Business & Finance

Hı how are you? I have  Business analysis and decision-making final homework. I choose Subway company. Here files about the final. The homework subject is Subway (Restaurant).The documents say what needs to be done. Documents need to be read carefully. 

Article Writing

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Dyslexia. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

The brain of each person is made up of white and grey matter whose primary functions is to process information. The lining of the white cast, which comprises of myelin facilitates communication between the nerves, which make up the grey matter. Booth and Burman (2001) explain how their research has unearthed that children with Dyslexia have a less grey matter on their left parietotemporal area compared to those without Dyslexia. With less grey matter, it means that these children will have problems processing information.

Further research by (Deutsch, Dougherty, Bammer, Siok, Gabrieli, & Wandell, 2005) extrapolates how people with Dyslexia also have less white matter still in the same left parietotemporal area of the brain. Since white matter is associated with reading skills, having less white issue leads to having lesser ability to communicate with one another through reading. The people without Dyslexia have their left hemisphere functioning to the fullest with the grey matter and the white case being in maximum capacity. They can, therefore, communicate with others through reading thoroughly and fluently without any hitches. Their information is also processed without any problem (Deutsch, Dougherty, Bammer, Siok, Gabrieli, & Wandell, 2005).

The other brain structural difference between people with Dyslexia and without Dyslexia revolves around the asymmetry of the hemispheres Heim and Keil (2004). People with Dyslexia and are right-handed have their hemispheres being symmetrical. This is the opposite of the people without Dyslexia and who are right-handed who have their hemispheres being asymmetrical. Their left hemisphere is larger than the right one. According to Heim and Keil (2004), this asymmetry and symmetry of the left hemisphere have an impact on the reading and processing of information on the children with Dyslexia. The left hemisphere is more considerable means that the processes the brain handles such as speech and reading on the left hemisphere are more adequate and refined. However, if the left hemisphere is smaller in size than usual, it is an indication that the processes and brain functions handled will be reduced and less refined.


answer the following questions according to the table

Information Systems

Read the scenario of “Exotic Cars Inc.” Based on the information provided you need to create:

  • A Use Case model depicting the functional requirements of the system
  • A Class diagram of the corresponding structural model
  • Use APA-style writing as well as examples

Information Systems

Write a 750 word response to the topic: “Describe how the traditional approach to modeling differs from the object-oriented approach. Do you think that there are certain projects in which the object-oriented approach would not work as well as the traditional approach? Why or why not?” 

apa format

Article Writing

Write a 6 pages paper on the achievement desire by richard rodriguez. In his essay, Rodriguez admits that he despised his parents on educational grounds. Even so, the cultural separation, brought about through education, dawns to him later on while he was undertaking his studies in graduate school. Education had distanced him from his family life.

Inability to balance between personal life ambition and the school can be tragic. As Hoggart puts it, a scholarship kind presents a “friction point of two cultures” (Rodriguez 540). Rodriguez comes from a family background consisting of barely educated middle-class parents and enrolling into the school, as a scholarship student, makes up an entry in a novel environment. He admits to having forgotten where he came from (598). He is too ambitious in achieving academic success that he distances himself from his ‘helpless’ family. The inability to balance his school life, ambition and family life caused him guilt and shame. For Rodriguez, he chose school over his family.

Personally, I can relate to Rodriguez circumstances, given the situational similarities thereof. As Latino Puerto Rican, I happen to come from a low-class family, just like Rodriguez. When I awarded a scholarship for my studies, with the difficulty in affording school, I was filled with anxiety of success since this was an exceptional chance at hand. To achieve this, I needed support and help from my parents. However, when the parents fail to keep up with the standards of support one requires, other options are sought. Intrinsically, the teachers are the next most feasible replacement for the parents in regards to support. I did what Rodriguez refers to as “a transfer of allegiance that previously given to the parents, to the new figure of authority, the teacher” (600). The new environment of school got me exposed to peer pressure, from other students from high-class families and bullying due to the fact that I was on scholarship. The situation rendered me unable to play a sport. rather I concentrated on achieving academic success.


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Article Writing

Write a 5 pages paper on major depression and antidepressant treatment. Clinical psychologists find themselves treating major depression as a very common illness hence it is important for them to have a thorough understanding of this mental illness in order to reach a correct diagnosis (Thomas 2010). The clinical picture of the condition, diagnostic challenges, diagnostic tools, effective treatments, and recent developments regarding major depression will be elaborated in the paper.

According to the DSM-IV-TR criterion, the disorders of mood are broadly classified into “Depressive Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, and Mood Disorder due to a general medical condition and Substance-Induced Mood disorder”. The depressive disorders are further classified into “Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder and Depressive Disorder not otherwise specified”. Depressive disorders are differentiated from bipolar disorders on the basis of important historical findings. The absence of any Manic, Mixed, or Hypomanic episode classifies the mood disorder as a depressive disorder (American Psychiatric Association 2000).

A single event of depression without any occurrence of mania i.e. euphoric period, behavioral excess, or events of the display of excessive energy is termed as MDD. The major depressive episode is characterized by depressed mood or anhedonia (no interest in daily activities) for almost the whole day and these symptoms extend for at least two weeks. It is important to mention here that the severity of the symptoms should be enough to cause hindrance in the affected individual’s usual social and occupational activities. The severity of the symptoms is described on the basis of the extent to which they cause disability. A mild degree is characterized by the ability of the person to carry out his/her daily responsibilities. A moderate degree is described by the inability of the person to take interest or perform his/her obligations and the severe form of MDD is when the individual starts thinking of death or exhibits psychotic behavior or completely isolates himself/herself. An individual is diagnosed with chronic MDD when the symptoms prevail for more than 2 years (Thomas 2010).

Article Writing

I will pay for the following article Structural Design Process. The work is to be 9 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Designing: This stage includes thought of the different prerequisites and components influencing the general format and measurements of the structure and results in the decision of one or a few options of structure, which offers the best general plans and arrangement. The essential thought is the capacity of the structure with optional contemplations that warrants consideration of style, human science, law, financial matters, and nature. Again, there are structural and constructional necessities and constraints, which may influence the kind of structure to be composed (Balasubramanian and Gupta).

Plan: This stage includes an itemized thought of the optional arrangements characterized in the arranging stage and results in the determination of the most suitable. extents, measurements, and points of interest of the structural components and associations for developing every option structural course of action to be considered.

Development: This stage includes activation of faculty. obtainment of materials and supplies, including their transportation to the site, and real on location erection. Amid this stage, some updates may be obliged if unforeseen troubles happen, for example, inaccessibility of pointed out materials or establishment issues.

The structural configuration of any structure includes securing the stacking and other outline conditions. These conditions must be backed by the structure itself and be considered in the plan. This is trailed by the investigation and processing of the inside terrible strengths of pushed, shear, bowing minutes, and turning minutes. In addition, stress intensities, strain, diversion, and responses caused by burdens, changes in temperature, shrinkage, deadhead, and other outline conditions may as well be considered (Beer and Liebscher).