Philosophy homework help

Philosophy homework help. Part One.
Pick any philosophical idea in this week’s lecture that interests you and post your philosophical thoughts on it, which includes your reasons. This is important: If you disagree with the conclusion of the design argument, state which premise you disagree with and state your argument against that premise. A comment is not philosophical unless is includes your reasoning. To reiterate, this means you need to either (a) state which specific premise you disagree with and why you disagree with the premise, or (b) you need to explain why you think the rejected argument’s reasoning is weak, invalid, or otherwise illogical.
Part Two.
Respond philosophically to the post of one (or more) members of the class.
The design argument addresses that there is an intelligent creator that creates the universe, for “the material universe as a whole is orderly and predicable rather than not orderly”. However, personally I disagree with this claim, because I think there are a lot of unorderly and unpredictable things existing in the universe. One might say that there are principles that apply to the operation of the university, such as the gravity, but it is important to note that the universe also contain creatures such as us human beings, and a lot of our actions and behaviors are unpredictable. For instance, an individual might steal things from a shop on a whim even he has enough money to buy the things that he steals. I do not think that such behaviors are arranged by an intelligent creator above. Throughout our lives, we have to face a lot of different choices every day, and the different choices that we make can lead to different outcomes. Every individual has their own minds thus they tend to make different choice on different matters. To predict the choices of every individual and the impacts of their choices are impossible. In addition, due to the fact that we live in the universe, our behaviors and actions could affect the wellbeing of the whole universe. Therefore, from this point of view, I think the design argument is wrong to hold the opinion that there is an intelligent creator of the universe, for the universe as a whole is orderly and predicable.

Philosophy homework help