Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on American Crisis from Martin Luther King Jr. Words. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on American Crisis from Martin Luther King Jr. Words. It needs to be at least 1250 words. Martin Luther King Jr. defined the crisis of American politics as an injustice that has been done to the blacks, who are the outsiders that had come to America according to the whites. During this time, the political philosophy of Black Nationalism also arose, whose proponent was Malcolm X. According to Malcolm, the Negroes did possess a great problem for America, hence they were not wanted (Malcolm). The Negroes’ problem on the other hand was the white man, who had oppressed them for years in their homeland. The Black Nationalism political philosophy according to Malcolm meant that the non-whites should control the politics and economy in their own community. In this paper, I am going to discuss the non-violent tactics that Martin Luther King Jr advocated to respond to the violence of political order and reasons for advocating for such tactics. I am also going to discuss the violent tactics advocated by Malcolm X in response to the violence of political order and the reasons behind his tactic.

Being a clergyman, Martin Luther King Jr advocated for the philosophy of non-violence in order to end racial segregation and discrimination in America. In his letter from Birmingham, he relies much on biblical allusion that stresses love to all, including the enemies. In defense of his non-violent direct action which some fellow clergymen saw as that of an extremist, he asserts that Jesus was not an extremist for love. He goes ahead to quote Jesus’ words from the Bible “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to those that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you” (“Letter from a Birmingham Jail). In this case, Luther was referring to the Agape love God, which is the universal love for all, both the righteous and the wicked. In his opinion, a violent approach is associated with hatred, hence against the Christian love of Agape.

Need an research paper on an interdisciplinary study of human behavior. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on an interdisciplinary study of human behavior. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. The environment has enough capability of changing the character of an individual to lead to the development of an entirely different individual. Genetics. traits passed through the family gene have led to the different groups of individuals inexistent in the current world.

Psychology apart from mental disorders also studies abnormal behavior among individuals, and this can include the analysis of intelligence and personality. These studies have enabled several pieces of research, which caused variations in the way people understood human behavior. The present-day men have a clear understanding of normal human behavior and what can be categorized as illness and probably require particular attention.

Human study has evolved in so many ways shunning away thought that mental disorders are a curse from the gods. Psychology development led to remedies that caused the wake-up call from such disillusionment. In the old days, abnormal behavior led to the exile of those affected. Families hid their affected children as they feared getting names or people their lineage is cursed.

Through sociology, the relationship between humankind is improving each day. The ways of man are now clear, with the different cultures around the world human beings have managed to peaceful belong to or at least strive to belong. This however does not qualify as a reason to relax and quote completion. There is still more to be discovered and uncovered. Each new day dawns a new society being different from the known.

Sociology thus focuses on global organizations, groups, institutions, and associations. Anthropology unlike sociology encompasses a broad spectrum of society. It studies culture and society while focusing on roles such as race, anatomy, biology, and gender of humankind. This study also broadens the impact of kinships, languages, and economic factors on the people.

To further understand human behavior, this essay focused on the relationship between Hispanics, black, and white Americans. The international relationships that exist have enabled these three communities to live together as one people. The difference in their character no matter their closeness is almost definite. Hispanics are almost totally different from the other two groups and vise versa for the other two groups.

Need help with my writing homework on The Figurative Language and Narrative Structures of The Book of Salt. Write a 2000 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on The Figurative Language and Narrative Structures of The Book of Salt. Write a 2000 word paper answering; Monique Truong tackles a story of a Vietnamese cook who was displaced forcedly in Paris in a 1934 setting. She uses the famous literary lesbian couple Alice Toklas and Gertrude Stein as a background for depicting this tale. Two narrative threads are flowing in the novel. In the first, chef Binh relates his present life at 27 rue de Fleurus along with the details of how he got himself in the household. In the second, Binh recounts his life in Vietnam and the reasons that made him leave the country and step on Parisian soil.

The novel tries to establish a link between Binh’s past and that of his present. It depicts tones about Binh’s difference in social status and skin color from that of the rest of French society. Truong makes Binh accept his forced servitude in order to suggest some elements of racial exploitation. This acceptance may already be present even when he was living a miserable life in Vietnam when he was abused by his father. Through the figure of Binh, Truong explores the important issues of faith, hope, abuse, love, and exile prevalent throughout the novel.

