I need some assistance with these assignment. how video games perpetuate gender stereotypes Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. how video games perpetuate gender stereotypes Thank you in advance for the help! Although gender stereotypes may be positive, they are in most instances negative generalizations and not informed by evidence from studies or research. They are mere assumptions maintained by an individual. Since the emergence of video games as a key cultural development, it has exhibited gender stereotyping, especially in relation to women’s roles. Representation of women in video games, for instance, is a factor dominated by diverse gender stereotyping notions. Video games, for over a long time, has been perceived as a male-dominated cultural aspect, and that few video games feature women or women are essentially not gamers.

Video games perpetuate gender stereotypes in diverse ways including a sexist perception of women, power construction, constructed audience, depiction of women as submissive characters, exhibiting gender bias, and patriarchal culture. There is an increase in the population of girl gamers with 38 percent of gamers being women. A further 42 percent of online game players were women by 2009 (Peterson, 2009) Based on evidence supported by current research, the claim that video games promote gender stereotypes are justified. Gender stereotypes in video games mainly involve prejudice directed at female characters or women gamers.

Video Games and Gender Stereotypes

Sexist Perception of Women in Video Games

The female stereotypic role in video gaming is a widely explored area of study by most scholars. Dill and Thill (2007) argue that most video games have a sexist depiction of women characters. The dominant game culture involves constant provocation of female players, nearly throughout the history of video gaming. According to Consalvo (2013), women and girls constitute an important demographic in the gaming culture but they continue to experience harassment. There is an evident increase in the number of women in video gaming, where they were previously fewer in relation to their male counterparts’ population. Sexist attitudes against female video players, however, remain unchanged, as discussed by Consalvo (2013).

There is a general sexist perception of the ability of women in video gaming. Moreover, there is a dominant fear that the emergence of the women population in video gaming and their sexist aspects may transform the nature of gaming.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: The Field of Sports Psychology. One of the subfields of psychology that is of interest to me as an individual is sports psychology.Sports psychology is simply t

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: The Field of Sports Psychology. One of the subfields of psychology that is of interest to me as an individual is sports psychology.

Sports psychology is simply the study of how sports, athletism, exercise, and physical activities are influenced by psychology (Silva 266). Sports psychologists work together with coaches and athletes in an attempt to improve performance and motivation. Some make the use of sports and exercise to improve how people live throughout their whole lives. The history of sports psychology is a short one that can be traced back to 1920 when the first sports psychology laboratory was founded by Carl Diem at the Deutsche Sporthochschule in Berlin, Germany. Five years later saw the arrival of two more laboratories one at the Institute of Physical Culture in Leningrad and the University of Illinois by A. Z. Puni and Coleman Griffith respectively (Silva 269). The first course in sports psychology was offered by Griffith in 1923 and later went ahead to write the first book on the subject known as Psychology of coaching. The industry experienced a downward trend with the closure of Griffith’s lab due to lack of funds but then experienced a revived interest in the 1960s when Ferruccio Antonelli started the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) in 1965. By the 1970s sports psychology had become a course offered in universities and in the 1980s it became a center of focus for rigorous research by scientists on how to use psychology to enhance the performance of sportsmen and to use exercise as a means to improve mental well-being and reduce stress.

Modern-day sports psychology is a bit broader in scope. While it focuses on how to improve the performance and motivation of athletes, it also plays a major part in enhancing well being of those who are not sportsmen (Silva 267). Sports psychology has a number of topics to cover, some professionals prefer focusing on just a few areas that interest them, while others take on the broader way of the subject.&nbsp.

Need an research paper on skinners belief about the argument over the nurture and nature. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on skinners belief about the argument over the nurture and nature. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. Despite that, his educational career was short, which lasted for just fourteen years, but his approach has been fiercely discussed for almost a century. Watson assisted to describe the theory of behavior, the stress on operant conditioning by Skinner and highlighted the significance of understanding, learning, and development of humans due to the influence of the environmental surroundings. According to Glassman “ in 1913, Watson began publishing the first of a series of publications which outlined his behaviorist approach, which quickly gained him both fame and notoriety-his statement about shaping healthy infant in any way desired is characteristic of his assertive style.”

