Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help. Name: _____________________
Quiz 6

  1. The stimulant Ritalin has been shown to increase attention span and improve academic performance in children with ADHD (Evans et al., 2001). To demonstrate the effectiveness of the drug, a researcher selects a sample of n = 20 children diagnosed with the disorder and measures each child’s attention span before and after taking the drug. The data show an average increase of attention span of MD = 4.8 minutes with a variance of s2 = 125 for the sample of difference scores.
  2. a) Is this result sufficient to conclude that Ritalin significantly improves attention span? Use a one-tailed test with α = .05.


  1. Recent research has shown that creative people are more likely to cheat than their less-creative counterparts (Gino &Ariely, 2011). Participants in the study first completed creativity assessment questionnaires and then returned to the lab several days later for a series of tasks. One task was a multiple-choice general knowledge test for which the participants circled their answers on the test sheet.  Afterward, they were asked to transfer their answers to a bubble sheet for computer scoring.  However, the experimenter admitted that the wrong bubble sheet had been copied so that the correct answers were still faintly visible.  Thus, the participants had an opportunity to cheat and inflate their test scores.  Higher scores were valuable because participants were paid based on the number of correct answers.  However, the researcher had secretly coded the original tests and the bubble sheets so that they could measure the degree of cheating for each participant.  Assuming that the participants were divided into two groups  based on their creativity scores, the following data are similar to the cheating scores obtained in the study.
High-Creativity Participants Low-Creativity Participants
n=27 n=27
M=7.41 M=4.78
SS=749.5 SS=830
  1. a) Use a one-tailed test with α = .05 to determine whether these data are sufficient to conclude that high-creativity people are more likely to cheat than people with lower levels of creativity.


Statistics homework help