The Book of Salt depicts race, language, nationality, and colonialism whose interrelatedness suggests linkage necessary to understand social enigma. The ethnic and racial discrimination experienced by a Vietnamese cook in the person of Binh is supported by the use of language for the readers to see how they work in a nutshell. The book contains themes of ethnic, national, and racial inequalities, as well as foreign colonization, is hidden in the usage of the words. Truong used Binh’s background and relates it to the present to show how ethnic inequalities persist, as well as French imperialism through socioeconomic difficulties experienced by him.&nbsp.

Write 10 pages with APA style on Lefebvre’s Terrorist Society and Certeau’s Poetics of Everyday Life.

Write 10 pages with APA style on Lefebvre’s Terrorist Society and Certeau’s Poetics of Everyday Life. For the longest time, Marxists and sociologists have instrumental valuations on philosophy and social sciences in terror with his writing translated to classify existing disciplinary predispositions. Further, paradoxical fate led to the Cold War era (Lefebvre, 2010). As a Marxist, he became excluded from the mainstream commentary and academic establishment in the US rendering him incapable of contributing views to social creativity. In most of his writings, he appropriated as a fit to the conventions and disciplines resulting from the classified comfort in designation and distortion of the social state of security (Tse, 2013). Lefebvre discusses the nature of terrorism within the modern world. The book argues that society has an oppressive state that looms overhead.

The author illustrates that it is in all areas where time gives the illusion of having the freedom and oppressing the opposing thoughts. The goal includes eliminating aspects of critical thinking. The bureaucratic admixture of the society is controlled through consumption’s oppression as well as simultaneous of the illusory freedom for rebel indicating that rebellion allows for increased impossibilities. The focus also renders the theoretical constructs for rebel impotent (Certeau, 2011). The initial face of the problem diversifies the possibilities of emerging trends. The subject can be driven across the acting policy.

In case people have an inability of understanding each other, the misgivings of social order are facilitated (Lefebvre, 2010). The bureaucratic society allows for controlled consumption that also seeks to have placated on people within the auspices of democracy and entertainment through expenditure. However, there are developments of necessity that do not satisfy the ways of life and living where the alternatives are presented (Harris, 2012). The author warns that the scope of capital cannot be altered to state the requirements created. This is because it drives the ever-developing amounts of production.&nbsp.Bureaucratic societies for controlled consumption develop their counterculture based on avenues of market populism and hip consumerism that channel rebellious impulses among unsatisfied customers to affirm capital of consumption.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on numerous concepts of understanding human intelligence Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on numerous concepts of understanding human intelligence Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! A ten-year-old child may in some ways function like a three-year-old child hence making the mental age theory a controversial concept.

Just like Alfred Binet, Lewis Terman and David Wechsler are considered as some of the key contributors in intelligence research and testing who greatly contributed to the field of psychology with respect to human intelligence. Terman revised and expanded Binet’s test to an extent that it was published in 1916 at Stanford. He incorporated new scoring scheme and introduced the concept of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) which referred to child’s mental age divided by chronological age, multiplied by 100 (IQ = mental age/chronological age x100). Lewis study claimed that the stereotypical view of gifted children is that they are sickly, bookwormish, and socially inept. Initially, the study involved 1500 children who had normal IQ of 150 in comparison to standard subjects and the findings were that the children were above average in height/weight, physical health, emotional adjustment, mental health and social maturity.

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV and WISC-IV) refers to an intelligence test that was developed to quantify human intelligence in adults and in adolescents (Russell, Norvig & Davis, 2010). Wechsler alleged that intelligence comprised of diverse perceptual abilities rather than one broad intelligence factor. His test comprised of many ideas that were initially espoused by Binet but unlike Binet, Wechsler provided a profile of the test taker’s overall weaknesses and strengths. The main strength of this approach is the fact that the patterns of scores may also provide worthwhile information. For instance, scoring high in some areas but low in the rest might depict the existence of a particular learning disability. WAIS also gives the overall scores though it calculates the numbers using a different concept.

Write a 2 pages paper on irony in the cask of amontillado by edgar allan poe. The irony in “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe Introduction Throughout Edgar Allan Poe’s gothic short story, “T

Write a 2 pages paper on irony in the cask of amontillado by edgar allan poe. The irony in “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe Introduction Throughout Edgar Allan Poe’s gothic short story, “The Cask of Amontillado”, there is obvious, subtle, verbal, and dramatic irony. According to fatherryan.org, the author’s “Single Effect” theory in the story is pure irony, and all elements from, setting, to largely every word uttered by Montresor contribute to the ironic effect. The author uses different forms of irony to create suspense, add a sense of macabre humor, and foreshadow the story’s ending (Cummings para.12). This discourse aims to highlight how the writer uses irony to achieve this.