The theory that every behavior is attained due to training and conditioning is known as Behaviorism which is a concept of learning. Conditioning or training happens due to contact with the surroundings. The theory of behaviorism states that behavior should be considered in a methodical and apparent way with no thought of the inner state of mind. According to Diane H. Tracey “two underlying assumptions are present in all theoretical versions of behaviorism. The first is the belief that behavior is the result of an organism’s or person’s response to stimuli. The second is the belief that external stimuli can be manipulated to strengthen or reduce an organism’s or an individual’s behavior.” The two main forms of conditioning are classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning demonstrates Behaviorism for the reason that it centers on apparent alterations in behavior and reaction to incentives or stimuli as representative of learning. Pavlov was the creator of classical conditioning as he observed that his dogs started to salivate as soon as they saw their bowls in which they were fed, despite the fact they were empty. He assumed that the dogs salivated as they had formed a connection between the existence of their bowls with the occurrence of their dinner.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on observation of the behavioral traits of the participants.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on observation of the behavioral traits of the participants. The paper shall analyze the observations made on participants Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in a classroom environment.&nbsp.This is under the mandate of Commonwealth of Alabama that directs that, for renewal of the participants’ licenses, they ought to take a 20-hour DUI course.

In the course of my thirty-minute observation, I was careful not to interfere with the behavioral traits of the participants at hand. Just as argued by Creswell (2013) and Janesick (2011), naturalistic observation need not be influenced or manipulated by the observer.

In this observation, some unethical topics will be discussed. however, the issues will not be addressed in the final compilation. In the course of the observation, I was over, and in ensuring that the participants were well aware of my presence during the observation. Additionally, I did not let the participants know the aim of my presence in the classroom until after the first break of the session.

Tables are set up in a model classroom environment – there are 3 computer desk tables set in length against one another stretching across the whole diameter of the classroom – 3 rows of 3 tables. This setting allows me to have manifold advantage points for observation of the classroom activities. The participants are also able to participate in classroom activities.

I also placed 6 participant books with a scratch paper around the room in various positions on the tables. The participants would sit there. though there is no hint to the participants that they ought to sit in specific places.

In the course of the allocated 30-minute time period, I will monitor normal behaviors of the participants from their of entry into the learning setting for 15 minutes and repeat the same in the latter 15 minutes, but on a different position in the classroom. This will be of great essence to my observation, as I will visualize different characteristics of the participants in the learning environment and at different time intervals.

Current Healthcare Trend: Individual ResearchResearch (individually) the trend and the implications this trend has on nursing practice. Your research should include the following: A description of t

Current Healthcare Trend: Individual ResearchResearch (individually) the trend and the implications this trend has on nursing practice. Your research should include the following: 

  • A description of the trend 
  • Prevalence data 
  • Current news about the trend 
  • How nurses relate to this trend 
  • Its impact on nursing 

Submit your research in a 2-3 page paper summarizing each of these areas via Moodle.

I need some assistance with these assignment. behavioral psychology Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. behavioral psychology Thank you in advance for the help! Nevertheless, classical conditioning is passive on the part of the student while operant conditioning requires the active participation of the learner in performing some action in order to be rewarded or punished. Today, teachers, parents, psychologists, animal trainers and many others utilize classical and operant conditioning for a variety of purposes.

Classic conditioning also applies to animal training. A response called the conditioned response is associated with a stimulus that has never associated with the conditioned stimulus in the past. An unconditioned response refers to the original response to the unconditioned stimulus. The most cited example of classical conditioning experiments with dogs.

Dogs’ salivation in response to the unconditioned stimulus of smelling the food was the unconditioned response. The unconditioned response was the ringing of the bell associated with the conditioning stimulus when the bell rang every time the animal received the food (Boakes, 1984). This action repeats severally and with time, the dog learned to respond by salivating after associating the ringing of the bell with food.

After the conditioning period had come to an end, the dog would respond by salivating when the bell was rung even in the absence of food. The food was the unconditioned stimulus. thus the conditioned stimulus became the ringing of the bell, and the conditioned response was the dog salivating. Although the unconditioned and conditioned responses are thought to be identical by scientists, it is evident that the salivating in the conditioned and unconditioned dogs had quality differences.

Aversion therapy is a form of behaviour therapy in which an aversive stimulus, causing a strong feeling of dislike is paired with an undesirable behaviour in order to reduce or get rid of that behaviour (Skinner, 1953). One of the treatments grounded in learning theory is aversion therapy, with a fundamental principle that under the right circumstances, all behaviour can be learned, and undesirable behaviours can be unlearned.

