Unit V assessment

Question 1 

In 1950, Festinger, Schachter, and Back traced friendship formations among couples in the Westgate Housing Project at MIT. They found that residents were most likely to be friends with people:

    similar to them.
    of the same gender.
    who their partners befriended first.
    who lived close to them.

Question 2 

Sarah is an excellent golfer, but Frankie is still learning the game. When hitting a bucket of balls at the local driving range, a group gathers around and watches Sarah and Frankie hit drives. The presence of other people is likely to cause:

    both Sarah and Frankie to perform better than when they golf without observers.
    both Sarah and Frankie to perform worse than when they golf without observers.
    Sarah to perform better than when she golfs without observers but Frankie to perform worse.
    Frankie to perform better than when he golfs without observers but Sarah to perform worse.


Question 3

John perceives his relationship with Susan as having many rewards and few costs, so he feels fairly satisfied. However, John also perceives that there are many other women in his environment who could provide even more benefits and fewer relationship-related costs. Therefore, John has __________ and may be more likely to end his relationship with Susan.

    a lot of alternative relationships
    few alternative relationships
    high satisfaction
    low satisfaction