4. ______ Inability to remember trauma that happened to the person and symptoms are not because of substances or medical conditions

PSY 275 Week 3 Anxiety and Stress Disorders Worksheet


Complete the Anxiety and Stress Disorders Worksheet.


Anxiety and Stress Disorders


Match the following symptoms with the correct disorder.



1. ______ Lasts 6 months or longer; exposure to social situations which allow scrutiny by others; persistent fear may be present


2. ______ Exposure to trauma that is real or threatened


3. ______ Anxiety is created by the fear of social interactions


4. ______ Inability to remember trauma that happened to the person and symptoms are not because of substances or medical conditions


5. ______ Excessive and persistent worry for three months or longer


6. ______ Symptoms and maladaptive behavior may be present for a month following an attack


7. ______ Identity disruption is present with at least two personality states


8. ______ Sleep disturbance and heightened arousal to surroundings


9. ______ Panic attacks that recur unexpectedly


10. ______ Recurring memories, dreams, and/or flashbacks


11. ______ Gaps in memory of a personal nature often occur, and are not associated with typical forgetting


12. ______ Behavior is affected by worrying


13. ______ Negative thinking about self and events


14. ______ Fear of negative evaluation


15. ______ Avoiding situations that cause fear