively complete this venture on time and within the financial plan (Schjoedt, & Kraus, 2009). A new business expansion team will assist the business to identify and take improvement of new market chances (Linton, 2014). The team will achieve this by implementing market and competitor study and assessing market requirements. In addition, the team will recognize the new product and service requirements, and sustaining sales, marketing and product development practices (Linton, 2014).

The current systems are manual. There are no computers on the location and product ordering happens manually. The prior owner knew all of his clients by name. unfortunately, none of this data is stored on the premises. Inventory was traced to a notepad, along with worker payroll, and marketing approaches. The business has no Web site, uses word-of-mouth marketing strategy, and essentially maintains business tactics as it did in 1952 when the industry started. It is apparent that current business procedures are formlessly requiring deliberation and assessment regarding every event in the business. For instance, the data flow illustration below recognizes where the information for the TBE will collect (West, 2013).

Compose a 2250 words assignment on the boy who cried wolf. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 2250 words assignment on the boy who cried wolf. Needs to be plagiarism free! When he reached the top of the hill, he was happy to see the flock move about and enjoy the place. He looked around and spotted his favorite sheep, Woolly, eating with his wife, Ewe, and their baby, Lamb. He went near them and stroked Woolly’s fur with his hands as he greeted him.

Raka: Oh, there are shepherds downhill! How they are enjoying there while I am here alone. I think I would rather call them up here. But what should I say? Surely, they would not come just because I want some company. Aha! I will pretend a wolf is after the sheep. I will cry for them. Wolf! Wolf! A wolf is after the sheep!

Narrator: The shepherds heard Raka and run up the hill and Raka was amused at their sight, knowing that they are running for nothing. However, the boy did not notice a hungry wolf hiding behind the bush near Woolly and his family.

Woof: Aha! So, the boy is back and has not changed a bit, huh? I will hide here until the shepherds get tired of his tricks and not believe him anymore. Then, I will pounce on you, Woolly, as my appetizer this time. Surely, Ewe would be the best for the main course and Lamb looks like the cherry on top of the ice cream.

Ram: Hey, guys! Woof is here and we are in danger. Since Raka is our shepherd today and we know him well enough to be a fool, crying for help when he has not seen the danger yet, we better help ourselves to ensure our safety. I encourage you all to be quiet as can be so that the shepherds downhill will know that we are not in danger yet.

Woolly: Oh, if only Raka will just be satisfied talking to us. Probably someday, he will learn to sense when real danger is around. If only he could understand us, he would have known that there is indeed a wolf just waiting for the right time to pounce on his flock.

Ewe: Oh, Woolly, I am so worried. My knees are shaking already. (Crying and kissing Lamb) My dear, you are not yet grown enough to run fast. Oh, if only Woof would be satisfied in taking me and your dad alone and spare you.

Lamb: What is the matter mom?

Woolly: Do not worry, my dear, Ewe. We will think of something. Son, we are currently in danger. There is a wolf behind the bushes and is waiting for the shepherds to get tired of Raka’s tricks before he eats us up. I would like you to go to the center slowly for you to be in a safer place if possible. I have to stay here to help protect women and children. Now, do not worry about me.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Our Brain and Language Learning. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Our Brain and Language Learning. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length. However, there are lucky ones, who use both hemispheres equally. The damages of the brain always affect the language production “certain types of brain damage can affect language production without actually eliminating language from the brain. A stroke that damages the muscles of the vocal apparatus may leave the abstract cognitive structure of language intact–as witnessed by the fact that right hemisphere stroke victims often understand the language perfectly well and write it perfectly with their right hand–although their speech may be slurred due to lack of muscle control. We have also seen that certain disorders involving the subcortex–the seat of involuntary emotional response–may have linguistic side effects” (Language and the brain).

