
“Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) has become a more viable option than settling disputes at court.  

It provides a much cheaper, more accessible and speedier method of dispute resolution”.  

Critically explain with cogent examples, how ADR has become increasingly important in resolving  

trade disputes in modern business environment.


During a practical session, a good 2nd year Inorganic I student prepared a good quality alum double salt

with the general formula, M2SO4.M’2(SO4)3.24H2O, where M is +1 and M’ is +3 cations. This was

carried out by weighing exactly 1.7418g of potassium sulphate, which was dissolved in 10mL distilled

water (dH2O). Similarly, 6.6644g of Al2(SO4)3.18H2O in the exact same fashion. The dissolved clear

solutions was mixed in a clean evaporating dish and allowed to crystallize out overnight. The crystals

were filtered off, washed with cold water and dried between filter papers. After complete drying the

experimental yield was determined to be 9.0500g with a NANI AnalyticaR analytical balance.

1.1 Answer all questions below after completing and balancing the following chemical equation:

a) K2SO4 + Al2(SO4)3·18H2O + __H2O → K__SO4·Al__(SO4)3·__H2O [4]

b) What is the theoretical yield of the reaction in the experiment narrated above? [7]

c) Determine the percentage yield of this experimental product. [2]

d) Give the chemical formula of an alum without the amphoteric Al trivalent ion, Al3+

. [2]

e) When limited amount of 0.1M NaOH solution is added to 0.1M of the alum product give


(i) What is the identity of the precipitate formed in this reaction? [1]

(ii) Give an explanation for the product in (i) in the form of a balanced equation. [2]

f) In a similar fashion as in e) above, Al2(SO4)3 solution reacts with the hydroxide solution to

produce a precipitate. Give the product by balancing the net ionic equation. [2]

g) To the product in e) above if one adds an excess of the base something peculiar happens. What

do you expect to happen? Explain with a balanced equation! Hint: Al is amphoteric! [2]

1.2 Why is it almost impossible for Al metal to react with water at normal ambient conditions? Give the

chemical formula of the protective coat that forms on the surface of the metal. [4]

1.3 In an experiment 0.3000 g of Al (Mr = 26.982 g/mol) is reacted with 10.00mL of 4.0 M KOH under

ambient conditions; determine the:

(i) limiting reagent [4]

(ii) theoretical yield [2]

Question 2 [16]

Determining the Formula of an Unknown Alkaline Earth Carbonate:

In an experiment of Inorganic I a student weighed accurately 0.2200 g of an unknown group IIA

carbonate (MCO3) sample on the analytical balance into a 250mL Erlenmeyer flask. Pipetted 10.00 mL

of standardized 0.4999M HCl into the flask, swirled the mixture until the reaction until the fizzing

ceased and the sample was completely dissolved. Added 3 drops of bromophenol blue indicator and

titrated with the standardized 0.2000M NaOH solution. Repeated the analysis with two additional

samples to give two more determinations. The average titre volumes for each of the three determinations

was found to be exactly 10.10 mL.

2.1 Balance step-wise with physical states the two respective chemical equations involved in this back-

titration technique reaction. [6]

2.2 Calculate the molar mass of the unknown carbonate, MCO3, identify the M in the sample. [10]

Question 3 [12]

3.1 Assume you carried out an experiment of Na and K metals reacting with water; report briefly what is

likely to happen in both cases. Also, provide the corresponding reaction equations that describe those

reactions. Hint: Consult your Experiment 3b! [4]

3.2 For the two metals above, which is more reactive? How does this trend depict the reactivity of the

elements within the group? Rank them in order of increasing reactivity. [4]

3.3 Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction of oxygen with sodium to produce the resultant

peroxide? [2]

3.4 With physical states provide the general equation for the reaction between elements of Group VII

(i.e. the halogens) with those of Group I?


