Applied Sciences homework help

Applied Sciences homework help.


  1. Research one of the methods listed above or another method of your choice for factoring trinomials of the form ax² + bx + c.
  2. Download and open the Factoring Trinomials Guide template[DOWNLOAD] provided.
  3. State the method you are using and explain the process of factoring a trinomial in words, modeling the process by using examples that contain all the steps to factor the trinomial.
    • Note: A student who has little knowledge of factoring should be able to follow your steps in order to factor any trinomial using the explanation you provide.
    • Your guide must include a minimum of two examples of factoring trinomials using your chosen method.
    • At least one of your examples must include a trinomial of the form ax² + bx + c, with a > 1 (e.g. 4x² – 15x – 25, or 2x² + 11x + 5).
  4. Verify that your factors are correct by expanding the expression, combining like terms, and comparing to the initial trinomial.
  5. Make sure to cite the sources you used for researching your preferred method.
  6. Submit your completed template to the discussion forum.

Applied Sciences homework help

Applied Sciences homework help

Applied Sciences homework help.


  1. Research one of the methods listed above or another method of your choice for factoring trinomials of the form ax² + bx + c.
  2. Download and open the Factoring Trinomials Guide template[DOWNLOAD] provided.
  3. State the method you are using and explain the process of factoring a trinomial in words, modeling the process by using examples that contain all the steps to factor the trinomial.
    • Note: A student who has little knowledge of factoring should be able to follow your steps in order to factor any trinomial using the explanation you provide.
    • Your guide must include a minimum of two examples of factoring trinomials using your chosen method.
    • At least one of your examples must include a trinomial of the form ax² + bx + c, with a > 1 (e.g. 4x² – 15x – 25, or 2x² + 11x + 5).
  4. Verify that your factors are correct by expanding the expression, combining like terms, and comparing to the initial trinomial.
  5. Make sure to cite the sources you used for researching your preferred method.
  6. Submit your completed template to the discussion forum.

Applied Sciences homework help