The left hemisphere processes verbal, analytic and abstract information sequentially and logically. It is responsible for identifying contrasts and differences and for inductive thinking (imagining the whole picture using separate parts) and data analysis. Thus, when this hemisphere is damaged, the consequences are very negative as it is considered to be more important: “a left-hemisphere stroke often results in right-sided paralysis and a curiously extreme cautiousness on the part of the sufferer. It takes a lot of teaching and frequent encouragement to lead such a person through the steps of recovery” (5 Ways to Recover From a Left-Hemisphere Stroke). It identifies numbers and is responsible for remembering facts and dates. The left hemisphere is connected with our abilities to learn languages and mathematics. “In human beings, it is the left hemisphere that usually contains specialized language areas.&nbsp. While this holds true for 97% of right-handed people, about 19% of left-handed people have their language areas in the right hemisphere and as many as 68% of them have some language abilities in both the left and the right hemispheres” (Boeree, 2004). The right hemisphere is processing nonverbal, figurative and spatial information and the processing is happening simultaneously. It is considering the picture as a whole and separate elements as the parts of the whole, it is responsible for imagination, abilities to music and painting. “Damage to the right hemisphere of the brain leads to cognitive-communication problems, such as impaired memory, attention problems and poor reasoning. In many cases, the person with right brain damage is not aware of the problems that he or she is experiencing” (Right Hemisphere Brain Damage).

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses concepts of memory. The two theories selected for analysis in this paper are the cue dependant forgetting theory and the trace decay forgetting theory. Befor

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses concepts of memory. The two theories selected for analysis in this paper are the cue dependant forgetting theory and the trace decay forgetting theory. Before analyzing these two theories, other basic related concepts of memory, types of memory, memory performance, forgetting, types of forgetting, forms of forgetting measurement etc. are analyzed so that they can support the evaluation and description of the chosen theories. The report is suitably concluded by highlighting the main findings and summarizing them with supporting evidence.

In psychology, memory is defined as the process within the brain through which information is grasped, encoded, retained and retrieved. All these stages of memory are significant beachside each has its own importance in deciding the time length and the accuracy of the memorable performances. The encoding stage allows for the transmission of information created in the outside world to the five sense of a human being in the forms of external stimuli. In this stage, information is processed so that it becomes more assimilative in nature. In the storage stage, the encoded information is stored in the brain over different periods of time which is usually decided by the intensity of the stimulus and the effectiveness of the encoding stage. The third stage of the memory is the retrieving stage in which information that is stored in memory has to be located and retrieved from the subconscious mind to the conscious mind of an individual (Ashcraft and Radvansky, 2010, pp.90-95). The loss of memory is commonly known as forgetfulness. In case, the loss of memory is extreme in nature and acts as a medical disorder then it is termed as amnesia, According to the psychological definitions, there are many types of memory like sensory memory, long term memory and short term memory. Sensory memory is the kind of memory that is driven by stimulus perception and is not dependent on conscious attention. Sensory memory refers to the ability of the brain to retain sensory information related to any kind of internal or external stimulus. Ana example of sensory memory would be the ability to remember the name of a person whom you have just met. Sensory memory is created in around 200-500 milliseconds after the brain has been exposed to the concerned stimulus. The retention of information, in this case, is of short duration but is accurate in nature. However, the capacity and duration of remembering the information created are dependent on the modality of the same. There may be two main subtypes of sensory memory which are iconic memory and echoic memory.