Create a plot structure for the story you are reading using a poster board 

Requirements: Your plot structure/poster should have a theme related to the story. Your poster should include all elements of the plot structure (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution). Your poster should be detailed and include important themes and events that happen in the story. You may draw your plot structure or use different objects to represent the different elements. Your poster should be visually appealing to your target audience. Include the title of your poster at the top. It must be evident that you put forth time, effort, and creativity.

 Create a “script” on what to say in exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution

Story Shiloh: 


Environmental Science

1. What do you think about agriculture?

2. How will the farmers’ daily life improve?

3. What technology or method is needed to improve agriculture?



Xavier bought a bicycle that was on sale for 15% off. If Xavier paid $68 for the bicycle, how much money did he save, compared to the original price?

Computer Science


Your Research Project is due this week. It must consist of:

1. Five source annotated bibliography

2. Slide presentation with 12 or more slides

3. Summary or Abstract containing at least 750 words. 

Below is the Topic I selected and submitted as a proposal and got approved by professor.

Vulnerability and Risk assessment:

Cloud computing is an effective delivery model to provide services. It is not a new technology but uses information to deliver services using existing technologies. Vaquero (2009) “Clouds are a large pool of easily usable and accessible virtualized resources (such as hardware, development platforms and/or services). These resources can be dynamically re-configured to adjust to a variable load (scale), allowing also for optimum resource utilization. This pool of resources is typically exploited by a pay-per-use model in which guarantees are offered by the infrastructure Provider by means of customized SLAs”.

When the organizations using the cloud services there are a considerable number of vulnerabilities and risks involved that needs to be assessed and managed to continue using the services without any interruption.

“Vulnerability” refers to a software, hardware, or procedural weakness that may provide an attacker the open door to enter a computer or network and have unauthorized access to resources, within the environment. Vulnerability characterizes the absence or weakness of a safeguard that could be exploited. This vulnerability may be a service running on a server, unpatched applications or operating system software, or an unsecured physical entrance (Kamal, 2011).

A risk is the negative impact on the systems in terms of data storage, data theft by the malicious intruders. The level of risk can be varied based on the type of cloud architecture that is being used. A cloud customer or user can transfer the risk to the cloud services provider and consider it in the cost benefit that’s being received from the services. However, all the risks can’t be transferred to the cloud provider for example if the risk occurred due to the failure of the business then cloud provider or any other third party can’t mitigate the damage or can compensate the expenses for this.

There is a level of risk involved in allocating resources to all the participating firms when using cloud as it is a more demanding service and resources are allocated based on the statistical projections. There are resource allocation algorithms that are used for resource allocation purpose and these are vulnerable to distortions of fairness. There are risks of service being unavailable when a particular application uses a specific resource very intensively. When the service provider is not able to meet, due to this economic and reputational loss can occur to the cloud provider. There are risks when access controls and permissions are compromised and it can lead to loss of data of the customers and so financial loss to the organizations. Also, this can put the company’s confidential and PII data at risk.

Computing capacity, storage, and network are shared between multiple users. This class of risks includes the failure of mechanisms separating storage, memory, routing, and even reputation between different tenants of the shared infrastructure (e.g., so-called guest-hopping attacks, SQL injection attacks exposing multiple customers’ data stored in the same table, and side channel attacks). Insider attacks are considered to be a high risk as it can impact the confidential data and can impact the organization’s reputation, customer trust and experiences of all the employees.


Vaquero, Luis Rodero-Merino Juan Caceres et. al “A break in clouds : Towards a cloud definition.” ACM SIGOMM Computer Communication Review Archive, Volume 39, Issue 1 (January 2009).

Kamal Dahbur, Bassil Mohammad, Ahmed BisherTarakji, A Survey of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities in cloud computing, ACM 978-1-4503- 0474-0/04/2011


Assignment Overview

Like many airlines around the world, leading Australian airline Qantas is facing very difficult times in spite of having a 65% market share in its home market of Australia. Due to rising fuel costs and a slow world economy, Qantas has recently been losing money and their CEO Alan Joyce has some tough choices to make. 

