Provide a 7 pages analysis while answering the following question: Leadership and Followership Stylistics: Context of Lion King. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA St

Provide a 7 pages analysis while answering the following question: Leadership and Followership Stylistics: Context of Lion King. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Before examining the leadership traits within the context of different characters of Lion King, it is imperative that the sources of leadership and meaning are clearly understood. In a simpler and précis manner, leadership can be defined as the power to bring about changes or selecting the flow of the beliefs of followers. Power or leadership cannot be achieved without having the traits which it takes to undergo change and bring motivation for the employees. There are typically five sources of power which are evident in the movie Lion King as well.

As per the theory presented by French and Raven, a leader is able to provide a reward to its employees. This is merely to provide a token of value to the followers by the leaders. This aspect is visible from the movie Lion King through the depiction of Scar’s character (Where Scar is a brother of Mufasa). The Scar has been projected as a leader who gives value proposition to his followers named as Outside in the movie. Scar has provided complete protection to his followers from Mufasa3. Along with the protection that he provided to his follower hyenas, he also provides them with food. It should be noted that throughout the course of the movie, Scar has provided reward in the shape of food to hyenas when they undertook his commands. The significance behind the reward is because it motivates the followers. It has also been noted in many instances of the movie that as soon as Scar becomes the leader, he stopped providing a reward to his followers.

The aspect of reward is further explained in terms of types. The two types of rewards would be coercive and reward power. In the first type, the leaders are actually looked upon as someone who has settled the standards for the followers where they can be provided with a reward. On the other hand, the second type of coercive gives an idea that it depends upon a leader to settle punishments. In the context of the movie, this is evident from the context of Scar’s character where he promised his followers hyenas to provide them with food and reward them and if they will not follow Scar then they will be put to death ultimately. This shows that Scar has made use of the coercive power in order to dictate the hyenas.

Compose a 1500 words assignment on the historian’s task is to understand the past; the human scientist, by contrast, is looking to change the future. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1500 words assignment on the historian’s task is to understand the past; the human scientist, by contrast, is looking to change the future. Needs to be plagiarism free! This includes various rational, systematic, and verification activities used by human scientists for validating the data obtained through objective specific and subjective phenomena. As human science not only remains confined towards the study of humanities and social sciences but also covers the areas of sociology, history, economics, and anthropology, it often overlaps the dimensions of historians. Hence, the area of knowledge of human scientists cannot be firmly polarized from that of learning the past like in the case of historians. On the other hand, the Historian’s task can be quite delicate, which includes understanding the implications of various analytical categories for filling up the historical gaps and framing a proper picture of the past. This way, the area of knowledge relevant to historians tends to be polarized from that of the human scientists who learn the past in pursuit to make the future better.

The role of historians, for decades, has been focused to provide conceptualized and factual descriptions about various events and circumstances that had occurred in the past and develop an understanding of the same in order to unveil the past origins of human society. The area of knowledge relevant to historians can be considered significant to a large extent. They play an important role in reconstructing complex stories from scattered historical sources. Human curiosity about their origin and evolution has always strongly motivated historians in their efforts of understanding past events that had transformed human civilization or embark on a secretive paradigm of ancient human society. Historians examine the past in a very broad perspective and facilitate the readers in adding up the historical events as well as actions, triggering their thoughts, motives, and adventurous states of mind (Barton, 2009).

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic real news versus cosmetic news. In the quest of making the news to be the memorable and captivating majority of the media, houses tend to shift their objective from p

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic real news versus cosmetic news. In the quest of making the news to be the memorable and captivating majority of the media, houses tend to shift their objective from presenting real news into adopting cosmetic news, which in most cases is more captivating than the simple plain and raw facts about a specific topic.

