Sociology homework help

Discussion questions
1) Laws on Child Abuse
You should use the Internet to learn about the laws relating to child abuse in the state of New Jersey and answer to the following questions:
a) what constitutes child abuse according to these laws?
b) Does the definition of child abuse under the NJ laws covers all potential incidences of child abuse?
c) What are  the main the penalties for child abuse in NJ? How effective are these penalties?
2) Divorce is often seen as having a negative impact on the children, but can divorce make fathers better,more involved parents? What are the role expectations of males in a marriage and how do they change after a divorce?
3)Family in the U.S.
a) In what ways have U.S. families changed over time?
b)  What are some of the challenges faced by different types of families?
Family Problems
1) Watch the video Where Angles Dare
and answer the following  questions:
a) What are the  affects of child abuse on victims?
b) How do victims of child abuse go through their experiences? What strategies do they use to survive?
c) What are the resources that they employ to heal themselves?
2) Watch the video Private Violence and answer the following  questions (Links to an external site.)
a) In what ways did the women interviewed in the video describe their relationships?
b) Why did the women interviewed in the video stay in abusive relationships? Why did they eventually leave?
c) What was necessary for the women in the video to leave their abusive relationships?
d) what lessons have you learned from this video?