Compose a 500 words assignment on press release. Needs to be plagiarism free! Urgent Press Release URGENT PRESS RELEASE 23/08 Contact information: Kindly use the followingcontact details to reach the

Compose a 500 words assignment on press release. Needs to be plagiarism free! Urgent Press Release URGENT PRESS RELEASE 23/08 Contact information: Kindly use the followingcontact details to reach the chief Public Relations officer for more information on the subject.


Phone number: 1234567890

Save the family charity organization condemns the indecent behavior expressed by the finance director.

Save the family charity organization has been on the fore front in advocating for behavior change among individuals and couples. It has ensured that people get information on the value of upholding family values and ensuring the sanctity of marriage. We have engaged in behavior change activities and campaigns that have produced fruitful outcomes for which we are proud of. We try our best to ensure that such values are engrained in the minds of individuals by offering help and counseling wherever possible. We have been successful so far in our endeavor to uphold family values except in a few cases where we have recommended renowned experts to help the concerned parties.1

It has come to our attention this morning that one of our directors in charge of finance has run away with her secretary. The two are not married to each other. Mr. Brown, the finance director, is a married man with two children while Mrs. Rivers, his secretary, is also a married woman with one child. Information availed to us from photos and background checks reveals that the two have been having a secret affair behind their spouses’ backs. This is said to have been going on for a couple of days now. The two love birds have left their families in dire need as they were the bread winners of their families. The second issue is that the two have run away with a substantial amount of money from the staff pension fund kitty.

Save the family organization would like to express its stand that we do not encourage such behavior in the organization. The employee code of ethics stipulates that it is an offence for members of staff to have a have a romantic relationship at work as it compromises work and the family values that we advocate for. Secondly we would also like to say that we are conducting internal investigations at the moment to ascertain how the money was stolen by the finance director. Our organization only has three signatories to its accounts: the chief executive officer, the finance director and one member of the board of directors selected through a unanimous vote. The matter has also been reported to the police who are currently working on the case to find the two culprits. Thirdly the organization has taken up the responsibility to take care of the families of the two who were left behind as they cannot fend for themselves.

In conclusion we would like to say that this indecent act by one of our directors will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken when the two are found. Besides that internal mechanisms are being put in place to check if there are others doing the same. This case will not deter our efforts in educating families and encouraging them to uphold family values.2


FOSTER John, Effective Writing Skills for Public Relations: PR in practice. (London: Kogan Page Publishers, 4th Ed., 2008).

Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses the importance of rapport, empathy, and probing questions.

Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses the importance of rapport, empathy, and probing questions. I conducted the interview at Mrs. Lee’s office on May 10, 2015. The objectives of the interview are to learn more about how to get a real estate job and to understand the workplace experiences of a real estate broker (also called a realtor). I believe that I have properly conducted the interview with rapport, empathy, and good choices for primary questions, but I believe that I did not fully motivate the interviewee to be more open and I was not able to maximize probing questions to learn more about the interviewee’s job and hiring experiences. I would improve the interview by including more small talk that can help the interviewee relax and share more workplace/hiring information and by preparing for more probing questions.

I attained good rapport and empathy levels through small talk, being empathetic of her weary physical state, and giving supportive verbal and non-verbal expressions throughout the interview. Rapport is essential to building and sustaining a relationship through promoting “feelings of goodwill and trust” (Stewart &amp. Cash, 2011, p.81). I built rapport immediately during the opening stage of the interview by adding small talk and empathizing with her tiredness. In the beginning, I told her: “Good evening, Mrs. Lee, How’s everything going?” My introduction intends to make her feel like we are going to have a conversation and not an interview. Ken Metzler suggests that interviewers should avoid using the word “interview” and treat the interview as “a conversation, talk, discussion, or chat” (Stewart &amp. Cash, 2011, p.108).

I mentioned the word “interview” at the opening stage of the interview, but I made sure to make her feel that we are having a conversation by empathetically responding to her. For instance, I showed empathy to indicate my respect for her time.

Write a 6 pages paper on narrative therapy role play. The client affirms that she has been nervous since her kids left home. The client feels scared to do anything that might upset the kids when they

Write a 6 pages paper on narrative therapy role play. The client affirms that she has been nervous since her kids left home. The client feels scared to do anything that might upset the kids when they come over. In the course of the dominant story, I deduced that the client is faced with a problem of anxiety after using the active listening skill of asking confirmatory questions as the customer described her problem. In fact, the client laments that anxiety has imprisoned and limited her freedom to experience life. I suggest that the client should not dwell on anxiety, but move on from it and get to experience life. At last, the client accepts to return to the normal routine of life, that is the life before anxiety settled in.