In the world, the type of news citizens receives whether in print or electronic media such as social sites or television has a great influence and impact on them. It is a healthy practice for the news agencies to be more open and transparent when relenting news to the public. The media houses act as key informants based on the researches done before a certain news piece undergoes publication or aired in the bulletin or headlines. The journalists undergo training in various ways. They learn how to present their news to give the people not present in the scene a clear picture of the events that took place at a specific place at a specified time. News pieces that involve various social injustices such as executions, rape or bombings, and burning of bodies are always censored to protect the viewers against information that would outwardly conflict with their thoughts and beliefs (Blackall, Harper & Lockyer, 2011). One of the key principles that focus on the journalists’ professional code of conduct is to provide information and news that is true, accurate, and has an objective. The practice of providing cosmetic news to make it attractive to the audience only benefits the media houses but is a great disservice to the public. Therefore, the adoption of cosmetic news is a violation of the professional code of ethics adopted by journalists and does not promote transparency in the news process.

Various elements contribute to media influence in various countries. The media plays a very important role in the lives of the people who depend upon it. It, therefore, becomes important for the media houses to adopt various practices that make the public have absolute faith and trust in them. The research acknowledges the fact that raw or real news cannot be presented to the public because of the uncertainty in its effects (Craft & Davis, 2013). However, the research also bears in mind that cosmetic news may be out to give a false impression to people of the public that is also something against the professional code of conduct and ethics adopted by the various journalists in the media industry.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on a broad standardization. The morbidly hilarious article Can’t We All Just Stop Thinking About Children by David Puberty, published in The Punch, ten

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on a broad standardization. The morbidly hilarious article Can’t We All Just Stop Thinking About Children by David Puberty, published in The Punch, tends to put forward the argument that the contemporary parents and statutory agencies are way too much concerned about the issues associated with children, who are going by the current times marked by excessive stress and shortage of time, should be dedicating their intelligence to more practical matters (Puberty 2012). Though there is no denying the fact that David Puberty intended the article to be humorous if one also tends to take into consideration the sources in which it got published, the irony is that not only this article comes about as being a wee bit spooky and disturbing, but the writer also resorts to a plethora of rhetorical devices and logical fallacies to accrue interest and support from the readers. The reality is that going by the ever-increasing information being churned out by the scientific research and development regarding child health and safety, the public concern for child safety is justified, and the arguments being put forward by the writer in the article under consideration come out more as being argumentatively flawed, facile and somewhat in bad taste (Halpern 2003). &nbsp.

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. To counter the fallacy inherent in the article, it is imperative to dissect this article’s structure in a critical, systematic, and analytical manner (Weil & Anderson 2000). First and foremost, Puberty tends to solicit reader approval by resorting to the usage of force. On the surface, this premise may appear to be flimsy. However, if one unravels the psychological stratagem resorted to by the writer, it readily becomes apparent that this article’s essential appeal is based on the use of force (Grant 1988). What the writer has done is that he has created a psychological vantage point as per which he projects himself as an authority on reason by using a powerful language and has degraded the concern about child issues to the fact that anybody evincing such a situation stands to be taken for a fool.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Lifespan Growth and Development: Sickle Cell Anemia. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is re

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Lifespan Growth and Development: Sickle Cell Anemia. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Part 2 utilizes the researched information, creative skills, and critical thinking skills, the paper presents a typical day in the life of an individual 12 years of age who has been diagnosed with sickle cell condition. It highlights the physical, cognitive/intellectual, emotional, and social aspects of the individual’s behavior. It also presents an analysis of how the individual’s typical day would change if a cure were to be found for the condition.

Sickle cell anemia is a prevalent type of sickle cell syndrome that results in the formation of red blood cells that are crescent-shaped. This is a deviation from the normal red blood cells that are usually disc-like and lacking holes in the center. The problem is caused by the presence of abnormal hemoglobin leading to the development of hemispherical shape. The deformed red blood cells are rigid and sticky compared to the normal disc-shaped red blood cells that move simply through the blood vessels. Sickle cells, therefore, obstruct blood flow through the blood vessels in the body, which in turn causes damage and pain to organs (Scheinin & Wetli, 2009). The lifespan of normal red blood cells in the bloodstream is 120 days after which they die, while sickle cells last between 10 and 20 days. This rate of dying outdoes the rate of new red blood cells’ formation in the bone marrow and hence there lacks replacement. Oxygen supply and elimination of carbon dioxide from the body are therefore hampered and hence the body is exposed to the risk of infections. The condition varies among different people. Some patients have to live with chronic hurting while others experience regular fatigue (Bogg & Roberts 2009).