2. Obvious Irony

There are several instances where the author uses obvious irony in the story. For instance, fatherryan.org notes that Montresor uses the word “friend” to refer to Fortunato. Ironically, he uses this term to refer to a man that he hates so much that he wishes could be dead. Another use of irony is obviously evident in the motto on Montresor’s coat of arms. Ironically the motto is an explicit warning to Fortunato, but Fortunato does not fully comprehend this fact. Other instances where the author uses irony include when Montresor toasts to Fortunato’s long life. Additionally, the masonry dialogue is obvious to the use of irony (fatherryan.org para.4).

3. Subtle Irony

The author also uses subtle irony in several instances. For instance, towards the end of the story, Montresor felt his heart had grown sick. However this was not due to the remorse he felt from the cruelty of his actions, but due to the extreme dampness of the catacombs, which had become too much for him. The subtle irony is also evident almost throughout the story’s dialogue. The story’s conclusion is evidently ironic in the sense that irony fails to be possible any longer when Fortunato is finally aware of everything that is going on (fatherryan.org para.5).

4. Other Uses of Irony

The author uses verbal and dramatic irony in numerous instances in the story to develop suspense, add some sense of macabre humor, and foreshadow the story’s ending. This is evident in the title, Fortunato’s name, Fortunato’s costume, and the author’s reference to mansions. The story’s title, cask, means a wine barrel. It is derived from a similar root word that forms casket, which means coffin. Therefore, the story’s title figuratively represents his casket. Another example of irony in the story is in Fortunato’s name. The name literary translates to luck or good fortune in Italian. Ironically, Fortunato is always unfortunate and headed to his death. Similarly, Fortunato’s costume is ironic because he dresses like a court jester, yet his festive outfit is a contradiction to the ghastly fate awaiting him. On many occasions, the bell on Fortunato’s hat jingles, a rather pleasant comic touch by the author. Last but not least, the irony is evident in Poe’s short story in how he refers to masons. Fortunate enquires from Montresor if he is a mason, referring to a member of the Freemasonry. Indeed, Montresor admits that he is a mason. Nevertheless, he uses the word to imply someone whose profession is building with mortar and stone (because he shall be building a “tomb,” stone wall, for Fortunato (Cummings para.12. Lorceher para. 17).

5. Conclusion

Throughout Edgar Allan Poe’s gothic short story, “The Cask of Amontillado”, there is obvious, subtle, verbal, and dramatic irony. The author uses different forms of irony to create suspense, add a sense of macabre humor, and foreshadow the story’s ending.

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic should people be allowed to keep pitbulls. Should people be allowed to keep Pit Bulls? The Pit Bulls have certainly gained immense popularity over the recent years. T

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic should people be allowed to keep pitbulls. Should people be allowed to keep Pit Bulls? The Pit Bulls have certainly gained immense popularity over the recent years. The Pit Bulls are the kind of breed of dog “that has been skewed by misrepresentation of evidence and flat out lies” (OpposingViews.com) over thinking the significance that they have. Furthermore, it is known that the Pit Bulls do not carry any instinctive dangerous or harmful traits in them that if they are banned, it will do benefit or progress in the safety of the neighborhood or society. Pit Bulls, as a breed together have a bad reputation among the people. But they are also classified under the category of “Dogs”. therefore, they would actually adapt the living style as it will be taught by the trainer.

According to some sources, it is believed that “currently the breed of choice for dog fighters, pit bulls are forced to fight, they do not choose to fight.” (Aavenge.com) Even Christine Hibbard, CTC, CPDT, reported once that “No, we do not believe that Pit Bulls are inherently dangerous.” (Companionanimalsolutions.com)

There are many reasons of as to why people should be allowed to keep Pit Bulls and there should not be any ban enforced in keeping them as it will not benefit the safety of the society. Firstly, as it is known that this particular breed of dog has a bad reputation because of being aggressive and violent. It totally depends on the owner as how he trains and keeps them. It will be very biased to ban them only on the type of dog. Secondly, the Pit Bulls do not require much grooming as “Their short coat is very low maintenance and they can be bathed in very little time, not that they need to be bathed often.” (Petfinder) “Pit Bulls are wonderful animals that deserve a chance to have a good life like any other dog.” (Villalobos Rescue Center) There are reports that more people have faced death by the domestic rats than Pit Bulls.

