I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Reasons for Attending University. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Reasons for Attending University. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The study identified three major reasons. parents’ expectations, going to university for personal experience, and going for pragmatic reasons.

In the contemporary world, university education has become very important to societies. There is a challenge that is experienced during the transition from school to university by students. Most of the students are not clear on their reasons to attend university (Pascarella and Terenzinis 2005).

Reasons for going to university that vary among students have a great impact on society in the long run. Several scholarly works have been conducted regarding experiences that students encounter during their stay at the university and how they cope with them. However, not enough convincing reasons have been given by past researchers to show reasons why students after high school would prefer to go or not to go to university. As a result, there is a need to shade more light on this. This study was, therefore, conducted to try to come up with the main reasons why students go to university (Harvey and Drew 2006).

University plays a major role in the growth and development of every society. Reasons, why people go to university, have a great bearing on both individual and society socio-economic prospects. There are different motivations that people have as they advance in their education. Many students go to university because they see it as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. The students go to university to secure better jobs in the future (Pitkethly et al. 2006).

According to a study conducted by the national union of students (NUS) across the United Kingdom, only 29% of those interviewed said they want to go to university because of the experience. The study also revealed that there are different people that influence students to go to university.&nbsp.

Need help with my writing homework on Exploration of Career Development and the Performance of an Organization. Write a 1500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Exploration of Career Development and the Performance of an Organization. Write a 1500 word paper answering; Therefore in this context, I illustrate my preferred skills in life which include my best transferable skills, my favorite interests, and my best self-management skills. I also illustrate my preferred environment which includes my ideal community, my favorite types of people, and my ideal work environment. My goals are also illustrated.

I have preferred skills in life. Transferable skills are assembled from life experiences, volunteer work, hobbies, and various jobs. To know my transferable skills, I need to assess my life experience to rate and organize my skills for my dream job. My transferable skills are. I can plan and organize occasions and activities, I can motivate others so that they can realize their strengths and implement them. Through life experience, I can assess and evaluate my own work. I can manage my time very comfortably. Through various volunteer works that I have done, I can delegate responsibilities.

I have my favorite interests in life. These are the things that describe my personality. Some employers choose employees based on personality and attitude and, therefore, I do not regret having the following as my favorite interests. I truly love music, more specifically rock music. Music is a basic art, and it comes from the atmosphere that inspires my life. Listening to music makes me a more direct person to life. I love sports. I am a health-conscious person and sports play a crucial role in this. Through sports, I am a very active and alert person. My favorite sport is swimming. Traveling to new countries is also a hobby that I do enjoy because I can explore the world and meet new people.

Management skills are extremely valuable because they determine the performance of an organization. Regardless of the experience that a person has strong management is always based on outstanding leadership skills. These skills are learnable, just like any other abilities.

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic media and politics. On the other hand, negative or bad coverage is highly likely to ruin the image of the company further leading to damaging the positive publicity o

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic media and politics. On the other hand, negative or bad coverage is highly likely to ruin the image of the company further leading to damaging the positive publicity of persons involved in the coverage (Media studies: 2,2009). As such, it is worth noting that media coverage is dependent on two important aspects namely. the type of mass media that has been used to cover a particular event, and the style of coverage that been used. In this regard, media coverage is an aspect that has gradually grown over the years as it continuously brings together the entire world through various aspects of life (Comstock & Scharrer, 2007).

Actually, there has been a huge conflict between Gaza and Israel. According to Chomsky & Pappé (2013), the war between these two regions emanated from the elections that led to the ascending to the power of the Islamic political party, Hamas in 2005. Moreover, the conflict was fueled by the separation of the Authority in Palestine to the Fatah government and the Government of Hamas in Gaza. Moreover, there were rocket attacks from Palestine that were targeted on Israel and Israel responded by blocking the Gaza strip.

According to Witkin (2011), a disengagement plan established in 2005 was aimed at ensuring that Israel retained widespread control over the Gaza strip with the inclusion of its waters, as well as, its external borders. Additionally, Israel has been known to continuously monitor and control the supply basic necessities such as electricity, communication, infrastructure among other necessities. In their book, Izard & Perkins (2010), articulate that Human rights and Amnesty International have in the recent past confirmed that Israel will remain an ‘occupying power’ in the international law especially in regard to the Gaza issue. Nevertheless, other actors such as the Fatah government in the West Bank have refused to recognize the presence of the Hamas government in this conflict.

