History homework help

History homework help. Racial Autobiography II:
Task: The purpose of the second portion of your racial autobiography essay is to be reflective on how you now feel and think about race and racism in our current society now that you have completed this course and your understanding of ways that you can (and will) become, or continue to be a change agent.
This submission should be a minimum of 3 full pages and a maximum of 4 full pages. As with the previous submission, remember to read through the entire assignment, gather your thoughts and outline your response. Then, write your paper so to address the questions most relevant to your personal story. Again, you can feel free to write about other issues that may not be listed in one of the questions below.
**Paper structure: **
Organize your paper like any formal essay: with a clear introduction, thesis, main body, and conclusion. Feel free to use headings and subheadings as necessary.
• Minimum of three full pages, double spaced in Times New Roman 12 pt with 1 in. margins.
• Include in-text citations as appropriate and a References page using APA style format. You must include one the readings from class and one outside reference. All sources should be academic sources (not newspapers or internet sources). Please see me if you need help with determining if a source is an academic one or not.
Guiding Questions
Use the following questions to help you craft the second portion of your autobiography. Remember to write in narrative form:
1. Consider your racial beliefs now, have they changed since your previous beliefs before taking this course or any other courses on race relations? If so, what do you believe happened that made the change occur? If not, do you think there is not a need for change?
2. What is your opinion on the current racial categorizations and race relations in the United States? Is racial inequality a problem? If so, in what ways? If not, why not?
3. What can be done (in your opinion) to dismantle racism and to ease the race relations in the United States?
4. What actions can you take with you from this course to use to become a change agent? How will you work to dismantle racism?
*Make sure that your paper is 12pt Times font, double spaced
*Make sure to have 2 references for the completed essay
* Please avoid racially charged terms (i.e. the colored, the blacks, Hispanics)
* Do not use contractions (i.e. don’t, can’t, you’ll) in formal writing, instead use the complete words (i.e. do not, cannot, you will).
*Double check your work for misspelling and grammar mistakes.

History homework help