Article writing homework help

Article writing homework help. Final Exam
Among eight questions, I have selected 4 to be answered. You must answer the FOUR questions below, using complete answer which include multiple references to our course readings, lectures, videos, and other content.  Each answer should include an organized essay, with an introduction, arguments with supporting evidence, and conclusion.  I would expect each answer to be around 750 words. 

  1. Define the term rape culture. Identify three examples of rape culture that you’ve observed in your life.  What was the impact of these examples on your own life, or what do you think their impact is on young women? What messages are these examples saying about the value of girls and women in our society? Describe actions you can take as an individual to challenge rape culture.  Finally, describe what we (as a society) need to do to eradicate rape culture. How would your life be different if rape culture didn’t exist?


  1. Explain the term reproductive justice. Where did this term develop from?  Name 4 issues that are part of the reproductive justice movement.  Describe how the reproductive justice movement uses intersectionality to expand and challenge the “choice” narrative.


  1. Define the term intersectionality in your own words. Consider the following two recent cultural items that have been identified with the feminist movement – the pink pussy hats that were visibly present at the Women’s March in January 2017 and the popular T-shit slogan “The Future is Female”.  Describe the purpose of each item, in other words, what issue(s) is it hoping to raise awareness about?  Then, apply an intersectional lens to critique each item? Is the item inclusive in its purpose? What changes would you make to the item, or can you think of a different symbol that would be more appropriate?  Support your answer with specific examples.


  1. Identify 3 distinct types of privilege that are social constructed in our society today.  Give examples that you’ve observed or are aware of that demonstrated each type of privilege you’ve identified.  Then, describe steps you’d take to use that privilege for social change, using the principles of feminist praxis as described in our textbook.

Textbook is attached. I will also attach multiple readings and films we have discussed in class. Please try to ONLY use references I have provided for you, before resorting to other sources.
Cracking the Codes: Joy DeGruy “A Trip to the Grocery Store”
What Is Privilege?

Ijeoma Oluo – You Can’t “Win” a Conversation About Race – The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper

Me Too is a movement, not a moment | Tarana Burke
The Urge of Intersectionality

What Is: Intersectionality
130 Examples of Privilege
10 examples of Straight Privilege

Article writing homework help