Write a 5 pages paper on child psychology in modern society. This science focuses on the children’s behavior and minds from geniture to adult. The main attention is paid to the mental, social, and emo

Write a 5 pages paper on child psychology in modern society. This science focuses on the children’s behavior and minds from geniture to adult. The main attention is paid to the mental, social, and emotional development of children and the changing of their conducting manner through the growth process.

Today contributors recognize this science as a serious and a huge one. It has a vital impact in the area of psychological sciences. Investigators apply to big questions in the field of child psychology, such as what investigations are more relevant earlier or later ones, whether nurturing or nature has influenced children’s development more, or abnormal behavior can be just the reflection of individual peculiarities of a child.

Due to Cherry (n.d.) child psychology may be observed through different contexts. We may underlie three of them, which are the most important and magnificent. Each of these contexts provides a huge influence on the psychological aspect of child development.

The first one is social context, which is rather logical as a child is viewed as an inalienable part of society. Child relationships with the parents, peers, friends, and other people are laid through the area of this question. It is obvious that family, school, place of living and fellows are considered to be an important social factor in a child’s development, and we cannot neglect it.

The next context of a child’s development is culture. It is essential because of the great influence on a child. Its cultural norms determine the baby’s relationship with the parents and level of their decorum which reflects the child’s behavior and way of thinking. Some cultural traditions are laid genetically, while some of them are acquired in the process of the upbringing of a person and its surrounding. Anyway, the cultural aspect is considered to be influential and predetermines a child’s behavior in some cases.

The third influential factor is socioeconomic. This determines the&nbsp.status of a person in society and constantly has an impact on a child’s growth.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on hierarchy of needs by maslow Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on hierarchy of needs by maslow Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! In the current society, people are motivated to carry out the different roles in their life in order to satisfy their various needs depending on their financial and social capabilities. It is because of this behavior that different psychologists went to great lengths of studying human behavior in relation to their needs and hence different theories were advanced. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory that was advanced by the American psychologist by the name Abraham Maslow in 1943. Maslow described the motivational behavior adopted by people in society in their quest to satisfy their needs. In order to advance his theory, Maslow studied the behavior of reputable people such as Albert Einstein, who is a great was a great physicist, and Eleanor Roosevelt who a wife to the longest-serving American president. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is presented in a pyramid shape with the basic needs at the lower levels and growth needs at higher levels. According to Maslow’s theory, people have to satisfy their basic needs before attaining the growth needs. However, aiming to be self-actualized is not easy and not all people can attain the state. This paper will delve into the issue of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and further explain why the fulfillment of the theory may not be easy.

To start with, Maslow’s theory groups the human needs into five groups namely the physiological needs, safety and security needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs that are attained sequentially from the physiological to self-actualization. This categorization of human needs and the pattern followed to achieve them makes great sense. This is because human beings are motivated to satisfy basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing before thinking of anything else. After satisfying the basic needs, human beings feel the need for security in order to carry out their different daily operations. Further, human beings start to feel the need for belonging and identification with certain groups.

I need some assistance with these assignment. psychology in prenatal development Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. psychology in prenatal development Thank you in advance for the help! The prenatal period is the development period before birth with the development itself referred to as Gestation. With support from other sources, the integration of these two sources provide the brief in this paper

Biomedical technologies have made it possible to monitor the development of the fetus in the womb. Ultrasound and CT data provide appropriate images that have given the understanding of how a fetus develops in the womb from the first week until delivery. Nash, Bjerklie, Park and Cray (2002) give an account of how the fetus starts to develop within the first week, showing an image of nothing bigger than a grape until two months when much construction of organs including the brain, heart, stomach, umbilical cord, oesophagus, kidney, lungs, vertebrae and liver takes place respectively. This would also involve the development of the rib cage, ears and eyes up to around the 84th day when the fetus could be spotted even sucking its thumb. Mahmud (2005) critically evaluates these steps from fertilization, involving the formation of a single cell from the fusing of a sperm and ovum, a process that would most likely occur 14 days before the menstrual period. The scholar further categorizes the nine months into three stages: the germinal or ovum stage between day 10 and 14. embryonic stage between 2 and 8 weeks where the major body developments articulated by Nash take effect. and the fetal stage lasting to delivery when critical developments of an infant occur. This literature provides critical insights into how a child’s sex is determined from the pairing of sex chromosomes, such that when X-chromosome carrying sperm fertilizes an ovum, the resultant XX zygote pair would be female and Y-chromosome carrying sperm would form XY zygote, a male. Thus, technology has greatly contributed to the understanding of fetal development.