Article Writing

Write a 2 pages paper on what do you think are the three most important aspects of any belief system in drawing new believers to it compose a framework of at least five specific questions one might ask when examining any new belief system. December 13, Belief Systems: Attraction and Consequence Belief systems can be, quite literally, a matter oflife and death. Everyone uses them to define reality, select community, and direct behavior. Some people inherit belief systems, while others choose a belief system with personal intention. Some people combine fragments from multiple systems, or insert fragments into a system. This essay will introduce three of the most important aspects of any belief system in drawing new believers into it, and six core questions that should be considered when examining any belief system.

One of the primary aspects of a belief system that attracts new believers is its relevance to the pulse of the times, the psycho-socio-historical dynamics (Whitsett). The rise and spread of Chuck Smith’s Calvary Chapel, for example, had its beginnings in California, a state of transients and extremes, and the belief system, while fundamentalist Christian, moved away from dour old people in suits and welcomed new believers, including Society’s rejects (gang members, mental patients, drug addicts) with love, rock music, jeans and T-shirts, and mass baptism in the ocean (Smith and Brooke). The Amish, on the other hand, attract few new believers because they are focused on retaining their separateness through norms and values of another place and time (Keiser).

A second important aspect, that attracts new believers to a particular belief system, is the presence or implied presence of a charismatic leader who interprets and represents the belief system for new believers and provides a strong figure with which to merge (Inzlicht, McGregor and Hirsch). People who are shopping for a new belief system may feel lost and alone, failed by a previous belief system. They want to feel strength and power and belonging (Inzlicht, McGregor and Hirsch). Although the presence of a community assists in providing these things, it is the charismatic leader who holds the community together and keeps everyone focused on the principles of the belief system.

Thirdly, the capacity of the belief system to relieve uncertainty and anxiety by outlining practical steps to take to be right, to bring about desired change, or to be safe, is of critical importance (Whitsett). Belief “is marked by reduced reactivity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a cortical system that is involved in the experience of anxiety and is important for self-regulation (Inzlicht, McGregor and Hirsch 385)”. Whether it is a religious belief system that promises a scriptural guide and better life after death, a political belief system that promises honesty and socio-political improvements, an ecological stance that outlines ways to save the planet and give our children a natural future, an education belief system that argues for a certain method (like homeschooling or unschooling, for example) to empower children to be self-directed and less vulnerable to State agenda, this anti-anxiety aspect is critical.

Here is a six question framework for examining any belief system:

1. In what way(s) is this belief system relevant to the times and culture in which we live?

2. What answers are provided to questions, challenges, dilemmas people face?

3. Where does authority lie, in the basis, interpretation and application of this belief system?

4. Based on information available from both etic and emic accounts, what are the lifestyle consequences one might expect if adopting this belief system?

5. What is the background and foreground of the leader or leaders?

6. What are the criticisms offered, about this belief system, by former believers who no longer support it?

One cannot forever bask in the protected glow of new believer status. Choosing a belief system engages the person on a path that leads somewhere. These questions attempt to gain understanding of the foreseeable consequences of membership. Perhaps the belief system sounds intriguing, but if it requires the sacrifice of loved ones, career, hobbies, and home, and if it is likely to leave you dead in a jungle (a la Jim Jones), exploded in a fire (a la David Koresh), sharing a partner’s intimacy with others (as in a polygamist community or hippie commune), suffocated in a plastic bag while wearing new Nikes in preparation for reunion with the Mother Ship, or in Federal prison for domestic or international terrorist actions, then one should consider these implications very carefully.

Works Cited

Inzlicht, Michael, et al. “Neural Markers of Religious Conviction.” Psychological Science

(2009): Vol. 20, No. 3, 385-392. Print.

Keiser, Steve Hartman. “Pennsylvania German in Ohio.” 2005. Ohio State University. Web. 13

December 2011 .

Smith, Chuck and Tal Brooke. Harvest. Old Tappan: Chosen Books, 1987. Print.

Whitsett, Doni P. “A Self Psychological Approach to the Cult Phenomenon.” Clinical Social

Work Journal (1992): Vol. 20, No. 4, 363-375. Print.