According to the narrative, it can be deduced that people are not the problem, but instead, anxiety is. There is a clear boundary between the problem and the people (Davies & Linnell, 2010). According to my close analysis of the client in the narrative, I have discovered that there are actually a number of different types of anxiety disorders some of which generally include social anxiety disorder, phobia, panic, and post-traumatic stress disorder among others. According to the narrative, I can affirm that anxiety causes distress and interferes with the normal running of an individual’s life. for instance, the client says that she is finding it harder to do things. Basing my argument on the narrative, I can attest that there are different categories of anxiety and each display different unique signs. For instance, panic disorder may result in restlessness which may subsequently cause the affected person other complications such as chest pain, unusual heartbeat, sweating a lot among other symptoms. In fact, people experiencing panic always feel like dying or losing consciousness. Of note is that the fear of having panic attacks might result in the development of phobias.&nbsp.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Principles Of Basic And Clinical Pharmacology. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Principles Of Basic And Clinical Pharmacology. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The body supervises these goods by following the strict act of the Therapeutic Goods Act of 1989. The body excludes some goods that are also stated in this act. The body ensures that the ingredients that are used for the production of medicine are the correct ones and that the ingredients have been used in the right quantity.

The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) is a program that was launched by the Australian government to assist in giving quality and cheaper medication to the Australian residents. The PBS has to maintain equality, availability and quite cheap medications. It confirms that the poor people in society are able to get medication easily without so many struggles. PBS helps so many individuals to get better in a very cheap manner. The Australian government is able to ensure that all its citizens are getting good medication through PBS.

Developing the national drug policy is very complex work to be done. And the components have got a role that they each play in getting the required objectives of the drug policy. Some of these components are. the way people access their medications, the quality of their medication, and the ratio in which people are able to get their medication. This drug policy is supposed to be a balanced policy in such a way that it does not discriminate any set goal, it has to be a very consistent entity. For example, people would want to access the good medication. hence they should get this medication without any discrimination. In implementing the national drug policy, the government should consider how to select the necessary medication that is required in all hospitals and pharmaceuticals. The NDP has to consider the affordability of the medication to the citizens.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Alcohol Consumption in US Colleges and Teenage Life Style. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Alcohol Consumption in US Colleges and Teenage Life Style. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. For over half a century, excessive alcohol consumption and the unsafe behaviors frequently linked with such indulgence are serious risks to the physical and mental health of college life (Koyama, 2005). In addition, according to the latest studies, 13% of females and 24% of male college students in the United States meet the clinical criteria for an alcohol consumption disease. Further estimates indicate that approximately 44% of college students have had more than five drinks on one instance in the month before the medical examination and that nearly one-third drive while drunk (Beck et al, 2008).

Heavy indulgence in alcohol consumption among college students in the United States occurs between the ages of 18 and 22. This group of students drinks too much than any other age group even their age non-college peers. The major cause of this indulgence is due to changes in human growth and surroundings. For example, when students enroll in college, they live away from their parents and other relatives. Consequently, they have excess freedom to practice whatever is at their disposal since their parents are no longer there to control them. Another cause of heavy indulgence in alcohol by college students is the presence of high academic requirements on campuses. This may cause the students to indulge in alcohol consumption as a means to keep away from these forces. Moreover, most college students may indulge in alcohol consumption due to socio-cultural forces to change from childhood into maturity. These pressures may be intimidating because of the widened social responsibilities that adults assume. In addition, some college students might consume alcohol due to maladapted conduct learned prior to enrolling in college (Koyama, 2005).

White (2006) adds that in the United States, noteworthy increases in alcohol consumption transpire during the switch from high school to college. Additionally, first-year college students have extra free time at their disposal than they had while in high school.

I need some assistance with these assignment. the word democracy means different things to different people Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. the word democracy means different things to different people Thank you in advance for the help! Democracy al affiliation Democracy is a form of government where power resides in the people and they are free to elect their leaders through elections. Autocracy on the other hand is a form of government where all power is vested in one individual or a small group and the people do not contribute in running the government. In an autocratic government, the leaders make all the decisions independently while in a democracy the leaders seek input in the decision making process (Burnell & Schlumberger, 2014).

The distinguishing characteristics of a democracy include citizen’s contribution in decision-making, decisions made reflect the beliefs of the majority, limitation of the government’s power and respect of individual rights. In a democratic system, the government as well as its citizens are subject to the rule of law. There is respect for personal freedoms, equality before the law, political freedoms and decisions that serve the common good (Denton, 2015).

All citizens in a democracy have some rights, which cannot be taken away by the government. The main concept of democracy is the worth of the individual. This means that every individual is unique and important and is a member of the society. There is also the equality of every individual. This concept provides for the equality before the law and equality of opportunity. Although democracy follows the rule of the majority, the rights of the minority are equally important in policymaking. Because there is the need to find a position that is acceptable to a large number, there is necessity of compromise in a democratic system. There is also the freedom of the individual in a democratic system (Dickson, 2014).

The justifications of autocracy include quick implementation of decisions, total control, efficiency, and effectiveness during emergencies.

Reference list

Burnell, P., & Schlumberger, O. (Eds.). (2014). International politics and national political regimes: promoting democracy-promoting autocracy. Routledge.

Denton, P.H. (2015). Philosophy of democracy: introduction. Essays in philosophy, 16 (1), 1.

Dickson, D. (2014). The people’s government: An introduction to democracy. Cambridge University Press.

