Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help.  
Program Creation C#93

  • Create a console application using Visual Studio.
  • Name the Solution and Project Program03.
  • Output appropriate communication messages to the user.
  • Output appropriate results. In other words, all requirements should be output and identified by number.

Requirements: Identify the requirements by number

  1. Output a header in the console: “This is Program03”
  2. Ask the user to enter five doubles.
  3. Use iteration to read the values from the args[] array into an array named myDoubles[].

Note: For requirements 2 and 3, you have the choice of entering the five doubles on the command line or asking your user to enter the doubles.

  1. Use iteration to calculate the following from the values in myDoubles[]:
  2. sum
  3. average
  4. lowest value
  5. highest value
  6. Ask the user to enter five days of the week and rainfall data for each day.
  • Store the data in a two dimensional string array named rainfallData[].
  1. Use iteration to calculate the following from the values in rainfallData[]:
  2. sum
  3. average
  4. lowest value
  5. highest value
  6. Demonstrate the use of a jagged array based on the following:
  • byte[][] jaggedArray = new byte[2][]
  1. Output a thank you message: “Thank you for running Program03.”

TEST – TEST – TEST your application to ensure the specific program
requirements are met.

  • Not meeting all requirements will result in no points earned for the assignment

Include a flowchart of your program.
Construct your flowchart using Use appropriate symbols. Use vertical/horizontal connections (NOT slanted/angled connections).
Export your flowchart to the SVG format (File | Export as… | SVG)
Submit the SVG file with your assignment
Program Creation C# 104
Create a console application using Visual Studio.

  • Name the Solution and Project Program04.
  • Output appropriate communication messages to the user.
  • Output appropriate results. In other words, all requirements should be output and identified by number.

Requirements (remember to identify the requirements by number):

  1. Output a header in the console: “This is Program04”
  2. Within Program.cs, create a class named Automobile with the following:
  3. Appropriate PDC and PDDC
  4. Appropriate getters and setters
  5. Methods to increase speed, decrease speed, and show speed
  6. Instance members to track speed, make, model, and color

Using the Automobile class:

  1. Ask users how many Automobiles they would like to create
  2. Request users to input make, model, and color (different property

values for each automobile)

  1. Allow users to change speed and report the new speed
  2. Create a class named Restaurant in its own class file with the following:
  3. Appropriate PDC and PDDC
  4. Classic properties (see Triangle.cs) for:
  5. City
  6. Chef

iii. Cuisine Type

  1. AAA Diamond Rating (1-5)
  2. Method to return all properties concatenated together into a user readable string
  3. Create a class Painting in its own class file with the following:
  4. Appropriate PDC and PDDC
  5. Auto-implemented properties for the following:
  6. artist
  7. genre

iii. country

  1. year
  2. wholesale price

Using the Painting class:

  1. Ask users how many Paintings they would like to create
  2. Request users to input appropriate data for each painting
  3. Method to calculate the Painting object retail price based on the following formula:
  4. retailPrice = wholesalePrice + commission + tax + duty;
  5. Output a thank you message: “Thank you for running Program04.”

TEST – TEST – TEST your application to ensure the specific program
requirements are met.

  • Not meeting all requirements will result in no points earned for the assignment

Include a flowchart of your program.
Construct your flowchart using Use appropriate symbols. Use vertical/horizontal connections (NOT slanted/angled connections).
Export your flowchart to the SVG format (File | Export as… | SVG)
Submit the SVG file with your assignment

Computer Science homework help