
Persuasive Speech Topic: Should the federal minimum wage be increased?

Persuasive Speech–The purpose of this speech is for the students to change or reinforce their audience’s attitudes, beliefs or values. This is the speech to pull out off of the stops and impress your audience with all of the skills you’ve learned. You are asked to use the Monroe Motivated Sequence. This speech should demonstrate excellence in research, organization, signposting, delivery and language. Remember, your objective is to persuade your audience on a topic. Pick a topic that has enough depth for you to be successful. Timing: 4-6 minutes.

Your speech will only be graded if it abides by the following rules:

  • REQUIREMENTS: You must use either the G.A.M.E. Plan Outline or the Traditional Outline template provided in the Student Toolbox section of this course. You must submit your outline into the assignment submissions folder in either a Word, PDF or other D2L-readable format.
  • Your speech will be evaluated in four key aspects. The evaluation is detailed in the attached Speech Evaluation Information document. The four aspects that will be considered are 1. Outline, 2. Content, 3. Language and 4. Elocution.
  • You are to use the Monroe’s Motivated Sequence as the structure of your outline. Monroe’s Motivated Sequence involves:
  1. Getting Audience Attention
  2. Creating a need or explaining a problem
  3. Offering a solution that will fill need or fix problem
  4. Help audience visualize what like will be like if they accept your idea and if they don’t
  5. Offer a clear action step with an easy start
    • Your attention-getter should be included in the introduction of your speech outline. Your key points should be 1. Problem, 2. Solution, and 3. Visualization. Your action step should be part of your conclusion.
    • I’ve attached a special example outline using the Monroe Motivated Sequence with a link to an actual speech at the top. Please use this to inform your speech organization. Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Example Outline
    • For additional assistance with Monroe’s Motivated Sequence please watch this instructional video:

Computer Science

Python code


17 P2: The cuboid ABCOFFDE has vertices with coordinates shown in the diagram. E(0,0.6 (2,5,6 (3.0,6 O(0.0.0 (0,5O (3.0.0) (3,5,0) Find the surface arca of the cuboid (2 marks Find the length of the diagonal [BEJ (2 marks) Diagonals [AD] and [BE] Intersect at the point M cI Find the coordinates of M Find AMB (7 marks 

Information Systems

just for a discussion board, doesn’t need to be too in depth

Compare and contrast Data Flow diagram and Use Case diagram. Which one would you use to communicate with the business users, and which one would you use to communicate with the software developers? Defend your opinion.

  • Make an initial post of 300+ words, in response to my initial post, by Wednesday evening

Computer Science

Python code for a quiz

Article Writing

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on GOLD NANO PARTICLES. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Gold nano particles Gold nano particles An extensive study of gold nano particles has been carried out for a longperiod of time, close to a decade. Their occurrence takes different shapes such as gold nanoshares, nanocages, nanoshells, nanorods and the scattering Raman nanoparticles which are enhanced. These are the main occurrences that have attracted a lot of attention thus, leading to their extensive study. Practically, GNPs are used in biomedical applications hence. they remain of great importance in this sector. GNPs also come in varied colours like blue and red (Chan 2007). It is these variations that are used in comprehension of plasomons which depends on the wavelength, otherwise known as conduction-band electrons during oscillation. This phenomenon translates into absorption and scattering ability of light, which is an important feature to biological applications like sensing and imaging. The ability of bio molecules to interact both inside and at the surface of a cell can result into varied interactions according to the size of nanoparticle. Currently, for medical sector purposes, it is possible to modify and fabricate nanoparticles and AUNPS is best for clarifying the distinct properties of the “red surface Plasmon resonances band at 520” with catalytic activity which is high and easily fabricated with the use of thiol interconnected to SS-DNA which enables them to be components that are stable for bio-sensing purposes. When nanoparticles and biological elements of lipids, proteins and nucleic acids are combined, they can reveal specific functions in bioprobes and biosensors. It is therefore, important to note that, nanoscale particles possess clear and exceptional potential of detecting and accurately diagnosing cancer (Chan 2007).

SERS nanoparticles

To increase the level of sensitivity like in surface enhanced Rayleigh scattering, surface enhanced fluorescence, and surface enhanced Raman scattering, the use of surface Plasmon have been significant. Though, SERS is an attractive and has very unique technique that can be vital in measuring rotational, vibration and molecules of low transition frequency based on Raman scattering (Chan 2007).


Chan, W. C. W. 2007. Bio-applications of nanoparticles. [New York], Springer Science + Business Media.

Health & Medical

Assignment Details

The HITECH Act was incorporated into ARRA to promote the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology. Subtitle D of the HITECH Act, sections 13400–13424, addresses the privacy and security concerns associated with the electronic transmission of health information. It does so, in part, through several provisions that strengthen the civil and criminal enforcement of the HIPAA rules. (OCR, 2017)

Consider the following case from the course scenario on St. Michael’s Medical Center.