Write a 2 pages paper on self-reflective on writing skills. 6 December The self-reflective essay I define good writing as something that engages the reader and makes him/her want to reader more. Writi

Write a 2 pages paper on self-reflective on writing skills. 6 December The self-reflective essay I define good writing as something that engages the reader and makes him/her want to reader more. Writing is not considered good if it violates the rules of the forum where it is published. The goodness of a piece of writing depends upon the level to which it complies with the needs of the forum. Another criterion according to which the quality of writing is assessed is the originality of ideas. For a writing to be good, it is necessary that the ideas are solely of the writer. The writer must not copy and paste any content from a paper of another writer without acknowledging the source of writing. Otherwise, it is termed as plagiarism.

There are numerous styles of writing suited to the individualistic needs and requirements of the forum where the writing is published. Basically, there is a formal and an informal way of writing. The formal way of writing requires the writer to make use of complex words and be very particular about the selection of words, sentence construction and grammar. The informal way of writing provides the writer with more leverage. The writer is free to express his/her emotions in the writing. The informal way of writing is very much like the real life communication we make in the daily life. Full words may be replaced with slangs and there is frequent use of such expressive words as “hurrah, alas, and wow.” I personally like writing in the informal way more than in the formal way because the former provides me with more room to enrich my argument with emotions as compared to the latter.

Every style of writing has a certain way to be organized with. For a paper to be properly organized, it is imperative that there is an introduction with a thesis statement that is the crux of the whole discussion that is to follow. The thesis statement should be short and precise and fully reflective of all aspects of the discussion. Each body paragraph starts with a topic sentence that represents the ideas to be discussed in the respective paragraphs. Ideally, there are three body paragraphs in addition to the introduction and conclusion. The conclusion sums up the argument made in the paper and provides a brief summary of the whole essay.

This course helped me polish my writing skills a lot. Before taking this course, I used to be very confused and could not even start. Having taken this course, I have done sufficient practice and learnt enough to write a piece of writing independently. Before, I did not know how to start the paper. I have learnt that when an individual has to write, he/she should just start writing whatever comes to the mind irrespective of the sequence of ideas or the organization of the paper. After substantial content has been written, the writer is supposed to review the paper with an intention to pick out the grammar mistakes, inappropriate sentence construction and inappropriate organization of the ideas and paragraphs. The writer should make adjustments along the way.

I will pay for the following article Compare the characteristics of an operational database and a dimensional database. The work is to be 1 page with three to five sources, with in-text citations and

I will pay for the following article Compare the characteristics of an operational database and a dimensional database. The work is to be 1 page with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Compare the characteristics of an operational database and a dimensional database First Computer sciences and Information technology Instructor’s Name


Compare the characteristics of an operational database and a dimensional database

Operational Database:

Operational database supports for the information of the organization. Operational databases are well designed and develop with recovery mechanism and concurrent control to ensure the integrity and consistency for the transactions. The operational databases are optimized for the transaction processing for the daily business activities. There is numerical use of data for the operational databases. The size of the operational database may range from megabytes to gigabytes. Key performance metric of operational database is the recovery and consistency for the transaction processes. The data normalization for the operational database is required at a very high level to avoid the data redundancy. This type of databases is also referred to the “On-Line Transaction Processing” OLPT. This type of database is updated after every transaction and also represents the snapshot of a very current business situation. In an operation database, records are changed, updated, added and replaced. Relational model is used to compose operational systems with update and insert operations.

Dimensional Database:

Current databases are multidimensional, and technology is applied to distributed data. Large, complex, and high performance data is only facilitated by the dimensional database. For example, a sale manager wants to view the sale of a product for the particular region over a period. This is the dimensional view of data as higher dimensionality requires the high volume of data. The “On-Line analytical processing” known as OLAP enables the managers, analysts and professional to gain insight in view of information. An OLAP server supports the structures of the dimensional database. For dimensional databases, the multidimensional model is used to model the system. A company has multidimensional database of products, sales, finance, and employees. (IBM 2000)

Comparisons of operational database and dimensional database have been given with important points, which differentiate the two types of databases.


IBM (2000). Business Intelligence Certification Guide (1st Ed.). International Business

Machines Corporation.

Need help with my writing homework on Managing Human Resources through Strategic Partnerships. Write a 250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Managing Human Resources through Strategic Partnerships. Write a 250 word paper answering; The HR department, therefore, provides an opportunity for a new employee to operate with the best personnel that are capable of delivering the best services to the organization. HR department oversees several undertaking including the welfare of the new staff, planning for work schedules, providing of working equipment, compensation, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training (Jackson & Schuler, 2003).

Realistic Job Preview for a Librarian a. The library will be required to work in a dynamic and demanding environment with both digital and manual systems.

b. The person will be the overall officer in the procurement of all equipment and materials that are used in the library. In all procurements, the librarian will ensure value for money in all acquisitions.

c. The suitable person will provide any necessary user education and user awareness training programs to the new library clients and the staff of the organization.

d. The suitable person in this position will advise the organization on the new systems in library management, acquire through competitive procurement from the vendor, install the system in the library, train clients on how to use the new system, and maintain the system.

e. The person will also ensure the safety and security of the library resources both digital and manual by formulating policies to curb incidences of theft, mutilation, fire, water, or even dust.