The onset of sickle cell anemia is attributed to two genes of sickle hemoglobin that are inherited from both parents, each contributing one gene. This means the sickle cell patients are born with the disease. In some cases, a gene from one parent may be normal while the other is a sickle hemoglobin gene.

I need some assistance with these assignment. ulrich model of human resource management in annex Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. ulrich model of human resource management in annex Thank you in advance for the help! According to John Storey “Human Resource Management is a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an integrated array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques” (Storey, 1995). In today’s competitive business scenario human resource constitutes one of the most important departments in any organization irrespective of its size or the industry in which it is operating. The trend is primarily because over time, organizations have realized that people are the key resource of any company. It is the people who generate new ideas. it is the people who implement those ideas to produce commodities and services and finally, it is the people who sell these commodities and services. In simple words, it is the people or more specifically the employees who make the organization and run the organization. As result organizations have understood that people are the key resource for any organization and this resource needs to be properly managed so that organizational performance reaches the desired level.

This report includes an evaluation of the effectiveness of the current configuration of the roles and responsibilities of HRM within the chosen organization. The entire evaluation is based on the HR model proposed by Dave Ulrich.

Over the past few years, various changes in management science have altered the nature of human resources management. In today’s global business scenario value is created by the proper utilization of human resources. The core roles and responsibilities of H.R are thus redefined to suit the changed perspective.

Write a 15 pages paper on the basic elements and attributes that relate to logic circuits.

Write a 15 pages paper on the basic elements and attributes that relate to logic circuits. According to Rafiquzzaman and Chandra (1988), a logic circuit is a directed acyclic graph which computes a binary function mapping the values of its output from the values of its input variables. Computer systems apply digital logic in their electrical and electronic functions and logic circuits are the basic design models. In the design of logic circuits, digital system architects consider their functional and operational efficiency to ensure optimal efficiency in the final product (Hambley, Kumar, and Kulkarni, 2008). Logic circuits contain gates and transmission wires which carry input digital signals and emit a single output digital signal.

A number system represents quantity by defining a set of values, for example, the number of students in a class. There are two categories of number systems. non-positional and positional number systems.

The most common positional number system is the decimal number system. others include the binary number system, the octal number system, and the hexadecimal number system (Latif, Ullah, and Jan 2011). Computers use all these number systems and it is, therefore, important to understand their differences, relations, and inherent conversions in the study of logic circuits (Langholz, Kandel and Mott, 1988). For starters, every number system is defined by its base or radix which indicates the number of symbols used in that particular system. the base or radix of each number system is usually indicated by a decimal subscript followed by the number’s value. Table 1 below illustrates the different positional number systems and their representative numbers and characters.

The decimal number system is the most commonly used system by humans and it consists of ten digits from zero to nine which are referred to as the symbols of the decimal system (Latif, Ullah, and Jan 2011). The decimal number system presents digits in a base-ten number meaning that each digit represents a value or units ten times the number to its right.

1) In your proposal post, please identify the text and author you are performing the literary analysis on and describe your paper’s focus. You may also post your tentative thesis statement for clarity

1) In your proposal post, please identify the text and author you are performing the literary analysis on and describe your paper’s focus. You may also post your tentative thesis statement for clarity, if you wish. This post should be between 50-75 words.

Please review the sample proposal in the Sample Literary Analysis Proposal Instructions file or below and follow that model for your post.

Choose ONE of these STORIES

Reflections of spring by Duong thu Huong

Mystic by D.H. Lawrence 

Araby by James Joyce

The Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams 

Sample Proposal: In this essay, I plan to illustrate how James Joyce rejects tradition in his short story “Araby.” This rejection of tradition is a characteristic of Modernism and can be seen in the text through Joyce’s stance towards religion and religious symbolism. The garden outside the home, the books owned by the dead priest, the actions of the narrator in the attic, and the final setting of the bazaar all contribute to an ironic criticism of religious rituals and symbols.