It is a myth that people say Pit Bulls attack more towards the people than any other breed of dog. However, Pit Bulls do not have the strongest of jaws. it is considered as the weakest among all breeds. What makes Pit Bulls as one of the most popular and demanding type of breed is that they are very loyal to their owners. It is said that the man has made a friend for life when he buys and owns a Pit Bull. There is a same response from the dog as well as they love their owners and they do not discriminate between the mankind. But, one of the best reasons, in my opinion is that Pit Bulls do smile provides a metal boost and confidence to their owners. If the owner of Pit Bull is going through a bad day, a smile of their dog can brighten their day with joy and happiness. That is why, regardless of carrying bad reputation due to many reasons such as mishandling, mistreating, not training them well. the whole breed should not be facing such consequences. Pit Bulls are the most hilarious, fun loving, friendly, and the most popular and demanding in today’s world.

Works Cited:

Aavenge.com,. LETs TALK PIT BULLS. N. p., 2014. Web. 13 May. 2014.

Companionanimalsolutions.com,. Are Pit Bulls Dangerous?. N. p., 2014. Web. 13 May. 2014.

OpposingViews.com,. Why Pit Bulls Should Not Be Banned. N. p., 2014. Web. 13 May. 2014.

Petfinder,. 10 Reasons Why Pit Bulls Rule – Petfinder. N. p., 2014. Web. 13 May. 2014.

Villalobos Rescue Center – www.vrcpitbull.com,. Pit Bull Facts. N. p., 2014. Web. 13 May. 2014.

1. Attached is the clear and precise outline of how this paper should be formulated. The key is to PLAN how you will research and implement an evidence-based model with your chosen client which will

1. Attached is the clear and precise outline of how this paper should be formulated.  The key is to PLAN how you will research and implement an evidence-based model with your chosen client which will be a made up client to use the evidenced based models on.

2. Invest time and effort to search the literature and identify for two to three relevant empirically supported therapies from the plethora of evidence-based models.

3. Cultural adaptation of your selected therapies is expected. You need to start researching the types of client issues that you see in your field placement as part of your starting this assignment early. Additionally, identify journal articles, clinical guidelines, or book chapters that focus directly on your chosen clinical topics

4. Therefore, specifically delineate the different manifestations (e.g., behavioral affective, imagery, cognitive or interpersonal) of the client’s presenting condition using the SMART outcome model, and identify their corresponding empirically supported therapies or interventions; and must utilize the BASIC-ID Multimodal Therapy model for assessment and treatment planning deliberations.

5. Draw from the following journals: Clinical Case Studies, Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, Clinical Social Work, Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development, Clinical Psychology, and several other related clinical journals and sources that deal directly with your chosen topic of clinical interest. Related journals (several suggestions will be provided) and/or book chapters regarding transdiagnostic and other related clinical research sources.

Write 8 pages with APA style on Media Activism and Cyber Activism. Activism refers to a policy of campaigning vigorously in order to bring a social or a political change to a country (McCaughey and Ay

Write 8 pages with APA style on Media Activism and Cyber Activism. Activism refers to a policy of campaigning vigorously in order to bring a social or a political change to a country (McCaughey and Ayers 117). Media activism and cyberactivism are healthy in society because of their major role in exposing vice in society and enhancing democracy.

Media activism and cyberactivism have contributed significantly to the prevention of AIDS. AIDS activism began in the United States of America in the late nineteen eighties’. the movement was right because the government was not keen on providing adequate support and medication that would boost the immunity of the victims (Murphy & Poirier 107-110). Media activism promotes the actors and actresses in showcasing their performance on stage. Some of the works have been filmed thus supporting the activist work by showing how victims of AIDS are suffering and what should be done (Murphy & Poirier 107). A case example of an AIDS activist is Gregg Bordowitz, who started his career at the school of visual arts (Bordowitz, Meyer, and Crimp 43).

Gregg tested positive for AIDS and because of this condition, he together with others formed the Damned Interfering Video Activist (DIVA) and he was determined to document protests that helped promote the AIDS movement in America. Bordowitz also produced a documentary called the Fast Trip, Long Drop that showcased the reaction of the public to the scourge and the representation of the AIDS pandemic as a whole as a result, the AIDS campaign did an excellent job as the government of the day so the need of taking preventive measures to curb the disease (Bordowitz, Meyer, and Crimp 43-8).

Aids are a world pandemic that affects every nation of the world Murphy (Murphy & Poirier 107). It’s a sexually transmitted disease that has spread widely and, for this reason, a campaign was launched online on ways to control the disease. Media and cyberactivism came as the result of many people suffering and being infected with the illness. AIDS activism arose because of the rising outcry in which expanded needs. pressures and challenges arose from the need to do sensitization (Miller & James 92).