Importantly, the Gaza – Israel conflict has continuously received media coverage since the conflict began in the late 90s. The event which gathered interest from the local media, and the foreign media, did not allow foreign media into the area where there was conflict, to an extent of been accused of various s crimes that they had not committed as a way of attempting to muzzle and/or intimidate them.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on introduction to psychology for business.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on introduction to psychology for business. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory extends a significant influence on the myriads of disciplines that includes anthropology, sociology, art, psychology, literature. According to Freud, the human mind is made of two parts – conscious and unconscious. Whatever one is aware of can be classified under the conscious mind. For example, memory is an integral part of one’s conscious mind that can be retrieved as per the need for daily tasks. One’s logical or rational mental thinking process is also a part of the conscious mind. however, the instincts such as feelings, urges, or dreams are the part of the unconscious mind, and surprisingly, the unconscious mind influences the most in one’s life (Cherry 2012b).

Freud divides human personality into three parts – Id, Ego, and Super-ego. All primitive urges such as hunger, sex, pleasure have been classified by him under ‘id’. Early age in humans revolves around id. The child cries when he or she feels hungry. That is how infants satisfy their basic needs. The id simply thinks about their own needs without giving any importance to others. With the growth of children and interactions with others, ‘ego’ starts developing gradually. The ego takes into account the real-life situation when the need for the ‘id’ is to be fulfilled. The ‘superego’ tries to resolve the moral aspect of one’s thinking process. It deciphers things into rights and wrongs. many people know them as conscience. According to Freud, usually, the ego is the most governing or dominating element in one’s personality regulating and controlling ‘id’ and ‘superego’. Obviously, the person with a dominating superego would emphasize ethics and morals during interaction with others. Such a person will be unbending while dealing with others (AllPsych 2011).

Correctly, the paramount job of ‘ego’ is to find a balance between two other elements – ‘id’ and ‘superego’.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on effectiveness of the supervision model on practice Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on effectiveness of the supervision model on practice Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The supervision experience must exhibit a collaborative view that focuses on the supervisory skills that must be adopted by the supervisee under the guidance of the supervisor (Falander & Shafranske, 2004). An effective supervision process channels all the goals of education and training in ensuring client protection and professional development.

Jack Jones is a 30-year old European male who has a history of violent behavior. The extent of his violence is physical towards men while with women he is verbally abusive. Jack was recently released from prison after completion of his sentence. Five years ago he was imprisoned for assault on a job colleague and stayed in prison for 6 months before he was released. However, he was arrested again one month later for assaulting a drunken man with a cricket bat until he lost four front teeth. This was Jack’s second arrest for which he served a three-year jail term. Jack’s childhood was difficult and full of problems as he was subjected to child abuse and he also witnessed domestic violence. Recently, he found a girl he likes and has been in a relationship for the past one month. As a result of his short temper, his girlfriend Mary brought him to our rehab center for anger management.

Jack’s past relationships have been quite difficult and they never lasted for more than two months. He usually met his past girlfriends from clubs and his neighborhoods before inviting them to leave with him after two weeks of dating. He says that the women usually left after some time even though he felt that the relationships were satisfying. He also states that the girls he dated from his neighborhood left the neighborhood as soon as they moved from his house. Jack admits he wanted to marry most of his past girlfriends but never got the&nbsp.opportunity.&nbsp.He further states that he has no children. While in prison Jack thought about his anger problem and how he was tired of jumping from one relationship to another. He now wants to deal with his anger issue so that he can be able to build a lasting relationship with Mary.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on sporting excellence and the radical turnaround in team gbs olympic success.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on sporting excellence and the radical turnaround in team gbs olympic success. There has been a corresponding improvement in the number and value of medals received by the team as well over the last 15 years. According to (Green and Oakley 2001a), team GB participates in all games arranging from athletics, cycling, boxing, badminton, diving, golf, hockey among others.

There is good team planning and management in team GB. This is achieved through proper identification, confirmation ad development of talents in members of the various teams. In talent identification, players go through proper screening. This is done by their various team coaches with the aim of identifying the specific talents for each of their team members (Bompa 1985). In order to achieve this, the coaches apply various talent identification methods especially scientific and natural methods. According to Balyi (2002), the use of the scientific selection method which is based on talent level and physical attributes reduces the time required for the player to attain high-level performance.

