Applied Sciences homework help

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

You have arrived at the third part of the Course Project. By this week, you should have collected the sources that you need to support, with relevant evidence, the position you have taken on the issue you chose, and the three aspects of the issue you will write about. This week you will submit a thesis statement and an annotated bibliography of at least five sources that you will use in your paper.
Here is a brief breakdown of the project so that you can plan your time in the course:
Week 1
Topic Selection
Week 3
Issue Review (both sides)
Week 5
Thesis & Annotated Bibliography (both sides)
Week 7
Argumentative Paper
This week, you will submit a thesis statement and an annotated bibliography with evaluation of at least five (5) sources you intend to use in your final paper to support your claim. These are sources that provide evidence to support that your claim should be accepted by the reader. Scholarly sources are preferred and should be used where available; due to the nature of some of the topics, authoritative articles in very high quality substantive journals may also be acceptable.
Use the Source Evaluation Worksheet to submit the annotated bibliography. Prepare a citation, annotation, and evaluation for each source.
Click on the following link for an example:
Link: How to Complete the Source Evaluation Worksheet
Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 100-150 words per source for Part 1; 50-80 words per source for Part 2 (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page

This activity will be graded using the W5 Annotated Bibliography Grading Rubric.
Course Outcomes (CO): 3, 4, 6, 7
Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday


W5 Course Project Grading Rubric – 75 ptsW5 Course Project Grading Rubric – 75 ptsCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength5.0 ptsMeets length requirement0.0 ptsDoes not meet length requirement5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis5.0 ptsA clear, concise and focused statement of the issue and the writer’s opinion/conclusion. At least three relevant supporting points, clearly stated, which can be expanded into complete body paragraphs. Mention of relevant opposing view which will be addressed.4.25 ptsThe issue and the writer’s opinion/conclusion are clear. Three supporting points are stated and mention is made of relevant opposing view.3.75 ptsThesis statement is present. Issue is stated, but writer’s opinion/conclusion not entirely clear. Fewer than three supporting points are stated.3.0 ptsThesis is unclear as to issue, writer’s opinion, or both. Supporting points are unclear.0.0 ptsThesis is not present.5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuantity of Sources5.0 pts5 or more sources4.25 pts4 sources3.75 pts3 sources3.0 pts2 sources0.0 pts1 or no sources5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality /Reliability of Sources10.0 ptsAll works are from scholarly sources or highly authoritative sources.8.5 ptsMost works are from scholarly sources or highly authoritative sources.7.5 ptsSome works are from scholarly sources or highly authoritative sources.6.0 ptsSources substantive or lower in quality.0.0 ptsFew or no sources reach even substantive level; popular sources cited.10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRecency of Sources10.0 ptsAll sources less than 5 years old; if older, historical significance explained8.5 pts1 source older than 5 years w/no explanation of historical significance7.5 pts2 sources older than 5 years w/no explanation of historical significance6.0 pts3 sources older than 5 years w/no explanation of historical significance0.0 pts4 or more sources older than 5 years old w/no explanation of historical significance10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Fluency of Annotations30.0 ptsAll annotations comprehensively describe scope source material; clearly conveying main idea and relationship of ideas in source to the topic and thesis of the essay and how source will be used in essay.25.5 ptsMost annotations comprehensively describe scope source material; give sense of main idea and relationship of ideas in source to the topic and thesis of the essay and how source will be used in essay.22.5 ptsAnnotations are well-written but do not describe scope of source material; do not give clear idea of how source will be used in essay.18.0 ptsAnnotations do not describe scope of source material and/or do not give idea of how they will be used in essay.0.0 ptsAnnotations lack detail, give no idea of how they will be used in essay OR no annotations.30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA and Documentation10.0 ptsCitations are formatted correctly.8.5 ptsThere are a few formatting errors.7.5 ptsThere are some formatting errors.6.0 ptsThere are many and/or frequent formatting errors.0.0 ptsThere is little or no adherence to APA format in the document.10.