One difficult decision for Joyce is whether or not to sell Qantas’ frequent flyer program. It may seem odd for an airline to sell its frequent flyer program, but Qantas’ program is much more than just an airline reward program. Members of this program can gain points not only by flying on Qantas but also through other means such as shopping at one of Qantas’ corporate partners or using one of their credit cards. Points can be redeemed not only with free flights, but also with products from numerous retailers. Over 10 million Australians belong to this rewards program, almost half of the population.

The frequent flyer program is Qantas’ most valuable asset and a sale of this program would help Qantas get out of its current financial troubles. However, selling the program would also mean allowing another company to have access to Qantas most loyal customers including their business class and first class customers. In the long-run, there is potential the sale could backfire and would not be wise.

Do some research on CEO Joyce’s current choice of whether or not to sell their frequent flyer program, and also thoroughly review the background materials on intuitive versus rational decision-making including Buhler (2001) and Kourdi (2011). Your assignment will be to apply the background materials concepts to Joyce’s current big decision.

Some specific articles on Qantas to get you started:

Ross, K. (2014, Aug 27). Qantas CEO faces tough choices. Wall Street Journal [Proquest]

Ironside, R. (2014, Aug 15). Qantas warned to ground plans to sell frequent flyer program. The Gold Coast Bulletin [Proquest]

Gilder, P. (2014, Mar 29). Loyalty future cloudy. The Gold Coast Bulletin [Proquest]

Australia: Qantas frequent flyer hits 10 million member mark. (2014). MENA Report [Proquest]

Case Assignment

Once you have finished reading about Qantas and reviewing the background materials including Buhler (2001) and Kourdi (2003), write a 4- to 5-page paper addressing the following questions:

  1. Is the decision whether or not to sell Qantas’ frequent flyer program a strategic or operational decision? Is it a programmed or non-programmed decision? Explain your answer using references to Buhler (2001) or Kourdi (2003).
  2. Suppose Alan Joyce decides to take a rational approach to the decision whether or not to sell the frequent flyer program. List a step-by-step approach you would recommend, and include specifics regarding what kind of information or choices should be considered at each step. Do not just list the steps, give detail at each step and use material both from your research on Qantas and from Buhler (2001) or Kourdi (2003) to come up with these steps.
  3. Joyce has been the CEO of Qantas for six years and is an experienced airline executive. Given his experience, do you recommend Joyce use a rational or intuitive approach to this decision? If there is a new CEO who comes from another industry and does not have this airline experience, would you recommend they use a rational or intuitive approach? Explain your reasoning, and make references to Buhler (2001) or Kourdi (2003) as appropriate.

Assignment Expectations

  • Follow the assignment instructions closely and follow all steps listed in the instructions
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions, don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials
  • Make sure to cite readings from the background materials page. Rely primarily on the required background readings as your sources of information

HR Management

Prepare an outline of the literature review you will conduct when searching for sources to support your ideas and demonstrate the need for your proposed study. 

Topical areas used to organize the review, as well as examples of scholarly references to be used in the review, will be included in the outline. 

My ideas are making human resources more effective when it comes to managers, supervisor and directors receiving leadership skills for better employee relations and to prevent employees from being dissatisfied at work because of the supervisor.

Please internet references only for verification.

Information Systems

Subject: InfoTech in a Global Economy 

This discussion topic is to be reflective and will be using your own words and not a compilation of direct citations from other papers or sources. You can use citations in your posts, but this discussion exercise should be about what you have learned through your viewpoint and not a re-hash of any particular article, topic, or the book.

Items to include in the initial thread: 

  • “Interesting Assignments” – What were some of the more interesting assignments to you?
  • “Interesting Readings” – What reading or readings did you find the most interesting and why? “Interesting Readings”
  • “Perspective” – How has this course changed your perspective?
  • “Course Feedback” – What topics or activities would you add to the course, or should we focus on some areas more than others?