Need an research paper on information security. Needs to be 22 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on information security. Needs to be 22 pages. Please no plagiarism. Supporting different categories of software plus combined hardware and software products as well as services designed for IT security, providing a portfolio of data security, network security alongside other management solutions. A large portion of the network security solutions offered by the company comply with the manner of operation of an NXG platform, that offers an integrated security architecture. centralized and real-time security updates. central enforcement and management of security policy. The company also provides a host of solutions that target data security. This is attained through the Pointsec product line, capable of protecting and encrypting sensitive corporate data resident on PCs plus other mobile computing facilities. Check Point’s Open Platform for Security (OPSEC) framework permits clients to expand the capabilities of the company’s services and products whilst enhancing integration with top-level hardware appliances as well as third-party security software utilities. The particular services and products offered by the company include virtual private network (VPN) and firewall gateways, VPN and firewall security appliances, end-point security, subscriptions for real-time security updates, collaborative business enterprise support and enterprise-focused support. Checkpoint has up to 500 employees with the following departments: Executive, Accounting, Administration, Network Development, Network Management, Human Resource Management, Production Database Management, Software Development and Marketing. The IT facilities owned by Check Point encompass web servers, SQL Accounting servers, DNS servers, File Server, Microsoft Exchange Mail Server, Active Directory Main Controller, Proxy Server, Share Market Analyzer Server, SMS Server as well as CRM Database Server. Additionally, the LAN or WAN connections that form the operating environment for the aforementioned servers will be treated as IT facilities.

This is the first of two Excel assignments you will complete in this course. Before you get started, be sure to watch the Mergent Online video (written instructions can be found here). For this assign

This is the first of two Excel assignments you will complete in this course. Before you get started, be sure to watch the Mergent Online video (written instructions can be found here). For this assignment, consider the stock you own in your TDAU thinkorswim portfolio. Choose one of the companies from your portfolio and complete the following steps:

Financial ReportsFor the company you have selected, find the most recent annual balance sheet, annual income statement, and annual statement of cash flows.

Copy each of these three reports to its own worksheet within a single Excel file. The first worksheet should be titled 20XX Balance Sheet; the second, 20XX Income Statement; the third, 20XX Cash Flow. (Replace the XX with the appropriate year.) The image below illustrates the way the file should be set up.

Stock PricesCreate a fourth worksheet within the same Excel file for historical stock prices. (You can name the worksheet Stock Prices.)

  Reference the To Find Historical Stock Prices section of the Mergent Online written instructions to locate the stock prices for your company for the most recent seven days. In your Excel file, enter those seven prices.

  On the Stock Prices worksheet, use an Excel formula to calculate the stock price’s rate of return over that seven-day period. To do this,

Subtract the stock price of the first day from the stock price of the last day.

Divide this amount by the stock price from the first day.

Multiply by 100 to get the rate of return.

3. ProfessionalismFormat the data on all worksheets so that the file has a neat and professional appearance.

4. ReferencesAt the bottom of each data tab in the spreadsheet, include a link and a properly formatted citation referencing the location of the data used.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Semiotics and Archeology. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Semiotics and Archeology. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length. The study of semiotics can, therefore, be applied in many contexts, one of which being in archeology. Archeology can be understood to be a science that carries out attempts to understand the past through the use of the physical evidence that is available. This evidence may include written material as well as other symbolic artifacts.

According to Preucel (8), the field of semiotics has undergone a transformation in the recent past. This transformation means that semiotics has changed its traditional focus which was studying sign systems and classifying the signs to include the study of how these signs are produced and their meanings as they occur in a social context. The basic premise in semiotics is, therefore, that meaning can only be derived from the social context in which the symbols or interactions are occurring. This has become important in the application of semiotics to archeology as the different signs or symbols that are to be found within the archeological exploration and process. The knowledge of symbols, signs, codes, and cons can, therefore, be applied in archeology. The understanding of the arrangement or organization if the material objects that are found into codes to give them meaning are, therefore, an important process. It is important to realize that unlike in the linguistic sentences the interpretation of material culture is a more complex process. As such, there is a need for archeologists to come up with a system that effectively structures and interprets the different aspects of material culture. This marks an important aspect of the relationship between semiotics and archeology.

