Marketing in digital world

Marketing in a Digital World




Select an established local rival retail organisation/brand as the focus of this task. This organisation/brand must have existed prior to “the digital age” and must operate at a national +/or international level, with a presence in Singapore. It must also be sufficiently established as to provide appropriate and adequate evidence to illustrate and support the discussion.

Thoroughly research your chosen organisation/brand and the marketing environment within which it operates, to:

Critically evaluate the challenges faced by those responsible for marketing the organisation/brand in the digital era (50% weighting).

Critically evaluate the transformations in their marketing practices and thinking that are occurring in response to changes in the technological and social environments and whether they are adopting an integrative approach (50% weighting).

Your work should be underpinned with theory and illustrated with evidence from a range of recent, credible academic and practitioner sources.

The length of this part of the assignment should NOT exceed 3,000 +/- 10% word count, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, 2.5 cm margins all sides.


Format to be followed:


1. Content Page

2. Executive Summary – Briefly summarise the contents of the report. You should cover the report’s purpose, what you found out and main conclusion(s). It should be clear from reading the summary exactly what the report is about.

3. Introduction – Sets the scene/establishes the context of the report and its purpose. Introduces sector and/or organisation.

4. Findings or Discussion

4.1. The challenges faced by those responsible for marketing the organisation/brand in the digital era – This should be a evaluation (not description) based on evidence drawn from a range of credible sources. Please remember that information must be recent and you must demonstrate that your evaluation is based on research. You should not use out-dated sources as they do not provide insight into the current situation. You should also remember that your evaluation must focus on how the challenges that you identify relate to marketing and are, therefore, of significance to marketers. Please remember that all assertions must be supported with evidence.

4.2. The transformations in their marketing practices and thinking that are occurring in response to changes in the technological and social environments: In this part of your work you must evaluate the organisation or brand’s response(s) to the challenges that have been evaluated in the preceding discussion. In this section you should look to provide lots of evidence of their marketing activities and underpin the evaluation with theory/appropriate citations. Don’t forget to reference all theory and, where possible, illustrative examples.

5. Conclusion – These should indicate the significance of your findings and should follow on logically from the preceding analysis and may reiterate the most important points raised.

6. References (Harvard Referencing) – Provide a complete list of all sources referred to in the report. Ensure that references are consistent with the Harvard system. Present in alphabetical order