Write a 2-page elements of fiction essay on one of the short story attached. Explain the following in your paper: Key historical events which influenced the piece: Expand on how the key historical eve

Write a 2-page elements of fiction essay on one of the short story attached. Explain the following in your paper:

  1. Key historical events which influenced the piece: Expand on how the key historical events influenced the plot and theme.
  2. Setting: Why is the setting important to the story? (The setting is where the story takes place).
  3. Theme: What is the major theme or idea of the story? Here are some examples of themes you might find in literature: loss of innocence, love, loss, grief, man vs. nature, man vs. technology, death, old-age, coming of age, alienation, overcoming the odds, a hero’s quest, etc.
  4. Also, select one of the terms to include in your story analysis from your Literary Terms Exercise in this module (Allegory, Ambiguity, Antagonist, Archetype, Diction, Flashback, Foreshadowing, Protagonist, and Regionalism). Explain how this was used in the story, with examples and lines illustrating your claims. Use in-text citations where needed.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on one flew over the cuckoo’s nest as an evidence of inhumanity of psychiatric treatment.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on one flew over the cuckoo’s nest as an evidence of inhumanity of psychiatric treatment. The film version of a cult novel by Ken Kesey produced a powerful impact on the general public and made people reconsider some of their stereotypes. Viewers are given a chance to observe the events taking place in a mental hospital, which seemed to be a reliable shelter for the main character, Randle McMurphy. Being certainly unaware of possible consequences, he was simulating madness in order to escape imprisonment. This hospital turns out to be a peculiar model of society with similar processes. Nevertheless, at certain point viewers arrive at the conclusion that the society may be called a model of a mental hospital too. These two categories reverse their roles. Patients of a mental health clinic are not insane indeed. They are volunteers to stay there because this institution happened to be the only shelter for them. However, absurd society norms overtake them even in the asylum. They are trapped in a vicious circle of both their personal and collective madness. There is no alternative. Only two variants may be chosen – either to become a victim of electric shock therapy or to undergo total manipulation and brainwashing.

Forman raises a lot of issues related to inner conflicts of personality and illustrates the way a person interacts with the external environment. Personal freedom may be considered as one of the central issues. Freedom enables people to make a conscious choice of their lifeway and range of activities. A person may be considered free only in case if he or she is unaffected by any imposed opinions and is able to take all the decisions individually, without pressure from any external factors. However, personal freedom is always limited by socially accepted rules.

The free person may choose the way of behavior and course of actions in a variety of situations. In other words, free people cannot occupy a passive position. On the contrary, such a person is always active and conscious about the possible consequences of committed actions. Thus, freedom presupposes responsibility for performed deeds.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Passion For Education. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Passion For Education. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. I understand that it was a bad choice, but all of this happened at a glance. I was at a coffee shop with a few friends. One of them got a phone call from his girlfriend who was having some issues with some other females. And I was asked to take my friends to the location to try and resolve the situation. Regrettably, it turned out to be physical, and I happened to be the driver. Everything seems to collapse after the conviction of the crime. My dream, my ambitions, my bright future were quickly melted. It pains me when I have to reveal this awful time in my life. The conviction is always hunted me in everything that I dealt with, from applying for a job to buying health insurance or trying to get a certificate license for Massage Therapist. There were times that I was depressed and wanted to give up. But with the comfort of family, advice from friends, and psychologist’s counseling, I stood up after falling down and became a strong man. However, these difficulties awoke my potential for enhancing academic and practical credentials and provided the opportunity to become a resolute, goal-oriented person. I realized the importance of ‘strict to oneself’. I tried to get back to school and work hard, from a waiter, an assembly technician, to a delivery man. I’m now majoring in Education and have completed about 40 units at Ashford University with 1000 hours practicing in massage therapy. My exposure to this practice provided me with a sense of fulfillment, a motivation to gain more knowledge in this field, and most significantly determination of what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Getting the certificate license in massage therapy is the pedal for me to fulfill my dream. I’m not sure if my mistake will be forgiven, but with the idea that all of us have in mind that we are living in the “country of opportunities” I’m hoping that the ‘Ethics & Standards Committee’ would allow me to take the exam. Given a chance I would able to fulfill, preserve and cherish the desire to contribute positively towards society and nurture the smile.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Techniques for Concrete Homebuilding. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Techniques for Concrete Homebuilding. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. It can save 30-40% of the heating bills. The sell on the value of the highly insulated house is much higher than the conventional masonry. The most important factor is its environmental friendliness. Even the speed of construction is much higher in this case. There is lesser scope of wastage because the timbers are brought into the site on the panelized form.

In today’s world, there are innovative techniques for concrete homebuilding which can make it really beautiful. These kinds of homes lasted for a long period. It needed very low maintenance. Like timber-framed house these homes are also environment-friendly. A concrete house may be of many kinds but there are a few to build features in the house. Those are energy efficiency, safety peace and quiet along with style solid construction. The most important benefits that a concrete house has been provided with are that of fire safety. This kind of house is more resistant to the fire. Apart from this, concrete is also useful for recycling waste and industrial byproducts.

