The Hunger Games and Dystopia Under the Roman Numerals, List Five elements of Dystopia that you learned of in class. I. Element: Description of that element: Clear examples of that in the film: II. Element: Description of that element: Clear examples of that in the film: III. III. Element: Description of that element: Clear examples of that in the film: IV. IV. Element: Description of that element: Clear examples of that in the film: V. Element: Description of that element: Clear examples of that in the film:

The Hunger Games and Dystopia
Under the Roman Numerals, List Five elements of Dystopia that you learned of in class.

  1. Element:

Description of that element:
Clear examples of that in the film:

  1. Element:

Description of that element:
Clear examples of that in the film:

  • Element:

Description of that element:
Clear examples of that in the film:

  1. Element:

Description of that element:
Clear examples of that in the film:

  1. Element:

Description of that element:
Clear examples of that in the film: