Human Resource Management homework help

Week 2 – Assignment
Diversity and Ethical Codes
A manager at your company overhears another employee who is Caucasian directing the N-word at an African American employee. When she confronts him, he claims that he was using it as a term of endearment—a claim that is not explicitly contested by the “friend” to whom he’s directing it. The manager, concerned that her being Caucasian and in a position of authority, fears her intervention may escalate things, so she chose to accept the explanation and move on. The manager has come to you, the Human Resources Manager, for advice.
In a 1,050- to 1,400-word (or 3- to 4-page) paper (excluding references and title page), discuss the following:
Your company’s diversity code states: “As team members, we have a responsibility to:
• Do our part to help Acme to serve and earn business from a wide variety of communities and stakeholders.
• Integrate diversity into our sourcing processes.
• Help create an environment in which all team members can contribute, develop, and fully use their talents.
• Keep an open mind to new ideas and listen to different points of view.
What are some of the limitations of this code for multicultural professional practice? In what ways do you believe this code is culturally biased and culturally encapsulated? What evidence is there that this code is culturally sensitive? If you believe there is no evidence that the code is culturally sensitive, what evidence is there that the code is not culturally sensitive? Discuss the importance of cultural sensitivity and explain what you believe are the implications for ethical professional practice. In addition to the required readings, cite at least two additional references that include examples of a better ethical code.
Introduction: Multicultural Competence
Week 2 builds upon Week 1’s focus on professional ethics and practice, with particular focus on multicultural and diversity issues. The readings for this week address multicultural perspectives, multicultural competence, diversity issues, ethical issue resolution, and human relations, in addition to the ways that beliefs and values influence ethical and professional practice. Discussions this week hone in on competency issues and cultural diversity, prompting reflection and application of existing research to evaluate these issues. This week concludes with a written assignment integrating knowledge of ethical codes, multicultural competencies, cultural sensitivity, and personal perspectives to formulate implications for professional practice.
Required References
Blanding, M. (2013, December 9). How Cultural Conflict Undermines Workplace Creativity [Web page]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Christie, P., Kwon, I., Stoeberl, P., & Baumhart, R. (2003, September). A cross-cultural comparison of ethical attitudes of business managers: India, Korea and the United States. Journal of Business Ethics, 46(3), 263-287.
Weber, Z. (2004). Working towards culturally sensitive ethical practice in a multicultural society. Journal of Practice Teaching 5(3), 40-54. Retrieved from (Links