The full brick homes can be considered as the ideal “Human Comfort Zone” as it needs less energy for both internal cooling and heating. As brick is fire resistant it maintains the structural function of the house. Even it may provide insulation for more than one hour in case of severe fire. Like the other two components, it is also friendly to the environment.

Timber flooring is much more expensive than normal flooring. The timber floor or wall required lots of maintenance. Especially it should be protected from direct sunlight. The chemical reaction can take place within the timber because of direct sunlight and that leads to a change in color of the floor. That is why it is needed to cover up with mats or rugs on the floor and curtains and blinds for the wall. Even the timber floor be should be kept away from the high heels that might&nbsp.be caused by scratch or dent on the floor.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Changing Role of Advertising in the Mass Media. Your paper should be a minimum of 4250 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Changing Role of Advertising in the Mass Media. Your paper should be a minimum of 4250 words in length. However, whenever one gets a chance to relax, more so the younger generation, it is usually in front of a computer or with their phone or tablet (Kakihara & Sørensen, 2002). People are spending a great deal of time, consuming online content and updating their social media feeds on Twitter and Facebook and as a result, TV and newspapers in their traditional sense are gradually being marginalized. With the emergence of new technologies every other day, the trend of online viewing is growing exponentially as people try to seek out what is most effective and convenient. Today, the internet is improving in its scope and capacity with 4G and LTE networks being the hallmarks of high-speed internet and even these are still being developed to become more efficient (Dahlman & Skold, 2011). The quality of web content is gradually eclipsing TV especially considering that the internet does not force one to conform to a specific type of content.

John Naughton, a writer for the Guardian differentiated TV and internet by categorizing them as push and pull media (Naughton, 2005). According to him, TV has pushed media because a group of producers and directors selects content and relayed to the audience (Gobe, 2010). However, the internet is pulling media since one ultimately gets to choose what they want to see, he claims that when one finds themselves not feeling compelled to conform to online content choice, they are likely not using the internet correctly. In the developed world, people who have had cable TV for most of their lives are today claiming they do not need cable as much as they need high-speed broadband internet.

Furthermore, a study by IBM exhibited that the dependency rate of TV as the primary media providers is falling, as the internet gains popularity (Berman et al., 2009). The scope and influence of mass free to air television, broadcasting have been on a gradual decline. In the past people would all watch the same shows at the same time. however, audiences have become more fragmented because of narrowcasting through cable and satellite services (Keane, 2014). With the arrival of internet protocol television, traditional TV suffered another serious blow. Online video services such as Hulu, Youtube Netflix amazon, and iTunes are becoming popular in various countries threatening TV with redundancy.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Visual Impairment. It needs to be at least 500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Visual Impairment. It needs to be at least 500 words. Spatial awareness also is an important feature that visually impaired people lack. This is the ability to distinguish the surroundings in which a person is which helps one to easily spot and comprehend issues. As such, a visually impaired person may not be able for example to translate other people’s facial expressions which could help him to read their attitude towards an issue.

Environmental and Physical Issues Encountered

During the activity, various environmental and physical issues were encountered. For example, it was difficult to walk without the help of a cane. Using it made it easier to stabilize the body thus making walking much easier. It also helped to evade physical obstacles thus reducing the chances of causing an accident or being injured. Accessing doors was also difficult since it was hard to estimate their exact location. I had to be guided by another person in order to access the doors without falling through the staircases that lead to the doors. During this time also, it was difficult to follow the directions that were given to me since it was not possible to approximate the exact distance that I was supposed to cover in order to make turns that would lead to my destination.

Evaluation of the Experiences of Getting Around Campus with a Visual Impairment

Getting around the campus with a visual impairment is a difficult task especially while navigating through the numerous footpaths which lead to different sections of the campus. Finding directions required the support of another person i.e. my partner, who held my hands and guided me to the right places after I almost fell into a drainage tunnel. Accessing doors was the most difficult task first because I could not see the exact location of the doors so I had to approximate by touching the walls until the point where I would find a door.

Issues I Encountered as Someone Providing Support

Providing support to a visually impaired person is a demanding task. This is due to the fact that while at it, a person becomes the eyes of the affected person. As such, it requires patience since you have to be around the person all the time. The issues I encountered are for example holding the hands of the person to direct him through the footpaths, helping them in finding doors, explaining the nature of the surroundings in which we were after covering short distances so that they can at least have an idea of where we are headed as well as warning them of any physical obstacles on the way which may accidentally cause injuries to them. However, I observed that a person who loses sight at a later stage in life has a higher capability of accustoming themselves to the surroundings (Billet 2005). At some stages, I only had to mention to my partner where we were after which he would find the direction of where we were heading to by himself.