Article Writing

I will pay for the following article Medicare corruption in the United States. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. MEDICARE CORRUPTION IN THE UNITED S s Introduction Cases of Medicare fraud is a common thing which translates into billions of dollars lost every year through unscrupulous ways. Most of the fraud cases are mainly through billings. The Medicare system came into operation after the government decided to compensate the honest doctors who helped needy patients. However, this act of faith has gradually transformed into huge corruption deals which are difficult to trace and sum up.

Example of Fraud Cases

One of the largest Medicare fraud cases involved the Columbia HCA fraud case. By 1996 Rick Scott the CEO of Columbia/HCA started receiving red lights from various media like the New York Times and the Federal agents searching for illegal documents that might have translated to fraud. Eventually, Columbia/HCA confessed to committing criminal and civil fraud that amounted to fines of $1.7 billion. The company was forced to change its name to HCA Incorporation in 1999. In 2009, 94 people were charged with cases of fraudulent Medicare claims by the Medicare Fraud Strike Task force. It was the largest number ever charged by the Agency and a total of $251 million was involved in the fraud (WEISER, 2013). In 2011, the same agency charged 91 defendants for taking part in Medicare fraud schemes which involved $259million in false billing. In 2012, the same agency convicted two people for participating in Medicare fraud schemes which involved $1.9 million. Last year, the same agency charged 89 people which included the doctor’s nurses and other medical professions for involving themselves in Medicare Fraud schemes which totaled to $223 million. Apart from this single cases other drug agencies like GlaxoSmithKline. In June 2nd 2012, the company was on the spotlight again and was forced to pay a fine of $3 billion after it emerged that the company was selling unfit drugs. This is also the largest drug scandal in the world. Just recently, four GSK staff in China was detained after it emerged that the four were engaged in fraud. According to the BBC News, the four had been channeling the money to a traveling agency to influence and bribe doctors to prescribe their company’s drugs. It is imperative to hear this and although you cannot control how doctors prescribe these drugs it became a big scandal when it was discovered (Tom Holland, 2013).


It is argued that increased government participation into the Medicare services is leading to massive corruption. This paper therefore recommends that the government of US privatize Medicare services to avoid cases of corruption.

Various changes to the Whistleblowers law has made it difficult for people to report possible cases of fraud hence this paper recommends amendment of the laws to give room for whistleblowers to point out cases of Medicare fraud.

The Office of the Inspector General for the US Department of Health and Human Services should come up with stricter rules that aim at punishing severely all the Medicare offenders to avoid cases of Medicare fraud.

In 1997 the Federal government dedicated $100 million to combat Medicare fraud. This amount is so not enough. For this reason, this paper recommends that the government gets more involved by investing more to reduce cases of Medicare fraud.


Tom Holland. (2013, August 2013). Nothing uniquely Chinese about Glaxo bribery case. Retrieved 2013, from South China Morning Post:

WEISER, B. (2013, December 5). U.S. Says Diplomats Defrauded Medicaid. Retrieved 2014, from New York Times:

Article Writing

I need some assistance with these assignment. concert of moores school symphony orchestra Thank you in advance for the help! The Moores Opera’s Centre has always stood out among the audiences of Houston. Even as a kid, the hall fascinated me and seemed to draw my attention like a beautiful butterfly emerging from its cocoon. It is located at the University of Houston, 120 School of Music Building. Admired by many for its mastery of architecture, the Moores Opera Centre hall oozes its majestic design and is probably the best university opera production facility in the U.S. It is certainly a beauty to behold. This was the location of The Moores Chamber Orchestra virtuosi performance on 30th August 2014. The stage 70 feet high, 60 feet wide, and 125 feet long was set in a concave manner (I learned later that this was to help focus the sound). The dark wooden floor seemed to be in agreement with the performers’ attire for the night.

Dedication and Acknowledgement

The concert was given in memory of Richard Schissler dedication for his generous support to the Moores School of Music, including her students, and her mission. In addition, The Moores School Symphony Orchestra thanked its dedicated members who contributed to the preparation of the program. The Moores School Symphony Orchestra is guided by well-learned individuals who ensured that the programs were arranged to the best of their ability to bring out the best concert possible. Due to the nature of the message that the orchestra wanted to portray, the Moores School Symphony Orchestra had to use a perfect color tone for the dedication. This required a combination of talented voice artists and instrument players to pass the commemoration tone to the audience. It was really a colorful moment for everyone.


The Key players included Catherine, Arne Aimroth, Kris Chapman, and Michelle Perrin Blair. Their roles in the concert differed significantly, but this difference brought about the great experience received by the audience. The roles they played depended on their experiences and careers.