The purpose of talent identification is to ensure that team members are appropriately placed in the type of race they will perform excellently as in the case of athletes or game positions for example in football. For games that require either singles or double for example badminton, the coach will know which player will play excellently in singles. After the talent has been identified, the coach has to confirm it again. This involves an extended assessment of the identified talent so as to verify the talent characteristics. It also includes the talent’s trainability, coachability, and adaptability to an environment of high performance. This gives the individual a chance to get a deeper understanding of the high-performance sport.

Need an research paper on professional journalism is characterized by objectivity. Needs to be 12 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on professional journalism is characterized by objectivity. Needs to be 12 pages. Please no plagiarism. Just like any other field, journalism and mass media are guided by a professional ethical code of conduct that provides a framework through which operations are conducted (Gant, 2007:99). This is done in order to safeguard the consumers of mass media services from unhealthy practices as well as exploitation. The pledge to remain objective and impartial in reporting and broadcasting news is an essential condition that marks professional journalism. This condition has myriad significances not only to the consumers (audience) but also to the journalists as well as the general public. This paper argues that observing objectivity should be an uncompromised condition that every journalist needs to keep.

To best address the issues around this topic, it is proper to insightfully understand what this concept (objectivity) is and its relation to journalism. According to Boudana (2011:386), objectivity is defined as the quality of being impartial in actions. It is the nonexistence of biases and lack of any shreds of prejudice. It is a state in which something or someone is free from any influence that may impact them differently in a way that is not true. Objectivity, therefore, call for a neutral and independent ground in which thoughts and behaviors are constructed and exhibited in a just and uninfluenced form.

In journalism, objectivity is the act of impartially gathering and disseminating media information in a way that is free from any influence from an external party or own biased thoughts. As opposed to subjective journalism in which an individual’s gathering and reporting of news is determined by the preconceived thoughts and/or other external influences, objectivity involves honesty and non-modification in information handling. Objective journalism is characterized by equality/fairness, neutrality, and nonalignment in news gathering and reporting.

Sew Good is a fashion apparel chain that sells a variety of clothes in California. Below are the actual demands and the forecasts that Sew Good recorded for 20 of their clothing designs from the past

Sew Good is a fashion apparel chain that sells a variety of clothes in California. Below are the actual demands and the forecasts that Sew Good recorded for 20 of their clothing designs from the past season. In the following problem round all the ratio values to 2 decimal places.

For example, use 0.97 instead of 0.9733 or 0.9689.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Raymond Carver Stories. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Raymond Carver Stories. It needs to be at least 1250 words. Raymond Carver did whatever he had to do to survive, including working as a janitor, sawmill laborer, and library assistant before eventually moving to California where his writing career began.

His stories are mainly set in the pacific northwest states of Oregon and Washington, an environment he was familiar with as he grew up. Coming from a low-income family, Raymond grew up to be humble at heart. In 1963 he failed to complete the Iowa Writers’ Workshop simply because he did not fit into the program’s upper-middle-class milieu and he grew homesick of California. It is, therefore, not surprising that the characters in his books mirror the life that he was used to.

In an article written in the New York Review of Books in April 1976, critic Thomas Edwards describes Raymond’s fictional world as a place “[where] people worry about whether their old cars will start, where unemployment or personal bankruptcy are present dangers, where a good time consists of smoking pot with the neighbors, with a little cream soda and M & Ms on the side.” Edwards continues and says “Carver’s characters are waitresses, mechanics, postmen, high school teachers, factory workers, door-to-door salesmen. [Their surroundings are] not for them a still unspoiled scenic wonderland, but a place where making a living is as hard, and the texture of life as drab, for those without money, as anywhere else.”

It is therefore not a coincidence that Carver had the most distinct vision of the middle-class American society. His life paralleled that of the characters in his stories. His first collection of short stories “Will you please be quiet, please?” was published in 1976. The stories are brief, but not stark. Carver had mastered the art of walking a fine line between no bloodshed and repressed violence. Almost all stories hold the promise of an ugly ending, marred by violence and mayhem as the characters seek to break into liberty from&nbsp.oppression.&nbsp.