Compose a 2000 words assignment on gay and lesbian couples rights. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 2000 words assignment on gay and lesbian couples rights. Needs to be plagiarism free! The first legal gay marriage in the world took place on April 1, 2001, in the Netherlands and was conducted by the Mayor of Amsterdam. The whole event was on television and involved one woman and three men. The first same-sex marriage was on May 17, 2004, in Cambridge, MA&nbsp. (David, 2009). The marriage was between Marcia Kadish, who is an employment manager at an engineering firm, and Tanya McCloskey, working as a massage therapist. Estimation by the Congressional Budget Office on December 17, 2009, suggests that an extension of employment benefits to gay/lesbian couples of federal employees would cost the government much money (Glenn, 2009).

The government would have to budget for 596 million dollars in mandatory spending, and 302 million dollars will be for discretionary spending between 2010 and 2019. An analysis by the New York Times on Oct. 2, 2009, estimated that denying married gay/lesbian couples benefits will cause an additional 41,196 dollars in expenses compared to married heterosexual couples (Glenn, 2009). It would happen in their lifetimes. Traditional churches like Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Southern Baptist church all oppose same-sex marriages and couples.

Discussion (Findings)

Denying same-sex couples to marry is a discriminating act and thus treating people like second-class citizens. The Florida State gay marriage ban was ruled unconstitutional by Judge Sarah Zabel on July 25, 2014, at Miami-Dade County Circuit Court. The judge stated that the prohibition was only there to hurt, discriminate and deprive gay/lesbian couples and their families’ dignities that heterosexual couples enjoy. It was therefore labeling and treating same-sex couples as a second class. America has always fought discrimination since African American time (Cunningham, 2013). No one should go through discrimination against because of their sexual preference. There has been a fight against racial discrimination, discrimination against women, immigrants, and people with disabilities. Americans have joined hands to support each other against such forms of discrimination, thus they should also fight for gay/lesbian rights.

Need an research paper on expectant fathers pamphlet. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on expectant fathers pamphlet. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. Financial, schedule and other important roles are also bound to change in the father as he undergoes the accomplishment of the parenthood transition task as analyzed in the document. Becoming a dad accompanies various changes in life. There is a big deal in preparation for the arrival of a newborn along with joy and parenthood challenges. Learning what to expect after the arrival of the baby helps in the reduction of the awaiting surprise. The father to the newborn should be ready to face a noticeable change in terms of self-image, relationship with his partner, sex life, and the sleeping pattern (Berman & Pedersen, 2014).

Before the arrival of the baby, partners usually have much time together with supports mutual enjoyment. Having a baby can result in priority changes that lead to low control and spontaneity of life. A vast preparation is needed prior to the baby’s arrival. Being a father and a parent leads to new roles as a dad, there is a need to be prepared in order to ease the burden that comes along with parenthood. Fatherhood has had a significant change in subsequent generations. There is certain societal and social anticipation flexible in accordance with the prevailing circumstances. Parenthood and fathering are, therefore, under the societal influence based on time, and individuals’ need. The father of the expected baby should prepare to stand up to the task for societal and baby satisfaction (Fox, 2009).

Despite the turmoil in the childbirth and early stages of mothering being challenging and difficult for the women, men also face trying times in different angles that need early preparations. The father of the upcoming baby should expect a swap between his needs and the ones for the baby. In this respect, the baby is expected to get more and critical attention (Nazarinia, Schumm & Britt, n.d.). Neglecting both personal needs and other fundamentals of the marriage relationship should also be anticipated when expecting a newborn.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Analysis of Changing Minds: The Art and Science of Changing our Own and Other People’s Minds Book.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Analysis of Changing Minds: The Art and Science of Changing our Own and Other People’s Minds Book. It might be at the individual level or at a larger level all the way to a global level of the way of thinking. The vitality of psychological aspects of thinking and mindset cannot be denied in any circumstances. For that matter, it becomes important to understand the process of changing one’s own mind as well as the minds of others around in the debate at hand. While considering the generalized scenario, several examples from the history of the world throw light on the importance and outcomes of the way in which thinking of a group of people was modified by their leaders. In times of war and peace, political leaders have been inspiring and motivating their people and thus obtaining great results. But this is only possible through the vigilance of the part of the one influencing the change because bringing a change is never an easy task. Not only in the political field, but in every walk of life, the crucial nature of this aspect of the human mind cannot be ignored. Through folklore, poetry, prose, and teachings of important public figures, revolutions can be brought in the lives of people. For that matter, it is important to discuss in a concise fashion, what the author tries to explain in his piece of work.

As one goes through the book, it becomes evident that the author, Howard Gardner belongs to the ‘constructivist’ school of thought in the seat of American Psychology. The ideas and beliefs of the author tend to differ from those of other more traditional psychologists and this fact has been proved several times at various points in the book under consideration. The views based on this angle point towards the belief that a person’s understanding of and beliefs about any matter should be based on his own experience and should be weighed instead of taken for granted from an already decided set of rules.