Catherine is a fifth-year undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelors’s degree in music education and vocal performance from Moores School of Music.

Article Writing

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Developing and Non-Developing Economies. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Developing and Non-Developing Economies The recently available statistics, according to an article in the Forbes Magazine, have indicated that Kenya is the fastest growing economy in Africa, as well as likely to emerge the third-fastest growing economy globally (Ho, n.p.). On the other hand, another article from the has reported that Malawi is the poorest and the least developing economy in Africa (Yakobe, n.p.).

Kenya is emerging as a strong economy both in Africa and also in the world, due toseveral factors. First, the geographical location of the country is favorable, since the country serves as the gateway to the East African region, with a total population of 140 million consumers (Ho, n.p.). Coupled with the free trade agreement in the East African and the South African region that the country has entered into, it has access to a total of 600 million consumer markets, making the country account for 40% of the total East African GDP (Ho, n.p.). Further the country has surprised the world with its technological capabilities and innovations that have seen the major global technology giants such as Facebook, IBM, Google and General Electric enter the country looking for technological investment opportunities (Ho, n.p.). The technological innovativeness of the country has been contributed by its highly educated English speaking youthful workforce that constitutes 65% of the country’s total population (Ho, n.p.).

On the other hand, Malawi is ranked the poorest and the least developing economy in Africa and also among the poorest countries in the world, according to the latest World Bank rankings (Yakobe, n.p.). This is occasioned by the fact that Malawi has a very high unemployment rate, with a very small economy having a GDP per capita of $267. The situation has also been worsened by the overreliance of the Malawian population on government to offer jobs and subsidies for all goods, while remaining less innovative businesswise (Yakobe, n.p.).

Works Cited

Ho, Ky Trang. Why You Should Invest In Africas Fastest-Growing Country. Forbes, Aug 9, 2015. Web. Available from: [Accessed November 5, 2015].

Yakobe, Peter. Malawi The Poorest Country In Africa: What’s The Problem?, March 26, 2015. Available from: [Accessed November 5, 2015].

Article Writing

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Should both parents assume equal responsibility in raising children. It needs to be at least 1250 words. Although this may be different to previous years, it seems that this direction is much fairer for women and gives men more interaction with their offspring. In this paper, I will be exploring the reasons behind this move towards equal parenting and whether it is right that both parents are assuming equal responsibilities for their children and how they are raised. I argue that it is fairer for women and better for children that parenting responsibles are equal.

One of the main reasons why parents should assume equal responsibility in raising children is so that these children know their mother and father equally and have a good relationship with both parents, something which is important in lives. In previous years, it has been hard for children to get to know their father because he is always at work, earning money, whilst their relationship with their mother was usually good. Having a male and a female influence in the home is important for increasing harmony within the household and making the children feel as though they are loved by both parents and are valued.

Another one of the main reasons that both parents should assume equal responsibilities for raising the children is that it is fairer for the women. In previous years, it has been that the woman has done all the housework and raised the kids alone, whilst the man of the home went to earn money. Although both parents worked hard, a lot of women came to feel that their talents were being wasted, particularly if they had a college education and they were fairly smart. From an outside perspective it does seem unfair that the man can have a career whilst the women is doing menial tasks and continually looking after the children.


A student pours two different liquids into a glass beaker. would indicate that a chemical reaction occurred between the two liquids?


In order to really understand something, you should be able to teach the subject to others. This week you will assess your knowledge by becoming the microbiology instructor. For this unit’s Assignment, you will be creating a test.

Create two multiple choice questions from each category below (10 questions total) that will test knowledge and understanding of key topics. You can choose the topics, but your questions and answers should be written thoughtfully. Identify key ideas from each category, and create your questions to test knowledge of these key ideas.


  • Chemical and physical growth requirements (2 questions)
  • Chemical and physical growth control (2 questions)
  • DNA and RNA replication (2 questions)
  • Microbial genetics (2 questions)
  • Conjugation, transduction, and/or transformation (2 questions)

Be sure to include a reference page where all sources are listed according to APA guidelines.


what would be an example of how the fox and the crane fable applicable in real life?



Post two prospective career paths you plan to pursue and why. Include income range, education needed, and any other important factors that were unveiled in your research for this week’s assignment.

250 word disussion Career as a counselor or psychologist

apa formart 7th edition