Thesis: James Joyce’s “Araby,” through the use of religious symbolism and ritual, illustrates the author’s conflicted and ironic stance towards the Christian religion.

James Joyce’s “Araby,” through religious symbolism and rituals, illustrates the author’s conflicted and ironic stance towards the Christian religion.

(Subject) (Focus) (Interpretation)

Need an research paper on state of the world oceans. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on state of the world oceans. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. 1. Discuss the recommendations of the US Commission on Ocean Policy, why they are important, and what they hope to achieve. The US Commission on Ocean Policy believed that the US ocean and coastal resources should be managed to show the relationships among all the components of the ecosystem. The ecosystem includes all living things and the environment in which they thrive. Therefore, the recommendations covers a very broad range of issues including the oceans’ physical attributes, involvement of coastal communities in decision-making, effect of oceans on climate, offshore gas development (US Commission on Ocean Policy).

The first major recommendation is the formation of a new ocean policy framework to improve the coordination of the federal ocean management groups and the decision-making process. This means that the different agencies should work together, new agencies having more effective programs should be created, and redundant agency programs must be removed. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) should be strengthened to allow it to meet many of its ocean-related responsibilities. With this, a streamlined, better and more effective management of ocean resources can be achieved.

The second major recommendation was to strengthen the scientific research and better dissemination of results from scientific research. Compared to other countries, scientific researches on the oceans have lagged. The recommendation calls for more research funding, more exploration, technology development, and improved management of information. Scientific findings provide the basis for new policies, and careful and relevant decision-making, and more importantly, educational material.

The enhancement of public education on ocean ecosystems is the third major recommendation. With this, the Commission hoped to promote learning and awareness of ocean ecosystems, through formal and informal education, with the final goal of giving even the youth, in particular, a sense of stewardship for this resource. Formal educational systems should introduce students to oceans and their roles in the world’s ecosystems, and provide them the opportunities to decide on careers that involve ocean science and technology.

Other recommendations deal with the management of coastal and ocean ecosystems towards better management of natural resources and improved lives of the communities near the ocean. A balance between conservation of the ocean ecosystem and economic opportunities of the local community can be achieved by empowering coastal management. These recommendations hope to achieve better fishery management and control of offshore activities, reduction in ocean pollution, and improvement of human and marine health.

2. Which if any, of these recommendations would you implement first, and why? Explain the scientific and societal basis for your choice.

The recommendation that I would implement first would be education, with emphasis on the effect of oceans on our economy and well-being, even for that part of the population residing inland. Educating people on the economic benefits and the far-reaching environmental effects of ocean ecosystems should be a major thrust considering that Earth is covered with 70% ocean. Promoting education and as a consequence, research, will enhance the thrust towards an interdisciplinary approach in facing the issues in ocean policy and conservation (Public Comments on the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s Preliminary Report).

The youth of today will be the policy-makers, researchers, scientists and citizens of the future. Molding their minds on the value of the oceans will help shape their decisions and actions on issues affecting the ocean ecosystems. At the more basic level, the mere introduction of marine organisms and marine life will perk up interest even in the very young children. Knowledge on the effects of human activities like gas operations, over-fishing and pollution will provide the youth an early sense of stewardship over this resource. This will shape them into becoming better citizens of the future.

Education is also the foundation for research and scientific endeavors. Providing a major focus of education will encourage higher educational institutions to embark on research work that focus on the different aspects of oceans research. Moreover, the recommendation will increase funding for courses in oceanography, leading to careers in marine science, ocean conservation, and other similar degrees. Thus, the benefits of focusing on education will be rolled many times over, spreading to other fields, improving societal beliefs, and ultimately leading to the preservation of the ocean ecosystems.


“Public Comments on the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s Preliminary Report.” 2004. 14 April 2009 .

“US Commission on Ocean Policy.” 13 May 2005. 14 April 2009 .