The relationship between semiotics and archeology is said to have begun in the 1960s when the linguistic model was first applied to studying archeological data. This was however only applied to the study of Paleolithic and historical archeology and was therefore limited in its scope and area of study. The introduction of a theoretical framework for the combination of linguistic structuralism and processual archeology by Ian Hodder, however, marked the beginning of more formal and reliable use of semiotics in linguistic interpretation. The importance of semiotics in the study of archeology was emphasized by the fact that it is impossible for the material culture to produce meaning without the consideration of the context of this culture.

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Representation of North America in the Films of Santiago Alvarez.

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Representation of North America in the Films of Santiago Alvarez. The films exemplify the continent inhabitants’ interactions with those in the said continent and those elsewhere. The films were not only meant for entertainment but to also emphasize the social injustices that went on in the continent and through its inhabitants’ actions. His films focused on the repercussions or effects of people’s actions, as opposed to the mainstream films which only focus on the effect rather than the cause of injustices. We also note that Santiago’s films were focused on communication, as films were viewed as tools of communication. However, films in the mainstream Western front only serve to satisfy the monetary interests of the stakeholders in the industries. All of Santiago’s films have musical undertones (Rist 2007, p. 64). This represents the North American culture as one which accepted music as a form of presentation and communication. This is also seen from the Western mainstream where Hollywood, for instance, has absorbed the musical culture into film making. This is seen by musical themes in movies and further shown in the production of musicals.

In his film Now of (1964), Santiago portrays the civil rights abuses in the North American continent. Through the still pictures, we can clearly see the oppression of the masses, especially those deemed as socially irrelevant such as the blacks. The film calls for change by people standing up to protect their civil rights. The mainstream Western media, however, paints the picture of the upholding of people’s civil rights, which is both misleading and malicious. Hollywood, for instance, depicts the North American continent as one where civil rights abuses are unheard of whereas, through Santiago’s film, this assumption is rendered inaccurate. In this film, no voices are heard, which goes to further clarify the people’s reluctance to speak out and act in the face of such adversity. Moreover, it portrays the people as having been forcefully silenced by the oppressors, which are principally the powerful men in North American society. The civil rights abuses show the people as going contrary to their constitution, which upholds the right to speech, movement, and freedom of all individuals. In the film, Santiago uses Lena Horne’s musical prowess to demonstrate the historic heroes of humanity in North America, people such as Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson who are represented as fighting to preserve the exclusive rights of all people in the continent and elsewhere. The civil rights violations shown in this film center around racism shown by North Americans. The splitting up of the screen into three parts in the first scene of the film conveys a sense of segregation among the people of North America. As noted, this segregation emanates from discrimination of minority groups along racial lines, and disregard for their rights (Rist 2007, p. 74).

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on tricks of the app wechat Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on tricks of the app wechat Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! This app is available for most smartphone systems including android, blackberry, windows phone, Nokia, and iPhone. WeChat has experienced a speedy increase in popularity since it was launched in the year 2011, Tencent, the company to which the world owes the development of this app confirms that the number of users has doubled within a period of six months from 100 million to 200 million people.

For the records, it has always been difficult for any china based internet firms to go global to several constraints such as cybersecurity issues. However, WeChat is promising to change the rules. Already, the app has been launched in Asia and is receiving some subscriptions from the United Kingdom and the USA. It comes with similar features to USA owned WhatsApp but with more capabilities than its analogous app. The features resemble those of Twitter, Skype and Facebook. It comes in eight different major languages including English, Russian, and Arabic.

Just like other communication apps, it can access the users’ security information such as text messages, contacts, and determine their location. This is considered a threat to the users, for instance, one becomes susceptible to surveillance when such information can be obtained without his or her knowledge.

Code messaging: WeChat has fantastic code messages that one can use by simply typing a portion of the codeword. For instance, by typing the word “birthday” only and sending it to your friend, it will deliver a complete message with the word “happy birthday” and cakes falling from the top of the screen. Typing the word “miss” delivers a complete message as “I miss you” and flowers falling from the top of the screen. Teenagers always find these features to be very fascinating. WeChat voice messaging: This function enables the user to send his voice record.