Case I: The Blue Wall

Many patients and regulators have accused the hospital of neglecting its organizational responsibilities to respect patient rights. The hospital has established a so-called blue wall to withhold information and protect its employees. The administration and the ethics committee overseeing these ethical issues were accused of cover-up and making decisions that endangered vulnerable people. In most cases, the hospital has failed to meet its responsibilities to patients and to comply with regulations. Some of the violations are the following:

  • Employees have exposed patient information to unauthorized people.
  • Nurses have made unilateral decisions and ignored informed consent mandates.
  • Administrators have covered up instances of medication errors and failed to meet regulatory compliance regarding the handling, storage, and retention of medical records.
  • Visitors have found sensitive patient information in files left in hallways and on laptops left in patients’ rooms. Mobile devices containing patient information that doctors have claimed were missing have been found lying around in public areas.

Few employees have done the right thing. Organizational lapses in policies and procedures occur at all levels.

As the newly hired chief executive officer (CEO), you have been asked to address these issues. You will make a presentation to help managers, supervisors, and general staff members to curb the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) violations in the following areas:

  • Communication
  • Secure storage of information
  • Retention of health information

Prepare a 15-slide PowerPoint addressing the following items:

  • What are 5 effective health information communication methods? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these methods?
  • What healthcare laws guide the sharing and delivery of health information among stakeholders? What type of health information could be shared and with whom?
  • What are the benefits of sharing patient health information? What current applications are available to share patient information?
  • What HIPAA mandates are about the disclosure of patient information, especially the Privacy and Security Rules?
  • What are the benefits of using social media applications for sharing health information? What limitations exist in sharing health information using social media applications?
  • What is the purpose of seeking patient consent to release medical records? What penalty exists for unauthorized release of patient health information as per HIPAA regulations?
  • What communication skills are essential to patient satisfaction? How can lawsuits be avoided?
  • How should healthcare organizations secure patient medical records? Who owns patient medical records?
  • What protocols should be in place to store and share patient medical record information? What are the challenges of storing and communicating patient medical records?
  • What are the benefits of adequate storage and communication of patient medical information? How would St. Michael’s Medical Center staff benefit from this training?


Office for Civil Rights (OCR). (2017, June 16). HITECH act enforcement interim final rule. HHS.gov. https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/special-topics/hitech-act-enforcement-interim-final-rule/index.html

Please submit your assignment.

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, that you will need the following:

  • Title slide: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals.
  • Length: 15 slides minimum
  • Body slides: This begins on the slide following the title slide and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your presentation for this assignment is 15 slides. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.
  • Reference slide: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final slide of your presentation. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference slide is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation


Write a 5-7pg research paper

Topic: Effects of COVID-19 on consumer spending, small businesses and employment

Please include a work cited page of the sources you used.

  1. Introduction 1pg
  2. Topic 3-4pg
  3. Conclusion 1pg 
  4. Bibliography 1pg 


The equilibrium partial pressure of water vapor in contact with a certain silica gel on which water is adsorbed is, at 25°C, as follows: Partial pressure of water, mmHg 0 2.14 4.74 7.13 9.05 10.9 12.6 14.3 16.7 Ib water/ 100 lb dry gel – kg/100 kg 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 (a) Plot the equilibrium data as P – partial pressure of water vapor against x – wt fraction water in the gel (6) Plot the equilibrium data as X – mol water/mass dry gel, Y = mol water vapor/mol dry air, for a total pressure of 1 std atm. (c) When 10 lb (4.54 kg) of silica gel containing 5 wt% adsorbed water is placed in a flowing airstream containing a partial pressure of water vapor – 12 mmHg, the total pressure is 1 std atm and the temperature 25°C. When equilibrium is reached, what mass of additional water will the gel have adsorbed? Air is not adsorbed. (d) One pound mass (0.454 kg) of silica gel containing 5 wt% adsorbed water is placed in a vessel in which there are 400 ft (11.33 m) moist air whose partial pressure of water is 15 mmHg. The total pressure and temperature are kept at 1 std atm and 25°C, respectively. At equilibrium, what will be the moisture content of the air and gel and the mass of water adsorbed by the gel? Ans: 0.0605 kg water. (e) Write the equation of the operating line for part (d) in terms of X and Y. Convert this into an equation in terms of p and x, and plot the operating curve on P, x coordinates. (1) If 1 lb (0.454 kg) of silica gel containing 18% adsorbed water is placed in a vessel containing 500 ft (14.16 m?) dry air and the temperature and pressure are maintained at 25°C and 1 std atm, respectively, what will be the final equilibrium moisture content of the air and the gel. (8) Repeat part ( for a total pressure of 2 std atm. Note that the equilibrium curve in terms of X and Y previously used is not applicable.