Economics homework help

Economics homework help. M8A2: Competitive Impact Summary Milestone 3 – Final Project Submission
Your final project for this course is to prepare a Competitive Impact Summary to guide decision-making in the face of what your research demonstrates to be existing competitive threats to a publically traded firm of your choice. You are to identify and describe threats on the basis of Porters’ Five Forces, and determine actionable medium-term strategies to maximize net benefit to this firm, of existing lines of production or service.
You are to assume that you have been tasked with preparation of this impact assessment because, in your capacity as a firm-wide product and services manager, you are uniquely aware of the economic circumstances and factors that result in price and output combinations of your firm. Your task is to establish the economic facts which currently affect your firm, clearly demonstrating the economic position of the firm. This document will guide firm mid-level managers in the face of perceived competitive threats, such as current or prospective changes in the price of a major competitor’s good or service. Specifically, you are to determine what economic evidence and theory demonstrates regarding price and output decisions, in the short and medium term, given the threat assessment that you are able to outline using Porter’s Five Forces, and the analytical tools introduced in relationship to each variety of threat.
Milestone 3:  Final Project Submission – Due in Module 8
In this assignment you will demonstrates your mastery of the following course outcomes: 

  • Assess supply and demand factors to make business decisions that affect quantity supplied.
  • Demonstrate how supply and demand curves will adjust to shifts in managerial decision-making
  • Apply pricing theory and concepts of supply to maximize profitability
  • Apply input-output analysis to predict economic changes to maximize profits
  • Analyze basic game theory to make decisions in business environments
  • Perform optimization analysis, risk analysis, estimation and techniques for evaluation to facilitate managerial decision-making
  • Examine the legal and ethical issues and challenges involved in competitive decision-making
  • Recommend strategies for managerial decision-making

Final Project Submission – Competitive Impact Summary
You have gathered information and analyses to allow you to present a comprehensive Competitive Impact Summary to guide decision-making in the face what your research demonstrates to be existing competitive threats to your firm.
Assess existing competitive threats to this firm and recommend profit maximizing strategies in the following two areas:

  1. Product Demand and Consumer Behavior:Using the Arc Elasticity for this firm’s product developed in Milestone 1 and Marginal Analysis, assess the dollar magnitude of net benefits of a decision to raise price/output combinations by 5% in the short (1 Year) and medium term (5 Years, with resulting revenue increases or decreases spread evenly over 5 years) to recommend conditions under which mangers should increase, decrease, hold constant, or increase your firm’s output, or price. When analyzing net benefit, use “r” to represent a current rate of interest.
  2. Production and the Organization of the Firm:Using the industry concentration data and other quantitative and qualitative results developed in completing Milestones 1 and 2, analyze theoretical and empirical concerns which you have identified regarding your focus firm’s activities to recommend long-term strategies to maximize net benefit to this firm, of existing lines of production or services.

Apply the following concepts according to relevance:

  • Porter’s Five Forces
  • Advertising
  • Game theory
  • Pricing and production strategies
  • Graphical analysis that best demonstrates your recommendations

Present your analysis in a 2–6 page double-spaced document using 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Use APA formatting.

Economics homework help