Biology homework help

Biology homework help.

Based on the information you’ve learned so far about the scientific method and more recently about experimental design (see the video link in Reading Assignment in Module 4), it is your turn to design your own experiment. Below are several well known superstitions. Choose one of the superstitions and create an experimental design to test the superstitious hypothesis.

  1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  2. Eating chocolate causes zits.
  3. Shaving your legs makes the hair grow back more densely.
  4. If you swim after eating, you will get cramps.
  5. If you go outside when your head is wet, you will catch a cold.
  6. Feed a cold, starve a fever.
  7. The spouse who goes to sleep first on the wedding day will be the first to die.

Your experimental design can be in the form of a list or written description. However, it must include all of the following elements in as much detail as possible:

  • Control
  • Independent variable(s)
  • Dependent variable(s) and how you’ll measure it/them
  • The most important standarized variables
  • Replication (sample size)

Please answer the questions completely.

Biology homework help